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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Hey guys, do you think these things taste like owls or bears? That was a good fight, so what better way to celebrate than finding out? Ooh, what if they taste like both at once?!"

Mike M

Nick N
"We should get goin'" Dreadstone says as he slings his bow back over his shoulder. "These things ain't got nothin' worth takin', and I don't wanna be 'round when whatever this island has in the way of vultures show up."
A few minutes later, Leo realizes he forgot to cook the meat.

"I didn't cook that owlbear meat first, did I? Oh well! I've surely eaten worse in- "

His sentence is interrupted by his stomach dropping with the force of a god falling from the sky.

"Guys, add internal assassination to the list of sins commuted by owlbears."
The southern area appears safe, but is also where the fallen dinosaur is. The dinosaur in particular is very large and easy to discern at a distance, it is something arched like a hill. None of the owlbears have any items on their bodies, and already the partially eaten corpse is attracting flies.

Mike M

Nick N
"Let's head south even if he hasn't." Dreadstone starts marching in the direction Stricia has pointed, Gnaw following along at his heel.
<Welcome back Jackben. Hope everything is working out.>

Making your way south, you find yourselves approaching a short valley, a slight natural incline going downwards toward a little corner separated from nature.

Down there you can see another mountain, this time matching the coloration of the dirt around it as you approach the rockier areas of the island.
Leo keeps walking along with the party, trying to hide the discomfort his stomach is in. As the continue south, they eventually spot a mountain.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63231]Perception: 1D20 + 4 = [1]+4 = 5
The food poisoning causes Leo to go delirious for a moment, and the mountain takes on the form of a monstrous, grinning volcano.


Leo panics and runs in circles for a minute, before throwing up due to the food poisoning.
Looking in response to Stricia and seeing what is clearly not a volcano, Leo tries to skirt of any shame and quickly says "I think so, pretty sure I just threw up the worst of it."

((Leo is the reason do not eat warnings are on things they shouldn't be on))

((Not trying to get out of the sickness penalty, it just seemed like an appropriate response))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs and pointedly ignores Leo's self-inflicted plight.

"Watch yer step," he advises. "Terrain gettin' a little loose here."

He eyes the top of the valley with concealed apprehension. The walls of a canyon are the ideal position to hold over an enemy, and this valley isn't far removed from that scenario...

"Watch yer step an' keep it quiet," he amends.
There does not seem to be any creature daring to be seen around the area, but the path around the mountain seems easy to navigate.

The ground approaching is flat and sturdy.


"No creatures here" says Stricia with a thoughtful expression as she looks at the path and up the mountain. "Perhaps we are getting close."
"I certainly hope so, we've been on this island for a while now. There can't be too many places left here for them to hide."

Leo's stomach sends him into contemplation as the party walks along. Perhaps the Orphans aren't the evil ones after all. Rather, evil is something that resides within people, roiling up from the stomach and seeking a way out. Evil is something that attacks from inside, unseen. If only he could find a large supply of stomach medicine, the Orphans would quit doing villainous things. With enough, he could bring about world peace.

The party usually dismisses his ideas and calls them stupid, for reasons Leo has yet to figure out. He's too sick to feel like arguing for world peace right now, so he makes a note of his revelation and vows to discuss it later.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I bet the Orphans didn't climb a mountain, they would be the type to dig underneath it. We should scout around it and look for sign of an entrance."

Niko powers up 'Detect Magic' again, his eyes scanning for sign or trace around the region.
<Once you are close I'll describe in more detail. To better clarify canyon is a better wors than mountain to describe the upcoming surroundings, and the top can be walked on as difficult terrain (you need climb to get up top)

For detect magic you'll want to be closer.

In the meantime mmario kart time.>
You walk down to the base of the rocky formation, ready to search for any clues towards your mission.

<GIve me various checks once more, this time you'll be close enough to get something out of it.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone tries to put himself into the mind of a Drow. They're both dark skinned, the share an affinity for shadows... Where would he put a hidden entrance to a hideout if he were them?

Dreadstone Perception check: 1d20+16=26

Gnaw investigates a series of very interesting rocks that look completely uninteresting to anyone else.

Gnaw Perception check:  1d20+11=26
A bleary-eyed Leo looks at the party's new surroundings, trying to get his mind off his stomach for a minute.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63428]Perception: 1D20 + 4 = [3]+4 = 7
He does not succeed in getting his mind off his stomach.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko summons the power of demons and cartwheels into a backflip while channeling the ancient technique of the Kikori-Shinigami tribe

((Sorry been reading a few mary-sue games on another board that are basically like that))

Niko casts Detect Magic to see if he can spot anything in this region.
<Now that I think about it, this was kind of an unnecessary skill check. Still I shouldn't be awake so it might be tomorrow before we continue.>

Eventually after patrolling the perimeter of the walled formation does somebody eventually notice a chunk of the rock that has broken off, revealing a bit of metal underneath. While not hard to find, definitely could not be seen from a distance. It seems possible that the rest of the layering of dirt can be torn off.

When detect magic is cast, Niko can see a faint dot in his eyes, but only of something small and just happens to be at the very edge of his range to be detected. Whether or not there are other things he can detect is unknown.

((Sorry been reading a few mary-sue games on another board that are basically like that))
<You've been roleplaying Bleach, haven't you?>
((Might be bad form for me to say anything since I'm not actually in the game at this exact moment, but is this a situation where everyone is waiting for someone else to say something, or was everyone really away all day yesterday?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko follows behind Stricia, using Ghost Hand to help move away the debris and keeping an eye on the progress with Detect Magic to see if anything more detailed crops up.
((Might be bad form for me to say anything since I'm not actually in the game at this exact moment, but is this a situation where everyone is waiting for someone else to say something, or was everyone really away all day yesterday?))

((I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm waiting for things to continue. Not much of anything Leo can do right now.))
Easily enough the layering of dried dirt and rock is pulled away, revealing a thick iron door underneath it. Had it not been for the unfortunate hole in the layer, the door would have been completely hidden by the effort.

An attempt to open it fails. It is locked. It is secured in a metal border installed into the rock.
Never one for subtlety, Leo sees the metal border secured in the rock and tries to rip it out so that the door can be opened. Still feeling the owlbear meat, it is unlikely that he actually accomplishes anything.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63607]Strength Check: 1D20 + 3 = [13]+3 = 16
((Assuming Niko informs Leo of this before the next post))

"Hmm. Maybe there's a doorman of some sort. That means it's just a normal password then. Let's see, they're orphans, so... I've got an idea!"

Steadying himself, Leo Takes a deep breath and prepares to bellow what he believes will open the door.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63608]Perform (Oratory): 1D20 + 9 = [6]+9 = 15


Leo then steps back and waits for something to happen.
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