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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((I forgot about that part.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65332]Pin: 1D20 + 20 = [20]+20 = 40
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65333]Damage: 1D3 + 4 = [2]+4 = 6
((Quick question, since he's technically using both hands to pin it, would the +1/2 bonus for two-handing apply? I don't think it does, but just checking))

Tiberious easily gets an arm under the lizardman's neck and pulls it towards him. Taking a few seconds to put his other hand up and point at the invisible crowd, he then loops it over the lizardman's head. Before it can put up resistance, he falls backwards, crashing the lizardman's head into the table, and if he's lucky, breaking the table in the process. He then puts himself on top of the lizardman and victoriously lifts one of its legs into the air.
<Does signature move even allow for pinning after a grapple?>

((Yes, signature move is a combination of three things. The text states that one such combination can be two combat maneuvers and a physical attack. I chose grapple, pin, and damage back when I made him. I'm not allowed to change it from that without taking an additional signature move as a feat))

((EDIT: It's also apparently once per combat only, but this is his first use of it in this fight, and in a pretty long time))
((Huh, I always just assumed pin was a combat maneuver you do after having grappled someone, usually the following turn due to how the actions work without intervening feats. If you want to retcon it, I can change his signature move to something that's actually practical, though I'll miss having the option of drawing in and doing wrestling moves, hard to set up though it may be))
((...yeah this is kinda up in the air. If I had to pick one, I'd say that since he is already grappling, he can make a grapple check as normal, to move to a pin(and if he failed, he'd lose the grapple completely). I actually think the normal attack at the end of it is the weird part for the sake of rules... but it makes enough sense to me. And quite frankly, this sounds like a ridiculously good ability that he could be far worse things with then pinning a guy in one round(its basically take 3 standard actions as one).))
((It goes without saying that I object, and while it's left vague, it still seems like a pin would be a combat maneuver. I think of it like a bull rush, only unlike a bull rush and a charge, you can't separate the pin and the grapple. That said, I can't deny that your interpretation is also a legitimate one, and as GM, you get final say in the matter.))

((EDIT: dat timing))
<Alright, you may take a grapple action twice, but if I start to feel like I have to design an encounter solely for it like I felt like for Baldur's summoning tricks, I'm probably going to ask for changes (especially since it's a third party class).>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((You just DDT'd a lizardman through a table. That is awesome.))

Nicholas sputters and chokes as a stream of water slams into him unexpectedly. "Aww, son of a..." He shouts a warning to the others. "HEY! Dreadstone, that blobby head guy you snuck past just showed up!"
((There's only one more lizard on the Mao, and I doubt it's going to change what Thaddeus will do, so I'm gonna post my turn while I have a second))

Thaddeus frowns uncertainly. These lizard people are no threat to anyone in the party, and he just cut one down, possibly in cold blood.

He lowers his head. "Heironeous forgive me..."

He is snapped out of it by Nico's cry for help. "The elemental has returned?!" He rushes back to the room's entrance, maneuvering past Dreadstone to meet the abomination head-on. Uncertain of this creature's abilities, he first tests the waters with a standard attack.

Normal Attack (1d20+15=22)
((In that case...))

After finishing off the lizardman, Draco walks over to the last one, jumping up on the table next to him. He looks at him, looks at the teleporter and then back at the lizardman. "Now might be a good time to leave."
<The initiative is a mess at this point so you can just safely skip lizardman turns by now. I'll also let you manipulate the Kobold as you need to as a free action for getting it out of the way and whatnot.>

It scampers backward, holding a weapon but doesn't attack. It doesn't understand what it thinks is a human just like the rest is trying to say to it.
<The elemental is straight up immune to stunning. You did some damage to it though.>

The fist propels a momentary crater into the surface of the liquid creature, bouncing into form and rippling waves throughout the entire form; despite this, it keeps its overall composure, only distorted without a true reaction.

It speaks, without looking to the attacker, "I have took it upon myself to take on the form of what the men of this plane consider beauty, whilst shedding the unneeded structure you call a body as only the face is needed to convey expression and entice others; However, you in particular have taken it upon yourself to make use of a body and use it as a weapon.. I am intrigued."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Because I didn't actually do anything but shout a warning in my last post:))

As Stricia comes to his aid, Niko takes a 5 foot step back from the elemental and shakes his head. "You're not the first philosophical monster we've faced. Tell us who you serve and maybe we won't pop your bubble. Oh and by 'we' I don't just mean the allies you see right now." The sorcerer performs a complex series of gestures with his hands as a massive amount of energy splits apart from his body.

Mirror Image (1d4+2=5)

Suddenly there are six identical Niko's appearing before the elemental, each one the exact same in appearance and all of them talking at the exact same time.

Niko 1: "Hey!"

