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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


((Alright Stricia suggested West, Nico suggested North. Alf gets to tiebreak. I figured that we already know what's West, the cliff, so it's a bit safer))
((Alf is trusting Stricia's directions since she's the only one who got a good view of the island. Also sorry for the delay, there was a busy spurt at work))

"We start off going west. Stricia, you are only person who saw this tree, so you tell when to start to turn to the north."
After deciding which direction to take, it is decided that scouring the perimeter is preferable.

Westward, you find yourselves at a corner facing out to the sea. and the trees scattered loosely, allowing the afternoon sun to spread evenly at your feet. A dead end this is not, for it is possible to continue travelling the edge of the island northward.

No apparent danger or item of interest is here.

<You can give a perception roll to peek north before moving on.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Between this game, Creative WritingGAF, work, and home, I don't have time for any other games. I've barely been here as it is this past week!))

Dreadstone scarcely has time to break into a run to come to Stricia's aid before she, Alf, and Lady make short work of the dinosaurs. He examines what's left of the corpses gingerly, as though they might spontaneous return to life and bite him.

"Hmmmm..." he muses. "Sharp teeth and claws. Built for speed." He lifts a limb as though weighing it with his hand. "Lightweight, though. Can't take a proper beatin' before gettin' pounded. Real glass cannons, these ones."

Standing up, he surveys the forest line, wondering what sort of unpleasant surprises lurk within. "We'd be fools to think everythin' on this here island goes down without a fuss like that. Don't get cocky now."

Dreadstone follows Alf's lead through the woods as they make their way to Stricia's tree, keeping a keen eye out for anything suspicious...
Perception check: 1d20+19=31
Towards the north, there seems to be some kind of animals wandering about lining the near horizon, though they seem docile. A tree is toppled over the side of the cliff.


((Whoah, and I thought Stricia's Per was OP.))

"We should go North. There are animals, but they do not seem hostile".

Mike M

Nick N
((Derp, typo. It's only 16, but I rolled a 15 so it's still 31, though I completely misread your action in my rush, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered : P ))
<Since Alf gave his trust to Stricia, I'm just gonna move you on just for this tile.>

Along the edge, rocky protrusions from the ground serve as a platform for goats grazing about.

There is a nest in the tree over the cliff, though the creature that lives it in seems to be absent.
North seems to be a corner, and another seemingly safe place to move on to.

The forest to the east eventually shrouds itself with its numerous trees and plant life, making it difficult to determine what lies within it.

<Gonna hold it here for a second to let everyone chime in.>
Alf scratches his head. "Dead end to the north, and nothing worth seeing. Looks like we ought move east a ways and then turn north again. Be ready for anything; forest turns thicker ahead. Harder to see what lies in wait."
Leo looks at the two options before the party: the rocky patch to the north that leads to some sort of nest, and the trees to the east that lead to...more trees, as far as he can tell.

"I'm kind of curious about what made that nest. Might be one of the monsters we're supposed to kill. Though if we just want to go into the deep forest and work towards one of the big places, we can probably find monsters there too."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I gotta agree with Lee. We can always go east after exploring the nest area."
The next, upon further inspection, is actually quite large, larger than what you would normally find in the woods near home, and it is nestled upon the end branches of a tree that extends over the cliff's watch.
((Guys I know what to do for this part. If we curl up into a ball in the nest, we can get carried back to the Undead Asylum.))
The next, upon further inspection, is actually quite large, larger than what you would normally find in the woods near home, and it is nestled upon the end branches of a tree that extends over the cliff's watch.
"Well, this nest screams monster. Any of you know what could have made it?"

If no one volunteers to do so, Leo will climb the tree to peer in the nest.

((Waiting for replies. If it comes to tree climbing, I'll post precautions before doing that))
((Being a jobless loser makes it a lot easier. besides, play by post isn't normally a big time investment(though i have issues posting as much as i probably should... 5 days out of the week, that has nothing to do with my other games).))

Draco take a good look around to try and figure out what exactly that nest might belong to.

