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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Thaddeus surveys the battlefield laid out before them when he senses the monk approaching to get by him. Reacting quickly, he blocks her advance with his shield arm.

"Stay behind me, Lady Stricia," he says. "The front lines are no place for you." He pauses for a beat before adding, "...Because of your complete lack of protective armor, of course."

So saying, he advances on the nearest lizardman, ending adjacent in preparation to strike.

((G6. I'm on mobile so I can't interact with the map.

Also disclaimer: I am not actually a misogynist IRL. I felt a little skeezy just typing that out above))
((Psst... That wasn't the actual reason. It was just a hastily made-up, thinly veiled excuse. Though bringing up those points in character to fluster Thaddeus would be amusing))
((Psst... That wasn't the actual reason. It was just a hastily made-up, thinly veiled excuse. Though bringing up those points in character to fluster Thaddeus would be amusing))

((Of course, you are in fact tanker in ever other way with your godlike saves, d10 hp and swift action heals.))
((Of course, you are in fact tanker in ever other way with your godlike saves, d10 hp and swift action heals.))

((As true as I wish that was, my Con is awful as a Drow and the ONLY bonus I get for saves is from Paladin because I have +0 mods in Dex, Con, and Wisdom, so my saves are probably just barely above average. My AC is 27 though! :) ))
((As true as I wish that was, my Con is awful as a Drow and the ONLY bonus I get for saves is from Paladin because I have +0 mods in Dex, Con, and Wisdom, so my saves are probably just barely above average. My AC is 27 though! :) ))

((That's pretty much the exact reason paladin saves are amazing, especially with a race that gives a cha bonus. Also, spell resist... did you swap that out for something, or are we going to be able to freely ignore that when other characters buff you(like in the case of Niko's haste)?))
((That's pretty much the exact reason paladin saves are amazing, especially with a race that gives a cha bonus. Also, spell resist... did you swap that out for something, or are we going to be able to freely ignore that when other characters buff you(like in the case of Niko's haste)?))

((I just don't have it. KM gave me the option of either SR or stat mods, and I wanted my extra Charisma, plus I didn't want to risk Haste missing, etc. My storyline reason for not having it is that it faded away because I never used it and didn't know I had it, growing up in the human world))
<I should probably houserule buff SR in general anyway since it's apparently so weak without a buff and there are spells that disregard SR to begin with.>
((SR isn't that weak(unless you are talking about the armor buff... that is useless.) its just the whole thing with it working on spells cast by allies, and lowering it requires a standard action, every round(one of that things that actually makes monks worse as they level).))
<Full initiative list with enemies.>

Tiberious: 22
Water Elemental: 21
Draco: 19
Lizard Spellcaster C: 19
Lizardman A: 17
Lizardman B: 17
Thaddeus: 16
Niko: 15
Stricia: 13
Lizard Spellcaster B: 12
Lizardman D: 12
Dreadstone: 11
Lizardman E: 10
Lizardman C: 9
Gnaw: 5
Friendly Kobold: 5
Lizard Spellcaster A: 2

Map with updated positions and re-labeled enemies

<I want to write a roleplaying post before you guys start the round, Chrome is running poorly and I don't want to lose the mechanical stuff I"ve updated.>
Without interruption, lizardfolk gathered around the tables moderately dine on the dinner provided for them, some chewing on the wooden utensils given, others handling a steak in both claws as its maw encases the cooked flesh.

Discussions happen among themselves calmly, mostly with concern.

It is just as they decide to abandon their meals that a group of individuals marches through the door swung open (one looking like a clownish fool), taking them unprepared and putting themselves at an aggressive position before they can even prepare to fight. It is when one of their own becomes surrounded, a beast leaping onto his table, and an arrow darting at him do the lizards consider this an act of war, screeching loudly in anticipation.
((In lieu of how the initiative shook out, I think I'll try and kill Lizard Spellcaster C first instead of the distant Lizard Spellcaster A))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65255]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [18]+18 = 36
Everything is set up. The audience waits with baited breath. Demonstrating an agility improbable for a man his size, Tiberious leaps on to the table and drops into a sprint. Approaching the edge of the table, it looks as if he is going to jump across to the adjacent table. However, he does a last minute shift in momentum and jumps to the table parallel where he was standing. Spinning, he runs across this table and leaps through the air at the alarmed lizard near the center of the table.

Time slows down as the eyes of ten thousand deaf orphans are upon him. Whether anyone in the room is watching this once in a lifetime display or not is irrelevant. Steadying his scizore, he prepares to skewer the poor bastard before it has time to realize what's happening.

((Daredevil charge to L7, full attack on Lizard Spellcaster C. Haste should give him enough charge speed to move in the way my post described, but if not, it was fluff anyway.))

As he lands on his yellow-vested victim, Tiberious aims three stabs at its vitals.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65257]Haste Power Attack: 1D20 + 17 = [16]+17 = 33
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65258]Damage: 1D10 + 8 = [3]+8 = 11
((Forgot to add haste bonus, that should be +18))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65259]Power Attack: 1D20 + 18 = [14]+18 = 32
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65260]Damage: 1D10 + 8 = [8]+8 = 16

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65261]Power Attack 2: 1D20 +13 = [16]+13 = 29
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65262]Damage: 1D10 + 8 = [4]+8 = 12

Standing back up, he casts the blood off his scizore with a flourish.

