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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Once finished up in the city, the destination becomes the temple beyond the graveyard. With distant research it appears the obvious way to get there is through the graveyard itself, acting as an end piece, but there are longer ways to get there by going around.
Now that information has been exchanged, it's time to get into heroics. "Looks like the graveyard is the most direct way to the temple. We should just cut through there so we can get to rescuing. There can't be anything along the way worse than a few necromancer'd up corpses or something."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone tromps ahead. "The quicker we get there, the quicker we put a stop to this. I'm not gonna let somethin' like a graveyard slow me down. I ain't 'fraid of no ghost."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone throws an arm out to bar Leo's passage. "Or," he growls, "we save the chargin' for when we've taken 'em by surprise by sneakin' up on 'em."
Tiberious sighs. "Right. Different man codes. I guess that works too. One day I'll get you to see the beauty of a full-blown head on charge, Deadstone."
((That would be a great mindfuck. Of course, just about every time I have him yell about charging in, I don't actually plan on doing it, so it would have to be one of the few times I do, or you just taking his talking about a charge and making him go through with it.

Fuck, now I just gave you the idea of doing that. Now I have to think of a way to overhaul his manly ways paradoxically charge cautiously))
As it is decided to head straight into the graveyard to take the shortest path to the building, the group quickly comes across a tombstone with a foreboding message once they have entered the front gate.

I need you​
<no, let's just continue, it's probably not effective if it's not conveying what I want to. Already something I tried with this was a complete failure so I'm not really doing myself any favors getting upset. I apologize for getting a bit out of hand there.

I'll just tell you OOCly: you still have the option to come up with a more strategic approach since a graveyard isn't a straight line.>
((Alright, I think I'll just hold up for the others to do some strategizing Maybe someone with a good check can roll perception for exterior security on the temple or something. I apologize for snapping at you too, I've been kind of on edge for a while now.))
<Normally I write it all in one post to avoid interruption but I can't really do that here for gameplay reasons.

And yes, a perception to see from far away would work.>
((Huh, that last post gave me an idea. Suggesting it OOC because Tiberious wouldn't be smart enough to come up with it, but maybe the tombstones all gradually spell out a message))
<Yeah, it was intended to be a message of sorts (more than actually scary). I think that fell flat though. I'll figure out the results of the perception in a few moments.>
Draco can see that the building is long lined with several columns, and though it has a rounded top looks as though it is thinner than the width of the base, suggesting a possible place to perch. While it has an open entrance, the contents seem to be vague at best from this distance shadow cast within.

Mike M

Nick N
((Glad you guys were able to hug it out, whatever that was : )))

Dreadstone runs his fingers over the engraved message on the tombstone. "Strange thing to put on a headstone," he mutters. Looking around at the other stones nearby, he wonders aloud, "Wonder if there are any more like that..."

Mike M

Nick N
((If there's nothing interesting immediately nearby, yeah, continue on toward the temple with an eye out for more messages))
Enthralled by the strange message placed near the entrance of the graveyard, the party begins stepping deeper into the graveyard...

Sure enough, they are met by continued messages, a plead that continues between tombstones along the path..


where are you

he has me​

Two freshly dug graves are holed into the straight path, and a large tombstone displays before you, large enough for both grave holes... written on this tombstone is a final message.

Draco... please save me​

On this same tombstone is an extra inscription, reading: A grave suited for those thirsting for revenge.


<Pause for reactions>
Tiberious does a small double take upon seeing the last tombstone. "Huh, I guess 'I need you' wasn't directed at me after all. Any idea who would write this, Draco?"

On reading the inscription about vengeance, he lets out a chuckle. "Now that's a foe making a threat to kill you if you come for him if I've ever seen one. Now we have to turn the tables on this kidnapper."
<Lurker only:
This is the last time I try and figure out what to do with a character's background and incorporate it into the game...
Closer inspection of the tombstone in question, the engraving is actually misdone. The name is actually Drago, confirming the suspicions that pranksters are at work.

Nothing else appears to happen after marching through the graveyard, despite possible risk of undead abound.

Once the temple is entered, its columned lobby leads to an altar, and behind it some teenage girls appear to be trying to form a bit of a cult, joking around about being followers of Bane. It is clearly in jest but would alarm parents to find out their little secret out here. The girls look towards the party with great alarm at being found out.

<Sorry guys. I was building up to something with hopes but I just don't think the big reveal was going to work after seeing the characters' reactions. I think it'll just be better to move on to the next part of the game instead of trying to force things.>
<I just feel like I'm delivering a cheesy creepypasta written by a 15 year old Jeff the Killer fangirl instead of something genuinely surprising at this point. The outcome depended on some expectations being set, and I failed completely to set those expectations.

I'm just really unhappy with myself right now, and unhappy at the way I acted today (over something that was my fault.)>
((Man, I just can't leave you guys alone for any length of time, can I? :) ))

As soon as Thaddeus realizes what's happening, he marches toward the teenagers.

"The lot of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves," he chides. "Do you know how worried your parents must be? Are you aware that rumours of your kidnappings have circulated as far out as Emerald Bay, on the other side of the continent?!"

