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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I got the two mixed up. In that case, my vote is for going to Emerald Bay first. I don't know what areas we need to go to for plot stuff, but I'm fine with anywhere that will help move things alongs))
((The only place I can think of is Emerald Bay. We still don't know where that chick is being held captive. Nothing is going on in Rosewood,and we haven't yet had any reason to go to Alydar. I could maybe see Ruby Keep as a place Thaddeus would want to go, but Emerald Bay makes the most sense))
<i mostly ask because you have a reason to go to southport which is nearby but you technically dont need to (and if you do i can skip roleplaying it out entirely)>
((I'm drawing a bit of a blank on why we had reason to go to Southport. Was it to say that the monster shipping ring was broken up and/or to take the sailors back?))
As you regroup and gather around the ship crew and the few animals that came along, you begin making your way back. It is daytime, two of you realize that looking at the scenery all about you is strange, being familiar with it at night time.

Eventually the fated bridge comes up once more that leads back to the main roads. As you step upon it, you notice a peculiarity; bodies of drow which have died in an attempted attack on your wagon remain neglected despite the days that have passed. Evidence of pits created and roots taken form subtly linger as well.
Leo raises an eyebrow at the dead drow littering the road. "Huh, these guys look like they've been dead for a bit. That's going to suck for whoever's job it is to clean the road."
"Is it anyone's job? I kind of assume anything we didn't take would be taken by other, more desperate, travelers and the bodies dragged off by animals looking to eat them in peace."
Leo looks at the bodies intensely for a few seconds, then turns back to Draco. "That makes sense. Weird that no animals have come to eat them by now then. Do drow taste nasty or something?"

Leo then turns to Thaddeus to ask him if he has any insights on Drow tasting bad to animals.
Thaddeus shoots Leo a withering gaze, then turns to look at the fallen dark elves. "I've.... never seen a dead Drow," he says uneasily. "Truth be told, I've scarcely seen a live one apart from myself." His face betrays how troubled he is by this. "Whatever their sins, these men deserve a proper burial. Captain," he turns to Jonkin, "Do any among your crew carry a shoveling implement which I may borrow?"

He begins the task of dragging the bodies away from the bridge and finds an area suitable for burying. Hopefully, someone had a shovel; otherwise he'll make due with his sword and his bare hands.
Fortunately, fortune has it that more than one of the crewmen have shovels which to help dig with. Jonkin nods, "Aye, it would be improper to say no to a burial wouldn't it, even for scoundrels. Come on, men! Let's get this done fast!"

With the help, only a short time is spent giving the drow a proper burial in the ground, where they are still well above their natural home. Finally, you are able to move to the main roads once more. It is at this point that many of the intelligent animals depart to the woods to make their new life, leaving you with just some smaller creatures in your care.

Between resting at the inn to pass the evening, picking up Uqualek and recovering the wagon while dropping off the ship crew back at port, you finally make your way back to Emerald Bay after a long absence.

Days later, you are at the gates of the city. As you are allowed in, Uqualek chimes in while looking at a trinket of his, "I heard you guys were banned from one of the inns. I'll have to take you to another one." As he pulls the wagon, you can peer out to view the city. The weather continues to grow less chilly, snow finally having disappeared leaving just the plain gray empty of post-winter in its stead. Much excitement seems to have waned as well as celebrations have ended and people become more routine in their behavior, especially as the academy season approaches. You do see signs scattered throughout the city that foreshadow potential excitement booming once more: Lovegood is planning a concert once more to welcome the coming of spring.

Uqualek eventually rides into the residential district, making his way to a tavern set in this part of the city. After dropping you off you find yourselves in front of the Mid of November, an all encompassing tavern for drinking, dining, and staying.
Pulling back into the city is great news for Leo. Sure, going out to kill monsters and villains was fun, but being stuck in all that nature wasn't. He gladly takes in the sights of the city. People are bustling about. Business is being conducted. On a corner, a drunken homeless man struggles to get a trash fire going. "Yeah, it's good to be back in civilization," Leo says to himself with a smile.