Knowledge Nature: (1d20+8+1d6=20)

((If i need to do acrobatics to see, it will not be a problem most likely. assuming i don't just spider climb or something))
<Also, this tree hanging over a cliff thing was probably a bad idea in hindsight I now realize.>

Draco understands that, just like with pretty much any animal on the material plane, a bird can be very big, or a flying type of dinosaur that accompanies the ones they've seen so far.

<I too am a jobless loser, which makes it more embarrassing on my part. Then again because I am a jobless loser I can't keep my sleep schedule straight making me a poor candidate for playing D&D real time.>
((I'm also a jobless loser. Well, until next week, then an internship starts up which will probably slow down my ability to post in real time. It's the unpaid kind though, so I'll still be half jobless!))

Based on Draco's findings, Leo decides someone should take a closer look at the nest, and as he loves putting himself in dangerous positions, he's willing to do it.

"All right! We don't seem to know much from here, so if none of you object, I'm going to go climb towards the nest and look in to see if there's anything of interest. If anyone has rope, I'd like you to tie some around me and hold onto that while I go in the nest. That way if I fall or the meat's owner comes back and knocks me off, I won't fall off the cliff. Oh, and assuming that doesn't work, how fast can you cast magic to break my fall, Nico?"
Last edited by Axelhortsemchi; Today at 04:57 PM. Reason: Autocorrect Pls


"We are not here to kill monsters, we are here to ensure they do not get smuggled." Stricia says "I see no reason to climb to the nest and tempt trouble. We will find enough on the ground as we hunt for signs of smugglers."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods in agreement with Stricia. "Let's not go 'round stickin' out arms down holes just to see what bites us. The less cause we give these critters to come after us, the safer we'll be."
"Yeah, but whatever made that nest might be getting used by the smugglers. And if it's had any contact with the smugglers, there might be signs in the nest. It's worth checking while we're here."

(Leo thinks to himself that anything they can figure out in advance makes it less likely that the Orphans will be able to mess with the amulet Stricia has and use it to summon flaming orphans)


"If we do not find any other sign of them on the ground then we can come back. I would not want to incur the wrath of an angry mother needlessly"

Stricia, remembers the wound she got on the beach and drinks a potion of clw.

clw potion : 1D8 = [8] = 8
((Cool, sounds good. In the mean time, Leo will go on thinking the sundial is a link to a world made out of fire, because reasons.))

"That sounds like a lot of unnecessary back and forth though. Sure, we might find everything we need in the woods, but if there's something worth noting in the nest, it would be easier to just get it done now. If an angry flying monster attacks us, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."
"Tiberious makes a good point. We are here to learn of the monsters on this island. Looking into nest of giant monster bird matches this goal. Besides, climbing a tree only takes a few minutes. Make it quick, though."

((It wasn't explicitly stated that the nest is large, but is that a safe assumption?))
"Ok, if any of you have rope that can be tied around me and held onto, I can get this done and we can head into the woods. Unless one of you would rather do it."
Leo gets the rope tied around himself and attempts to make his way to the nest.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=62489]Acrobatics: 1D20 + 3 = [5]+3 = 8

The tree feels like an alien substance to him, causing Leo to have difficulties with his balance.

((Wait, I forgot to factor any bonuses the climbers kit would give It's an acrobatics check, so it probably doesn't matter))
After a narrow brush with fate attempting to keep balance on the tree, the man finally makes it up to the nest to look at its contents.

There is a large egg resting in the evenly distributed leaves and twigs.

<Give a perception, please.>
((Any way he could take 10 or take 20?))

Leo's initial look at the nest reveals nothing but a giant egg. As he tries to decide what to do next, he will describe the appearance of the egg to the party, in case that helps any of them identify it.
((I envisioned him shouting them across the tree. Should the party not come up with anything, he'll probably pick up the egg and see what's under it. Everything in my head screams that that's a terrible idea, but Leo wouldn't have anything in his head telling him he's about to do something stupid.))
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