Dreadstone doesn't know much about owlbears, as it's not a creature that ever found it's way behind the walls of Ruby Keep to his knowledge.
Still, they appear to be living animals, and consequently probably conform to certain anatomical standards. For instance, eyes are a profound weak point; soft, vital to perception, and an easy entrance to more vital parts behind them.
Fortunately, owls have enormous eyes relative their body size...
Darting out from behind cover, Dreadstone unleashes a flurry of arrows at the owl bear lumbering up to Draco and Tiberius as those two dispatch one of the other beasts.
((Targeting the one straight ahead of Dreadstone))
Dreadstone attack vs Owlbear
Attack 1: 1d20+13+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=23
Damage: 2d8+10+2(Haste+Manyshot)=21
Rapid Shot attack: 1d20+13+1-2=28
Damage: 1d8+5+1=12
Attack 2: 1d20+8+1-2=17
Damage: 1d8+5+1=7
Haste Attack: 1d20+13+1-2=24
Damage: 1d8+5+1=14
((Maaaan, typing out combat rolls with archers on mobile is murderous.))
Following his partner's lead, Gnaw tears across the turf to sink his slavering jaws into the owlbear's hide, heedless of the incredible size disparity between the two animals.
Gnaw Bite vs Owlbear
Damage: 1d6+4+1=8