Before settling in to the inn, Leo opts to roam around a bit. This leads to him seeing posters for Lovegood's upcoming performance. "Hmm, a big performance? I love those! Maybe I can get up on the stage with her. Everyone loves surprise double headers." Tiberious may be busy in the upcoming days.

Heading back to the inn, Tiberious throws the doors open in a dramatic fashion, entering as flamboyantly as possible. Satisfied with his looking around for now, he struts over to their room for the time being.
<I have something in mind in response to Tiberius as soon as he enters the tavern, but the rest can continue to post on their own. Also, it's just "Lovegood" as far as you know.>
Though Tiberius' idea to derail the game is a novel one, a look at the date it would take place on makes it something not feasible for the current stay in Emerald Bay, as her concert won't appear until it is actually Springtime which is days away.

As the man makes an appearance into the tavern, he is only given unimpressed looks at first, typical of men that have seen way too many hot shots and 'special' tavern entrances in their day.. it is only after a moment of being ignored that a man stands up from a table to walk forth to Thunderface. Leo will recognize the physique of the man displayed proudly under his hide, as well as the mask he wears to characterize him; yes, this is someone from his old gladiator days, freed into the world as he was. Holding out his arms the man preaches, "Before me is the thunder, a loud scream that beckons fear, but nothing to a true warrior that knows it is lightning that brings pain. Tell me, Tiberius Thunderface, is it that you sought to challenge the Avatar of Kord once more or is it fate that brought us here once more?"

The Avatar of Kord, a name that echoes memories of the bloody arena once more. Of course, this man's chosen name is more likely to be his stage name, his persona, than him actually being chosen by the god of physique.

Smirking, the warrior opposite of him turns, reaching his arm around to guide Tiberius to his table, welcoming him to a drink, "So you have finally been released from your contract, I see. I take it that you also came to this city to compete.. sadly, the tournament is over and there is nothing but the weak training for next year."

Sitting down, he orders a drink both for himself and for you, and looks towards you, "I heard Jake had competed.. and in fact has been doing so for years now. You remember Jake, don't you? That ginger that would get pissed sloshed and kill with his bare hands only to suffer a hangover after."
Tiberious is pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face, well, mask, at the bar. He's even more pleased to see the gladiatorial tradition of themed trashtalking still in effect. As this is the one area where Tiberious has anything that can even be considered as approaching wit, he takes a manly pose and fires back. "Before me is the mask, hiding its wearer from friend and foe alike, a shroud of mystery beneath a bloody hurricane. If you could see through that thing, you'd know that lightning shows up where thunder makes itself known."

Formalities done, he talks to the familiar man. "Truth be told, I didn't even know the Avatar of Kord was in town. Had I known that he'd have been at the tournament, I'd have got over here quicker instead of helping caravans travel the roads safely. Guess I'll have to wait until next year then. That makes this a meeting of fate then, I reckon."

Taking Kord up on his invitation, Tiberious sits down with him to share a drink. "Yeah, I've been out of the arena for a fair bit of time now. I've spent that time adventuring. After all, you may leave the arena, but the arena never leaves you," he says with a grin. "I do regret missing the tournament, I've heard a lot about it recently. It's unfortunate that I didn't know about it until the time it was going on." "Yeah, the training in this part of the world is kind of sad. Most of the warriors are soft and weak. Any real training you'd get here would come from travelling the lands, taking on villains foolish enough to put themselves against you."

