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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Okay, yeah. Sounds like the best he could do is just jump down onto the stairs which lead up to the balcony.>

Soon after the two leap onto the balcony even as Lovegood is speaking, and as the tengu are sliding down into battle... the whole party hears a voice in their head, which silences the rest of the room and for that moment, slows down time with the words you hear. It is Dortumn, yelling and screaming in a fit of panic and horror,

Everyone!! You need to hear this!! The regent's body has just been found dead!! It's been decomposing for nearly a month!!

As someone who hails from another land, the name Marcellus Billem does not hold a great deal of significance to Tiberious. Still, he recalls Curly mentioning that he was under protection less than several weeks ago.

Damn, Dortumn and the others haven't been able to catch a break with these thieves' guild types in a while now. We need to drag Lovegood back before all their hair goes white.
<Yeah, though I do want to know if Tiberius moved onto the stairs (straight up from where he's at) or decided to move somewhere different that way I can eventually update the map properly.>
((It sounds like the stairs are the best I can do with my move speed and acrobatics roll, so I'll just move onto the stairs. I can always daredevil charge this upcoming turn for a full attack anyway.

Does E3 work?))
"A poor upbringing is no excuse for wanton immoral behaviour. Your brother would be ashamed of you right now, were he still alive.

"I suspect I will not convince you with words alone, though. As soon as we cut through these fowl bird-men, you will be disciplined, young lady."

Just then, he hears Dortumn's panicked message, and has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "We're aware that something was amiss with the Regent, Sir. No time to talk; I recommend you scry in on us immediately, and send reinforcements."

He takes a decisive step forward and engages the tengu warrior with two powerful, if not particularly quick, sword slashes.

First attack, Damage, Second attack, Damage (1d20+16=21, 1d8+9=16, 1d8+11=15, 1d8+9=10)

((Yikes. Poor rolls there I stepped north to do a full attack on the guy in G2, btw.

Edit: Just noticed I accidentally rolled a d8 for my second attack. I rerolled it and got an even worse result :p

Replacement roll for the second attack (1d20+11=12)))
<First attack hits, it is still alive.>

The men Dreadstone and Draco have rescued from the prison are getting their butts in gear right this instant! Hang in there if you can!​
Upon landing on the staircase, Tiberious sees a small horde of Tengu descend down. He's too removed from them to help Thaddeus and Dreadstone kill them, but he can do one better by killing the archer on the balcony and subdoing Lovegood.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72244]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 19 = [20]+19 = 39
Moving with reckless abandon, he charges the archer, hoping to cut him down in a gory spectacle. While it's a long shot given the distance, he aims to splatter some of the drow's blood onto Lovegood, hopefully freaking her out and making her realize how in deep she is. Drawing his new weapon with a flourish, he makes a stylish, flashy lunge towards the Drow archer, hoping to give his new toy a good test run.

"Lovegood, you fool! Take a good hard look at what it is to put your life on the line against a man!"

((Wielding the falcata with two hands and doing a full attack off of reckless charge. Also, I forgot to factor furious focus when rolling the power attack that didn't happen last time, so I'll include that and the flanking bonus in this attack.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72241]Power Attack: 1D20 + 17 = [18]+17 = 35
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72242]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 17 = [13]+17 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72246]Damage: 1D8 + 14 = [7]+14 = 21
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72247]X3 Crit Damage (1): 1D8 + 14 = [2]+14 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72248]X3 Crit Damage (2): 1D8 + 14 = [5]+14 = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72249]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 9 = [4]+9 = 13
((Updated for his move: http://beta.ditzie.com/52645/540ca3bbea361))

Mike M

Nick N
Though some part of Dreadstone's mind is aware of the depths of Lovegood's treacherous machinations and the level to which the entire military command has been had, he crams it down into its own little box in the back closet of his consciousness. To survive this, he's going to need all his attention on the matter at hand.

The wall of wind cast by the Drow up on the balcony is more than a hindrance to the bow-wielding ranger, it's a crippling handicap. Fortunately Leo and Draco are both up on that level dealing with the situation, and the Drow has already suffered serious injury. Besides, he and the encumbered Thaddeus have their own horde of Tengu to deal with at the moment.

"She's a bloody bard!" he shouts to the two men up above. "Shut her dang fool mouth quick like before she gives all these here Tengus any other brave notions in their noggins!"

Battle commands given (after a fashion), Dreadstone sets about trying to establish his own perimeter of defense to keep the swarm of Tengus from approaching too closely.

Full Attack vs. Tengu J5
Attack 1:  1d20+15+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=24
Damage: 2d8+14+2(Point Blank)(Many Shot)=29

Rapid Shot:  1d20+15+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=25
Damage:  1d8+7+1(Point Blank)=15

Attack 2:  1d20+10+1(Point Blank)=29
Damage:  1d8+7+1(Point Blank)=9

Gnaw spreads his legs and hangs his slavering jaws low to the ground, a bestial posture threatening violence against all those that dare approach. ((Gnaw is Defending. I only just now leveled him up, BTW, since I didn't remember to do it after I noted that I had forgotten the first time...))
<@Dreadstone: 53 damage kills it.>

Draco runs around to the other side of the bard, spins around and stabs her in the gut.

