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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


((I'm just glad to see you're okay. I'd feared the worst.))

((To be honest, the worst seemed to be a good option for a good bit of that time. I managed to get through that though.

I'll be reading this with interest as I have never played Pathfinder. ))
((Good to see you again. As for the quest, I'm mall for it, will probably be the only time i get to use this damn ghost sword probablys(not even a +1 so it worthless for anything else...).))
((It looks like we're all in agreement to go after the missing kids, then. I only brought up Forrester as a conversation piece, I'm not in favor of saying 'Screw the kids, lets go after her.'

Also yeah, good to hear from you Ganhyun))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry I didn't have time for an RP post yesterday, but Dreadstone would have pointed out that Forrester's trail is cold and I actually had the victimization of children as a trigger issue for him when I came up with him, so he would pick ghost busting anyway.))
((I was only a lurker in the last pbp thread, but glad to see you're ok Ganhyun.

And yeah, Tiberious is kind of of the 'Let's save everyone!' mindset with innocent people, so the children work fine for me too))
In the near future, you find yourselves in the arena once more to restock on your free potions and see what Dortumn has to say.

He stands near the entrance to the field, and explains, "There's no telling if this little stint you found has anything to do with the rebels, but it coming up now of all times gives me an itch in my beard. I want you to find out if this isn't an orphan operation covered up as something else."

"Thornsdale is on the eastern side of the continent, near the marshes around North Port. Even though you are no longer considered military, I hope you kept your documents to bypass the bridge checkpoint. Rebel activity is also stronger in the east, so be on guard." Motioning over he begins to haunch himself towards the supplies, "The quartermaster has something for you, by the way."

Nearing the setup laid out, it appears that the tables are increasingly occupied by frequent tinkering and experiments, some of which have painted the wood textures with a black charcoal. The halfling stands at a table lowered to his waist height, and standing atop it are the various animals you have brought back. Nearby is the large T-Rex cage, which seems larger than it was before. Looking over the little scientist greets, "Ah, there you are! Your lack of ability to communicate with the draconians was an interesting problem, so we immediately began a solution." Handing you a little wooden box with a pearl locked in place on it, he declares, "I present to you... a universal translator. It is a magic pearl that transmits an ongoing aura of comprehend languages about you. In addition, it allows you to cast speak with animals when confronted with an animal that had not underwent surgery."

Moving over, he begins to demonstrate on the Kobold in your party, "Please, introduce your-", "W-where am I? Am I going to be arrested? What are you going to do to me?" Coka is clearly in a strange place and has no idea what all of things around him are supposed to be. "Very well, I suppose we should skip to testing the other feature." Handing out one to each of you, he suggests, "Please, ask any of these intelligent animals, hopefully intriguing questions. Perhaps what they plan on doing."

<The animals are lower HD creatures, except the T-Rex. Also the translator will always ping in detect magic spells so you may not always want to bring it.>
Leo eagerly volunteers to give the box a trial run, and takes it with the excitement of a small child opening presents.

"So how does this thing work? I just talk into it and the animals will understand me?" When the animals look his way in acknowledgement, he gets even more excited, and too giddy to project his Tiberious persona. "I can talk! Hello animals! Umm, I think they want me to ask you questions and stuff. What do you all plan on doing with your lives now that you're free to go your own ways? Anything exciting? Anything ambitious or that you may need help getting started on?"

Swept up in his excitement, Leo decides to talk to the Kobold and the T-Rex too. Starting with Coka ((whose name I don't think he knows yet)), he says "Hey, we can talk now too! I know Draco already explained to you that we're cool and all now, but nice to have you along! We can make a hero out of you yet."

Turning to the T-Rex, he says "Hey big guy! You look like you've grown since last time I was here. Living it up, huh?"

If the translator hasn't been confiscated from him yet, he will try to talk to the individual devices on the table. He is disappointed that this doesn't work at all.
<Okay, had a shower, had a nice cold drink. I hope I don't goof this time.>

Until the others cast the speak with animals spell, only Tiberius will know what the animals say. A cat answers,
"I wish to serve as a familiar for a master wizard. I believe I'll remain in this place."
A primate follows,
"I find the nature of humanoids curious and wish to observe what separates them from my kind."
Finally, he'll hear an owl say,
"They say there is a great library which to amass much knowledge."

When the brave warrior approaches the T-Rex, it screams a massive roar that can be felt as if a blast of wind had hit them. Translation:

Once approached by the proposition to become a hero, the pink lizard falls back, "A hero? But doesn't that mean I would have to..? I'm not sure I can do it!"

