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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

The bipedal creatures follow along the cliff to chase the prey below.

As the party had begun to explore the coast, the people of the ship begin to unbox their supplies and begin to set up tents and make camp while they stay.
((Didn't realize the camp was still in sight. Gonna change my dialogue slightly))

"We just become prey," Alf says urgently. "Need to lead dino creatures away from camp. Come along cliff so to meet them. Need to take care of them before we go in forest!"

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry for the relative inaction, been contending with having to help my SIL and nephew unpack in their new place, sick wife and kid, work, and I randomly got a bee up my butt to expand one of my short stories into a novel, which has been consuming creative computing cycles of my brain))

“Dinosaurs,” Dreadstone grumbles, remembering the T-Rex that had been contained in a cage back in Emerald Bay as he unslings his bow.

“I don’t know much about dinosaurs,” he announces to the party, “but I do know that they’re bigger than we are. That makes ‘em slower than we are. Less maneuverability. If we take ‘em by surprise, we might have a chance of comin’ out of this scrape alive.”

He levels his silver gaze on Niko. “But it’s gonna require bein’ quiet.”
These dinosaurs in particular most resemble the ones seen with the goblins, but larger.

There is also no taking them by surprise, they are fully aware of your presence. They also aren't eager to jump down the cliff.

<@Jackben: Alf retconned his movement. You guys are still at the eastern dead end of the coastline.>
Leo's eyes light up when he realizes that dinosaurs are stalking the party. It's almost like being back at the arena. Unfortunately, there are no windows to kick them through, but there is a cliff.

"I don't think we'll be sneaking by those. If we can get to them while they're still by the cliff and knock them off it, that would be awesome! Otherwise, I guess we'll just fight them normally. From what I can recall, dinosaurs are pretty helpless once you cut their heads off."
As most of the party dithers about leisurely, seemingly unaware of the gravity in this situation, Alf is tempted to stare slack-jawed at them. There's no time for that now, though.

He growls loudly. "Quiet," he snaps. "We must act quick! Enemy sees us and has high ground; there is no escaping of their sight. Could be scouts, and part of much larger pack. Must act quickly and cut them off. Running is no option; even if we get away, they pick up our trail easy and follow straight to defenseless cubs! We CANNOT let them do this!"

He grabs his hair in frustration (this time with himself) and growls again. "Too much talk already. Less talk, more action!"

He morphs into the form of a Dire Wolf, and he and Lady take off along the cliff, with the intention of meeting the dinosaurs head-on as they descend down the slope.


((But there is no slope from the cliff to the beach only a sheer cliff face. There is a path from the cliff that goes down into the jungle whose entrance is north of where the boat is. We have to go back west, north into the jungle and then we should find the path that leads east and up to where the dinos are.))
((But there is no slope from the cliff to the beach only a sheer cliff face. There is a path from the cliff that goes down into the jungle whose entrance is north of where the boat is. We have to go back west, north into the jungle and then we should find the path that leads east and up to where the dinos are.))

((That's what I meant, basically :) It was partially condensing your information and partially me misunderstanding the layout of the island, but the point is to meet up with the bad guys))
The bipedal creatures follow along the cliff to chase the prey below.

As the party had begun to explore the coast, the people of the ship begin to unbox their supplies and begin to set up tents and make camp while they stay, and they begin to come into view as you head back west.


Aware of the swiftness of the dinos above Stricia dips into her ki to increase her speed temporarily. Hopefully keeping up with them and beating them to the forest entrance or even meeting them inside it.
Unfortunately, she is only able to outspeed her companion, and only keeping behind the dinosaurs.

Eventually the cliff begins to slope downward and the trees above begin to come into view once more, as does the camp site, where men and women have some tents set up and are still setting up some more to stay in. The dinosaurs finally make it onto the beach themselves, coming between their prey and the camp.

