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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Draco is pretty sure that moving west towards the mistier part of the island would just back track them based on the view of the ocean and outer parts of the island from where they're at, there is no way the path will circle around to their destination eventually.


((Does anyone have animal friendship or charm spells? Otherwise we could try to sneak by, I got some invisible and pass without trace potions))
((Tiberious's stealth skill is so low in the wilderness that even with invisibility and/or pass without a trace, there is still a fair chance that the bears will hear him. Pretty sure we're fighting this one))

Mike M

Nick N

((Let's do this))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=62843]Stealth: 1D20 - 2 = [3]-2 = 1

((Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Rare footage of starting above a 1 and ending up there after dat modifier. Not going to lie, I was kind of hoping to roll a 2 or a 1.))
With a natural spotlight on him, Tiberious instinctively stands up straighter and speaks more loudly.


Looking over, he remembers that there are bears nearby. "Shit."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Stealth check:  1d20+17+5=38
Gnaw Stealth check:  1d20+13+5=37

Dreadstone and Gnaw show Tiberious how it's done.
Stealth including the +5 (1d20+7=20)

Niko is flabbergasted by the apparent divine intervention that seems to have predestined Tiberious into an epic bear wrestling match, and takes advantage of the distraction to try and slip by unnoticed.

He discretely takes out a parchment and quill, hastily taking notes about the incident as he moves.
Large figures prop from their meal in the distance, taking notice of other life in the distance. With an echoing screech that carries throughout the island, the bear-like creatures begin to run on all fours, coming straight for the party.

Several of the party members manage to make their way behind cover to prevent being spotted, most likely out of fear of being near Tiberius. As the creatures come close, their faces appear to Tiberius in their true form, should he have the knowledge to realize it; they had only looked like bears from a distance...

The fact that they are bears is only half true.

Before him are owlbears.

Most fixate themselves on the man glittering in the light, but one manages to spot another trying to dart behind cover.

Accompanying music, nothing dramatic about this battle, so DOOM music can't be wrong

<You are in the surprise round. Those that have made successful stealth checks (you had to beat 22) may act. Roll initiative as you make actions.>
Niko's Initiative (1d20+7=24)

Distracted by his efforts to document this strange occurrence, Niko somehow manages to fall behind the rest of the party. He tries to scramble and catch up, tripping over himself in the process. By the time he's managed to pick himself back up, the owlbears are already on the move.
<The parts that are half-mountain, half grass are difficult terrain, a full mountain itself requires climb DC 15 and that is to move at quarter speed>


Strica moves to Q11 in the surprise round (taking advantage of the feather step slippers if required) and smacks the owlbear with a stunning fist attempt power attack.

1d20+8=22, 1d8+9=14

((Fort save DC 17))
<I was looking through the initiatives you guys have rolled so far and marking them down for next turn, and I completely forgot about Draco's Arcana check.>

These creatures seen before you are known as owlbears. The original lineage of owlbears were made through experiments conducted by mad men from a long time ago to combine a master hunter with a hulking form, but over time the species have slowly integrated themselves into nature as advanced predators. They are a rare sight, but their aggressive and ruthless predatory violence allow them to survive as a species. Their claws are large, and are used to latch onto victims to render them helpless.

In essence, they are soulless, godless, rampaging killing machines.
((Not sure if the move and knowledge check was Draco's whole turn, so getting my turn and initiative typed up while I have time))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=62879]Initiative: 1D20 + 2 = [2]+2 = 4

As the bear-like creatures draw closer, Tiberious realizes there is something odd about them. They have owl-like heads. While he can't place exactly what they are, he knows one important thing: they aren't bears. These are just another group of bloodthirsty magical monsters, waiting to be killed. In nearly an instant, Tiberious's nerves are calmed. Angry that his mind was being played with by these not-bears, he decides that they should know fear.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=62880]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [13]+18 = 31
He quickly draws his sword and shield to defend himself, but then promptly slams his sword into the ground, looking to utilize his natural spotlight to give a once in a lifetime display of showmanship.

((Tiberious is trying to use intimidate as a full-round action. It's generally a standard action, so not sure if you'll allow it. Trying to demoralize as many of the owlbears as you will allow))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=62881]Intimidate: 1D20 + 13 = [17]+13 = 30[/url]
"In this world, the only thing separating the strong from the dead is the will to live. THE WILL TO BE A MAN! Tell me, what will do you have to stand before me? I AM TIBERIOUS THUNDERFACE, AND I FEAR NO MAN OR CREATURE! Come at me if you can, I shall be the last thing you ever see."

At the end if his speech, Tiberious projects a wave of sheer manliness at the owlbears, so as to shake their resolve and produce an instinctive reaction of terror.

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry, haven't had time to do much this weekend. In the interest of speeding things up, Dreadstone rolled a 21 on initiative, Gnaw got a 10. Dreadstone will move straight north until the monster directly in front of Tiberius is in sight and fire (Doesn't look like he has a line of sight on it from his current position.). I don't think Gnaw can get close enough to do anything just yet, so he'll move to O15))
Before he knows it, Niko is surrounded by friendly faces - good thing, too, because the sorcerer knows he is not built to be the front line of defense for the party.

"Pity that Alf isn't here. I'm sure he's dealt with more than a fair share of owlbears in his day. Certainly he'd best know how to handle them..."

Slipping behind the others to put some obstacles between him and the bears, Niko closes his eyes and concentrates. The temporal field around him and all of his allies is augmented slightly, so that they're moving just a wee bit faster than normal.

"This ought to put a little spring in our step!" he quips.

((Cast Haste on the party, move to the square east of Dreadstone, and apologize in advance for any excessive and out-of-character corniness I put into Niko's mouth))
<Oh right, it's my turn. This initiative is greatly confusing me as I'm used to people going in groups.

The Owlbear #4 is just going to move to T8, still having an eye on Tiberius.>
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