At this point he starts pointing and wagging his finger at them. "You'll cease this foolishness immediately and you will come with us, such that we can be certain that your parents know you're all safe. Have you not heard the tale of the Boy who Cried Wolf? You should hope and pray to the gods every day that you are never truly kidnapped by a nefarious ne'er-do-well, for if you are, who would believe it to be true?"

He continues this nonstop verbal dressing-down the entire way back into town.
<I want to say not to worry, I've already accommodated future events to make up for my abandonment of this particular arc so you guys aren't completely screwed.>
The girls whine as they are pulled away from their devious fun, and become visibly stubborn to the Paladin's chiding instruction to them. It seems they were lighting candles and playing with a toy advertised as speaking to the dead (of course fraudulent and non-functional, it doesn't even detect as evil.)

One girl, with unkempt hair and pale skin walks in front of Dreadstone. She gazes up into his eyes as if trying to discern his soul. Suddenly she pulls a hand of his around her grip around a knife, pointing it at herself, "Demon. Set me free that I may find liberation in darkness. Unbind me from this horrid life!"
Tiberious stands back a bit, watching Thaddeus scold the teens while one seemingly begs Dreadstone to kill her. He shakes his head in disappointment.

"What a bunch of dumb kids. There are so many better things they could be doing than playing make-believe cult and harboring unmanly death wishes."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone casts the knife aside, sending it clattering on the stone floor. "Kid, you don't know what a horrid life is," he admonishes. "Get yer things. Sleepaway camp is hereby canceled."
Feeling confused and rejected, her arms flail pleadingly, "You mean you aren't here to sacrifice me to the dark lords of chaos, to sacrifice me for the demons to take and add me to their power, to string my entrails and..." she starts to go into gory, twisted detail that is far removed from what even those that have seen war and death know. Everyone has the sickened condition now having heard what she describes how demon's dissect and mangle human bodies. Even Tiberius.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=68761]Health: 1D12 + 3 = [12]+3 = 15

((God fucking damn. Ok, besides that, I'm taking weapons proficiency in the Falcata for his 9th level exotic weapon and taking furious focus as his feat.))

Leo watches with disappointment as the dumb girls are handled, but is still generally pleased with life. His mixture of contentment and disappointment gradually gives away to abject horror as the crazy teen Dreadstone wound up stuck with launches into an impromptu, gruesome lesson on demonic torture.

The silence afterwards is deafening. Nearly dead inside, Leo is able to faintly mutter "That's really fucked up..."

A few moments later, he stumbles over to Dreadstone and halfheartedly taps him on the arm. "Heeeey, Deadstone, let's go to a bar and drink the strongest things we can find."
((Meh. I'm pretty sure they just kind of rotate races in and out every once and a while, kinda depending on what the current storyline is. also, people can still grandfather them in and i believe use them if they have a boon? of course none of that matters to people on the paizo forums who whine about everything))

HP: (1d8+1=7)

((wow, better then i expected))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's ebony skin has a faint green tinge in the torchlight as the girl details in exhaustive, exacting detail what they apparently expected him or some other demon to do to them. Even Gnaw whines and tries to bury his muzzle under his paws.

Clamping his hand across the girl's mouth, he brings her stream of blather to an end. "You hush," he says, holding an upright finger before her face. "You say one more word 'bout this stuff, an' I'll..."

Dreadstone pauses as he tries to think of something that could instill fear into the heart of someone do twisted as to have been wanting to be gruesomely sacrificed to the agents of chaos.

"An' I'll have our paladin of Herioneous lecture you 'bout the error of yer ways. Drag you to church sermons an' everythin'."

Satisfied that she will not continue, he lets her go and turns to Leo. "This crap must be gettin' to me, because yer startin' t'sound downright sensible."

((I'll level up when I get home))
"Child, you know not what you speak," Thaddeus says, deathly serious. "I have seen for myself the horrors of which demons are capable. Perhaps the Good Word of Heironeous is what is needed to remedy your distasteful tendencies. You see, it all started many thousands of eras ago, when Heironeous and his evil brother Hextor..."

And Thaddeus proceeds to tell the tale of Heironeous's ascension for as long as he can get away with.
She hisses loudly in protest of the mention of good and shiny gods and their values, reasoning, "I am a mistress of darkness! You wouldn't begin to understand the blackness of my heart and how even the angels spit upon me! I must go to the demons where I deserve punishment!"

In moments some of the other girls watch in awe as a large, darker shadow casts in the darkness. Pointing upward the girl stricken with dark interests calls out, "He has arrived! We have summoned the tentacled eldrich abomination which has come to end all things!"

<*waits for everyone to turn around*>
Leo starts to doze off shortly after Thaddeus begins lecturing. He thinks he hears the girl say something about being a special tainted snowflake, but that could be part of a dream or something.

The large shadow interrupts Thaddeus's speech and jerks Leo back into the realm of consciousness. Hearing something about tentacles and a monster, he turns around. "Huh?"
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