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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone turns the sundial over in his hands. He doesn't see anything noteworthy about it, but then again he's never had much of an eye for these mystical things.

"Are these alternate worlds supposed to be happenin' at a different time of day?" he asks. "Seems like time oughta be consistent, no matter where you're at. Speaking of which..."

Dreadstone stands up and hikes his hood over his head. "It's time to go check out that warehouse."
((I was in a nasty contracts exam, otherwise I'd have typed something earlier. Not that Leo has much to say about the watch.))

Leo gives the sundial a quick look over and says "Yup, this is a clock of some sort."
<BTW if you're confused about what I am expecting (though I can't force what I'm expecting), just let me know. I feel like poor IC communication has happened again. :p>
Draco gets up and follows Dreadstone out, on the way he retells the old mans stories with laser like precision(that 19 int's gotta be good for something, right?), including the description of the other 'clocks'.

((I would have like to have retold the story with some re-flavoring, but my head is pounding right now and I don't want to leave people hanging till i wake up in 12+ hours.))


"A time line in which the gods didn't die? And a timeline in which everything ended? Stricia wonders. "May I have the sundial Draco?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Alternate timelines? Interesting...I wonder if the streams could be crossed..." Niko begins taking notes based on the story Draco has relayed. "Just imagine, if communication between the times was possible, what mysteries might be uncovered! Though how such a thing might be accomplished beats me..."

He spends the rest of the time playing with a small, white piece of soap, tracing lines on the ground in an attempt to intuite the concepts of distorted time.
The warehouse edging the dockside of the city gives a sense of peace, privacy, and great space. If it weren't for the constable uniform being worn by the man waiting, it would seem like, at least to Dreadstone and Draco, that they were embarking on walking in on an unlawful gathering; what is found instead are a couple of officers, a few warehouse keepers, and what appear to be a couple, a very tall, stocky dark haired man comparable in natural build to Tiberius but does nothing to come off as a threat, preferring to stand by the woman by him with a loose posture, hands in jacket pockets and constantly shifting feet. The woman in question stands by arms crossed, skin dark much like Stricia's but hair even darker, and is dressed in a formal jacket carelessly paired with working trousers which only show her boots where the hemming has been walked off neglectfully. These two seem to stand the most outside of the scene before you, but close together on their own that they clearly have their own affiliation.

An officer introduces you into the warehouse, lit only by the outside light breaking in. A rancid smell (which Tiberius would quickly identify as death, being the most familiar with slaying) fills the air, making their entry most unwelcome. A watch officer explains, "I wish you had came sooner. Killing this thing is one thing, but letting it rot here for weeks... We could've kept it alive but we didn't want to risk the possibility of it escaping."

Flies scour a draping covering a cube storage. With the help of some workers, they brave the nasty visage and gradually pull off the huge sheet from the top. Just moments after a 'light a torch', colorful flame reflects brilliantly from the monster's shell, which has done well to preserve it though does little to stop its rotting. Maggots can be seen lining punctures thrust into the metallic shell of the beast done to pierce its softer innards.
<Gonna wait until everybody reacts before I actually respond to questions and dialogue, but some advice: generally if I go into great detail to describe people and scenery, a Perception check to look at objects I just described is generally useless and I can't do anything with it.>

((Can I just take 10 for Perception checks on people and take 20 for Perception checks when 'investigating a scene' in the future?))
<Consider the visual information I gave you a 20.>
Unless Alf has been outside of a forest, he's most likely never encountered one of these creatures, suggesting that they might live in a different environment than what he's used to. It also doesn't seem to be a mundane creature at all, given its outer shell being made of metal.

The rotted corpse makes it impossible to determine what kind of creature this might have been by smell otherwise.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Already feeling his recent breakfast threaten to evacuate his stomach, Niko reels back as the sheet is peeled off the creature's cage. He looks on in shock as Alf actually ventures closer to the rotting creature. Wincing, he replies to the officer with an apologetic tone. "I regret not coming sooner, but rest assured it was for a matter of great import. I'm not sure what good keeping the monster alive would have done..." He stops to cover his mouth and nose with a green handkerchief.

