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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Another owlbear edges its way closer, not finding an opportunity to get past its fellow hunters.


<Dreadstone, if you are too busy to actively play, maybe I can push your initiative down to last temporarily so that others can take their turns and then when you're ready I can put your initiative back where it was.>
<Miss, hit, hit, miss.>

Suddenly, great pain needles the body of the great bear creature, erasing memory of what it wanted before. Without thought, it swipes its claw in attempt to grasp the offending creature attacking it.

Claw attack (plus grab) (1d20+8=26, 1d20+14=17)
Claw damage (1d6+4=8)
Bite attack (1d20+8=13)

Another Owlbear is equally enraged by a distraction, turning its focus towards the sharp pain, scooping up the victim swiftly.

Claw attack plus grab (1d20+8=24, 1d20+14=28)
Claw damage (1d6+4=10)

However; It doesn't think to bite Draco.
<All you'll be doing is shaking up one monster (there are no rules as far as I can tell for what Intimidate does as a full round action), which at most gives a few penalties to rolls. This is pretty much because intimidate is an easy win skill check. I can still do that if that's what you want your turn to be, but I think you made your turn under the assumption you had the surprise round.>
((damn, he just hit my ac perfectly with that attack... I knew I should have downed my mutagen. And yeah, unless you have dazzling display(or something similar), intimidate is just a standard action.))

((EDIT: Hmm... can I use an extract while grappled?))
As soon as the bear-like creatures begin running towards Tiberious, the party bursts into action. Amidst the chaos, he realizes something: these aren't bears. They're just freaky-ass owl-headed things that need to die. The one nearest him seems to be giving Draco trouble, so he'll start there.

((Quick question, since it's already grappling him, would I avoid the normal AoO on grapples
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63017]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [4]+18 = 22
"First you pretend to be diabolical bears, and now you try to grab my comrade? HAVE AT YOU!" Tiberious will then try and cut down the not-bear before him.
((Five foot step to N10, quick drawing shield and longsword, full-round power attack on the owlbear. Since Draco's being grappled, I don't think flanking applies, but add +2 to my rolls if it does.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63018]Power Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [9]+11 = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63019]Damage: 1D8 + 8 = [6]+8 = 14
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63020]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 6 = [14]+6 = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63021]Damage 2: 1D8 + 8 = [1]+8 = 9
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63022]Haste Attack: 1D20 + 12 = [14]+12 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63023]Damage: 1D8 + 8 = [6]+8 = 14
((I just realized that I forgot we were all hasted. Editing in a haste attack. Also forgot that haste adds +1 to attacks, so making the haste power attack at +12))

((Alright, it's been added to his turn))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone doesn't know much about owlbears, as it's not a creature that ever found it's way behind the walls of Ruby Keep to his knowledge.

Still, they appear to be living animals, and consequently probably conform to certain anatomical standards. For instance, eyes are a profound weak point; soft, vital to perception, and an easy entrance to more vital parts behind them.

Fortunately, owls have enormous eyes relative their body size...

Darting out from behind cover, Dreadstone unleashes a flurry of arrows at the owl bear lumbering up to Draco and Tiberius as those two dispatch one of the other beasts.

((Targeting the one straight ahead of Dreadstone))
Dreadstone attack vs Owlbear
Attack 1:  1d20+13+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=23
Damage:  2d8+10+2(Haste+Manyshot)=21

Rapid Shot attack:  1d20+13+1-2=28
Damage:  1d8+5+1=12

Attack 2:  1d20+8+1-2=17
Damage:  1d8+5+1=7

Haste Attack:  1d20+13+1-2=24
Damage:  1d8+5+1=14

((Maaaan, typing out combat rolls with archers on mobile is murderous.))

Following his partner's lead, Gnaw tears across the turf to sink his slavering jaws into the owlbear's hide, heedless of the incredible size disparity between the two animals.

Gnaw Bite vs Owlbear
Damage:  1d6+4+1=8
((Gonna take my turn under the tentative assumption that nothing happens between rounds, since I have to leave in a minute))

Niko pumps his fist as he witnesses his teammate fell one of the creatures with ease. "Yeah! Show them how it's done, Tiberious!" he shouts with a triumphant laugh.

Turning his attentions to the other brutes, Niko puts on a cocksure smile. "Let's see how you crossbreeds fare without the benefit of sight!"

He takes a deep breath and crackles with arcane energies for a split second, then hurls that concentrated power forward by thrusting his arms outward. A shimmering shower of sparkles erupts in the dead center of the owlbears, threatening to blind and debilitate the entire group in one spell swoop.

((Hold position; cast Glitterdust centered on Square S7. DC 20 Will save))
((Gonna take my turn under the tentative assumption that nothing happens between rounds, since I have to leave in a minute))
<Hang on, I was updating the map while you were doing that. Dreadstone one-rounded the owlbear so I decided to have Gnaw attack the next closest one.>

Moments after one of the untamed creatures is brought down, another is quickly ended in seconds after having its last moment in prime health.

After deftly dodging the owl bears claw, Draco takes a second to look for the perfect opening.... then strikes with assassin like precision.

Haste Attack;Damage: (1d20+12+3=33, 1d6+5+3=9)
Haste crit confirm;damage: (1d20+12+3=32, 1d6+5=7)

Attack;Damage;Studied strike: (1d20+12+3=25, 1d6+5+3=12, 1d6=5)

((Think that was the first time i've actually used studied strike...))