<Lizardman A took a 5 ft. step onto one of the glowing tiles. It disappeared and you heard the DOOM teleport sound effect.

Lizardman B power attacked Stricia and, to great surprise to Thaddeus, got shrugged off. Literally.>


Immediately, one of the sand skinned creatures leaps forward and slices one of the thinner lizardfolk open, and manages to harm its friend next to it.

Overwhelmed by danger already, the Lizardman so quickly surrounded finds an escape: it scrambles over to one of the strange tiles seen previously and disappears in a flash of light and sound to flee the danger.


Sensing Thaddeus was going to do something chivalrous Stricia waves him to the rest of the room. "I will take care of this one. Help Tiberius."

Of course he might still attack the lizard next to her on his turn but she goes into a full flurry on the lizard that tried to attack her.

((edit in flurry. Will take a bit on phone ))


((I overlooked Draco as well sorry DeadPhoenix. I did see Thaddeus and tried to talk him out of attacking my target.))
<I'm pretty sure there's nothing that can take an AoO on you. Everything is either flatfooted or hasn't drawn their weapon.

Lizard Spellcaster B is dead.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko pats Kenny on the shoulder reassuringly as the carnage begins to ensue."Just stay out of the way and you'll be fine, all right?" He puts his hands over his head in a duck-and-cover motion with his eyes closed, hoping to physically represent what he just said. Ozzy twitters on the sorcerer's shoulder, reminding him there is a task at hand.

Rushing forward and skidding to a stop just before the glowing teleportation tile, he flings his hand out in a grand gesture toward the Spellcaster A and Lizardman D due. A fine, golden mist erupts over their heads, covering the table and surrounding air with a blinding shower of Glitterdust! (Will DC:20 to not be blinded)

Updated map
<Both fail the Will save.>

Suddenly unable to orient its senses well, the warrior lizard at the far end of the room crawls under the table in an attempt to find cover.


Mike M

Nick N
Taking the lizards by surprise has led to an almost instantaneous rout by Dreadstone's squad. Afforded the breathing room to mount a proper offensive, Dreadstone takes a step forward from behind his corner and draws a bead on the remaining lizard in the yellow vest across the room. He hasn't seen what these ones can do yet, but judges it best to not give them the chance to cause trouble.

((Five foot step to G5))
Full Round Attack vs. J11 Yellow Vest
Attack 1:  1d20+13+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=20
Damage:  2d8+10+2(Haste) (Manyshot)=24
Rapid Shot attack:  1d20+13+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=17
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)=10
Attack 2:  1d20+8+1(Haste)-2(Rapid Shot)=23
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)=10
Haste Attack: 1d20+13+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=28
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)=13


The smell of blood in the air sets Gnaw's fur on end. Gnaw sets his eyes on the strange Lizard Thing across from him, bounding across a table to reach him, scattering earthen crockery and utensils in his wake. He gets to bite something. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Bite vs. J7 Lizardman:  1d20+7+2(Flanking)+1(Haste)=20
Damage:  1d6+4=8
((Where's Gnaw's haste bonus? There's just enough targets for Niko to haste everyone in the party including him. Also, not sure if I've brought this up before... but whats up with your haste bonus to damage?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Where's Gnaw's haste bonus? There's just enough targets for Niko to haste everyone in the party including him. Also, not sure if I've brought this up before... but whats up with your haste bonus to damage?))
((Shit, for the past two years I thought Haste gave bonus to damage too...))
<The remaining shots kill it. The one Gnaw attacked is still alive. I'm just going to skip his turn.>

Even once the lizardfolk become aware of the attack going on, it is already too late. Senseless killing and bloodshed fill the room as several are massacred on sight. It seems that this battle is one easily won and overwhelming for the enemy.

The little Kobold timidly follows along, tilting its head to see what is happening in the room. It is even more afraid of you than it was before.

Map for Turn 2

Mike M

Nick N
<The remaining shots kill it. The one Gnaw attacked is still alive. I'm just going to skip his turn.>

Even once the lizardfolk become aware of the attack going on, it is already too late. Senseless killing and bloodshed fill the room as several are massacred on sight. It seems that this battle is one easily won and overwhelming for the enemy.

The little Kobold timidly follows along, tilting its head to see what is happening in the room. It is even more afraid of you than it was before.

Map for Turn 2
((Man, I get the serious impression we were supposed to hug it out with these guys...))
<I'm just narrating how I felt playing as Muun and killing underpowered mooks.>

((meanwhile for Tiberious))

((WELP. That looks unfortunate. RIP Kenny. I guess Tiberious gets one more turn of blissful unawareness))

As the lizards fall around him and his buddies, Tiberious revels in the mayhem. If those deaf orphans were really there, they'd be happy enough to forget about their debilitated ears for a few minutes. He would high five Thaddeus for a good kill in conjunction with him, but due to the shields, it's more of an awkward bump.

Looking towards Draco, he sees that there's a lizardman still standing. Even better, he just remembered that he's standing on a goddamn table, the best thing you can possibly slam someone through. Everything is coming up Tiberious today. Putting his weapons away, he steps towards the lizard and prepares to silently deliver another shining moment.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65330]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [5]+18 = 23

((Signature move on the lizardman, eating the AoO))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65331]Grapple: 1D20 + 16 = [15]+16 = 31
((Waiting to see how the grapple resolves before adding the pin and damage))
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