"But I guess we appreciate you keeping it for us to look into..?"

His voice is hesitant behind the cloth, confused at the aloof behavior of the couple and their purpose at the scene and choked by the rotting smell of the beast. The sorcerer recalls the words of the dark cleric Savis speaking of the spider that was slain in the sewers: "He is something more than a typical monster, you know". Swallowing, Niko forces himself closer so that he may peer into the cage with an inquisitive eye. He looks carefully for any details which might help devise if its metallic shell perhaps marks it of magical origin.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20+10=27
NIko can figure that when Loinel Savis said those words, he had referred to them in reference to a creature, although overgrown and giant, was still otherwise rather mundane and natural in its abilities and qualities.

The outer plating certainly is a quality of a magical creature.

<An NPC is going to tell you what this thing is anyway and will be breifing you on the creature, and the people in the room, which is why I'm not giving you its name in Knowledge rolls (unless you roll high enough that I would consider you as having either seen or studied the creature). I'm waiting on everybody to react in roleplaying, not to make rolls. If you are willing to be patient with me, please just roleplay it out and let me give you what you want once everybody has reacted and if there's anything you feel I didn't give you afterward, then you can either ICly ask questions or make rolls on a specific matter then.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone starts when he sees the dark-skinned woman, half raising his hand and prepared shout out a name before he stops himself. Of course this woman isn't who he initially thought she was. That would be impossible.

But the heart and mind are wont to play tricks upon one's eyes...

Shaking his head, Dreadstone's thoughts return to the present. He doesn't have much experience tracking and fighting anything other than humanoids, so he's not quite sure what to make of this hulking mass of carapace other than to be glad that it's already dead.

"So what are we lookin' at here, exactly?" he asks.
Tiberious sizes up the large man on arrival, but despite his impressive frame, he doesn't look like someone that is skilled in combat. He's probably as afraid of the monster threat as the woman with him.

Tiberious strolls into the warehouse with an exaggerated gait, but opts to let the others do most of the talking here. However, when they enter the warehouse, the smell of death immediately washes over the party. He'll bring this to the party's attention in case anyone was unsure of what the foul odor was. "Someone or something definitely died in here. I hope it was a monster and not a warehouse worker."

When the sheet is removed from the box, Tiberious is relieved to see that it is a monster that died and not a person. It almost looks like something he's killed before, but the metal shell is a new touch, causing him to have no idea what the monster is. Unless there's more where that came from, his dream of surfing on a giant turtle will have to wait.
Alf stands up after examining the carcass."Don't know what this is, but it ain't natural. Live one would make for excellent hunt. Bad smell means lots and lots of meat. Probably delicious when still fresh. Maybe we can hunt more."


bitch I'm taking calls.
With his handkerchief still firmly wrapped over his face, Niko shakes his head. "The word 'delicious' does not belong anywhere near that thing."
"Nothing delicious about it as it is right now, but Alf's right about the loads of meat. One of the arenas I was at was nice enough to make me soup out of a giant turtle I killed, and it was delicious. Granted, that was just a normal, magically created giant turtle monster. This thing has some kind of crazy metal shell, which makes it a... a..."

Turning his attention towards the officer, Tiberious asks "Do you know what this creature was?"
"On the contrary, it can be found in nature if it's in a canyon or something. It is a gorgon, but I wouldn't recommend hunting one unless you want to be petrified; turned to stone. There was more than one that came but we disposed of the others."

He goes on to briefing, "We're told to tell you that you'll be embarking out to sea to an unnamed island south of here, where the monsters are being smuggled from. You seem to be giving these kind people over here strange looks, they are the captains of the vessel you'll be traveling aboard. Look lively, I'm sure they're sizing you up just as well." After the captains are introduced, they approach the party and introduce themselves, the woman starting first, "We're Mr. and Mrs. Spiegel, I am Onnabelle Spiegel. We both run the passenger ship Drifting Swan." And the tall man nods and blurts a friendly, "An' Jonkin Spiegel for you, mates. It'll be pleasure having you on board. You all look like an extra hand around the deck," he says full of jest and grin. Mrs. Spiegel continues, "For you, you may call us 'Mr. or Mrs. Captain' if one of us is needed. We're a smaller ship, but as a special commission you are our only passengers, so it is large enough."