((EDIT: opps forgot a thing... adding in one more attack.))
((EDIT AGAIN: Got a crit! And then i realized i fuck up my haste attack damage which should have be another +1 from my magic weapon, so i just edited it in here))

Forgot the map... gotta set up for the flank.
Though Draco has never encountered one of these creatures first hand, his quick analysis of the creature teaches him in just seconds what a lifetime of experience learned for Dreadstone; his scimitar fits poorly and, as a logical result, very painfully in its large eye socket.

<Dreadstone is up.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods with satisfaction as his target topples to the ground dead without ever knowing what hit it. Another owlbear moves to take its place and attack Draco, seemingly unaware or uncaring of how its companion perished.

"These things are all brawn an' no brains," he mutters as Draco puts the hurt on the monster. It's still standing though, so Dreadstone seeks to put it out of its misery.

Dreadstone attack vs Owlbear
Attack 1:  1d20+13+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=31
Damage:  2d8+10+2(Haste+Manyshot)=18

Rapid Shot attack:  1d20+13+1-2=13
Damage:  1d8+5+1=12

Attack 2:  1d20+8+1-2=20
Damage:  1d8+5+1=7

Haste Attack:  1d20+13+1-2=14
Damage:  1d8+5+1=12
<First shot finishes it off, and you would finish off the other one with the other shot that hits.>

And in that moment... the hunters were hunted. With a last arrow, the beastly creature topples over.

You are now safe, as usual thanks to the ranger's barrage of arrows.
Tiberious lets out a triumphant roar as the owlbear he is attacking falls. He scans around for the nearest target and prepares to further punish it for looking like a bear by slamming its head into the ground repeatedly-

By the time this thought is finished, the other two owlbears have been shot to death. With a shrug, he puts his weapons away. "Well, that's four more monsters disposed of."

In response to Stricia, he says "I know right? What terrible creatures, just running around eating dinosaurs and pretending to be bears. The world will be better off without them."

Mike M

Nick N
"I know right? What terrible creatures, just running around eating dinosaurs and pretending to be bears.
((Man, I call dibs on the comic relief next game.))

Dreadstone pulls the arrows that he deems salvageable from the owlbear carcasses. "Let's just hope all the unnatural critters on this hell hole island go down as easy as that..."
"Tales of creatures like these come from all over the world, this island just seems to have an unusually high population of them. With our job, I'm sure we will meet much more and far worst, in due time. Long after we've taken care of this mess here."
((Hey KM, do you know when Jackben plans on being back?

I'm not gonna do any RP for Niko out of combat, but he does have a Wand of Cure Light Wounds that I think will heal at 9 HP per pop. Stricia, Draco, and Leo, I guess just say how many charges of healing you need))
((1 charge will put me 1 hp from max. On that note it recently occurred to me that i can actually use wands freely(if the spell is on the alchemists extract list anyways). For some reason i thought i couldn't use them, probably because extracts are spells that are not spells or something.))

((EDIT: Well in that case... I guess its me or Dread using the rod from now on?))
<Nah, I legitimately overlooked it. He has like +15 to UMD, so the chance of failure is pretty low (that's a lie, 25% is massive when you think about it). If you are capable of using it without failure, may be better to do that then.>
((Yeah, I guess the CHA part implies that using magical devices uses the same skillset as sorcery or something. Though that means Tiberious would be good at UMD if he put a few points into it. Which would make absolutely no sense.))
<Nah, I legitimately overlooked it. He has like +15 to UMD, so the chance of failure is pretty low (that's a lie, 25% is massive when you think about it). If you are capable of using it without failure, may be better to do that then.>

((Note if you roll a 1 on a umd check for a wand, you can not use that wand for 24 hours. And yeah, you can use any wand with a spell that is on your spell list, even if you can't cast that spell yet(and in the case of pallys and ranger, even before they get the ability to cast spells at all).))
<@Alex, DC for wands is 20, so "a few points and good Cha" would at most put you at around 50% chance of success. Even Niko still has a chance of failure even with his +15 in the skill.

I personally think core Rogues should be able to take ten on UMD and allow it to use Int for them, since one of the few perks they had in AD&D was that they could use magical items.>
<@Alex, DC for wands is 20, so "a few points and good Cha" would at most put you at around 50% chance of success. Even Niko still has a chance of failure even with his +15 in the skill.>

((True. I don't plan on putting points into UMD, I was just imagining the absurdity of Tiberious running around activating wands and other magical things for a minute.))


((If we're going opposites then dibs on a charismatic talkative fellow!))

Edit:((What directions can we go from here?))
<I went for a goofy acting character off-forum for the sole purpose of being the complete opposite of Sarm (I was starting to go insane playing Sarm) and Muun ended up like the super serious version of that character.

I'll return to gameplay shortly, just woke up.>
<I have the acting range of a Final Fantasy protagonist.

I think I'm gonna plan out stuff a bit more before we continue on, just so I know what I should be drawing.>
((Yo damn. On a related note, parodying Final Fantasy protagonists is a great way to branch out. That's how one of my friends ended up making Hooritsumaru Mitsubishi.))
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