Lovegood lets out a gasp of shock as she is quickly stabbed. She barely gives a hushed "But... the people... love..." and soon drops down and begins to fall unconscious, "brother.. I'm..."

A scream echoes throughout the building, a loud shriek calling out a name, "ROSINA!!!" A man, somewhere in his twenties, well groomed with a suit lacking the jacket, being a white shirt with suspenders soon appears onto the scene, pointing up at Draco, "I knew you'd fucking cross the guild, but I didn't think you would do so the most vile way!" He retracts his arm and points it out again, "Kill him! Kill this fucker! I don't care what his friends do to try and stop him!"

All of the Tengu, except for the one engaged with Tiberius in sword play, turn to Draco.

<I can say I was not expecting this, and the future events of the game just greatly changed. Gonna give a chance to think about what's going on with the party before I actually take my turn.>
<Unless Draco thinks he can tank the entire room, I can give you guys a free turn to flee the battle (Draco should be able to spider climb out a window.)>

Mike M

Nick N
((Dreadstone's not about to abandon Forrester now that we've finally gotten to her. I'm going to guess since Draco didn't prepare Ant Haul, it's not much good hoping he can haul her out the window using Spider Climb...))
((I... what? I actually kinda thought I was outta spider climb actually, but sure, I'm not complaining. I was about to do something, but can I actually make some other actions? I'm pretty sure dropping a couple extracts and giving Leo a few orders will just be a few free actions, but idk...))
"The fuck?" Draco exclaims in confusion, then he turns to the gladiator holding two extracts in his hand, "Get rid of the drow and take drink blue vial, it'll allow you to fly and get Forrester out of here... if you can you might as well take Lovegood as well. You can use this green vial here to heal her if need be, she is probably more useful alive. I...will be providing a distraction it seems." He tosses the vials on Forrester.(Hopefully only people near him and Leo can actually here this part.)

The investigator then turns to the random man, "Ha! I had thought the only way to take you out was too infiltrate the guild, but he knew you'd all be foolish to show yourselves to me? Don't worry, now that I've seen your face its only matter of time before you join her!"

Bluff(or maybe intimidate? bonus is the same anyways): (1d20+7+1d6=12)

Draco then makes his escape with spider climb to a nearby window I guess.
The mysterious man counters, not diffused by the intimidation, "To hell with whether or not I show myself! Even if you live through this your life and your reputation is as good as ruined, you hear me!? You're a murderer now! Just like the serial killer you've been looking for!!"

<As an OOC hint: take what he says seriously (maybe not the murderer part, his threat) and prepare accordingly. Things are going south EXTREMELY fast.

Also, now I'm waiting for what Tiberius does.>
Tiberious looks up from his fight in confusion as Draco stabs Lovegood. "Wha? I'm all for killing the bad guys, but I thought we were taking her alive." He then shrugs. "Eh, I guess we can get someone to fix her later, if the green vial doesn't do it."

Then a new man enters the room who seemingly does not share his carefree attitude towards things. Things seem to be going south. A little confused, Tiberious catches the vial and hears Draco's instructions. "We're about to pull out? Well, ok then, I better speed things up with this drow."

Grasping his falcata in two hands again, he moves to make a killing blow.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72263]Power Attack : 1D20 + 16 = [20]+16 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72264]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 16 = [8]+16 = 24
((I goofed, that should be a plus 15. Doesn't matter with the hit, but it might effect the confirm. I'll roll crit damage in case it did to keep things moving, easier to ignore some rolls than wait for me to wake up again and edit it.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72267]Damage: 1D8 + 14 = [5]+14 = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72268]X3 Crit Damage (1): 1D8 + 14 = [2]+14 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72269]X3 Crit Damage (2): 1D8 + 14 = [1]+14 = 15
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72270]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 7 = [5]+7 = 12
((EDIT: I always forget about Axe to Grind. If Draco moved away to stab Luna, Tiberious would be the only one threatening the Drow, so any hits would do an extra point of damage relative to what I rolled.))
"Augh! Damn you..! Just as I was becoming strong..!" And with that blow, Tiberius just slaughtered one of the Drow that Stricia had left living with a pacifist mindset.

<He drops a +4 Adaptability Composite Longbow named Demon's Verdict>
((Glad I decided to stick around for a few more minutes, sleep is overrated. XD))

"Leaving like this seems unmanly, but if you feel it's time for you to make a distraction Draco, I'll respect your wishes. Time for me to get the women out of here!"

Tiberious puts away his falcata and drinks the blue potion. He puts the greatbow away for good measure to make sure that someone has it, and then grabs Lovegood and Forrester, using one arm for each. Moving awkwardly since he's not used to flight, he makes his way towards the window.

Tiberious briefly glances back before exiting, his eyes full of nothing but admiration for Draco and his new foray into the way of the man.

((I'm assuming Forrester and Lovegood weigh less than 300 pounds between the two of them, so Tiberious should be able to carry them out. Also assuming this is a different turn now))
<So... if it isn't clear by now this game is pretty dark in tone compared to QotHR. It'll become extremely apparent in the following events after you escape this battle.>

Mike M

Nick N
"We got what we need, fall back!" Dreadstone shouts. "Fall back!"