Stricia bows low to acknowledge the masters of the ship they will be traveling on. "Mr and Mrs Captain. It is an honour." She looks at Onnabelle. "If I may" she asks carefully "Can I know where you both are from?" She's never met anyone with the same color of skin as her and her curiosity is apparent.
((A gorgon? I suspected as much... of course the metal hide was kind of a dead giveaway.))

The half-elf keeps his nose closed with his fingers, his keen elf senses can be useful, but they aren't so fun around long dead animals and in sewers...

He turns around to listen to the captains introduce themselves and replies, "Nice to meet you, name's Draco. Now, which way to your boat?" clearly eager to move out of here as quickly as possible.
In greeting the two captains, Tiberious makes sure to return Jonkin's enthusiasm. "Pleasure to meet you! I go by Tiberious Thunderface. Sounds like we're sailing towards a monster-infested island. Today should be exciting!"
She's never met anyone with the same color of skin as her and her curiosity is apparent.
<That one officer that you guys were working with back in Rosewood was also dark skinned, if that counts for anything.>

Looking to the inquisitive woman with strong eyes, she answers, "I am native to this land, but my father was a desert man who became a sailor to escape the endless sands. What he thought would be a paradise, he instead found the same desolation of his home; endless water yet you can die thirsty, the salt tears at you like the sand in the air. The ocean is cruel; it will grasp you and pull you in its world, the sands reject you and discard your body like a broken toy. Let that be a warning to all of you to be extra careful on my ship. I won't take responsibility for foolishness brought upon yourselves."

She returns to the other woman, lowering her voice to say, "If you're seeking your bloodline, there are plenty of places with people with skin like ours, not just the desert."

Jonkin reaches out to grasp the man's hand, continuing to speak jovially and with a quick pace to his voice, "You're an eager little scamp aren't ya? 'Fraid we won't get to the boogie men over night. Hope you like scrabbling planks 'till they're diamond because you'll be doing that for nights."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Removing the handkerchief, Niko does a polite half-bow before the two who will be their passage to the mysterious island. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Onnab-er Mrs. Speigel Captain ma'am." Ozzy skitters around the sorcerer's shoulders to get a better look at the two, his nose twitching in curiosity. Sharing Tiberius' enthusiasm but perhaps for a reason more in line with Draco, Niko steps forward.

"So you are captains by trade? Do you normally ferry passengers to this mysterious island of monsters?"
Jonkin answers the boy's question, "Oy, you make it sound as if that's something a sailor always does to poor fellows. This is a one time job for 'merks' allowed to do that sort of thing."
Tiberious lets out a hearty laugh at the plank-scrabbling comment. "I can't say plank-scrabbling's what I normally get called on to do, but no harm picking up a new skill, eh?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko ties the handkerchief into a bandanna over his hair and forehead to prepare for the seafaring' journey they are about to embark upon. Raising an eyebrow at the salty pirate captain he begins to ponder the possibilities. "Hm, do you know anything about this island in particular then? Is it haunted and you always steer away because the ghosts can be heard wailing from beneath the deck of your ship on nights where the full moon shines bright?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone pokes the carcass through the bars of the cage with an arrow. "Gonna be tough to stick a critter like this without gettin' in close to put your back into it," he says as he raps the arrow head on the hide and hears a metallic clink of metal-on-metal. "Good pick for the sort of work these Orphans are wantin'" to use them for.

Introduced to the couple who own and run the boat, he extends his hand to shake with Jonkin's. "Dreadstone," he says simply. He takes Onnabelle's hand

The contrast of her white smile against her dark skin. Her unflinching acceptance of his appearance. The way she smelled faintly of cinnamon. The way she laughed, the way she danced, the way she loved him.

and says stiffly, "It's a pleasure to meet y'all."
"Come now don't let your breeches get bunched up in a wad 'cause of some ghost tales your daddy made you wet yourself with. As far as I can be keen, the island is just that, an island. Smuggling dangerous creatures is illegal regardless what it is."