"Oh, Jake's still alive? I wonder how that crazy bastard's doing sometimes. I figured that if he hadn't drank himself to death, he probably got into a drunken fistfight with a dragon or something." Laughing at the thought, Tiberious puts his drink down for a moment. "If he's still fighting though, he probably took the tournament, or at least came close. I have a hard time imagining anyone here being able to keep up with the likes of him. Maybe some of my adventuring buddies could give him a run, but I don't think most of them even competed."
Crossing his arms, he explains, "They say that he had become a special event, an animal they sic on the poor 'new champion'. They give him pounds of platinum, only for him to play the homeless beggar the next year. I can't find him now, but no doubt he'll be back to humiliate some poor fool once more."
Tiberious pauses for a minute to think on this, unsure of whether he should be proud of him or angry at the city. "A once a year event, huh? Normally, fighting rarely is a sign of being near the top of a chain at an arena. If he's a champion humiliator, that says he's done well for himself too. The way you put it though, it sounds like he's not earning the respect someone of his fighting ability deserves though. Not surprising, since no one here knows how arenas are supposed to work. Did you know that on my last mission, we came across a bunch of intelligent animals? A bear, lion, or elephant with the ability to think and communicate could become a legend in there! But the stubborn boss of our group didn't want me even telling them of the possibility! People here, man. But hey, at least it sounds like Jake found a way to be perpetually drunk for a living!"
"Your tales of strange wonders mean nothing to the Avatar of Kord. There is no greater legend than a body crafted from the hardest stone by Kord's hands, a legend you yourself have seen and sits before you."
Remembering who he's talking too, Tiberious further deepens his voice. "It's been too long, Avatar. I forgot that you're not a man who enjoys the tales of others. Tell me, what have you been doing with your time outside of the arena, other than maintaining your stone body?"
"I would not go that far, but thy farfetched ideas often do little justice to true lore and glory. I will be seeking the answer to that question, but I believe I will find my own group to journey with and you have yours."

<This guy isn't not a DMPC, just roll with it and accept his declination to join in advance.>
((Yeah, I would have been surprised if he expressed any desire to come along. With no arenas available to fight in, I was assuming it was a one-off conversation))

"You still think everything out of my mouh is far fetched, huh? We agree to disagree once more. I wish you luck on finding a group of adventurers suitable for you. It was good catching up with you, but I need to be getting back to mine now. A group without a gladiator is worthless, after all." Shaking the avatar's hand, Tiberious gets up and heads off to find the others.
The Avatar stands as well while taking the other's hand, grasping it tightly in his grip for a moment before departing the tavern. While walking between the others in the party in his exit, it can be clearly seen worn around the bare of his back his chosen weapons, the spear and the mace.
<Again, I can continue on and go straight to Dortumn and cut the downtime and extra roleplay if you guys want. I already did my only major goal here (which was to tie Jake into Tiberius' backstory).>

Mike M

Nick N
((I’m back. For some reason I5 was a parking lot through half the state last night, and as it so happens it was the half of the state I needed to drive through to get home. Wound up having to go out toward Mt. Rainer to get around it.))

Dreadstone stands in mute shock at the remains of the Drow that he and his companions had themselves slain. To a military man, it was inconceivable that any real army would leave their dead to rot at the side of the road like this, especially when they had ample time and opportunity to recover the bodies. Keeping watch while some of the sailors dig the graves, a dark flame burns in the heart of the normally level-headed tiefling. This puts to lie Excalibur’s claims of the coming egalitarian utopia—everyone being treated equally means scant little if it means that everyone is treated like garbage to be disposed in a ditch at the side of the road to let someone else deal with the mess after the fact.

His resolve strengthens. He will see Excalibur stopped no matter the cost.


The days pass on the way back to Emerald Bay, the party having finally been reunited with Uqualek after their separation in South Port. Dreadstone sticks to the rear of the wagon in sullen quiet, flakes of wood falling from his hands as he whittles another piece of wood, trying to find the shape of a unicorn hidden within the block. Gnaw trots alongside the wagon outside alone, notably less rambunctious about the group’s travels now that he no longer has Lady around to share in his canine predilections. The snow has turned to a gray slurry, and the first buds of spring can be seen on the trees, giving the skeletal forests that they pass a sort of green haze to them when viewed from a distance.

Dreadstone carves on. Downtime in warfare was just a fact of life, nothing to be done about it but to keep one’s hands and mind occupied with other activities. Things will erupt soon enough. He can feel things building to a head even as the world threatens to burst forth back to life after its frozen torpor.

As Uqualek hauls the wagon up to the Mid of November, Dreadstone alights to the cobblestone streets before they even come to a full stop, Gnaw following close behind. “You all get inside and get yerselves settled in,” he says, not so much an order but a friendly recommendation. “Been a long time since any of us have slept in a proper inn. I’m gonna go speak with Dortumn. I got a suspicion the equation has changed a bit since we were last through town.”
Thaddeus is at least as glad as Leo to finally come upon civilization. The sights, smells, and sounds of bustling city life serve to rejuvenate him, and he smiles as he catches a glimpse of children playing in the streets.

He had always liked Emerald Bay, even if he hadn't much occasion to spend a great deal of time here. That hint of youthful exuberance in the air was a mainstay here, owing in no small part to the culture of the Academy.

He raises an eyebrow as the sad sack of a centaur hints at some sort of incident at another inn, but on second thought, his own experience with this group tells him that he shouldn't be surprised.

When Dreadstone announces his intentions, Thaddeus jumps at this chance.

"Sir, if I may, I should like to accompany you. I have yet to meet the commanding officer who heads this operation, and I am eager to hear his thoughts on the apparent besmirching of my family name."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone considers Thaddeus with an arched eyebrow. "So–er... Soldier, it's your first night in civilization since being captured by the enemy. You can afford to decompress a bit. 'Sides, I wouldn't expect Dortumn to have a lot to say 'bout it anyway, man's got a lot on his plate."
Dreadstone considers Thaddeus with an arched eyebrow. "So&#8211;er... Soldier, it's your first night in civilization since being captured by the enemy. You can afford to decompress a bit. 'Sides, I wouldn't expect Dortumn to have a lot to say 'bout it anyway, man's got a lot on his plate."

Thaddeus nods. "Perhaps you've a point, Sir. I am not quite ready to retire for the evening, but I will find a way to.... decompress." The last word comes with a slight hint of uncertainty. "If my presence is requested, you will find me in the market district. I am lacking in civilian attire."

So saying, he salutes Dreadstone and strolls in the direction of the market.

((I am without a smartphone for a few weeks, so my ability to post will be more limited than normal. If I take a while to respond to something, that's why))
Braving into the marketplace on his own, the out of place Drow is met with many looks as he strolls through the flea markets and alongside the buildings housing wares. Children ask their parents questions, men lower the volume on their gossip, some even depart from their inner circle to leave elsewhere on a note.


Dortumn stands outside the academy today, pleased to see Dreadstone back, "Good to see you'll die of old age before getting killed out there. We have payment for everyone but they'll have to collect it."

Leading the tiefling inside, the two make it to their makeshift war room to discuss matters, "So Lucretia Sapphire decided her name is Excalibur and is the leader of the Orphans.. first the mayor of Rosewood and now this.." looking to Dreadstone he says, "this rabbit hole's getting too deep for my liking."

Once he sits down, he announces, "First order is that you and your group are no longer military. Excalibur thinks you're dead, so that's how we're going to report you. It's getting harder to trust my own men after how many times we've been two timed by generals, politicians, and even our enemies. In the meantime, protests have begun all over the place. I think the rebels didn't anticipate how much support they would get; it's slowed them down a notch or two leaving no apparent missions for the time being."

"Next, we need to speak with this Thaddeus boy. Even the regent is coming out of hiding to discuss his legitimacy, so I want him here on the double."

"Finally, we have payment for all of you that needs to be picked up."

<Everyone receives 7,000 Gold. I suppose Dreadstone finds a way to haul it all.>
((Using 6,500 of Tiberious's 7,000 share to buy a Cape of the Swashbuckler. That puts him at 20 CHA now. I kind of wanted to roleplay out him buying stuff, so if it doesn't fit timeline wise with the posts that come after mine, just consider his shopping pushed back to the appropriate point))

Whenever Dreadstone arrives with the party's share of the money, Leo thanks him and goes off to do some shopping when he has time. Hmm, I've already got more weapons than I know what to do with right now, and I like my armor. Maybe I should get someone to do magic stuff with it and- his train of thought is immediately derailed as he passes by a clothing shop and sees an impressive display of capes inside. That's it! That's what I need to pull everything together. A cape! That is the piece that will make me look like the most awesome gladiator to ever... hrm... gladiate? Gladiatize? Eh, the word doesn't matter, I need one of those capes!

