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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((I don't want to get to the point where I'm bothering him about it, it's just good to know that he's in contact with someone at least.))
((I haven't heard back either. I'm not going to pester him about it if he doesn't want to respond, but hopefully he feels well enough to talk soon))

((EDIT: whenever you have time for that, I'll have Tiberious ask him about giving the animals the option of being sent to an arena))
<A little too late, I already sent him another e-mail before you guys posted.

Let's get back to the game either way, I think for the time being you guys have a bit of control over what you want to do.>
The moon shines down, washing the village in silver. Baldur sits cross-legged on a feather pillow, attempting to meditate atop the roof of his new home.... and failing. Lady is not with him right now; she has spent most of the day catching up with their old pack mates.

What he would have given to be able to join her...

No. It was useless to think this way. A great responsibility had been thrust upon him on this day, and for the sake of the young ones, his only option was to see it through to the end.

He had spent his day with the aloof elven man - the one who had been so cavalier about sacrificing a child to this tree-god that had consumed his father. Baldur hated the man, but he needed him.... for now. The elf seemed to know everything about this village and the people who lived here. It would be important to learn from him how things operated here.

As soon as that purpose was fulfilled, though, Baldur would get rid of him. He'd fantasized about it all day long, in fact.

His train of thought is interrupted. There is a commotion coming from the edge of the village. From the reactions of the villagers, it seems that someone is approaching.

Baldur stands up and dons the Eyes of the Wolf, peering ahead into the growing darkness to see who it might be.

His blood freezes, and suddenly he can hear his heartbeat. A small bead of sweat forms on his forehead.

Purple skin. White hair. Sword at his belt.

Though its armor is different than he remembers, there can be no mistaking it: This is a Drow.

Baldur leaps off the roof of his late father's home, and four meaty paws land on the soft grass. The Dire Wolf charges forward.


The dull, throbbing headache would not go away.

Thaddeus had been futilely rubbing his temples ever since emerging from the underground lair of the late Dorthlene Variel. He had kept his eyes closed as often as circumstance would allow, but his body did not seem to care whether the sunlight actually touched his eyes or not.

He had never been a fan of nature. Perhaps that was an awful thing to think for a servant of Heironeous, but Thaddeus had spent his years living the city life, with goods, services, and creature comforts at arm's length, and without danger of wild animals attacking from random directions. Though the walk from the lair to this city had been relatively short, taking only a few hours, it may as well have been weeks.

He thought he might find respite after sundown, but the headache did not go away alongside the sun. It scarcely improved at all, in fact, and so when the others told him that they were nearly at this supposed village, he could only muster the faintest bit of relief.

Suddenly he hears commotion about him. With some reluctance, he forces his eyes open and blinks to clear his vision. There are voices shouting things around him, but he cannot afford them attention, for an enormous beast is coming straight for him with teeth bared and a thirst for blood.

Thinking quickly, he thrusts his shield arm forward. There is a meaty crack as the beasts's mouth clamps down around it, and he is sure at least a few of its teeth are knocked out.

The enchanted steel holds true, but the creature does not seem to want to give up, and suddenly it occurs to the paladin that this will not be a stalemate for long if it continues. With his free hand, he draws Demonsbane from its scabbard and looks for an opening, but the angle is awkward, and getting worse as the wolf bears down on him....

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Thaddeus rolls the hilt around in his hand such that the blade is pointing down, and stabs at the wolf's throat.

The blow connects, and finally the beast releases its deathgrip on his shield and backs away slightly. For a brief moment, Thaddeus thinks perhaps that it might be retreating, but those hopes are dashed when he sees the vengeful eyes staring back at him.

Then the unexpected happens. A warm green glow envelops the creature, and the bloody gash in its neck closes. It also appears as though the lost teeth are replacing themselves.

"If you are a practitioner of Divine Magicks," Thaddeus calls out, "Then perhaps you can understand me. Though my visage may suggest otherwise, I am not your enemy! I have come here in peace, to seek the aid of a man called Baldur. If you will relent in your attack, I shall gladly surrender my weapon for the remainder of my stay!"

A dumbstruck expression overtakes his aggressor's features - quite a sight on a wolf. To Thaddeus's relief, the beast undergoes a magical transformation, and in its place stands a very tall, very burly human male with long, unkempt, dark gray hair and wearing animal pelts.

"Dreadstone?" the man inquires.


Baldur listens patiently as the rest of the party tries to explain things, but he does not take his eyes off of the Drow the entire time. When their tale is done, he snorts.

"You trust this Drow, you say? He ain't just trying to trick you, make you trust, then stab your back?"

He frowns, and paces back and forth to consider this. "Was made to think all Drow evil. I seed it for myself! They summon undead beasts and take weak females captured!"

