In the near future, you find yourselves in the arena once more to restock on your free potions and see what Dortumn has to say.
He stands near the entrance to the field, and explains, "There's no telling if this little stint you found has anything to do with the rebels, but it coming up now of all times gives me an itch in my beard. I want you to find out if this isn't an orphan operation covered up as something else."
"Thornsdale is on the eastern side of the continent, near the marshes around North Port. Even though you are no longer considered military, I hope you kept your documents to bypass the bridge checkpoint. Rebel activity is also stronger in the east, so be on guard." Motioning over he begins to haunch himself towards the supplies, "The quartermaster has something for you, by the way."
Nearing the setup laid out, it appears that the tables are increasingly occupied by frequent tinkering and experiments, some of which have painted the wood textures with a black charcoal. The halfling stands at a table lowered to his waist height, and standing atop it are the various animals you have brought back. Nearby is the large T-Rex cage, which seems larger than it was before. Looking over the little scientist greets, "Ah, there you are! Your lack of ability to communicate with the draconians was an interesting problem, so we immediately began a solution." Handing you a little wooden box with a pearl locked in place on it, he declares, "I present to you... a universal translator. It is a magic pearl that transmits an ongoing aura of comprehend languages about you. In addition, it allows you to cast speak with animals when confronted with an animal that had not underwent surgery."
Moving over, he begins to demonstrate on the Kobold in your party, "Please, introduce your-", "W-where am I? Am I going to be arrested? What are you going to do to me?" Coka is clearly in a strange place and has no idea what all of things around him are supposed to be. "Very well, I suppose we should skip to testing the other feature." Handing out one to each of you, he suggests, "Please, ask any of these intelligent animals, hopefully intriguing questions. Perhaps what they plan on doing."
<The animals are lower HD creatures, except the T-Rex. Also the translator will always ping in detect magic spells so you may not always want to bring it.>