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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((Thanks! Glad you found a chance to present that too, it was a fun writeup))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65804]Health: 1D12 = [9] = 9
A severely injured Leo wakes up and finds that the lance impaling him is now off to the side. "Huh, either the heavens look a lot like that island we were on, or those guys weren't man enough to finish me after all!"

As he looks around for the others, he tries to make sense of the dream he had. The arena dream was normal stuff, and he's still going to have to hunt down that Excalibur woman's army later. The mountains, though? It seems kind of familiar, but he can't quite place it. Has he done stuff at a mountain before? And while the girl in green was talking to him, he could have sworn he saw something horrific behind her. Wait, who was that girl in green, and why does she stick out so much? The details of dreams usually get lost immediately if they aren't arena themed. This is weird.

If Leo is able to find the others, he'll mention the woman in green showing up. "I don't know why someone in my dream was trying to defend that Excalibur lady, but whether or not we go after her, we should still crush that army of hers some time down the road. Oh yeah, one other thing. Weren't the Orphans supposed to be Drow? There were a lot of people that weren't Drow there when we were getting swarmed."
((I remember it being mentioned that non-Drow helped with the headquarters we recently finished, and that there was non-Drow involvement in some other stuff, but I'm kind of drawing a blank on specifics, and Leo would definitely have no clue and need a primer from one of them))
HP remaining (1d10=5)

Thaddeus awakes with a start, reflexively sitting straight up despite the burden of his armour. He is stunned to find the others waking up as well, and doubly so when he realizes that their most grievous wounds have been healed. Now that he thinks about it, he too feels much better than he had before the strange nap.

"Is everyone alright?" he says, "Who requires medical care?"

((I can heal up to 96 total HP in increments of 12. There are four of us, so I guess I'll give back 24 to each of us (plus 4 extra to me thanks to a feat I took).))
<Sorry about the abuse I put you through just now. Gotta show the villains are strong sometime (if this were an actual battle Excalibur would have been a higher level than you guys and the cavalry slightly weaker in attributes but better geared)

I figure now that you guys know that you don't have to make a new character sheet, I'm gonna say that right now I'm drawing stuff for an upcoming part (switching away from pixel art for maps to speed things up and to make certain environments much easier). We're going back to actual battles now that I'm better ready to start having them again.

The breeding facility is also the last grid-based dungeon crawl. I'm gonna go with stuff more along the lines of the prison for the rest of the game where it's very narrative based playing, not only because traditional dungeon crawling doesn't work in play-by-post at all, but because I never actually planned to do it again after this point anyway.>
((As much as I like the grid(and would still like to use it when possible), i'm willing to admit its not the best thing for play by post... don't suppose while we are at it we can go back to the old initiative set up of good guys then bad guys all at once style? I'd never do that in RL(or even a live online) game, but all the good of a proper initiative list is lost on what it does for pacing in a pbp game.))
<Hmm, yes we could try that. I don't think that's necessarily what ThLunarian did (I think he simply put enemy actions between yours as he ran through initiative) but we could do grouped turns.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I remember why I ended up directing battles with strict initiative order. Everybody was asking for the initiative list during one of the early battles. If I do "good guys" then "bad guys" (or vice versa) then I don't have to worry about that.>
((I actually was doing group initiatives. Occasionally I would re-order things in the flavor text, but according to the 'rules', everyone on each team would all go at the same time.

I think I like that way better for pacing reasons, but it does make the first round of battle EXTREMELY swingy, so it's kind of a trade-off))
<The reordering based on flavor probably what made me assume it was straight up initiative then and that you simply put in more work to make things work right.

I wish I had known, I would've just done that since the beginning.>
but it does make the first round of battle EXTREMELY swingy, so it's kind of a trade-off))
<I think what I'll do is make the group that goes first act as if they were in the surprise round where the group is limited in the actions they can take.>
((quick, everyone dump init! ...shit I'm dex based! Seriously though, that just kinda fucks over martials(which is now the entire party) and barely hurts casters. In fact the lack of a pure caster means a lot of options for taking advantage of that first round are gone I think.))
<Hmm. Fair point.

I think that if I do use a solution that makes the game flow faster though, it wouldn't be a fair one balance-wise regardless of how it's done.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolled a 6 for HP))

Dreadstone claws his way back to the world of the living, grunting from the pain. Gods, everything hurts. But the pain is the surest sign he's not dead.

Which is odd, because by all rights he should be categorically deceased.

Rising to a kneeling position, his hand seeks out the wound inflicted by Excalibur's blade. It's closed, but only barely so. Too much activity, and he might tear it open.