"If I may interject, Sir," says the Drow, "For the most part I am in agreement with you. By and large, my race is a dastardly sort, and it does not surprise me that you have met Drow who would resort to necromancy and kidnapping to further their own ends. I, however, have dedicated my life to a higher calling. I am a paladin of Heironeous, the god of justice, and I am sworn to root out necromancers wherever they may be found. On my honour as a Knight of Ruby Keep, if you find that I have deceived you, I shall forfeit my life without recourse."

Baldur snorts again. "If you deceive, I may easy be dead before I find out of it." He pauses again to think. "But looks like I ain't got a choice. Dreadstone say there animal people need help. I might be only one to know what they go through. There is no time to not trust."

He looks at the Hunter. "I will travel myself to this caves with people from village to help. We free these animal-people, and those who want help, we will help. This seem important to leave now in the night, but you do not need to leave. You can stay the night." He glances sidelong at the Drow. "He can stay too, but maybe stay in separate room and with guards outside." His tone of voice suggests that this stipulation is not up for debate.

"I am agreeable to this," the Drow says quickly. Maybe too quickly.

Baldur snorts again.
Leo is excited to see Baldur again, but this is quickly interrupted by a fight breaking out between the two. "Whoa whoa whoa! Thaddeus is a good guy, you can trust him. Well, assuming that's actually him. He was acting odd earlier, so he might be from that alternate fire world." Leo's eyes shift around as he tells Baldur this.

"Oh, you're heading off immediately? Some of the animals might want to get off this island, and if they do, maybe you could tell them about the joys of being in an arena for me. It's admittedly a bad place for normal animals, but an intelligent animal could learn a lot about himself there, and figure out what he wants to make of himself. That and an animal like that could be massively popular and successful there. If any of them want to go that route, I can get in contact with one of my old arenas, and they'd be happy to handle the rest."
"Oh, you're heading off immediately? Some of the animals might want to get off this island, and if they do, maybe you could tell them about the joys of being in an arena for me. It's admittedly a bad place for normal animals, but an intelligent animal could learn a lot about himself there, and figure out what he wants to make of himself. That and an animal like that could be massively popular and successful there. If any of them want to go that route, I can get in contact with one of my old arenas, and they'd be happy to handle the rest."

Everyone hears a voice in their head as they are continued being scryed,

To summarize Dortumn's... answer... No.

To elaborate, there have been recent uprooting of illegal animal fighting in Emerald Bay's less.. civil parts of the city. Even the stadium has implemented rules to show their stance on the matter. The intelligent animals, should some come to the Bay, would need Education, not act as a source of entertainment.​
"Silly headmaster! I don't even know of any good arenas over here. I was going to get in contact with my homeland." The joy is sucked out of Leo as he realizes the situation. "Which I won't be able to do, if you or someone else doesn't send a message."

Leo turns sadly to Baldur "I may get stonewalled from reaching out to one of the old arenas I was at. That's a real shame, some of the animals could have really benefited from arena life."
"I don't know, with a little arena training we could probably get a talking bear or something to replace Leo when he inevitably walks into the jaws of a dragon, screaming about how a man must never be afraid of a dragon."
Missing the sarcasm once again, Leo smiles at Draco's comment. "That is correct! A man must never be afraid of a dragon. You're learning the manly way quickly."

"I hope we don't end up taking a bear with us though, talking or not," Leo says with a shudder.
Baldur rolls his eyes at the voice speaking into his mind. "Thought that was over," he grumbles. He looks at Tiberious. "I bring this up when I speak with animals. If any are of interest, I will tell them to stay far from Emerald Bay. Probably would have told them this anyway. Will not try to convince them to fight in arenas, but if they think might be happy there? No reason not to stop them."
Far away arenas in off lands? I've heard tales of beasts being slaughtered as a display of strength. I highly doubt that an intelligent animal would be given the same treatment as a human warrior would in more barbaric civilizations.​
"You rather have them trapped here forever? If they want to stay, we welcome them to this village and help them make lives as much as we can. But if they want to leave, no reason to restrict freedom."

Baldur yawns. "I say these things before seeing what actually happens over there. We waste time talking over much of this. Need to get moving and get animals out of cages. Any more I should know first?"
"Thanks Baldur! I knew you'd be a voice of reason. That's all I ask, that they have the opportunity if they want to take it."

For the first time since he's been with the party, Leo actually looks offended. "Barbaric civilization? Treated worse than the other gladiators? I expect better from a learned man! Now you listen here! Mindless creatures and evil people fall all the time in arenas, but proper gladiators? They are treated well! The people love us, and we love them too. These animals have intelligence like people, can interact with the audience as people, and can fight with the majesty of a trained warrior, if they so choose. I have confidence that some of the larger animals, if they so chose, could enjoy a great career back in the arena I spent much of my life at. How dare you talk poorly of it and the experiences that come from it! Barbaric? I wonder whether or not yours is truly the less barbaric civilization. At least those who wish to pursue what they want can do so where I come from."

