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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs. "You talk pretty, but in th' end yer just talking the same nonsense those fellers in green were spoutin' on 'bout 30 years ago. Didn't work then, not gonna work now. We're officially shuttin' you down, friend. It's only a question of how messy you wanna make it."

Gripping his bow with one hand while resting his other on his hip directly above his quiver, he adds, "Come along peaceful like, and the brass back home might even feel inclined to set you up with some new toys. War has a funny way of makin' people in charge look the other way when the enemy's assets switch to their side."
"That's just insane. Humans can barely deal with other intelligent races as is, and they aren't great at it either and we've all had millenniums to make it work out. One of two things will happen, more fighting and wars, with some race, most likely your monsters, are going to end up nearly extinct. Or they will be enslaved and while that probably isn't much different then how they are treated now, being an intelligent slave is far, far worse. Which will probably lead to a war and more fighting as well. Just look at how your lizardmen ended up..."
Drawing his weapon once more, the doors to the side of him open. Various robed men come out of the room in tandem, all clearly mages, "I knew it would come to this, but I'm afraid I feel very inclined to defend all I have worked for. I'm not about to allow years of research go to waste to your hellbent destruction."

He reaches into his garb and pulls out a vial, and calls to the wizards behind him, "Cover me while I make preparation." and drinks it. As he steps back, he fades from view, becoming invisible.

<I might make this a Ditzie battle afterall, if somebody is willing to play as Niko.>
Tiberious scoffs at the mad elf's declaration. "Crafting races of intelligent animals? New levels of understanding? What, did your parents put down the family dog when you were little or something? And how we know you aren't breeding evil races for world domination or something? You should take Deadstone's offer while it's available."

As he says this, Tiberious is imagining a race of intelligent, glasses wearing dinosaurs filing paperwork as bipedal owlbears force a group of people onto a carriage driven by an ostrich with human arms. The carriage is being driven to a concentration camp run by a hydra well versed in the psychology of inducing hopelessness in captives. Here, all the people will be ground into meat sold at stores for the humanoid animals. This is not a future Tiberious will allow to happen.

((That sounds fine with me. If no one else wants to control Niko, I can do that.))
"You wish to become a god." He says the words as they occur to him. "Twisting nature to suit your own ends, playing both sides of the rebellion against one another. You seek to become a puppet master. Likely you already fancy yourself one."

He takes measured steps toward the elf, taking care to keep his shield in the path of the firearm. "But you are no god, Sir. You are a pitiful man with delusions of grandeur, and should you one day ascend to the Astral Sea, there is no doubt in my mind that when the true gods return to their rightful place, you shall be cast aside like all those who failed before you."

Thaddeus takes a battle stance. "But today is not the day you shall ascend, Sir, for in the name of Heironeous I cannot allow you to continue."
With no reply, the wizards begin to take action.

Four of them, all beginning to cast their spells.
A dazzling beam of light is cast upon Tiberius from a hand, its bathing touch pulling on the man's body and beginning to make him feel gradually weaker unless he manages to overcome its power.

Another pulls back his hood, gazing with fiery eyes at Dreadstone. In an instant, he feels immensely hot and his clothing begins to simmer with embers, and the arrow he holds catches alight in his blazing grip. If he doesn't do something, the flames will get worse.

Draco will suddenly begin to feel a hopping jump in his chest, and his mouth grinning as his body begins to break down into laughter, making it immensely difficult to act properly.

Finally, the fourth wizard decides to make the Drow feel right at home, casting a spell that conjures magical spider webbing that surrounds him and easily glues him into being restrained.

It is unknown what Dorthlenne is doing.

<I haven't gotten an e-mail from Jackben today so it'll just be you four.

Everybody will want to roleplay how you get out of these situations, as if you have succeeded in the proper checks to overcome these spells and then take out your corresponding Wizard.>
Tiberious stifles a shriek as the beam seemingly tries to pull his muscles away. If he doesn't do something quick, he will end up as a thin husk.

Envisioning a fully packed arena cheering for him to overcome this attack and kill this wizard, he clasps his hands together and begins to flex his muscles, trying to out pull the spell. First, he regains control of his bicepts. Then he moves to a different flex, taking his upper body back from the spell. It's still pulling fiercely on him, but Tiberious is focused on the imaginary young fans cheering him on. For his fans, he can do anything.

