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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone reads and rereads and rereads the handbill again, his silver eyes flitting over the surface as he wills the words to say something else. He's not foolish enough to pin his hopes on the notion that no one will believe that he of all people could go rogue–they were always willing to believe he was a monster, they just needed an excuse to so so.

A dark expression washes over his already black face as he crushes the sheet in his clawed fist. A lifetime of honorable service, of rising above the innuendo and naked bigotry, only to have his carefully curated reputation undone like a ball of yarn with a few slanderous strokes of the pen.

Where would they be without him? Still in the grip of fear of the Rune Killer? Dreadstone was the man who brought him down, wouldn't it follow that he would in fact be the greater monster if he turned to those dark thoughts that dwelled within?

Well, if they're so eager to cast him in the role of demon, perhaps he should oblige and play the part. There is no doubt Dreadstone could usher a reign of terror upon those responsible that would have them wishing the Rune Killer was hunting them. After all, what was the expression? Like father, like–

Dreadstone is roused from his musings as Leo hands him the Drow's bow. His mind back in the here and now, he manages to focus on the task at hand.

"Alydar for now," he states, "but first we need to get rid've this contraption, ain't no one who's not gonna remember seein' this ridiculous thing. They still peg Thaddeus as a Drow, so he's 'fficially the public face of this operation. Probably best I just stay outta sight in general unless absolutely necessary, I tend t'stand out in a crowd."

Examining the bow in detail for the first time, he arches a quizzical eyebrow. "Purple?"

((Not to backseat DM, but at "only" 30 years after QftHR, Valerie, Stanley and Valentino may still be around in Alydar, Valkyrie is in Ruby Keep with Valgar, Arianna is at least still alive, and I never gave any thought what Valdemar would be up to since he was the least developed Fierno of the bunch.))
<As far as members of the party know, the "Fiernos" are just a tall tale (often spun into even further derivative fiction) that glorifies Rogues in such a light not too dissimilar to heroes like Drizzt or Elminster. Even if they are still around the party wouldn't think to seek them, or know where they would be located, and more than likely they have cover identities.>
Draco opts to keep himself quiet as he thinks over what the hell just happened, only letting loose a groan once their next destination is decided, "Alydar..."
"Aye, the Drow have.... a unique fashion sense. In all fairness to them, the purple looks a fair bit more menacing when in the Underdark."

Thaddeus sighs. "Though I am in agreement that we are far too easy to spot in this vehicle, the question which arises is how else we are to make it to Alydar. I am in no condition to walk for any meaningful distance, loathe as I am to admit it. And can we risk stopping at a stable to fetch a less conspicuous wagon? If the corruption is as pervasive as it appears, I would imagine that by now there are already lookouts waiting for us."

He looks down at Luna Lovegood. "You can pretend all you like, Miss, but we know you are conscious. Do you perchance know just what exactly was done to me during that procedure, so that I may find a way to reverse it?"

((Also gonna throw up a Detect Evil, to see how Lovegood measures up))
Forrester begins to groan, "W-where am I...?" as the buggy continues to slowly sift through the main street crowd. Lovegood, who deliberately avoided taking the first name as that old hag from Pelor only begins to wake up as well at Thaddeus' words. At that time Curly says towards the back, "As long as you stay under the wagon cover we should be out of here before people suspect a thing."

Eventually the buggy is put to a stop and a yell from outside can be heard, interrupting the attempts to speak to the girls,

"Tiberus Leo Thunderface! Show yourself if you have the courage!"


Lovegood is somewhat evil as consequence, but doesn't seem to have an aura that matches how she acted. Also, the Kobold up front no longer shows up as evil.
For a while, it seems like the drive will go without interference. and then Tiberious is called out, with his courage placed on the line. He looks to the others and says "You probably won't like this, but my hands are tied. That's a challenge in the making right there, I have to answer it."

Moments later, Tiberious leaps out of the wagon and lands in a pose. "You have called for the thunder, and it has come crashing down from the sky! Who is it that calls me out?"
It is the Avatar of Kord, by himself standing in the middle of the street.

People line the main streets at the buildings, glancing to the two men. Many of them are young men and women enjoying the youthful frat life in the academy city.