<Alright, this will be a battle, but I need some time to set it up. Nobody take any actions until then.>
Initiative list:

12 Dinosaur 2
11 Dinosaur 1
8 Stricia

<2nd dinosaur moves to the tile below her, attacks, next one follows up with a weaker attack.>

Two talon attack vs. Stricia (1d20+5=23, 1d8+2=7)

Bite attack vs. Stricia (1d20+5=11, 1d6+2=4)

Stricken and fascinated by the quickly moving creature, they fail to hesitate in pouncing at Stricia, one leaping at her with talons and the other following its partner with its maw snapping at her.

Current map.

@ThLunarian: <Once Stricia acts, place your icons somewhere in the 14-19 columns and roll initiative.>
<Happy Mother's Day, even though most D&D characters don't have parents.

Also, since I'll probably be in town and lack access to my usual tools, I will let ThLunarian and Stricia act before the dinosaurs do next turn regardless of what initiative they rolled.>


((Just got hit as have a 23 AC ))

Stricia is slightly off balance from her burst of speed and is unable to avoid a glancing blow from the first pounce. The talons nevertheless cut deep, drawing blood. Easily avoiding their bite Stricia takes a five foot step south west to end up south of both dinosaurs ((F9)) and goes into a full flurry expending ki to get an extra attack in.

((Three attacks in flurry power attacks, final attack normal

Power attack flurry: 1D20+8 = [16]+8 = 24
1D8+9 = [5]+9 = 14
1D20+8 = [18]+8 = 26
1D8+9 = [2]+9 = 11
1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10
1D8+9 = [1]+9 = 10

Power attack flurry final: 1D20+5 = [10]+5 = 15
1D8+5 = [5]+5 = 10


((I'll let Alf go before I do my second one))
Initiative (1d20+1=7)

Lady initiative (1d20+3=11); Lady's dex is 16 for tiebreakers

Alf and Lady charge frantically toward the dinosaurs with a rabid fervor that is uncharacteristic of them. Lady circles around as Alf barrels straight forward, with the result that they come at the northernmost dinosaur from both sides, seeking to tear it to pieces.

((Lady will end up to the left of the topmost dinosaur and Alf will be to its right. Lady is going first so she won't have the flanking bonus. I'm on mobile and mythweavers isn't cooperating, so I'm having to do this from memory; sorry if a number here or there is wrong.

Lady attack, damage, and free Trip attempt (1d20+7=11, 1d8+4=12, 1d20+7=20)

Alf attack (incl. Charge and Flanking), damage, and free trip attempt (1d20+14=18, 1d8+9=17, 1d20+15=24)

Yuck, crap rolls all around there))
One of the beasts is easily brought to the ground and made limp, and the other writhes painfully and gives in to the injuries, toppling over as its leg is torn open. The remaining dinosaur is alive, but unable to do anything.

Everyone will now be at the camp again, being watched by sailors distracted from their duties to see wild animals taken down before their eyes.
"I don't think I've seen dinosaurs wrecked so quick before. If everything on the island is that weak, this assignment will be a joke!"

Long after the creatures are dead, Alf continues to savage their carcasses with his teeth, tearing them apart into a bloody, mangled mess.

This continues for an uncomfortably long time. Even Lady looks concerned. When it finally ends, the dire wolf is breathing heavily, staring at the remains, lost in thought for another thirty seconds.

He returns to human form then, wiping the blood from his face with a reformed composure. "Come," he says. "We are losing time. Let us search the forest." He begins trekking toward the trees.
You are at the edge of the forest.

East and West continue along the outskirts of the trees, while placing you atop a cliff overlooking the sea. North continues into the dense of the forest.
((oh god... my skype group just finished our second campaign. and my campaign(the first we started...) will be ending pretty soon as well. kinda feels so weird.))

Draco finds Alf's blood lust... a bit off putting. And he thought his mutagen made him act weird.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Dang Phoenix I can't imagine juggling three campaigns at once.))