With a final, room-filling roar, Tiberious breaks free of the spell. Charging towards the alarmed wizard, it is time to give the audience a sayisfying finish. He grabs his would-be assailent by the face before he has time to recite another spell an slams him into the ground. Then, he rolls onto the man's back, securing his legs beneath the victim's arms. Pulling up on his chin, Tiberious intends to break his back with a deadly clutch.

"You foolish man who thought you could cripple me, prepare to be humbled!" Tiberious pulls on the wizard's chin, deafened by imaginary cheering and oblivious to the happenings around him. Eventually, the wizard's back snaps with a satisfying crack, and Tiberious rises to join the others.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone glances down at his smoldering armor in alarm, slapping furiously as one part bursts into flame only to have two more erupt in its place. He begins a frantic dance to extinguish himself, his motions escalating in fervor and urgency until he stops abruptly, flaming arrow pointed at the burning-eyed wizard and a smirk on his face.

"An' I thought you sort were 'spposed to be intelligent," he says.

The burning arrow loosed from the bow cuts an arc of flame through the air before piecing the wizard's arm, pinning him against the wall.

"You think a little fire's gonna stop me?" he asks as he stalks toward the stuck wizard as the flames from the arrow begin to consume the magic caster's robes. "Don't you know who I am?"

The wizard tries to pull the arrow from his arm, but lets out a scream as a second arrow strikes his free hand, skewering it against his own flesh and restricting his movement further. Still, the fire spreads.

"You could burn me with all the fires of all the hells, an' you wouldn't do nothin' but slow me down," Dreadstone hisses as he advances. "I'd see you choke on my ashes. Folk like you fear me for a reason. I don't stop. I don't quit. I never, ever, give up."

Dreadstone looms above the wizard whose flaming robes match the orbs of his eyes burning with terror. Dreadstone looks much the same, flames and smoke rising from him unnoticed, casting him in the countenance of his infernal heritage. He reaches out, the burning red points of the thorns on his rosewood gauntlet piercing the wizard as Dreadstone hauls him up far enough to deliver a savage horned head butt.

The flames wink out as the wizard loses consciousness, the burnt flesh of his arms leaving a haze of greasy smoke in the air. "'Course the whole 'tieflings don't burn that well' thing helps too."
"Parlor tricks?" Thaddeus says incredulously. He takes a moment to heave mightily, and sheds the webbing like a moth leaving its coccoon.

He glances around. Noting with satisfaction that the others seem to have their own affairs under control, he strides toward his aggressor and glares at him. "I am a Paladin of Heironeous, first class. I am sixty years old and have nigh on forty years of combat training. My father was a noble of the highest order, and a general in the military besides. By all accounts, and if I were any other race but a Drow, I would be at LEAST a colonel by now."

As Thaddeus speaks, his voice gradually grows louder and his face gets more flushed. His steps grow quicker, and by now the wizard has to back up just to keep his distance.

"You KNOW all this. You are fully aware of my combat prowess and expertise; of this I have no doubt. And yet when the time comes to finally face me down, as your opening salvo you deign to attempt to restrain me by using PARLOR TRICKS?!?!"

He slams the frail little man against the wall and gets in his face, lowering his voice again. "I long ago grew weary of not being afforded the respect I deserve as a decorated member of the Ruby Keep military. It is a constant struggle to keep my feelings concealed, and on most days I succeed. You, my unfortunate friend, have chosen the wrong day to get on my bad side."

Thaddeus sheathes his sword and cracks his knuckles. He punches the wizard hard in the gut, relishing it for a moment before launching into a bare-fisted beatdown of epic proportions. He takes care not to kill the man, but by the time he's done, the wizard is thoroughly unconscious and black and blue all over.

Thaddeus produces the manacles that restrained him only a few hours ago. "You," he says, "Are under arrest."
Draco begins laughing uncontrollably... But then just as sudden stops, as he fires a crossbow bolt into the wizards head, which proceeds to zap his brain, possibly even frying it, for all he knows. Either way, he's not gonna be casting any spells for a while. "What a joke... yep that sounded just as stupid as I thought it would."
Before Thaddeus can fully lean in to bind his to-be captive, he feels a cold metal prop against his forehead, and something slowly pushing him back forward.

Dorthlenne fades back into view, as does the gun, having moved between Thaddeus and the wall. Empty alchemy vials drop from his other hand, his appearance noticeably charged with channeling electricity all about him. Responding to a statement from earlier, he explains, "I have no desire to become a god... because unlike a god I have overcome death, and I don't wish to control the world; I simply wish to see how far it can be taken.. Now turn around and drop your weapons, and it would be foolish to attempt to strike me down up close." In addition to his warning, he has Thaddeus as cover as incentive against Dreadstone's arrows.

"I do hate to put up a hostage, but with how most of my workers have been killed by your hand, I feel it's justifiable to respond this way. Leave this place, lest I am forced to respond forcibly."
The excitement Tiberious is feeling from his triumphant kill over his opposing wizard is quickly lost when he realizes that Dorthlene has created a hostage situation. While he's confident in his own ability to take "fatal" injuries, he's not so eager to play with Thaddeus's life. As he's already unarmed, he puts his arms into the air, waiting for an opportunity. "You have to be fucking kidding me. Hold on Thaddeus, we'll figure out something!"
<I'm glad I didn't drop the game. I'm having fun right now!

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone holds his bow out to the side and lets it fall to the floor, but takes no action to turn around and leave.

"Pretty sure I just got done 'splainin' how I don't quit. I don't leave men behind either."
"Wait what?! You're kidding right, Dread? We just meet the guy over an hour ago... And this guy is clearly dangerous, we can't risk losing him now. Honestly, anything he does to him, we can probably fix."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods. "I know. I just wanted to have his attention while I did this. Gnaw!"

Gnaw, knowing nothing of firearms and bearing no care for the safety of Thaddeus comes tearing out from behind Dreadstone, a snarling, slavering form of teeth, fur, and animosity bound straight for Dorthleene's throat.

((Go go misdirection dog!))
<That was a bad idea, if I have this right. Let me re-review the rules on this spell real quick (it was very nasty in Curse of Azure Bonds).>
Dorthlenne's instincts take over for the worse, turning his weapon to aim at the animal leaping at him. However, Gnaw is able to leap past his aiming arm and take hold of his neck.. Suddenly the space behind Thaddeus sparks greatly and electricity begins frying the dog while Dorthlenne's expression is left agape at the maw clamping his throat.
Seeing that Dorthlenne's attention has been capture at the moment, Draco takes a quick pot shot at him with his crossbow(as from the looks of it, use his sword would not be the best idea right now).
Tiberious cringes at the unfolding event. Trying to save Gnaw, he plunges his sword into the elf and tries to pull the dog away. This poorly thought out action probably gets him electricuted too.
"Ow, fuck! ... You ok Gnaw?"

Slightly delerious from the shock, Tiberious has forgotten that dogs can't talk and has yet to notice the third degree burns on a substantial portion of his body.
The once fierce wolf falls into the ground, trembling and shaking, the whites of his fur charred and his mouth agape and slightly cooked.

Dorthlenne is not in great shape either. His neck bleeds profusely, staining through his thick suit, and further wounds on his body from the weapons... Realizing that these wounds are going to be fatal, he starts to raise his gun up.. and then starts to turn it, "..It looks like... my hobby will have to wait..."

He points the gun at himself, ready to take away the satisfaction of victory from the group.. he collapses, dropping the weapon and falling onto the beaten wizard without having ever fired a single bullet.
Disregarding the dead elf, Tiberious picks up Gnaw and rushes him over to Dreadstone. "Healing stick. Now." At this point, he notices that he has, in fact, been burned pretty badly himself. "Oh, and when that's done, I could use a few charges myself."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's field medicine training takes over as he drops to one knee in front of Gnaw and administers the requisite charges from the wand to his savage partner. "I'm sorry, boy," he mutters quietly. "Shoulda known he'd have somethin' like that up his sleeve."

Looking up at Dorthlenne's inert form, the scowl on his face deepens. "Woulda preferred to take 'im alive, but he didn't leave us a choice."

Turning to Draco, he asks, "You said that his body swappin' would require him to die. What're the odds we just sent him to wake up somewhere else with a new look?"
"Well... The spell I was thinking of would require his body be taken to a druid. We could keep that from ever happening right now quite easily, but I don't think that was his plan. He probably has something else up his sleeve entirely, what it could be... honestly, nearly anythings possible if he knows a powerful enough wizard."
When Dorthlene meets his end, Thaddeus looks down at him distastefully. "What a sad little man."

Having not had any special relationship with Gnaw, Thaddeus keeps relative distance as the dog recovers from its injuries. "I thank you for saving my life," he says to Dreadstone when it seems appropriate. "And your dog as well."

He does feel somewhat slighted by Draco's callous disregard for his well being, but he decides that this is not the best time to bring it up. "How shall we proceed, Sir? It would seem that this entire installation ought to be brought to ruin in order to ensure that its operations cease, but I fear that we are ill-equipped to handle that task alone."
<Dorthlenne was wearing a Snakeskin Tunic, a Ring of Protection +2, and of course his revolver.

His revolver is specially built by hand, in that it does not misfire when used; however none of you have proficiency in the weapon and the bullets in the chamber are the only ones that exist as far as you know.

I'm still trying to get Jackben to respond so taht he can continue roleplaying but I'll go ahead and continue on into the next area shortly.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Probably best to just carry on without worrying about Niko's actions and let Jackben get back to us in his own time.))
<Jackben is important enough that I will halt the game if I have to.>

Atop the platform, there is a door of thick metal. Beyond it is a hall leading to a massive opening, carved out the side of the island to expose the area to the natural sun and breeze while still protected from rain above.

It is practically a zoo, various pens for animals and monsters to live in; many of these creatures look to you curiously and look at each other. They react with a human-like knowing, as if you had stepped into a village and many watched from within their homes.

Tables are set up with magical devices which to incubate eggs all about. Nearby one of these incubation tables is a notebook, and a quick glance gives a view into his writing.

<I want to wait on Jackben to see if he can see this before I continue on.>
<I'm gonna put the game on hold until Niko is able to play again. I really don't want to continue on without being able to see his reaction.>
<Sigh. I think I might have overreacted. Something tells me everybody will lose interest if I decide to delay the game.

I might have to go ahead and continue without Jackben.>
Flipping open the notebook from the earliest parts reveals quite a bit of text that has been jotted down, much of it particularly revealing...

I had recently been given an opportunity to further myself as a scientist. I had become an alchemist, a field which modifies physical property of both matter and blood through mixes over magic and miracles, so naturally I was interested in the proposition of experimenting with advancing the evolution of creatures to humanoid levels. Inspired by my late uncle's accomplishments, I felt the desire to carry on the torch and carry on his legacies.

This, however, requires me to work with a shady bunch that had happened to get a hold of a precious artifact which to start the project with. It's a risk, but I doubt anybody within kingdom law would entertain giving me a similar opportunity.

I had agreed to be taken to their base in secret. They have a policy of blindfolding and implementing anti-scrying measures, which I am fine with. I wouldn't want to be caught. I was also impervious to many sleep effects, so they arranged a magician and the proper scrolls to teleport me within, likely to mask the time it would take to get there under traditional means. When we had arrived, the air was thin and I felt the immediate lightheaded pressure that came with it. It was gravely unpleasant, and just as I began to guess the environment I was placed in, the blindfold was off and I was overtaken by darkness, and the only way I was able to see the drow surrounding me was through the superior eyesight which the elves support.

Naturally, I was highly mistrusted. More than likely if there was a hint I would not be working with them, I would be killed. It wasn't until a woman had arrived to make arrangements for what I was needed for.

She was a sorceress that went by the last name of Aurelian, and quite powerful for her age. Our introduction was quickly cut to an explanation that they are trying to discover ways of padding their numbers to rival the kingdom, and they wanted the kind of troop that would follow their charismatic leader into battle, not mindless drones or unpredictable beasts. When I heard the words 'beast', it struck something in me a brainstorm.. would it be possible to create an army of beasts that could follow a leader? How would they act? How likely would it be for them to obey?

When I presented this hypothetical, I was told that it was already possible for them to give monsters intelligence through her magic as well as summon outsiders to the realm. She decided to take me to the core of their camp which served as the source of the power which to do this.

What I saw was indescribable brilliance! The rocks all about the chasm glowing with translucence and a great lake glimmering with a purity like nothing which I have seen. Clearly such a natural discovery was a reward in itself, a wonder of the world blessing the eyes. As I stared agape at the marvel, she spoke of what it was.. a lake which the blood of the gods had dripped from above, and their power lingering even as the blood became water over the years. The bland rocks all about became crystals channeled with the divine power. When I had learned this, I had realized this was a "pool of radiance" category artifact created as a result of The Fall.

Her involvement with the rebels is that only those with a bloodline derived from the gods themselves would draw from the power of the waters. She had been separated from the one other person she knows could use the water as a catalyst, leaving only her as part of the rebellion.

With all of this, I had asked what my help was good for. She explains that the drawback is that the power of the gods is difficult for her to handle, and that it is both physically and mentally draining, requiring moderation in its use. It soon became understandable why they would still desire alternative means to an end to preserve her well being. So I asked 'what if I were to take intelligent monsters and ensure that those intelligent traits pass down to children?' With a bit of discussion on the matter, the project was quickly being prepared for its beginning.

Spells from the pool were then cast to permanently increase the intelligence of the monsters that were chosen as the initial parents. Then a elder, another recruit of the rebellion, was presented to me as a potential aid for the project.

Rand, his name was. He was a master of his arcane art, but was astoundingly good to adapt to a more... hands-on field so to speak. He explained that he has a personal grudge against the Kingdom for wrongly imprisoning him, and that he was looking to help the rebellion as his way of getting back at them. Of course, I could have easily handled this entire project on my own but I decided more efficiency on the matter was not a complaint.

When we were escorted out, plans were made to build a facility, but it came to pass that we needed a place where we can work outside the boundaries of the law and in secrecy. We decided that an island would be perfect. We had pooled our resources and hired a collection of kobolds to help build the facility for us. We would later hire Lizardfolks to help guard it. While the thought occurred to me that starting this project in the underground base would have made sense, I decided that they had already brought me out anyhow, that the war will end eventually and that I will want a stable facility which to continue my research in peace time, and that I enjoyed the idea of living on an island with my own private dwelling. I chuckle at how much that sounds like being a mastermind of a secret lair like in many of those Rogue stories.

As the facility was being dug out, the project was already ahead of schedule. Several caged beasts were shipped to the island and there was little time to make proper room. We were forced to set up tents outside in order to protect the creatures from the weather until the interiors were hollowed out well enough that we could put them in a safer place. During this time the two of us did studies on how well their intelligence actually worked. Surely one would think this is obvious considering the intellect between a man and an animal or monster is a vast gap, but with no way for the creatures to directly communicate, we had to train them to give signals to indicate that they understood concepts we taught them like the difference between a mango and a melon, or that we are not a threat.

Through all of this, we could tell the creatures were not pleased with being encaged, so came the biggest test: we had to let them have freedom. If they were truly intelligent, the two parties could develop an understanding which would allow an agreement to keep the animal from being pinned while also not running off. We did this by helping them understand that they are safer with us, and that they are guaranteed to be fed.

It was a success. The humanoid rationale had resonated in such a way that animals would never grasp, and we were able to make an arrangement without the need for blatant control. It was beyond training, it was teaching.

Eventually once we were able to build our facility and make ample enough room to begin breeding the creatures, we had to cage them again in order to keep them paired up and organized. We made effort to constantly expand the breeding center and even tear open a hole in the island side to give sunlight. As we expanded we could also expand the sizes of the cages.

We had quickly ran into problems as a result of the advanced intellect. The mates did not want to breed. It was odd at first, but it quickly became obvious that with having human understanding they also understood others... and that they would refuse to breed unless they were in love with the partner. This is where Rand came in. He began casting spells which charmed even the most massive of the beasts to trick them into falling for each other.. Had this been done to humans, it would be considered despicable, so naturally I pondered the action, but I decided that a temporary decline in ethics would meet a greater end.

At this point most of the notes span a large gap in time during which the animals had bred, as well as waiting for child creatures to grow up.. eventually you find a point when Dorthlenne is able to determine the result of the whole project.

After a trial of using similar, but updated tests that we did on the magic enhanced creatures, I can safely say that we've achieved success! The magic of the pool was so strong that it was able to permanently change the creatures physically even after the spell had worn off. We plan on breeding together the most intelligent we can determine from there.

We had notified the rebels of our findings after we developed a healthy stock to send back. My time with the creatures brought a sort of admiration and even a bit of an attachment. I was starting to like the creatures. I quickly realized there was more potential to this project than just helping some bandits overthrow a kingdom, this could be the future. I decided with the first shipment of monsters, that I would in return request more docile and smaller creatures which to begin breeding. I also made it clear it was up to the rebels to ensure the operation goes unnoticed.

As the project began to become steady and success was routine, Rand and myself ended up heading different directions with the project. As I wanted to breed creatures that weren't just military in purpose but also for civilian use as well as begin surgically modifying animals to have proper voice boxes for communication, Rand continued to push the boundaries of what kind of creature could be used for war. He had taken an egg that was hatched and casting polymorphing spells on it without my knowing. When I had found out, I was a tad annoyed knowing that I'm not in full control of the experiments that happen here. He had explained to me that he wanted to experiment with controlling what kind of creatures resulted from breeding... I was not convinced this would work.

...and yet somehow it did. Polymorphing is supposed to be temporary and quick to revert, but by some mystery he was able to make it permanent. It was incomprehensible the power to accomplish such magic. No school could teach such a thing. The result was a fierce creature that grew rapidly. It was clear that Rand had created some kind of behemoth monstrosity.

We had to get rid of it quickly, meaning we were forced to ship it while it was still a child, where it was as big as many of the other monsters we had sent. This was after an elemental was brought to us as a gift. Rand had explained that this was his way of ensuring that the Kingdom was crushed, but quite frankly it terrified me. I kindly suggested that I should take over the project and that his duty was finished. Of course it caused strife between us, but eventually he came around and saw things my way.

He decided to leave to an unknown location. He refused to tell me where. All he told me was that 'he was going to remove a man from his undeserved throne'. I had no idea what this meant... there is no man leading the kingdom, only a Queen. Could he mean some other country? I don't know, as long as I'm not responsible for his actions but somehow it still terrified me in ways that it shouldn't have. Something is wrong with this man.

Some time after Rand is gone, his influence manages to rear his head once more. It turns out the behemoth he had sent to them was uncontrollable and had to be contained by the sorceress, keeping her and the pool constantly taxed with encapsulating it in a barrier. To desire revenge on a kingdom so much that one would fuck over the ones that even gave him the opportunity to pull off such a thing. I'm starting to think I hate Rand for the massive inconvenience and liability he has been.

...a Drow knight was sent to watch over my base. Dammit! They must not fully trust me anymore despite all I've done for them. I'm going to give him a tour to ensure that I'm not breeding anymore monsters like Rand had sent, and then ensure he doesn't know how to get back in so that I don't have his eye over my shoulder every second of my work.

My operation was discovered! Somebody slipped a notice about what was being shipped. I'm sending my wizards to do an investigation immediately. I know where my finger is pointed, and so do they.
Thaddeus 'Hmph's and closes the journal when he's done reading.

"No surprise that this Dorthlene fellow was a madman. It appears we have two new persons of interest, though: the Aurelian woman and this mysterious Rand fellow. Though the affairs of other kingdoms are not, strictly speaking, the Keep's business, my oath as a paladin compels me to stop evil wherever it may roam."

He carefully scans the creatures in the room, keeping an eye out for evil auras.

((Detect Evil))
<If Thaddeus does detect an evil aura, it would probably be one creature out of many since most of the monsters in here are things found in nature. There also aren't any workers in here to be evil.>
Once the others have looked at the journal, Leo quickly flips through it and closes it with disgust. "What kind of sick fuck makes a book without pictures?" He mumbles to himself.

After getting the others to explain the highlights to him, Leo finds himself in agreement with Thaddeus. "These two sound like they need taking down. Being able to stop villains like this is why I left the arena in the first place."

All this leaves are the cages full of intelligent animals in the room, which Leo is currently unsure of what to do with. "So, what to do about the intelligent elephant in the room?"

((Ugh. It was a low hanging fruit begging for someone to grab it))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone jots down the important details from Dorthlenne's journal into his own notebook so that he can have a copy in the likely event that the party need to surrender the original to the authorities. It's not a short entry, either, as Dorthlenne seems to have been prone to disclosing more information than Dreadstone would have judged to be prudent. The enterprising gunslinger was obviously supremely confident in his ability to keep this notebook out of the hands of prying eyes.

"Lots of potential leads," he mutters as he leafs through his summary. "Findin' this dead uncle could give us some insight to his means, we know they got some sorta artifact in their possession, and it sounds like they got a headquarters set up somewhere in high elevation. For all the trouble he gave us, though, sounds like these Aurelian and Rand folk are even more dangerous. 'Least we got some names we can have the intelligence spook types chase down, that's somethin'."

At Leo's question, he looks around at the caged animals. "Crazy thought, but what if we brought in the wolf kid and his people and let them sort this out? They probably got more time and experience both..."
<i was expecting you to catch onto this, but Aurilean is Niko's last name>

((Pretending that we forgot makes it a credible possibility that Niko might stay quiet about it until Jackben gets back.

Also Thaddeus probably would have no idea anyway :)

And ooh if the villagers come in I wanna do a scene as Baldur. Calling it!))
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