Leo ends his indignant rant with a harrumph. In the likely event that his scolding a person who does not appear to be there has drawn a crowd of villagers, he offers them an apology. "Uh, sorry about getting into it in the middle of your town. I was on a scry with a man who insulted everything I hold dear."
After a moment's pause, the headmaster begins to explain,
Dortumn is ordering you to keep the animals on the island for now, but allow Baldur to free them. Your transport wasn't meant to bring back monsters, and he feels it would be best if a war is stopped before they are brought to the land... this is assuming the Kingdom will allow the animals as immigrants.

He also objects to trying to convince the animals that sending them to a land where their life would be endangered by men who do not hold the same sense of equality as you do is somehow a bright future for them.​
"Well, for one, we came to this island specifically to keep these animals from leaving this island. But the fact that they are intelligent? That changes things. We bring them to the main land and people will find out about them, and we could end up with barbarians, like those from Leo's homeland will, who come to capture them for their own amusement or any other number of things. Its as much for their own safety as it is everyone else's. Especially yours. If they find out where the creatures are coming from, you could end up with an army or something trying to take control of the super smart animal island and end up with a man eating tree god. And this isn't even getting into the effect this would have on the ecosystem in general..."
Leo relaxes a bit on hearing the headmaster's reply. "Oh, well that works then. Transporting them back ourselves never crossed my mind, and if it's just Dortumn disagreeing, people agree to disagree all the time."

On hearing Draco's reply, he says "There you go overthinking things again. They're like people, but animals. If they feel the burning passion of the arena in them like I did, they'll find a way to do it. It would be mean to try and stop that."
Dortumn is saying that the animals are content to find out on their own, and that you should not put the idea in their heads. They are not toys to do as you wish.​

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone grunts, lighting a cigarette. It can't possibly have been that long since he had one, but after the day's prolonged events, it feels like an eternity.

"Freein' the animals is enough good deeds for a single day. Integratin' them into society is a political question we don't got time for. 'Sides, like the headmaster said, our ride home ain't 'quipped to handle a mass evacuation of creatures great an' small, and they don't have any alternative. Long as we don't forget 'bout them entirely, I don't think it's unreasonable to let them wait here until this war sorts itself out. Wouldn't mind sittin' it out myself, but duty calls."

The burning ember of the cigarette chases the paper to his lips as he takes a mighty drag. Loudly exhaling a large cloud of pungent smoke, he grinds the remaining nub under the heel of his boot. "Rest up," he says. "We catch our boat tomorrow mornin'."
"I don't know how Dortumn's making the leap from telling them about arenas to treating them like toys, but it sounds like Baldur's heading there on his own, so you can tell Dortumn he doesn't have to worry about me saying anything."

At this point, Leo winks at Baldur
Thaddeus quietly goes off to find the room where he'll be staying and prepares to retire for the night. Even if he didn't feel as though he were walking on eggshells in this village, this is still not a conversation he wants to be a part of.


Baldur nods at Dreadstone. "Rest up, catch boat, kill Drow. I take care of these animal-people. Do not worry, Son."

With that, Baldur gathers a team of able-bodied men and women and sets out for the mountain.
Upon waking in the morning, you depart from the village to begin trekking down the island once more to regroup with the ship crew.

Your travel in the open is only uneventful for a short time. One of the perceptive among you are able to see a black smoke trailing in the sky at a distance. At that same moment you hear a cry for help from the trees.
Thaddeus draws his blade and prepares to sprint toward the call for help, waiting only on the go-ahead from Dreadstone to break into a full run.

Mike M

Nick N
"Trouble!" Dreadstone announces–perhaps needlessly–as he unslings his bow. "Go!" The tiefling ranger takes off in a full run toward the trees, legs pumping, tail held out behind for balance. Gnaw bounds along beside him as they rush for the treeline.
Leo is daydreaming about the animals becoming arena champions when the shout goes out. "Oh shit, trouble!" He rushes towards the source of the cry for help with the rest of the party.
You make your way into the woods, following the sounds of the pleading from within guiding your steps and helping make your way through the unfamiliar terrain.