Tiberious marches into the shop, looking around at the assorted capes. Staying away from the cheap rack of worn and tattered fabrics, he moves towards the ones that almost have a shine to them. Looking through them with delight, he tries some on, striking poses in the middle of the store to see how he likes the capes. This weirds out the other shoppers. "I'm scared, who is this man and how'd he escape the mental ward?" "We should stay back, he's probably contagious or something." "Poor guy, he probably got hit by a feeblemind spell and was abandoned by his friends and family."

Eventually, the store's merchant is forced to approach Tiberious. "Sir, could you stop doing, well, whatever it is you're doing? You're scaring off the other customers." Unpersuaded, Tiberious replies "Foolish merchant! There is nothing terrifying about a true man trying on capes and seeing how they flow with his machismo! These shoppers are safer here than anywhere else in the city with my manly aura permeating this place!" "Sure they are," replies the merchant in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm going to go get the city guard now." He is about ready to turn around and make good on his word when he notices the large gold pouch hanging from Tiberious's belt. "On second thought, I was being a little hasty. You say you're shopping for a good cape, right? Let's see what we can find you. But we should go back to the cape rack. Seriously, you're freaking out the other customers."

Taking Tiberious back over to the rack, the merchant produces an extravagant looking red cape. It has been meticulously embroidered, carries a highly stylized lightning sigil on it, and does not appear to have faded in color at all from the day it was made. "Why don't you try this one on, Mr. ..." "Thunderface! Tiberious Thunderface, the hero of the people and finest gladiator to travel this land." "Sure, why not. Try it on Mr. Thunderface," the merchant says with complete indifference, only thinking about the gold he's about to make. Tiberious tries on the cape and immediately falls in love with it. He immediately feels more stylish, and tries dancing and moving around. The cape seems to flow with him, becoming one with his movements. He gets the feeling that this flow could be used to help dodge the strikes of his foes. He feels like a bullfighter. A manly bullfighter. Struggling to stay in character and not start gushing about the cape, Tiberious loudly proclaims "This cape is perfect for a man of my caliber! I'll take it!" The merchant's eyes light up as Tiberious says this. "I thought you'd appreciate an item of such splendor Mr.," what ridiculous name did this clown go by again? Doesn't matter "Beloved customer! They say this cape once belonged to a mighty storm god, and that his will lives on through it, only making itself known to worthy heroes." Look at him, he's believing every word of this bullshit. I'm going to be rich! "This cape can be yours for the low, low price of 200,000 gold!"

Tiberious blinks. For a second, he's stunned. Then he starts to get a grip on himself again. This son of a bitch is trying to rob me! He wants to barter? I'll barter him to the Abyss and back! With a scowl, Tiberious looks down at the merchant. "200,000 gold for a stylish cape? Do you think me a man that has never shopped before? This thing looks nice, but a relic from a god? It's not even worth 2,000 gold! I'll give you 50 gold for it."

The merchant laughs in Tiberious's face. "50 gold? Are you trying to put me out of business? I have a family to feed, you know. Did you not feel the divine energies flowing through you when you wore it? Maybe I was wrong about you, and you aren't a worthy hero after all. I can let it go for 180,000 gold, but no less. Divine relics are not a common thing, after all."

"Oh please, everyone knows the gods got wiped out a bit ago. Do you think I've never heard a bard sing about it or something? I have no interest in paying money to a swindler, I'll get a cloak somewhere else." Tiberious begins making his way to the exit when the merchant runs up to stop him. "Ok, ok! You got me. It's not really a divine relic, and I marked it up a bit in hopes that you'd take it. There's no need for you to go elsewhere. I'll give you a reasonable price. Let's say 15,000 gold?" Now we're getting somewhere, Tiberious thinks to himself. Just a bit more pushing, and I'll have the best cape ever!

