((Gotcha. Even though this one's on the up and up, time to RP more foolishness))
Once Dreadstone looks into the room, it's battle time. Tiberious waits for a signal and prepares to rush in and inspire some deaf orphans. He sees Dreadstone's tail twitch. Was that the signal? Fuck it, it is now. Subtle silent communication is hard. As he commences his grand entrance, Tiberious makes a note to teach the party interpretive dance some day.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65251]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [3]+18 = 21
Drawing his shield and his near-black scizore, Tiberious throws the door open and feasts upon the surprise of its inhabitants. A manly speech is pointless when performing for deaf orphans, so everything hinges on his walk. Oozing confidence, Tiberious struts into the room in a dramatic fashion.
While strolling around, he notices something vitally important: tables. His eyes light up, as he just got an idea for the set piece of a lifetime. Strolling over to the long side of the nearest table, he prepares for a maneuver these hypothetical deaf orphans will never forget.
((Moving to I5. Lots of fluff for a really mundane turn. Updated map: