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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Makes sense that Dreadstone would remember something like that, but I didn't. LOL.))

"Aurelian? Relation of Niko's, perhaps?"
"That's... A really good idea, Deadstone! Baldur will know what to do with a bunch of intelligent animals."

Leo thinks everything is resolved, until Dreadstone points out that a potential super villain is related to Niko. He stares mouth agape at Dreadstone, then looks to Niko before stumbling back. Leo has quite possibly watched the most evil of 'your mom' jokes play out.
<on phone and will be busy when i get home, but the headmaster will mention niko was looking to see id a cassandra aurilean was enrolled when they first met>
"Sure. Tree gods and talking animals. This is gonna be one weird island. And yeah, that's a good question, I hope there's a good story there..."
You hear the headmaster message you,

Did you mention an Aurilean? That's... Nicholas was looking for a student that was only at the academy for a short time by the name of Cassandra Aurilean. What exactly was it that you found in that notebook concerning her?
"....Sir...?" Thaddeus replies outloud, not sure whether it's appropriate to address the Headmaster as a superior officer. He shrugs and runs with it. "It would appear that a Lady Aurelian is working with the Drow rebels. To what end is unclear, but there seems to be involvement with some magical device which derives its power from the supposedly-deceased gods. All loose ends related to the mission at hand appear to have been tied; there are some local matters which may require brief attention, but once things are settled we are prepared to return to the mainland."

Mike M

Nick N
((In the interest if moving things along, maybe explain Niko's current absence by retconing the water elemental's attack as having knocked him into one of the teleporter tiles that was subsequently destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable so we couldn't go after him.

I still think we ought to go back and get Baldur and his tribe or whatever to handle the winding down of Dorthlenne's experiments and get back to the mainland ASAP.))
((The internet is being spotty at work. They must not want me to apologize for the joke equivalent of seeing a big red button and having to push it. That said, sorry about that.

Also, I agree with Mike M's post as far as hurrying up to see Baldur goes. The teleporter bit sounds like a good retcon too.))
A device which derives its powers from the deceased gods? If I may I would like to see your findings for myself, I would like to know more about it.​
As the group discusses how they intend on handling the animals, a chingling noise begins to draw near.
Leo falls in near Dreadstone upon hearing the chingling. "The headmaster said he wanted to check out what we've got. Do you think that could be him teleporting over here or something?"
With a thump, a small primate lands on the table nearest you, the jingling drawing attention to it upon arrival. It doesn't take careful inspection to notice that this primate has a large set of keys. It looks up to you and speaks with a common tongue without hesitation, "Normally guests are not permitted in here without guards. I take it you must be special guests?"
Leo stares wide-eyed for a couple of seconds, too bewildered to fly into his usual bravado. "Umm, yes, Mr. ... what do you go by? One moment, please."

Attempting to speak quietly so the small, talking primate doesn't hear him, he addresses Dreadstone. "Holy shit Deadstone, it's a talking monkey! He's so adorable! I want him. I'll buy a little red hat when we're back in town and name him Warden Snufflebutt. Or Clangey. Something to acknowledge the keys he has."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone looks at Leo cockeyed. "The critter's speakin' Common, he's probably just as smart as me and y--most the rest of us," Dreadstone says so that the monkey can't overhear him. "Lettin' you take 'im would be like forcin' 'im into slavery. That's not the kind if show we're runnin' here."

Turning back to the talking monkey, he clears his throat and says, "After a fashion. I 'spose you could say we represent the new management."
'New management', a term resonating quizzically in the primate's expression, "Really? I was already promised that should something happen that I would look after the animals and monsters in his stead. After all I hold the keys, being that I am the most capable of manipulating them. Feeding schedules are also neatly arranged. When was it that you had become management?"
((Hmm, this seems like a bluffing situation. I'm thinking we should play off the management change is very recent and abrupt (half true), or say that this has been a long time coming and that what Dorthlene meant by letting the monkey take over was releasing him and the other animals. We'd also have to somehow get past Dorthlene having pursuaded them that being caged is in their best interest. Then again, that might be a bad idea as it may scatter them before Baldur can see them, assuming it succeeded. Were that to be the case, we'd have to also convince them to stick together for long enough to see Baldur, maybe set it up as him having the best chance of allowing them a good life. Thoughts?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I don't think we even need to bluff, this looks like an out so that we don't need to worry about the intelligent monsters. We just leave the monkey in charge and have Baldur check up on him.))
"Mister... ah... Sir," Thaddeus says to the monkey, "Am I correct in assuming that each creature held in these cages is of comparable intelligence to yourself, even if they may be less capable of engaging in speech?"
Thaddeus frowns. "I'm afraid this is a violation of several principles of morality that I cannot in good conscience allow to continue. Surrender your keys and we shall proceed with the transfer of management responsibilities." He holds his hand out and waits for the keys to be handed over.
"Whoa now, Thaddeus, calm down. You see mister... What was your name again? Anyways, there has been a change of plans. No more animals will be getting shipped off the island till... further notice. Hey... you now this place well, I assume. Perhaps you could give us a tour real quick?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Damn paladins, always... Paladining it up.))

Dreadstone gently reaches out and pulls down Thaddeus's hand. "Pardon my friend here, he's very much the dot yer 'I's' an' cross yer 'T's' type. What he means t'say is that policies are bein' reconsidered, an' 'fective immediately, all these critters are free as you an' me. I trust that's somethin' you can oversee, Mister Facility Administrator?"

((Kiiiinda a bluff? Sorta? We are in charge now by default, I guess.))
((Already beat. Might as well jump in too))

As Draco and Dreadstone launch into damage control, Leo pulls Thaddeus aside for a moment, far enough so the monkey won't hear him.

"Whoa, time out. I totally agree that the whole forced breeding thing is pretty fucked up and needs to stop, but I don't think we need to kill the talking monkey to do that. Besides how adorable a talking monkey is, I don't even think he's evil. He's probably just following that dead elf's lead. Go ahead and use your morality vision or whatever it is you do to see if he is or not. Besides, it looks like Draco and Deadstone have things under control."
Thaddeus blinks at the gladiator. "Tiberious, we are not at cross purposes here. Though I admit that I am somewhat bewildered by everyone's caution to not offend this rather nonthreatening monkey with a slaveholding complex, I also recognize that at times I have a firmer hand than most. So long as these animal-people are set free, the methods used to get there are incidental."

He looks around at the caged beasts. "And besides, I had no intention of killing this creature. Perhaps I would have arrested him if it came to it. Perhaps I still might, depending upon his reaction here."
Leo looks considerably relieved after being reassured by Thaddeus. "Well that's good to hear. If it turns out that we're wrong about the monkey and he's determined to keep all of the animals in cages, I'll charge in along with you."

"Oh, and you can call me Leo when we're not fighting things or trying to make an impression on people. Tiberious is my gladiator name."
<I am thinking of just letting you guys break the plot after you get back to Emerald Bay (even though you'll probably go on the next mission I have lined up).>

Mike M

Nick N
((If the monkey is cool with being promoted to Facility Administrator and freeing the animals, we'd probably tell him to expect a visit from "Regional Manager Baldur" and be on our way.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oh, I was waiting for him to respond to being "promoted" and asked to free the animals to see if he wanted to keep the animals caged just because that was the last thing he was told to do or something))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone shoots a glance at Thaddeus and gives an almost imperceptible nod. They're all on the same page of wanting the key master monkey to free these sentient animals. It's only a matter of how difficult the simian will make it for them.

"So what say you?" he asks, turning his attention back to the monkey. "We, uh... Prefer to promote from within rather than bring in an outside candidate."

Mike M

Nick N
((Spirit of Val Fierno, with thine ridiculous +37 Bluff modifier, I beseech you to please bestow thine blessing upon mine dice roll.))

Bluff check:  1d20+2=18
<The ghost of Dorthlenne blessed me more with his +spiteful bonus to my sense motive roll. Got 20 (1d20 + 0 Wis + a random 1d8 skill rank)>

Skeptical, the small chimp does not seem eager to comply with the requests, "This all seems very hasty. I think I would like to see paper work as well as discuss it with Master Variel before taking action."
((He has a +8 bluff. I figured it could be done as a matter of sucking up his pride and using his acting talents for something besides Tiberious in order to keep them from having to subdue the monkey, probably by pretending that they're officials conducting a hostile but nonviolent takeover of Dorthlene's facility. But yeah, that might be weird ground for him to be treading on))
"Oh for Heavens' sakes," says Thaddeus, rolling his eyes. "Variel is dead, on authority of the Kingdom. His corpse is in the other room; you may speak with it if you've access to the proper spells. There is no paperwork; the facility is under new management because we have conquered it. Is this explanation satisfactory?"
Taken aback suddenly, the primate's expression shifts, and his confidence chipping at its surface, "Y-you did...? No, that can't be right! I-", and in that moment he darts off, reaching for a nearest hold to pull himself onto a high place, if not stopped, and will run along the top of cages, leaping along to make his way towards the exit.

Mike M

Nick N
"This is what I get fer tryin' to play against type and be 'good guardsman,'" Dreadstone mutters as he unslings his bow in a single fluid motion.

Grabbing one of his whistling arrows, he fires a quick shot at the monkey, wide enough not to hit, but close enough to scare.
The whistling noise is a sure fire attention grabber too ((Roll for intentionally missing? Intimidation check, perhaps?))

"Only warnin', yer gonna get from me," he hollers.
As the monkey freaks out and tries to flee, Leo frowns at Thaddeus. "Dang it Thad, you went and hurt Warden Snufflebutt's feelings. Now we have to grab him so we can get the keys."

Leo quickly lunges forward to scoop up the panicked monkey and prevent it from escaping.

((Do I need to roll a grapple check?))
((I didn't want to be left out...))
<Don't worry, his escape catered specifically for you.
You can just lockpick everything.

Whether or not the monkey or his keys are grabbed, panic spreads throughout the breeding facility, noises and movement escalating in response to the danger of an archer shooting up the room.
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