"So much for salvageable meat..." the sorcerer remarks, stepping back in caution as the dire wolf goes to town on the maimed but still conscious dino. Waving to the ferrymen setting up camp, he nonetheless makes sure to point out the carcasses. He figures that the men deserve to enjoy some fresh meat for a change as they continue into the forest.

"We've seen east thanks to Stricia. West was another cliff. Seems to me nothing to do but to go deeper in to the north." Niko lets Ozzy off his shoulder to explore the forest nearby alongside them. "Everyone ready?"


((Actually I got the bug and I'm in four games right now. At a post a day it doesn't take too much time really. The biggest time sink by far is levelling up.))

Stricia gives Alf an odd look but responds to Nico "The spire and the tree both seemed... important. As the tree is north west perhaps we should head there first."
"To the tree, then," Alf announces, motioning for Stricia to point in the general direction where she saw the tree. Once she starts them off in the right direction, he takes point, motioning for the party to take up the positions he laid out before the dinosaur incident.
<There are multiple ways to your destination, if you want to weigh your options and find out which route you would rather take.

I have this place set up on a grid, so yeah.>


"It is to the NorthWest, so let us go West first"

((Also Stricia will be taking 20 in every grid space she goes to if the situation permits, which is a Per of 34))
<Taking 20 I will interpret as "fail 19 times until you succeed." Keep in mind that I can take advantage of this, and that you're asking teammates to agree to let you search around for that long.>


<Taking 20 I will interpret as "fail 19 times until you succeed." Keep in mind that I can take advantage of this, and that you're asking teammates to agree to let you search around for that long.>

((If you want to reroll than I can do that. I was assuming it takes 2 minutes though going by http://paizo.com/prd/usingSkills.html . I kinda assumed for perception it just meant that I was taking a good look around instead of just glancing))
<2 minutes sounds about right, which is generally enough time for something bad to happen.

Not to say I won't allow you to take 20, just keep in mind I won't let it always be an instant success.>


((Sounds fair. If the rest of the group thinks it's better I can take 10 as a default for 24 and if there's something interesting in the grid then take the time to search more carefully. It's up to you guys. Makes sense IC too.))
((Yeah, taking 10 is probably better for just walking along. 24 should reveal anything that's not been painstakingly hidden. That and assuming this is a normal grid, taking 20 each square would mean stopping to examine every five square feet for two minutes a piece. IC Leo would definitely get fed up with this and want to speed up.))
((This is only how I see it, but taking a 20 sounds like you're stopping in one place to search exhaustively, while taking 10 would be slowly moving and taking in as much as you can without stopping. The latter sounds closer to what we're doing.

That said, if KM frowns on that, then rolling is fine with me too))
<I think the take 10 vs 20 discussion distracted everyone from what I'm waiting for.>
<There are multiple ways to your destination, if you want to weigh your options and find out which route you would rather take.

I have this place set up on a grid, so yeah.>
<Waiting for Alf in particular, but people can suggest a destination to him ICly.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Ozzy crawls halfway up a tree and begins scratching at the bark. Niko nods in response as if this is some kind of established routine. Truth is, the only thing the weasel is communicating is a feeling of hunger. It'd probably like the party to help him retrieve eggs from a nearby bird nest. The sorcerer figures it's more impressive if he lead the others to believe Ozzy somehow senses treasure with his magic whiskers or something else cool like that.

"There are ancient magics at work in this land. We should head north and see if we can find that tree!"
As the party gets into the forest, everything starts to look the same to Leo. Everywhere he looks, it's just trees. He has to stick close to the part to avoid getting lost, causing him to quickly tire of the forest.

"The big tree sounds fine, anything to change up this damn scenery. It's like we've been walking in place for minutes now."
"The big tree sounds fine, anything to change up this damn scenery. It's like we've been walking in place for minutes now."
<I was laughing at this when I thought it said "It's like we've been walking for minutes now.", but then I realized there was an "in place" there.>
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