"It is I," he begins, jutting a thumb to his chest, "Avatar of Kord. I was to fight you today, but an understandable change in plans were made, but now I challenge you personally right here in the middle of the city. Let all of these fans of the arena witness what it is for two men to embrace in combat." He reaches for his two weapons... and slowly extends them out with his arms spread to the sky like an eagle... for only a moment. He pulls his palms open, dropping the weapons onto the ground with a topple. "No weapons. No slaying. Only the open glorification of what it is to have a body crafted by the gods themselves, to fight the way we were created; not with iron or stone, but with muscle and bone."

He turns his body all about him, "It is not about how you draw your audience! It's finding the right audience interested in you! This is the perfect arena! We're surrounded by a many young men and women that would love to see a fight happen!"

With that said, he points over, "Tiberious! It is time to find out who the stronger man is!"
Tiberious can't help but grin upon receiving the Avatar of Kord's challenge.

"To say schedules changed today is putting it lightly. You have done well in tracking me down. Very well! Amidst a sea of fiery youth, I accept your challenge! Today, we find out which of us is the manliest! "

Tiberious takes his weapons and puts them back in the wagon. Returning before Kord, he takes up a fighting stance. "With no weapons, our only tools are our bodies and spirits! This shall be a day to remember for all, only the truest of men can fight on such terms."
"Prepare to face a body sculpted by the god of physique, Kord, himself!!"

He thrusts his elbows back, his fists clenched at his side. His muscles soon bulge tightly and his eyes dilate under his mask. He lets out a roar and soon becomes lost in the will of the fight.

<Avatar of Kord is now raged. I don't actually have a sheet for a non-enraged version so I'll have to start the battle this way.

Initiative: 1d20+2=13>
((Linking doesn't work on my phone, so I'll have to type it out.))

Initiative: [13] + 2 = 15
In a state of comparative calm, Tiberious shoots forward to grab the Avatar or Kord, seeking to begin the first of many tie-up in this match for the ages.
Perform (act): [12] + 18 = 30
((Doing a normal grapple. Saving the signature move for later in the fight))
Grapple: [10] + 19 = 29
"Look closely, Avatar! These are the muscles you have so wished to challenge! Show me your manly spirit!"

((I'm going to be in class from 8:00 a.m. (6 minutes from now my time) to 11:00 a.m., so I probably won't be able to respond for a while.))
((Just enough break time to type up another post. I'm pretty sure 18 doesn't hit his CMD.))

Tiberious easily resists the Avatar's attempt to turn his grapple. Pressing his momentum, Tiberious moves to put him in a headlock.
perform (act): [15] + 18 = 33
pin: [7] + 19 = 26
<Just barely enough to pin him thanks to the loss of Dexterity when being grappled.>

The Avatar, hoists himself to try and keep the tight grip on him from overwhelming him. Eventually the crowd begins to cheer on the display of a hold being put on, just the idea of two men fighting in the middle of the city just brightens their day.

He attempts to break free of Tiberius' weight on him.

Attempt to free from pin: 1d20 + 13=29

And if he manages to break free will try to pin Tiberius in return with a turn of his body

CMB to pin: 1d20 + 13=25 (probably a miss)

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone groans inwardly as Leo and the Avatar of Kord engage one another. If it were the tiefling's choice, he'd have put an arrow in the Avatar's leg and continued their flight from Emerald Bay.

But then the man had dropped his weapons...

Even if it were not morally questionable to shoot an unarmed man, interfering with the fight would almost certainly run afoul of that Alphabet of Manliness or whatever that Leo was always going on about.

"Leo!" he shouts from the sidelines, "We don't got time for this nonsense! Put an end t'im, quick!"
((I almost burst out laughing in the middle of the hall at Alphabet of Manliness.

Kord broke the pin but didn't get his pin in))

Completely caught up with the fight at hand, Tiberious barely hears Dreadstone over the crowd. Even if he makes out what he says, he does not respond, choosing not to answer to his non-gladiator name is this contest of manliness.

Riding along with Kord's turn, Tiberious goes for a more acrobatic pin. He swings along his back and then flies between his legs, flowing back up while locking his own legs around Kord's head and pulling up to bring him to the ground. The maneuver is filled with unnecessary flourishes designed to further excite the crowd.
Perform (act): [10] + 18 = 28
Pin: [12] + 19 = 31
Tiberious quickly cartwheels out of the hold upon the Avatar tapping out.

Extending an arm to him while he's on the ground, he says "That was an excellent fight between men, few could stand against me in wrestling for as long as did. Stand back up and don your mask once more! You have not been disgraced enough to demask yourself before this crowd."

The Avatar of Kord grasps Tiberius' hand and allows himself to be pulled up. When his face is seen, it will appear as though looking through a mirror, a face very similar to Leo's himself. The Avatar steps on his mask, shattering it, "I'm afraid my image is no more. I must start anew, become reborn."

Soon guards begin to arrive to investigate what has caused traffic to be held up. The man, now no longer known as Avatar of Kord looks over and says, "I will turn myself in as one of the men in on the killings to distract them. Maybe someday, I will become arena champion.. victorious over even the strong. My name will be known throughout the land..."

"And I want you... I want you to stop me when that time comes." He smiles.
Leo is stunned when the former Avatar of Kord stands up. Why does this man look so much like him? As best as he can recall, he has no family or siblings, so he wouldn't expect to encounter an identical brother. This makes no sense.

Before he adequately has time to grapple with the issue before him, guards show up, and the former Avatar tells Leo of his plan to throw them off the trail. Leo can only disapprove, but he knows that there is no changing his mind, and looks towards him sadly.

"Your mind is made up, then? I see... Very well then, may the path you take lead to you to the strength you seek. The next time we meet, it shall be to do battle for the title of the strongest gladiator to have ever lived."

Leo shakes the man's hand one last time and returns to the wagon, looking more somber than usual. "Our business here is done, and the guards will be giving us less trouble for a time. Let us make for Alydar and figure out how we shall crush our foes. This sacrifice of the manliest nature will not be vain."
A hand is placed on Tiberius' shoulder before he departs. He gives one last message, "That thing that you call 'manliness'? That is Kord's hands mending us, giving us his power. We are made more than ordinary men." He looks over, "And one more thing..." he moves over to pick up his weapons, "I won't need these anymore." He hands his spear and made to Tiberious.

With his last parting gift, he moves past the buggy and spreads his arms to the guards, "I am one of the men you're looking for! I am the man with no name!" Once seen that his face matches the drawing, he is soon escorted away.

<Tiberious gets a +4 Planar Mace and a +1 Furyborn Shortspear.>
Despite his condition, Thaddeus musters a smile when Leo returns to the mechanical buggy. "Well fought," he compliments the gladiator. "Truly a... manly display. Your friend's sacrifice is noble and appreciated. We shall come back for him when the time is right." He reaches over to put a consoling hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Curly," he says, turning to the driver, "Shall we continue on, then?"
"With godspeed!" Soon the motors begin to rumble and expel steam once more, and the vehicle begins to move out.

Soon the party will be out of the city. Dortumn will mention, "Uqualek will be bringing the boys back to the Keep. Hopefully even if we do get ambushed it'll distract from our troops."

<As of right now, you are no longer completely safe travelling on the world map (meaning encounters may happen along the way to Alydar depending on what you decide to do.) You'll definitely want a strategy for getting around, as such think outside the box.>
((Gonna assume that someone brought up Freetown in character))

Thaddeus purses his lips, reluctant to admit that Freetown may in fact be an ideal place to go.

"Never did I think I'd live to see the day that I would seek refuge in a den of villainy, to flee from the government I've sworn to protect," he mutters. "Perhaps you're right. Alydar can wait for the time being. But it must be our next destination."
Thaddeus frowns at Draco's sarcastic observation. This is getting far, far more complicated than he is comfortable with.

"It was my impression that the men living in 'Freetown' were decidedly disorganized, whereas this Thieves' Guild is anything but. Of course, that doesn't preclude the possibility that there are already informants in place..."

Uncertainty fills his features, and he looks at the senior officers in the buggy, hoping that they'll have either some sage wisdom to impart, or at least a concrete order for him to follow.
Leo has spent the last portion of the ride looking intently over the weapons he received from the former Avatar. In addition to being fine weapons, they are rife with the trials of a man. Their condition speaks of battles won, foes slain, difficult times surmounted-

The disagreement between Draco and Thaddeus causes him to look up and come out of his trance. As Draco got his attention, he speaks to him first. "It seems our options are limited. Either we move towards Alydar, prepared to cut down any who would try and stop us, or we go to Freetown and hope that the population's worship of you buys enough time for a better idea before word gets out."

At this point, he turns his attention to both Dreadstone and Draco. "I am no strategist, but time is something we have little of. What approach would you take?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone leans against the interior wall of Curly's self-propelled wagon and idly scratches Gnaw's head between the dog's ears.