Taking Dreadstone's hand she grips it firmly. Her reaction to him betrays the expectation he has in a woman with her kind of face, her expression cold and almost insincere, "A pleasure. We'll be leaving tonight, be sure to bring plenty of food and extra drink."
<Be sure to gather any supplies you need before you leave. You will be heading into nature so while having rations is a given, there may be other things you want.>

Later that night you find the ship that you are to aboard. Indeed it is a modest size with no weapons equipped, but likely deliberate given it is a choice tailored to the mission. You climb aboard to find the couple wrapped in shawls to keep themselves warm while they have idle chit chat among themselves, Jonkin seeming the most animated in the relationship between the two. Once they notice you have arrived, they ditch their comfort and immediately begin getting to work. While Mr. Captain yells commands to crew members, Mrs. Captain approaches and speaks to you, "This will be a several day trip. Safety is not guaranteed. We're being commissioned to chart the waters with haste, so we are uncertain if the weather will be kind to us. Your rooms are down below."

While passing back by, the other captain tosses a mop to Tiberius, and a broom to a random other person, saying, "That'll keep you funny for a spell. Express permission to work ya as I need you to." He soon moves to the missus to exchange a kiss with her before moving away to continue his own duties.

Soon, the walkway is pulled into the ship, and the city begins to drift away from your view. You are leaving Southport... and the continent.
Since he has a whole day free to himself, Alf spends it playing with Lady, just outside of town in an area with lots of open space.

Though it's a fun time, he finds with some concern that he's not getting as much out of it as he used to, before his transformation. She is deliriously enthusiastic about the whole thing, but he feels like he's just going through the motions, doing it more for her benefit than his.

He's changed a lot more than he realized.

That evening, when it's time to get on the boat and the vessel comes into view, Alf turns pale as the reality of the situation dawns on him.

"Wait," he says uncertainly, "We are going on that thing to travel across all that water? What happens if the boat breaks?! Or if water-monster attacks??"

A single trickle of sweat run downs his face and he swallows hard, his heartbeat quickening. "We sure we have to do this? No way to... to magic-teleport or something else?"

Oddly enough, Lady seems to have no problem getting on the boat at all.

Alf ends up being the last one to board, and only very reluctantly.
Smirking, the lady captain states, "Then the sea guards would have had been neglecting their harpoons. I sincerely hope you are half the adventurer you are said to be should something attack... and an even better swimmer." She is able to say this without terrifying herself, seemingly disregarding possible outcomes.
((Don't have time for a long post right now, so just keeping his boat reactions short))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61783]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [14]+18 = 32

After being told of his duties, Tiberious mops the deck. Fabulously.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"It's not so bad, Alf. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve should things go wrong. And look at it this way, at least you aren't wearing a lot of heavy armor. Stuff like that would pretty much guarantee you sink like a stone."

Niko makes sure to stash his supplies in the rooms provided, including his feather tokens and a satchel full of dried jerky for Ozzy. Accepting the broom from Captain Jonkin, he tightens the bandanna on his forehead and sets about animating it to begin cleaning the deck on its own. After he has given the small ship a single pass, he sets the magic broom off to bother Tiberius by sweeping in circles around the twirling gladiator.

Turning his attention to the sea he looks wistfully onto the horizon and the fading continent behind them. "I've been on a boat before, only it was on short ferries down the river. This is the first time I've ever left the continent." There is something about traveling on the open sea that fills the sorcerer's heart with yearning. A sweet pain that urges him to explore what awaits him just over the horizon.
((Yeah, I've noticed that I tend to roll either real high or real low, without much in between.))

Tiberious takes the magic broom as Niko joining in on the fun. He transitions his twirling to an interpretive dance, pantomiming a duel between the broom and mop, while still gradually cleaning the deck.
<alf you remember that scene where the big octopus tears apart the ship and all of the poor helpless guys that are screaming in agony as they're grabbed and eaten? fun times>
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