N2: "Prepare yourself!"

N3: "Let's get this over with..."

N4: "Did you know you're bald?"

N5: "..."

N6: "I'm thirsty."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I don't know what would happen? Niko could probbly survive a single AoO. I guess I underestimated the creatures reach in that a 5 foot step doesn't cut it. I think you should do the attack =D))
<An AoO actually forces a concentration if you get hit IIRC, which is the real risk.>

"I believe you have taken something I was instructed to guard. I see by your successful raid that incentive to prioritize the valuables is waning, even under scrutiny."

When the man splits into several images, words speak, "It is interesting to see how you depend on bodies so much. As an entity of non-solid, I have the freedom to shape myself as I wish. I do not need to balance myself upon my legs, there is no need to work within constraints of bone and muscle; I need only to focus on beauty."

He does not look to Stricia, not needing to, but addresses her none of the less, "The way you had hit me with your limb. It was powerful, but it felt.. off. As water, I can be completely still one moment in a tranquil serenity, and in the next crash upon you with the ferocity of a river."
((If it moved closer, then it is on that last map i could find, then he would need to move more then 10'... unless he can 5' north and put himself around that corner. The cover would mean the elemental couldn't take an aoo. Or he could just defensively cast. the dc isn't to bad if the spell level isn't to high.))

Mike M

Nick N
((God damn it, Jackben, stop mentioning the Mavis Beacon thing!

Just lemme know when Dreadstone's up, he's not likely do do much talking in the current situation.))
<She already went. I'm waiting on roleplay, and also an explanation on why Jackben is banned.>

<Nope. Thaddeus.>

((Gotcha. I was thrown off by Thaddeus attacking the elemental, so I assumed that had occurred this turn. Also, I looked through Jackben's recent posts, and have no idea what he got banned for))
<oh wait it is dreadstoones turn. I keep forgetting thaddeus went before her.>

"I do not know about the one from the plane of earth, but you have me mistaken. I am in service of the master of this installation, not the Orphan organization."

Mike M

Nick N
((We've got non-GAF contact info for everyone in case of banning or disappearance, right?))

"Niko!" Dreadstone shouts as the young sorcerer is forcibly hydrated ((yuk yuk yuk)) by the unexpected water elemental. His concern is mitigated somewhat by the lad's quick recovery and counter action of casting an array of confusing copies of himself. Stricia vaults into action immediately afterward, delivering a series of blows that improbably seem to actually inflicting pain on the strangely courteous creature.

Dreadstone follows the helpful pink kobold's lead and retreats partway down the room, putting space and obstacles between himself and the creature, cursing himself internally for not bothering to prepare any spells with more direct offensive capabilities that day. All he's good for is shooting arrows and seining a sword, and last he checked that wasn't much use against water.

((Full retreat to E9))
((I think it loops back to me now. Were you going to type up anything else before Tiberious takes his turn?))

((Oh wait, I forgot about Gnaw. I should hold off if he's doing anything.))
Thaddeus holds his blade at the ready, but the creature's improbable demeanor gives him second thoughts about continuing the offensive. "Where can we find the master of this installation? Think carefully before you answer, sir. You are grievously outnumbered, but you will be spared if you lay down arms and cooperate."

((Diplomacy check in case it's relevant (1d20+15=35) and I hope it is because that's a natural 20))
"You have already bypassed the ofuscations that hinder passage, including stealing a favorite beverage. Clearly I have failed and little I can do will stop you."
Tiberious is still reveling in his use of the table when Draco snaps him back into reality. "Oh shit! I better get over there." Springing up, he dashes towards the others before Draco has time to say anything else, leaving him to go off and deal with the remaining lizardman.

As he begins to round the corner, he sees the water elemental the party opted to avoid earlier. Tiberious sighs as he gets closer; he kind of figured this would happen. Nothing good ever comes out of sneaking by things. He's going to have to sit Dreadstone down later and explain that while man codes are important, they are no excuse for making bad combat decisions. If he's lucky, maybe Dreadstone will convert over to the school of rushing in and leaving no survivors.

Tiberious is ready to lecture the elemental on what it is to be a man while beating it to death, but as he approaches Stricia and Thaddeus holding the line, they appear to be having a surprisingly civil conversation with it. Shrugging, he falls in behind them and refrains from pulling out any of his weapons for now. If things get hairy again, he'll just cut the watery head in front of him before it knows what's going on.
<I wonder if, when the water elemental had slammed Niko, Niko had flashbacks of Mavis Beacon dragging him into the swamp waters>

((....you're not suggesting that Tarkus and Nico share some kind of otherworldly bond, are you? I wonder what that could mean for Val and Dreadstone. Or Quintus and Draco. Or even Muun and Sarm....

::whistles innocently::))
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