Once Tiberius had done his first rounds of testing the device and is now trying to talk to a machine with a rotating gear and piston, the quartermaster will explain, "Works quite well, doesn't it? Bear in mind that the speak with animal spell only works for the one that cast it, but comprehend languages was made into an area. Because of this, it will be detected as a magic spell, so be careful."
When the brave warrior approaches the T-Rex, it screams a massive roar that can be felt as if a blast of wind had hit them. Translation:
((I almost choked on water reading that. Kudos))

Before handing the device off, he tries reassuring the kobold once more. "You can do it, I believe in you! If you stick with us, I have no doubt that you will become the manliest, most awesome kobold that ever lived!"

Leo tries to summarize what he heard when handing the device to whoever wants it next. "The animals sound like they have their stuff in order. They all had smart sounding things to say. Wizard's apprentices, researchers, knowledge seekers, that kind of stuff. I think they'll have good lives. The T- Rex didn't really want to talk though."

Right before the device leaves his hand, he looks over his shoulder in the T-Rex's direction and says "You make me sad."

On hearing the quartermaster's words, he looks to Dreadstone and Draco. "Sounds like it could interfere with stealthy stuff then. You know what I think about all that, but I'm sure you guys can figure out how to account for that when you insist on being sneaky."
((Honestly, we are all already walking Christmas trees if someone has detect magic up, the only difference i think is they will be able to identify the on-going spell instead of just the magical aura's school. at best to tells them someone with magic is in the room, and if they want to know something specific, they have to concentrate leaving them very much open.))

"Hmm... yeah, this could be useful. Don't worry though, I can always put it in my bag that leads to another dimension. They'll never be able to find the magic then."
After acquiring some potions he believes will be useful on the journey ((Can I get a recap of what we're allowed to get? Alf wasn't interested for RP reasons so I as a player never paid much attention, sorry)), Thaddeus watches Leo with interest. He is fairly impressed with what the Quartermaster has put together, and addresses the man with a small degree of reverence.

"I thank you for the effort you have put into this, Quartermaster. Leo seems to have demonstrated quite handily that your device is working properly. I have only one question before we are on our way: What will become of these animals? Will they be treated fairly and allowed to flourish? I should hate to know that the intelligent among them, from the island, will be spending their lives in cages."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone watches Leo with a cock-eyed look as the man converses enthusiastically with the small pink kobold. The ranger assumes that the device must be working as advertised, because the alternative is that Leo is inventing his half of the conversation out of whole cloth, and for the life of him, Dreadstone cannot imagine what possible motivation Leo would have for doing that.

Then again, he can't imagine what possible motivation Leo has for doing a lot of things. Even the very idea of engaging in combat for the entertainment of others is a strange and foreign concept to him.

Putting those particular thoughts aside, he steps up to the two and interjects for a moment. "Where we're goin', there won't be no guarantee of safety. Bein' a... man of Leo's measure... isn't always the right choice for everyone," he tells the small reptilian. "Might wanna consider stayin' here and helpin' out that halfling feller. He seems to have his hands pretty full most of the time, could probably use an assist from a clever little guy like you."
Perking up at the Drow's question, Curly answers while adjusting his goggles, "Ah, yes. I have wondered that myself in fact. Considering that these animals are, in fact, intelligent and have the capacity to respect authority and understand law means that in theory there should be no need for us to cage them. However; the Keep is not lawfully responsible for what may happen once they embark on their respective journeys, unless of course it happens to involve a Keep sanctioned institution or individual as cause for harm. I can only advise great caution to the creatures on the kind of dangers out there to them."

Soon after he hears the idea of keeping the reptilian, the half-sized man darts back, "Splendid idea! I have to say Dorthlenne's aptitude to surround himself with hard laborers is indeed inspiring."

<As a side note, the kobold cave is on the way to Thornsdale if that interests anyone>

Mike M

Nick N
((I could also use a refresher on what potions are available to us. Probably could afford to reup our happy stick too.))
((The Kobold cave could be an interesting stop along the way.

Also, I think I'll swap out the potion of shield of faith for a potion of barkskin, and spend 45 gold on a disguise kit, since Tiberious is starting to do more stuff with his acting abilities))
((welp. just got back from wiping my pc... again. right after my gm for my sunday session had his shit out on him. Also, I might be coming down with something, idk. Today is just kind of crappy for me.))

Draco has no interests in a kobold cave, but he's not the leader so w/e, at least he'll get to use his draconic language I guess. It won't be needed but that's besides the point.
((My potions are just going to be Cure Light Wounds then.

Was there a kobold cave mentioned earlier or is this the first we've heard of it? I don't think Thaddeus would be interested if all he knows about it is that it's a random cave with kobolds))
<Sounds like I'll be taking you straight to Thornsdale then. Give me a few moments and I'll start you on your way. Make sure you bought what you want and have leveled up.>
As you finish up with Curly's updates on the work he has been doing along with the Academy's help and deciding to leave Coka in his employ, you are approached by Dortumn once more as you are leaving, holding up a magic device consistent with the ones that have been featured thus far, "This'll let me message you directly. 'Course I still need help castin' it but no more middle man when I want to speak with you. The headmaster'll still be around, of course. Speaking of, wasn't there something he wanted to look at that you still have?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Not sure it was explicitly stated who took it. Guess it makes sense for Draco to have grabbed it, but Dreadstone would have taken it as evidence.))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods as he fishes out Dorthlenne's journal of profane sciences. "I'll run this over to the headmaster myself," he informs Dortumn. "He's probably the best bet we got at figurin' what that lunatic was capable of."
After a moment, Dortumn nods, "As you say. Be on your way to the wagon afterward."

<After I eat I'll begin writing up the start of Thornsdale. What to expect: no more grid dungeons, you'll be able to freely roam like you could in the prison and rosewood.>
About a week after you depart from Emerald Bay and make your way across the continent, you now find yourselves slowing down as the dark village comes into view. The area is damp and unwelcoming, and the moon shines brightly in the dark sky. It soon becomes apparent that you will need to go on foot to make it to the village nearby. You can see houses in the horizon, with only a waist high fence to secure the people.

<EDIT: It's getting late and I'm focused on making a drawing so forgive me if my writing is bad.>
Leo takes in the sights around him, always glad to be done with a road trip. "Well, looks like we're going to have to walk the rest of the way."

"It's kind of late, there may not be many people awake when we get there. Normally when I'm trying to figure out what to do in a a town, I just kick open doors and start shouting questions at people. I'm sure there's a better method though. I usually have to ask five or six people, and for some reason the town guard usually tries to start stuff with me after that. So, any ideas?"
Normally when I'm trying to figure out what to do in a a town, I just kick open doors and start shouting questions at people. I'm sure there's a better method though. I usually have to ask five or six people, and for some reason the town guard usually tries to start stuff with me after that.
<Flashback to an inn trip at Alydar that afternoon...>
The day's respite in Emerald Bay did wonders for Thaddeus's disposition. He spends the entire week's journey to Thornsdale in good spirits, making merry with Draco and Leo, and occasionally exchanging repressedly-amused glances with Dreadstone at the folly of the younger party members.

He is undeterred by the hour at which they finally arrive at the hamlet. "Perhaps the best way to glean information is to investigate ourselves. I shouldn't think an abandoned temple would be too terribly difficult to find in a tiny town like this." He looks at Leo with an almost mischievous smile on his face. "Unless, of course, the mighty gladiator is scared of the dark?"
"Afraid of the dark? A true man like me? Hah! You're on, Thaddeus. I bet I can talk to twice as many people as I did in Alydar!"

((I have to drive across the state to deal with apartment shenanigans, so I won't be able to post much for most of the day. On the bright side, it's a convenient excuse for Tiberious not causing trouble by shouting througout the village))
<I would hope you consult your teammates (or me OOCly) before causing a huge stir anyway. I have a tendency to invoke negative consequences for annoying NPCs.>
Through the misty air you tread closer toward the buildings, lights visible gleaming through gaps of window sheets begin to show. Trees remain naked from the winter, as if without the strength to grow vibrant, animals scarcely exist and not a person wanders outside.

Past the homes of the village is a graveyard distanced from the rest of the town, and within it a building stands alone in the faded distance.

Mike M

Nick N
The nightscape of the village may as well be the brightest day to the keen eyes of a tiefling, the shadowed buildings rendered in contrasting black and white to his eyes in this light. Dreadstone grasps one of the waist-high fence posts and gives it an experimental wiggle, followed by a snort of derision. “Hardly a secure perimeter they got goin’ on here,” he notes. “You wouldn’t need to be a ghost to get in there and make off with their kids.”

At Thaddeus’s assessment, he nods his head, casting a glance at Draco. “Good thing we got ourselves an investigator then to do some investigatin’. I’m no slouch myself, but…” He waves his hand over the black armor wreathed in thorns that matches his midnight countenance. “I’m probably not the best candidate for goin’ up and knockin’ on folks’ doors in the night, ‘specially if they already got fear put in them by somethin’ else goin’ bump in the dark. Draco and Leo can head in and make our introductions for us, I can come in after.”