Tiberious turns around to the merchant, and with them standing only a short distance from each other, the final shouting match begins. "2,000 gold!" "14,000!" "2,500!" "13,500!" "2,750!" "10,000!" "3,000!" "9,000" "3,500!" "8,800!" "3,600!" "8,600!" "5,000!" "7,000" "5,500!" "6,500!" "5,600!" "6,000!" "5,700!" "5,900!" "5,800!" "5,850!" "Deal!" Tiberious and the merchant dramatically shake hands. He counts the gold out of his pouch and hands it to the merchant. Quickly putting the cape back on, he excitedly bolts out the store.

What a steal! Tiberious thinks as he heads back towards the Mid of November. I got that cape for a tiny fraction of what he was trying to sell it to me for.

Back at the shop, the merchant is counting his money. What an imbecile. I usually sell those capes for 4,000 gold!

((Doh! I forgot to apply the town discount to all of that. What percent was that, again?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I suppose we should sell the wine bottle and the statue too. And I think there was loot from a fight that was supposed to be worth 5K total? Been a while since we've been to town to sell stuff.))
The hushed whispers and troubled stares bounce harmlessly off of Thaddeus's steely psyche. Sixty practiced years of patrolling the streets of Ruby Keep has made him impervious to them. He meets every hostile pair of eyes with a warm, genuine smile.

At the first clothing merchant he comes across, he will purchase a modest set of every-day clothing. Rather than having to go all the way to the inn to change first, he proceeds to a magical item shop, still wearing his suit of armour.

After browsing quietly for a few minutes, he approaches the counter. "I would like one Belt of Giant's Strength, please." He produces 3600 gold from his pouch and lays it neatly on the counter.
<It has been way too long since I gave a custom trait (mainly because I haven't really been able to think of them other than ones that reduce your stats), but I think one is finally justified here>

For Tiberius
Priceless artifact of the gods? This is the best we can offer.
+3 on appraise checks
+3 on bluff checks for the purposes of making bargains​

<In fact, this might come in handy for the statue and wine you just got.>
((Awesome! Now It's just a matter of convincing the others that Tiberious is qualified to do something unrelated to killing things))

Tiberious excitedly makes his way back to the Mid of November, still basking in the shine of his new cape. Should he fine the others, he will prove unable to contain his excitement.

"Hey guys, look at this fancy new cape I bought! The merchant tried to sell it to me for 200,000 gold, but I talked him down to 5,850. It was worth every coin."
((I'm fine with Thaddeus time-skipping to his arrival at Dortumn's office, by the way, unless Mike M really wants to RP going back to the market and yada yada yada))
<Somebody could try to sell the tiems in Dreadstone's place, and I can possibly RP a shop with Thaddeus and then RP him with Dortumn post-skip.>
((If need be, Tiberious could assist Dreadstone with selling the items or offer to do it for him. I don't know if he has the highest appraise check in the party but I think he's up there bluff wise. Depends on what all of you want to do, I'm fine either way as well.))
((I was wondering how I missed that cape(its actually really good, especially for the new Swashbuckler class, and a paladin for that matter), then I realized it was third party... which opens up a whole lot of interesting opportunities. Think its time to do some research.

As for appraise and bluff... I only have a +7 total bonus on bluff(+1d6 if I feel like it) and my int bonus(+5) to appraise... my other group has actually house rule appraise out because its probably the lamest skill ever.))
<I made sure it was an item that could be created with the game rules and made sure it was priced as such, which I think is how the third party rulebook came up with the item.>
((Yeah, the cape was an approved thing.

Since your INT is 20, that still puts your untrained appraise higher than Tiberious's. Tiberious's bluff for bartering is at +14 now though, so I think he's got that.

Reminds me of a really lame 3rd party skill I saw once. Handle canoes.))
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