"The way I see it," he begins in a contemplative tone, "is that we can either head to Alydar where we know th'military an' subsequently th'Orphans are in charge. Or, we can head over to Freetown, where th'Thieves' Guild an' subsequently th'Orphans may be in charge. Playin' th'odds, our chances are better in Freetown. It'll give us time to regroup, come up with a plan."

Looking up with silver eyes, Dreadstone meets the gaze of the other occupants of the wagon in turn. "I don't need t'tell ya, but things are bad. We're soldiers without an army, twistin' in the wind. We didn't budge, but somehow we're the rebels now..."
<I think that's more votes to go to the prison to recoup. Don't worry, I think it's cool to see the most unanimously allied place come into play once more.>

Curly responds, "Very well. I hope you are right about there being friends there." And turns his buggy to begin making his way south.

Forrester finally fully wakes up and begins glancing between the party, "Am I out...? Out of that place?"
"Take heart, My Lady, you are safe now. We've rescued you from the clutches of the Thieves' Guild. Emerald Bay has been severely compromised; we are presently on our way to a place we believe to be somewhat safer."

Thaddeus sits up and looks at her with eyes full of sympathy. "Though it may be painful for you to relive, I must ask: Did you see anything during your captivity that may be of interest to those who wish to take down your captors? Names, faces, anything you may have seen or heard?"
She takes the ration and quickly opens up, "Thank you! Thank you!" She begins grasping the ration food inside and eating it.

Lovegood finally wakes herself, but instead of seeming confused and daze, she immediately props up and begins to scramble, screaming loudly, "Help!! I'm being kidnapped by strange men!! Somebody!!" Fortunately, her cries fall into silence as the buggy is already well out of the city and away from any prying ears.
Now that she's had time to eat, Tiberious decides to introduce himself. "Greetings! I don't believe we have met, as I joined this group after your unfortunate kidnapping.I am Tiberious Thunderface! Master gladiator and man! Much has happened in your absence. Long story short, we're all on the run now. Also, you can see that we caught one of the members of their operation," he says pointing at Lovegood.

Besides that, he ignores Lovegood for now. She will get a firing inquisition later.
"Miss Lovegood, you are under arrest," Thaddeus announces. "Were we in a position to deposit you into a proper facility, we would do so. However, thanks to the organization which seems to have brainwashed you, the integrity of the justice system has been compromised, and so for the time being you must continue to travel with us. We apologize for your near-death, but as you can tell, your wounds have been mended. Physically, you will be fine. Spiritually maybe be a different story; if you seek religious counsel, I would be more than happy to oblige. My instincts tell me you are not interested, but I feel compelled to make the offer."

He turns to the other woman. "Miss Forrester, I am Thaddeus Birchwood. Is there anything else you require apart from food and water? A stiff drink, perhaps?" He smiles slightly.
She snaps at the Drow lecturing her, "This isn't an arrest! It's kidnap! And you tried to kill me, the heart of Emerald Bay! Here's what I think of your spirituality and your gods!" She promply spits at Thaddeus, whether or not it can actually reach.

Forrester is taken aback by the behavior of the younger girl.
((Well, you know. It's probably good that Niko's not here, since Tiberious will probably propose interrogating Lovegood once we arrive in Freetown. That would have lead to all kinds of pvp fun)(


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I regret not being able to take advantage of this sweet role-play opportunity. The look on Niko's face during the encounter, subsequent stabbing etc. would have been priceless. Who knew the sorcerer's flirting fail would become so intricately woven into the fate of the kingdom?))
Who knew the sorcerer's flirting fail would become so intricately woven into the fate of the kingdom?))
<If it is any indication, Lovegood's relevance to the plot was not because of Niko and was planned well before he made the mistake of flirting with an anime girl drawing. Lovegood was almost removed from the story (she was originally just to make any potential bards in the party lament how people like music augmented with magical instruments [80's synths, yo] compared to their traditional lutes and flutes) but then I had the idea of having the party go on a faux rescue mission and the rest is history.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Good to see you, Jackben))

Dreadstone regards Lovegood's change in demeanour with cool impassiveness. It wouldn't be the first time a bested foe suddenly developed a conscience and expressed remorse, but there's a distinct note of sincerity to her protestations.

"How exactly d'ya recall our little scuffle playin' out, ma'am?" he inquires.
She makes no attempt to answer Dreadstone's question.. though it is likely because she doesn't know how to answer it, so she instead makes an idle thread, "When everyone finds out that you have me captive you'll wish you had let the Guild kill you."
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