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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((considering we just got the shit beaten out of us and spent a good portion of our resources healing ourselves(and possibly these sailors) up, I think exploring the isle can't wait till tomorrow. Hopefully by then we will at least know how long till we another ship gets here.))
<Alright, unless there are objections you'll be headed to Baldur once more. ThLunarian is there anything I may need to tell you on Baldur's end or are you good?>
((Ummm.... I can't think of anything? Oh, well maybe
I'm guessing all the rescued animals are back at the village by now then? Other than that I think I'm good. If there are things you need Baldur to know then I'm all ears though

Thaddeus winces at Leo's logic, but bites his tongue. As he prepares to set forth into the forest again, he tries to ignore the bad feeling he has about.... well, actually, there isn't a single thing lately that he has a good feeling about.

Thunder rumbles ominously in the distance.
<Right now I'm in "I'm waiting for responses but after a period of time I'm just gonna continue" mode>

The rain falls.

The wilds are drenched in a shower, passed upon you. The sun is faded behind the soft yet dull clouds, and the ground begins to sink beneath each step of your feet. You make your way through the island once more, your bodies eventually tiring from the repetition of your motion. Eventually the crew-members offer to help in your movement.

<I think it's reasonable to say that you're probably fatigued at this point due to constant travel esp. after being nearly killed>

As the evening grows do you make your way for Yggdrasil's people once more. Thaddeus, while it may not have occurred to him before, will soon realize that the feeling he gets from even just seeing the tree has an air of genuine truth to it compared to his usual power, though it would not deter his faith in Heironeous but if anything remind him of what Heironeous' power felt like as a nostalgic memory from the days before his death taking Hextor with him in a final duel.

As you finally make your way back to the village, the trees have grown black against the dimming sky, but even as the rain falls the villagers remain outside, taken aback by a fleet of animals in their homestead. As you bring strangers to their world, so their faces turn to look as their lives become more and more saturated with outsiders against their comfort.
To Leo's shame, his body begins to give out before they get to the village. Apparently, nearly dying and walking around a lot takes a toll on you. It's probably nature's fault. All these trees are starting to piss Leo off.

Just when he's about to get belligerent, they make it to the village. Too tired to want to address anyone, Leo stumbles his way to a hut designated for sleeping and face plants on whatever kind of mat or mattress they use there, unless interrupted

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone barely makes it into the village upright, the small settlement filled to bursting with not just the influx of sailors, but the augmented animals as well. The feeling of unease is frank upon the faces of the villagers.

Grunting from effort, the exhausted ranger climbs a rock to get some elevation above the masses. "Sorry to impose on y'all once more, but our ride home's come down with a case of arson," he shouts to the assembled crowd. Gods, is he tired, but he's still got more he needs to say.

"We reckon there might be another way off the island at the underground facility we shut down. Tomorrow, we'll set out and take a look, but tonight we'll have to beg your hospitality once more."

Crawling off the rock, Dreadstone feels as though he's in some sluggish fugue state. He vaguely recalls talking to Baldur and the captain about picking the most useful animals and reliable sailors to assist in the search the next day. He distinctly remembers pointing out the pink kobold and noting how helpful he had been. There may have been some questions not directed at any one in particular about the location of Gnaw.

Eventually, he crawls into a bed somewhere, passing out before his horned head even hits what passes for a pillow.
Baldur is roused from his daytime slumber by one of his assistants.

He'd spent all night seeing to the safe transport of dozens of intelligent animals across the island after already spending the entire day learning how this village worked. As he is pried from the comforting embrace of slumber far earlier than anticipated, it dawns on him that this is going to be a far more demanding job than he'd bargained for.

He emerges from his cabin just in time to see Dreadstone making his impassioned plea. The Hunter looked even worse than Baldur felt, and combined with the stream of refugees he'd brought with him, they must have met trouble.

When the Hunter's speech is over, Baldur makes his way to the same elevated stump and adds on, "This is joyous day. First of many changes: We no longer stay closed of outsiders. There is danger in this world, and best way to protect selves is by strength in number. These people might or not want to stay forever. No matter which way, treat them as you would a fellow villager. We do not turn our backs to friends."

He turns to address the somewhat less current arrivals. "Those who understand me. These people are friends. They finded you in cages and sent me to liberate. There is no need to fear. Village might be full for some time, but this is okay. We expand in good time."

Addressing everyone once more, he closes with "Any problems, come see me and I will hear you. This is all."

Amid the ensuing commotion, he overhears the fact that Gnaw has gone missing. He lets our a howl, and before long, Lady is at his side. He kneels beside her and adopts the Voice of the Wolf.

"The Hunter's dog-friend gone missing. You remember scent, no? Go find him and bring back please."