Dreadstone's mouth twists into an expression of concern. His skin may be closer to the hide of an animal than that of a human, but last he checked, accelerated healing wasn't one of his many inherited traits as a tiefling.

"The humans're turncoats," he grunts in answer to Tiberius's question as he stands to shaky feet. "They were under Excalibur's command before she went an' changed her name an' joined up with the Orphans. 'Course to hear her tell it just now, it's more like they joined up with her. We're clearly operatin' with incomplete intel here."

He looks among his companions. All beaten and bloodied, but no fatalities. Practically a miracle. "I don't think she's runnin' as tight of a ship as she thinks she is," he muses. "Not a one of us should still be standin' after that whoopin' they handed us, but I think one of them must have had a soft heart. You all saw her, right? The girl in green?"
Draco decides to lay on the ground for a while longer, "Yeah I saw her... so I guess it safe to say she's for real. Personally I don't trust a word she said. As terrible as the intel we get may be, at least the military is telling us actual information instead of expecting us to believe they are fighting for good because they say they are."
"Agreed," Thaddeus says to Draco. "This mysterious vision should not be trusted at face value. And besides, Excalibur can't be all that good if she is capable of ordering her men to slaughter us that easily." Thaddeus moves among the party, summoning Heironeous's healing touch to mend wounds and shrink bruises. "And it appears we've lost them. I had hoped to track their movements, but hadn't counted on their use of sorcery to teleport away.

"So now the question becomes... Does anyone know how to build a boat?"
Leo is a bit put off by everyone dismissing the woman in green, as people saying they're good has always been sufficient for him.

"Wait, we're just dismissing her? If she was in all her dreams, she had to have done magical stuff, which means she probably healed us too. I don't know of any good people that say villains are good unless they really believe it."

"You're the boss though, Deadstone. If you want to carry on normally for now, we can always just redecide if we find out more about her. Hmm, I don't know anything about boat making. Maybe we should get Dortumn to send another one over. Or maybe we can tame a sea monster and ride it back!"
"Leo. People are defined by their actions. Ordering the wholesale slaughter of hopelessly outmatched people is the very definition of an evil act. Perhaps the woman in our dreams is deceiving us, or perhaps she is simply mistaken, but we have seen firsthand that she is most certainly wrong."

Mike M

Nick N
"I'm not dismissin' the girl," Dreadstone says, stooping to pick up his bow. "I'm sure she thinks Excalibur's a swell lady. Meanwhile, I'm inclined t'think she's a megalomaniac who personally tried t'kill me, so I'll have to beg pardon that I don't take the girl at her word at the moment."

Dreadstone finishes picking up and replacing his gear. "I don't think any of could rightly call ourselves a shipwright, so buildin' a boat's out of the question. That Yggdrasil tree did send Baldur to the mainland though, and Dorthlenne was to careful to not have a way off in case of emergencies. I bet he had a secret-"

Dreadstone's eyes widen in remembrance. "I bet he had a secret transport tile hidden in a storage closet..."
"Now that you mention it, I don't recall Excalibur ever saying she's a good person. You could be on to something Thaddeus, though I'm still curious about why green lady was so eager to defend her."

"Well, that's understandable Deadstone. When I find the guy who was cowardly enough to run a lance through me while ten of his closest friends held me down, I'm going to strangle him with his own intestines. I can't blame you for feeling similarly about Excalibur."

"You're right! We never did figure out where those went. Back to the cave then!"
"I believe we ought to see to the rest of the crew that has been marooned here first," says Thaddeus. "Excalibur did say that she spared their lives, at least."
"I assume a new boat is already on its way considering Dortumn seems to be watching us at all times now... Speaking of which, I think we need to have a little talk about that. The deal was we could use those stones to let them now when we needed to contact them, not for it to be an open invitation to stalk us with scry magic."
A slightly embarrassed Leo says "Oh! I forgot about them with all the other stuff that just happened. Yeah, we should definitely go check on them first."

Leo nods in agreement with Draco. "Yeah, we should. I can understand wanting to make sure we're not dead and all, but he's been a bit heavy on critiques for someone that's not out here."
"It seems only proper to keep us on a short leash, when you consider that there are obviously saboteurs in the ranks of the military. We are being given orders from on high. I consider it an advantage that the man giving said said orders is able to monitor us and alter our mission accordingly."

Mike M

Nick N
"Priorities," Dreadstone chides. "Less belly achin' 'bout the brass, more gettin' down to the beach to find those sailors."

Dreadstone clacks the scrying signal stones together to file an update.