Turning to Thaddeus, he adds, “I’ll leave it up to you if you want to go with them. You’re not a fright to look at like me, but these folk are probably spooked. They might not see the armor of a holy warrior before they see the skin of someone who ain’t one of their own.”
((Hah, totally not what I was going for, but I'll play it off as Thaddeus being unclear))

"I am actually rather averse to disturbing these poor people any more than is necessary," he says to Dreadstone. "As a matter of fact if it were up to me we'd wait until at least the break of dawn to consult the townspeople. My intention was for us to go to this abandoned temple immediately and see just what exactly is happening for ourselves; I apologize if I was unclear.

"That said, if you feel that the townspeople would be best served by rousing them in the middle of the night, then I do agree that my presence would only spook them even further, so I'd prefer to stay behind."
"Our knight in shining armor may have a point. Besides, he is uniquely qualify for finding undead monstrosity... I assume. If so we may not even need to bother these fine people at all."
<I want to give Dreadstone one more chance to make an argument for investigating the situation further (if he wants) before I drive things along.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I took that we weren't tired when we arrived to imply that we weren't calling upon them at some unreasonable hour of night. In any event, I think immediately marching off to the spooky haunted temple in the dead of night without at least letting anyone local know we're going in or trying to get information about what's going on to be a bad idea. At the very least we should hit up the inn))

Dreadstone shakes his head. "Goin' in blind is a good way to get yerself killed in a hurry. We don't know nothin' 'bout what's been goin' on in this village, outside that there may be some ghosts. But it may very well be somethin' else that's even more nasty, we don't have any way of knowin' and I'd prefer not to find out the hard way.

"'Sides, you should always let someone know where you're gonna be. Didn't your mamas ever teach you that?"
Leo shakes his head. "Mamas? Never knew mine. But if you want to go talk to people in the village before we go rescue people in the temple, I don't think any of the kidnapped people will die while we're doing that, so sure, why not?"

Mike M

Nick N
There's no levity in Dreadstone's voice as he replies, "No, if killin' 'em's the aim, then those kids are already beyond our help. If not, then whoever's behind this means to keep 'me that way 'till they get what they want."

His silver eyes flash as he casts his gaze between the other three men. "I'm not sayin' we rent a vacation home here, but we need to get at least the basic facts."
"As you say," Thaddeus says, shifting back to a professional demeanor. "I shall keep watch on the edge of the village which overlooks the temple in the event that the abductors are unfortunate enough to visit tonight. Meanwhile Draco and Leo can gather information from the residents."

He draws Demonsbane and straps his shield to his forearm. "There shall be no more abductions henceforth, if we have anything to say about it."
((Sounds like Leo and Draco are going to try and gather information from the people in the town then. I'll go ahead and post Leo's attempt))

Leo and Draco head off into the town. Leo makes his way towards what he assumes is the town's inn. Standing in front of the door, he takes a deep breath. It's time for Tiberious to kick it open and start yelling for answers. Just as he's about to kick, he hears a voice inside of his head. He's not sure if it's the collective will of the party or fate itself speaking to him, but the message it's trying to give him is clear.

Stop! Tiberious, can you not be a fucking idiot for just once in your life?

Tiberious pauses for a moment. Of course! Good thing there's nothing idiotic about kicking doors open and shouting at people in the middle of the night. Don't worry mystery voice, I've got this! Tiberious continues rearing back for his kick, forcing the voice in his head to improvise.

No, wait! Goddamnit... you know what? The manliest of men know how to open doors quietly at night and question people delicately. It is an elusive skill only a select few chosen men can achieve.

This gets Tiberious's attention. Something only the manliest of men can do? Of course! It's so counter-intuitive, I would have never realized it on my own. Thanks, voice in my head! Tiberious puts his foot down and opens the door to the inn like a normal person, walking in and seeing if there's anyone to speak to.

Should he find someone, he'll go and ask about the temple and the kidnappings. "Greetings! I've been told that there are kidnappings going on in this town, and that they have something to do with the temple past the homes here. I'm here with a few others to take care of that problem. Is there anything you or anyone else here could tell me about what's going on?"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=67404]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 9 = [8]+9 = 17

((EDIT: Gotcha. Post retconned))
<There is no inn, and I am going to retcon your attempt to enter a building. I like to make sure everybody is good for me to proceed on (Draco hasn't posted yet).>
((I guess I'll wait till we find a home to break into or w/e... preferably the mayor's house or something? do they have any kind of city guard? ...whatever.))
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