He spends the next few hours bleary-eyed, doing his best to make things go smoothly.


Thaddeus is just as exhausted as the others and would like nothing more than to collapse into joyous sleep, but there is still more to attend to on this day. Finding that the crew from the ship and the villagers still harbor distrust for him, he elects to stay near the animals, acting as a liaison when needed and otherwise providing counsel and preventing tempers from flaring up.

In the distance he can feel a great divine power that piques his interest, but this is not the time for attending to personal indulgences. Perhaps after things settle down, and after he's had a few hours' sleep.
<I had anticipated Gnaw having come back with Baldur actually... Looks like the party will have to look for him in the morning!>

Frantically stumbling over, the little pink impish lizard chatters noisily, almost like a cricket speaking language,
"C-coka! W-what are you going to d-do to me? I was just g-getting the big fuzzballs to save me I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

Approaching Dreadstone whilst allowing the rain to fall upon her, the female captain addresses concern to him while her husband stands close aside to nod occasionally also braving the weather. She says, "There is a sort of unwritten agreement between good traders to try not to interfere with the lives of natives more than necessary. I hope this place you mentioned has the exit you speak of. How do you know it'll take us off the island?"

As the night passes and the villagers give the men housing under Baldur's leadership, at the expense of their own sense of privacy and comfort, Baludur's home is eventually visited by the elven elder of Yggdrasil. Coming in, he says, "Yggdrasil has spoken to me. She has given suggestion for you to carry out." If allowed, will tell Baldur what those words are.
Baldur listens with a skeptical ear to the prophecies of the Elder. His mention of the fog stirs a long-forgotten memory in him.

"Tell Igg-Drizzle thank you for this memory," he says shortly. It didn't make up for the loss of his father, but he supposed it was a start.

The next morning, Baldur seeks out and gathers the rest of the party - even the Drow. "I know how to leave island," he says to them. "Igg-drizzle have prophecy. All who want leave must walk among the fog, as I once did before I become a man. You must gather ship crew. I will lead all who wish to come - animals including."

After delivering the message, he starts looking around for Lady, hoping that she's returned with Gnaw.

Mike M

Nick N
"Normally I'd out more faith in findin' a way off back in Dorthlenne's little menagerie," Dreadstone says as he receives Baldur's news. "'Course in this instance I don't know for certain he had a way, but I do know that the magic tree sent Baldur that way. I guess the lingerin' power of th'gods has a way of confoundin' expectations."
"Well Coka... Err...
Well Coka, I have no clue what we are going to do with you. we'll probably leave you with some uhh... friends of ours who will probably ask what you know about the orphans and your old master.
"Oh, we have to go running through mysterious fog, then? Sounds fun! There's always bad things that have to be killed in scary magic fog. And as a bonus, it'll get us off the island too. I've had enough nature to last me a while."

Leo readies up his equipment, eager to get moving.
Shaking his head the pink creature answers,
N-not an orphan! Had a mother, but I w-went to work for the tall man. I was made fun of for my pink scales so nobody liked me.

<Nobody objected so I'm going ahead and moving you along.>

Gathering about the crew and the minority of animals curious to see what is outside the island, an exodus takes place leaving departing the village for the last time. The weather is more agreeable finally, though the ground remains damp from last night's downpour. Soon after the mass is halted for the party to search for the missing dogs, the two are eventually found not far off in the highlands: Gnaw is chewing happily on a deer's foot that he somehow obtained, while Lady just lays in the grass appearing to be very bored of the other canine's activity. Once the two are called, they come running towards their respective masters, including the deer foot locked in maw.

Retreating quickly, the party returns to leading the crew towards the north west, where the fog on the island is heaviest.

As you move into the corner of the island, your vision becomes obscured by the thick air, the trees but faint ghosts in your view. It is here that eventually you will be walking into the unknown, a point where Baldur vividly remembers being at.

You pause while you consider what is beyond the fog.
At some point, Leo notices Draco talking with the kobold. "Whoa! When did you start speaking kobold? Anyway, I was mean to him back when I thought he was evil, so can you tell him we're cool now?"

Gazing into the fog, Leo wonders what could be waiting inside. There could be giant flying snakes, vampires, or maybe vampires that turn things into giant flying snakes. Whatever it is, he hopes it puts up a good fight. After that run-in with Excalibur's army, he's ready to do some therapeutic slaying.
"This as far as I go," Baldur announces confidently. He stoops down slightly to pet Lady. "You enter fog and you come out in Shifter Woods." He pauses for a second. "Already said goodbyes twice already. Also somehow have a feeling that it ain't going to be too long before we cross paths another time. So, safe travels, Sons. I see you later." He stands back and watches as the crowd continues on.