Eventually, a man can be spotted wandering between the trees, calling out for anybody that he can find. As you get closer, you begin to realize that he is wearing very similar fashion of clothing a lot of the sailors wear.
The man immediately begins wading his way towards you through the thick brushes of the woods, calling out as loudly as he can, "Thank the gods! I've found you!!"
((its been a little while since we got the damn thing, but who took that snakeskin shirt or w/e we found? I don't need it, but i figure one of you could probably make good use of a +2 dex.... and theres only 4 of us now so i guess we split that 5k 4 ways(unless somethings changed)? 1250 gp each.))
((I don't think it's been claimed yet. Of the things we found, I'd rather have the ring of protection, but I have an item or two in mind to get if we opt to sell that or someone else takes it))

((Edit: I'm assuming that Dreadstone would get the most mileage out of +2 dex, if he doesn't already have something better in that slot))

"Wait, you were looking for us? I thought we were doing the rescuing."
((Oh yeah, the +2 lance and the field plate, right? I think Thaddeus is the only one proficient with heavy armor, but I might want the lance just so Tiberious finally has a magical weapon))
((Oh wow I didn't realize the snakeskin thing was a magic item, I just thought it was a shirt, lol. Also for some reason it didn't even register in my head that we'd gotten loot until now.

I could use the +2 Ring of Protection, but none of the other stuff really appeals to me))

"I take it you are part of the boat crew," says Thaddeus. "I am Thaddeus, a paladin of Heironeous. We are here to heed your call. What seems to be the trouble?"
((I don't mind not getting the ring, and it can further push Thaddeus towards some kind of ludicrous AC achievement. Though I imagine we'll finalize matters of loot once we're back in town))
((Well, the SRD has it listed as a chest slot item, and it sounds like the chest slot is different than the armor slot, so it would probably just go under his armor and not replace it))
((yeah, goes under your armor. but if you are wearing armor you don't get the ac bonus. and if you have a dex item you don't get the dex bonus either, which is why i think the shirt is actually best for Thaddeus since he is probably not getting any other dex items.... though i guess Leo is in the same situtation(unless he's already at max dex for his armor? idk).))
((I'm currently wearing a belt of +1 dex, so I'd get a single point and no AC bonus. Tiberious's medium armor is mythril, so it's effectively light and I can go up to +5 on dex bonus. We may actually be best off selling it and splitting the gold.))
((i just hit 20 int this level(which is how i got one of the languages). that plus 6 from my class and another one from my favored class bonus... its good times))

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, DS doesn't have any dex-boosting equipment, so he could still make use of that snakeskin shirt.

Dreadstone Health:  1d10+1=2
Gnaw Health:  1d8+4=5


((Character sheets updated. Mostly. No idea what to take for Dreadstone's second favored community.))
HP roll (1d10=9)

((Bumping my Constitution up to 12 from 11, so that gives me some more extra HP too.

Sounds like Leo gets the lance, Dreadstone gets the shirt, and I get the +2 ring...? Don't remember if there was anything left for Draco though. I could make use of either the shirt or the ring; either way my AC would get bumped up.

Also, if I do get the Ring, then I have an extra +1 Ring of Protection if anyone would like it.

Holy crap, I forgot I had a really good feat that I haven't been using. My healing powers are literally twice as good as I thought they were. Nice.))
After everyone is close enough to him, he stands up and takes a moment to pause, relaxing a bit. Soon after, he looks between the each of you and says, "I'm here because our ship was attacked by revolutionaries.. I'm pretty sure it was the Orphans..."

He unwinds a bit and strangely and instantly begins to feel much more relaxed, "I know it was the Orphans because... Well, I'm one of them who joined in, and I'm disguised as one of their sailors after taking their clothes. Guess you should've gotten to know the crew better." He clicks his tounge a couple of times with a jilt of his jaw, "Sorry, good fellows. I'm a trap and you walked right in without knocking."

Soon, images gradually fade into view, invisibility spells diminishing before you granting you audience in front of a cavalry in flank. They outnumber you, and all of them appear well geared.

A white horse, showing brilliantly against the dark surroundings, makes entrance carrying a soldier atop it. This soldier rides into view, allowing the horse to step ahead of the cavalry line to approach more closely, keeping a massive two handed sword made of crystal in hand. Without helmet, her face comes into view.. and soon Dreadstone and Draco realize who this is.. this is the woman they were briefed about, Lucretia Sapphire.


Moving her horse onto a higher elevation than you are, she looks down upon you from her perch, instructing the man kurtly, "I will take it from here. Dismissed." Smiling, the man says to you as he steps back in departure, "Look on the bright side! At least you don't have to ride a boat again, spoony bards weave tales of creatures more fearsome than the devils themselves!"

The woman upon the horse speaks, "Do not concern yourself with your ship crew's lives, we only destroyed the vessel.." Looking between the each of you, she notices one of you in particular. Eyes gaze down upon the blackened figure among you, addressing specifically, "So we finally meet, Demon of the Keep. I never imagined it would be you that has been causing me trouble; it seems I was wrong in believing your heart has fled the Kingdom."
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