Mike M

Nick N
"Well fer starters, we found Saphirre," Dreadstone narrates aloud." "Only she's goin' by 'Excalibur' now and packin' a wallop with some sorta magic sword. Interestin' bit is that it doesn't sound like she joined forces with the Orphans, but rather she's been their head honcho from the start. Her men torched our boat, so we can confirm that she's got infiltrators in our ranks. We're headin' down to see how the sailors are doin', then we were thinkin' of playin' with Dorthlenne's magic panels and seeing if we can't get off this island. Less of course you get a boat here by sundown."
I'll relay the information to Dortumn. We'll see what we can do.​

Soon the pink lizard creature finally crawls out of the brush, shivering at what had just happened now.
The deal was we could use those stones to let them now when we needed to contact them, not for it to be an open invitation to stalk us with scry magic."
<I'm pretty sure it was stated at some point that they would check up on you on occasion.>
<So you are stranded on the island, but you have a bit of freedom how you want to approach. You're also no longer on a time sensitive mission anymore, so you can do things like explore the island a bit more if you wanted.>
"Then it is settled. Let us make haste; we've no idea in what condition the crew was left, and there's no telling how long we were out."

He starts walking in the direction of the black column of smoke.
Leo is about ready to correct Thaddeus. From his time in the arena, he doesn't recall anyone, man or animal, lasting more than a minute or two when left to bleed out. Then again, they got healed by magic, and he doesn't know how that stuff works. Dismissing it as unimportant since they probably need help anyway, he follows along with Thaddeus

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods in agreement with Thaddeus, walking just fast enough to gain the lead over the Drow paladin. Usually Dreadstone's not one to stand on ceremony, but Thaddeus seems the type to respect military code and honor. It's not a very good leader that lets his underlings go in front of him into possible danger.
As you travel throughout the island, backtracking back to the shore, the morning grows more dim as clouds cast over with grey.

Despite making great haste, you manage to make your way through the woods without danger, your weary bodies pushing through the downward hike it takes to return. Eventually you see light pressing through the opening of the woods, and the smell of char and smoke strengthen.

<I actually did roll for an encounter, but you guys got lucky.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's wounds ache for the effort, but he pushes onward. "Attend to the wounded first, if any," he instructs as he pushes toward the shore. "We need to salvage what supplies we can and move inland toward Baldur's village. This island is a deathtrap, we can't leave anyone exposed on the shore if we can help it."
As you return to the open light, in your sight is the ship toppled over, its exterior hollowed open by the once blazing fires that are now dying after a long time raging. Men and women all about busily exchange aid for each other.

As you approach to get a better look, the female ship captain (I forgot her name) moves up the slope to meet you halfway. Once she is within reasonable hearing range, she calls out, still moving, "Thank the gods you are alive! The set out to find you after all of this!"
Still moving with (assumedly) the rest of the party, Tiberious shouts back "That's over now, you found us! Well, I guess we found you. Minor details!"

"We had a run-in with the people who wrecked the ship. They said they left you unharmed. Are there any injuries amongst the crew?"
Thaddeus immediately sees to the wounded, providing limited care where he can, and if the injuries aren't too bad then he will start trying to get people ready to move into the forest as per Dreadstone's orders.
She explains as she finishes climbing up to your group, "Some broken bones and bruises, but they didn't try to kill anyone. Those people... they even raided our ship and dragged out whoever was inside before setting it ablaze."

Mike M

Nick N
"How considerate of them," Dreadstone remarks dryly.

"Captain, there's a defensible settlement a ways inland, we need to grab whatever's salvageable and move. This island ain't safe to wait around out in the open."
Putting herself upright, she rests her arms over themselves, looking to you, "A settlement? As in there are people living here on this island?"
"Yeah. They are pretty weird, but not too dangerous as long as they don't decide to feed you to their man eating tree. Which doesn't happen very often and you apparently need years of training for it, so we should be safe."
"Huh, I guess she was telling the truth then." This further cements the emerald cloaked lady's plea in his head. If the healing lady said Excalibur's good and Excalibur keeps her word like a true man, she's probably good. Just because she's good doesn't mean that he'll extend any mercy towards her troops, though.

Leo stands back and let's Dreadstone give orders all military-like. It sounds like they have to go back into the forest again. Ugh. More nature.
Nodding briefly, she says, "I'll let my husband know and inform the crew. I can't say I know for sure what is going on, though." Looking above, she makes mention, "We should hurry. The rain is coming."

With that, the motion is set to gather the crowd and relevant belongings to abandon the camp. You eventually make your way back through the island with little rest.

Eventually the heavy clouds hang over you as evening comes, following with drips of water sliding from the leaves above. The crew members find whatever they can to cover their heads for the weather.
<actually, let's modify that a bit. You convinced the crew to go, but you don't have to go with them if you want to go somewhere else on the island.>
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