Thaddeus regards the mists warily. He is not normally one to put his trust in the power of a god not named Heironeous, but popular opinion seemed to be on the lycanthrope's side, and other options appeared to be few and far between.

"Very well, then. Sir Baldur, I thank you and your good people for your hospitality."

Baldur almost rolls his eyes, but exercises restraint and just nods instead.

Thaddeus looks to the other party members. "Shall we, then?"

Mike M

Nick N
Unlike the others, Dreadstone shows no sign of hesitation, marching past the more trepidacious members of the party. He doesn't understand how it works, but Balder vouches for it, and that's good enough for him.

"We do our jobs right out there, we probably won't be seein' much of each other," he says to the wolf man, staring off into the opaque fog rather than making eye contact. "It was good workin' with you, son."

He steps into the mist, Gnaw trotting after him at his heel.

Cue Capra Demon...
"Draconic is pretty useful in our work, I've been dabbling in it for a while, but now its finally clicked.But yeah, sure Leo, I'll let him know
Be careful around the big human, he says if you anger him he will eat you. Don't worry though, I'll keep him away from you if it comes to that.

As they watch Dreadstone walk into the fog, Draco says, "Good luck with the talking tree 'Alf'." and follows the tiefling into the unkown.
As the dark leader steps into the mist, so does his companions and the crew members of the ship. Your vision is impeded, but it continues to appear you are walking through a forest, passing by whitened trees that barely stand out in the mist. Only shortly does your vision begin to return, and as the air begins to lose its opacity does it also begin to drop in temperature. You eventually find yourself in the forest once again, nearly identical to the one you have been in before, but you have no idea where you are or where your surroundings will lead to.

Seeing a faint light signifying the edge of the woods, you make your way through the brushes to escape so that you may view the clear area as soon as you can. Upon making your way out, you find yourself near a cliff-side, which upon following it leads you to a settlement along the cliff.. a collection of people that have set up what appears to be from afar a crude market for travelers, and nearby people beginning what seems to be preparations for farming in the upcoming season.

The building this is all set up in front of looks like this.

As Draco and Dreadstone bring along a Paladin to visit this lovely place, the group soon sees a man hammering a sign into the ground. It says, written in chalk, "Welcome to Freetown!"
The man hammering the statue looks up to the voice, and suddenly recognizes the half elf. Grinning toothlessly, he reaches out his arms to hug the man, and quickly urges him to come to the 'town' they made up.
Thaddeus frowns. He speaks in a low voice, enough for Dreadstone and Leo to hear but obviously trying to conceal his words from the man with the hammer. "If Baldur is to be believed, and we have indeed returned to the mainland, then something tells me that the proper permits have not been filed to sanction this settlement's formation. Not that this matter is within our purview, but it bears notation during our debriefing."

He looks around at all the unhappy, displaced peoples who followed them through the fog. "That said, this does appear to be an acceptable location for a pit stop."
Draco has no response to the hug, other then confusion and just kinda feeling awkward. He figures he might as well follow him though, as its probably his best bet for getting an answer.
In just a few moments the rest of the party is watching Freetown celebrate their hero from afar, hoisting him up among themselves and praising him loudly with great cheer.
Responding in a similarly quiet tone, Leo says "Permit? I don't know what that is, but these guys look like they're just trying to get by. I guess we should tell the Ruby Keep people if a permit would make life better for these guys or something."

Leo watches the events with Draco unfold with surprise, confusion, and a bit of jealousy. "Wow, I didn't know Draco was the hero of Freetown. I wish I had gotten an awesome reception like that." He then daydreams about scary monsters being nearby, so he can kill them and earn the town's adoration.

Mike M

Nick N
Recognizing where they are, Dreadstone huddles in with Leo and Thaddeus while Draco is carried around on the shoulders of his biggest fans,.

"We need to leave," he whispers urgently. "Permits are the least of our worries, this lot are prisoners. They're happy to see Draco right now 'cause he busted them loose to kick out th'Orphans, but how long until they notice a couple agents of the law and start thinkin' the sorta thoughts that got them thrown into prison in the first place?"
Leo's eyes widen as Dreadstone explains who the people are. "Prisoners? As in bad guys? And they think Draco's some kind of hero to them? This is bad! What if they want Draco to become their mayor and crimelord We've got to get Draco back quickly!"
"An unfortunate turn of events," Thaddeus sighs. "Sir, I recommend clicking the scrying stones together so this situation can be monitored from afar. In the mean time, our top priority ought to be keeping our refugees away from this place. If it is as you say and they are all criminals, none will be happy to see a paladin of Heironeous in their midst. I am inclined to think I should stay back and direct our people away while perhaps the two of you retrieve Draco. What are your orders?"

((Also worth noting that the prisoners were being held captive by Drow, so they'd probably be doubly-unhappy to see Thaddeus))
It is no secret at this point that this is the prison which Draco had accidentally freed the prisoners while liberating the Ruby Keep soldiers and guards trapped there. The former prisoners put the poor half-breed down and somebody shakes his hand.
Draco shakes a hand, "Okay, I guess its pretty obvious who you guys are now, but what are you doing here? I was hoping you guys become reformed criminals, but building your own town? That seems like a bit much..."
Looking between each other, one of the criminals finally explains, "What else are we gonna do? They taught us to farm to keep us busy, and we became good at it over our life sentences! Not like we can go anywhere else."

Mike M

Nick N
((Ironically this weekend it's because we're visiting the in-laws and taking the loin spawn to the Portland Zoo, but functionally no difference :) ))

Dreadstone's mouth is a tight line as he observes the random comings and goings of the "citizens" of "Freetown." His heightened state of alertness is obvious, his hands clenching and in clenching as though grasping imaginary weapons. Gnaw circles at this legs, a low warning growl rumbling through his exposed teeth, his hackles raised.

"'Scuse me, sir," the tiefling asks of the nearest passerby, "who might we be speakin' to 'bout gettin' a wagon? We got pressin' business to attend to elsewhere."
Being turned, Dreadstone is met with a response by a former prisoner made to look older than he is by his overgrown facial hair. He shifts his eyes, "Well, uh... I kind of don't want to get arrested for jumping wagons again, unless you want to keep hush hush if we do raid one for you.. then again it has been years and, well, I got caught."

Dreadstone should definitely take that as confirmation that they don't have one.

<Note that you aren't on any time sensitive mission, so not having a wagon isn't that much of a big deal (besides getting in a random encounter which would be trivial for you guys to overcome.)>
Thaddeus stays behind while Dreadstone heads toward the settlement. He addresses the refugees.

"I know many of you are weary and desire a place to lay your heads, but you must understand that this is a den of criminals who would rob you blind at a moment's notice. Dreadstone and Leo are working to retrieve Draco, who as you may have witnessed, was swept into their ranks against his will. Please remain calm and stay away from this Freetown."

Diplomacy (1d20+16=19)

Captain Jonkin moves forward at the calling of Thaddeus' instruction, curious as to what is going on, "Quite a show of cheery landlubbers we have here. My crew's no stranger to a little scuffle or two when I'm not workin' them on deck if you need a few hands..." He gives another glance to the Paladin Drow, thrusting a hand forward, "I don't believe we've met. Jonkin Spiegel, Mr. Captain of what was the Drifting Swan."

<EDIT: And now for a little completely unrelated D&D thing.>
Thaddeus accepts the handshake heartily. "Well met, Captain. I am Sir Thaddeus Birchwood, ordained Paladin of Heironeous and Junior Officer First Class in the Ruby Keep Army. It is good to know that we have extra pairs of hands available, but it is my hope that the situation can be resolved without resorting to confrontation. You will be the first to know, should the situation deteriorate." He looks around, suddenly noticing with some concern that he can't spot Leo.
((Yeah, that threw me for a second too. I just kind of read it as a segue way for Leo walking towards the people while Thaddeus talked to the boat people))

While Thaddeus tries to talk to the boat crew, Tiberious struts towards Draco. He's ready for a brawl, but seeing Dreadstone talk to them civilly, he figures he should try and do the same. Making a note to try and overlook that they're criminals, he heads in.

Tiberious slaps the back of one of the men around Draco. "Hello, friend! You all look like you're doing pretty well for yourselves. Making a town after being freed from prison? Way to make the most of a bad situation!" Tiberious stops talking for a second to strike a pose, then continues. "I wasn't part of the group when Draco freed you all from the prison. I know a thing or two about having fans, though. It must be great to catch up with the town hero, but we've got to get moving soon, so-" Tiberious pivots to strike an even more dramatic pose and practically shouts "can we have Draco back in a minute or two?"
"Oh, you didn't know that? I just assumed he gave a heroic speech and told you all who he was when he freed you all."

Looking towards Draco, he shakes his head in disappointment at the squandered opportunity the investigator had.
((There's stuff to do at Iron Hill, right? It might be best to go back to Ruby Keep first, so we can sell off that wine Dreadstone found in the elemental room, finalize who gets what from the dungeon, and buy stuff if we have the gold to do so. There's a discount for things in Ruby Keep, right?

But yeah, after that, I'd say Iron Hill))
<i'll just oocly tell you: iron hill has nothing worthwhile, the only thing i was gonna do with it was have excalibur ambush you earlier.

I also want to finish up the game and we still have a few plot arcs to go>

<also, youre thinking of emerald bay which is this games "main city" for your operations>
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