Despite his order, Dreadstone remains rooted to the spot, ready to lay down cover fire for Thaddeus and his arcane booby-trapped equipment.
Everything is moving so fast....

Thaddeus despairs as events unfold around him at a seemingly breakneck speed. A death-defying leap here; a torrent of arrows there; suddenly the songstress is dead, and an unfamiliar man emerges from the shadows to shake a proverbial fist at the party.

Thaddeus can only stand there, struggling to keep a steady grip on his blade and try to comprehend what is going on. His movements are sluggish, imprecise, and sloppy, and the bird-warrior impresses a sense of urgency upon him that he cannot keep up with.

"Fall back!" Dreadstone shouts, and Thaddeus turns around.

It feels like he's in slow motion.

Fighting through an affliction he doesn't understand, Thaddeus plods one foot in front of the other, withdrawing from battle with the tengu and somehow maneuvering around Dreadstone, who seems to be laying down cover fire to allow his second-in-command to escape.

Halfway down the stairs, he misses a step, and tumbles down the rest of the way. His armour keeps him safe from injury, but it takes everything he has to lift himself off the ground, and he dizzily makes a desperate break for the front door.

((Full withdrawal))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone turns literal tail and flies down the staircase, Gnaw frantically bringing up the rear. Without any effort at all, he catches up to the lumbering paladin and slings one of the elf's armored arms over his shoulders like a yoke.

"C'mon, son," he says, momentarily forgetting that the youthful-looking elf is actually his senior by decades, "we need to be ghosts by the time those things come back lookin' for us."
Everyone somehow manages to meet up outside the building. Forrester is alive but out of it, and Lovegood leaves a trail of blood dropping from where Tiberius steps.

Soon what appears to be a wagon speeds to you. It has no horse, and putters smoke from its chassis. Soon as the driver, Curly the Quartermaster, appears in view maneuvering the vehicle, he pulls hard on a lever while turning the wheel to swerve along the turn of the wheels, stopping in front of you all. The Quartermaster yells, "Get in the back! Uqualek's wagon is carrying our Keep soldiers. We're going to rendezvous."

As you climb in, Dortumn is there, clearly very distraught over the situation. "We've been had. The whole city's turned on us and we've failed the regent and nobody's going to believe us if we say that the lassie is part of the guild." He takes a breath of momentary relief, "At least you got Forrester finally. Try to wake her."

Looking over the body that is fleeting from life, he asks, "What in the tenth hell happened!? Is she dead?"
Once he is finally able to take a seat, Thaddeus gains back some of his composure. "Sir," he says, fighting the pull to slur his words, "If she yet lives, I'll be able to pull her from the precipice."

He hovers his hands over her and concentrates. A white light pours from his palms and into the wound, hoping to mend it.

((Lay On Hands to heal 12 HP of damage))
The wound begins to close, though his first round of healing does not close it completely as it has opened further during bleeding, but it seems he managed to heal her before she had died.
((Will continue to Lay On Hands until she is fully restored, in increments of 12 HP each))

After bringing the younger girl back to full health, Thaddeus turns his attentions to the real victim in all this. He utters a quiet prayer, and unleashes a powerful surge of curative magicks toward Ms. Forrester.

((Cure Moderate Wounds))
Forrester didn't seem very well injured to begin with, but none of the less the healing makes her body feel less strained and weary, and she begins to come to. She turns slightly in her wake, only letting out an uuunn with little sense of where she is.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone casts an unsure glance at Curly's strange mechanical contraption, but wastes no time heaving Thaddeus into the back before he and Gnaw spring up to join them.

"Draco skewered Lovegood somethin' fierce," he offers by way of explanation as he unslings his bow and nocks an arrow. "Can't say she didn't have it comin' though. She should be able to provide some intel when we patch 'er up."

One of the small feathered creatures that had been pursuing Draco spills out from an alley into the cobblestone streets and promptly sprouts some new plumage as Dreadstone skewers its head to a rain barrel with a black-fletched arrow.

"Now's a good time for gettin' gone," he says calmly as he draws another arrow.
<I'm gonna go ahead and continue a bit.>

Curly's vehicle is easily capable of outrunning the Tengu, and it does. He maneuvers through an alternative route that takes them through a flat ramp to return to downtown.

Looking back, the halfling commands, "It would be best not to let anyone see you. Stay under the cover to minimize notice." As the car drives through town, it slows down, and Curly looks to his assistant half-orc, "Grab that for me please." Ripping a paper off from a bulletin board, it is passed down to the Kobold between them to look at, then Curly. He tsks, "Oh dear, this is certainly not good. Not good at all." And passes the paper to the party in the back.

Already the thieves' guild is working against them. All four party members are featured as being wanted by the Emerald Bay constabulary:

- Dreadstone, AKA "Demon of the Keep" or "Hell's Warden"; Bounty Hunter turned scoundrel, said to have helped kill Bachelor Marcallus Billem in revenge for his rejection from the military - has with him an outlawed breed of animal

- Draco, high ranking Thieve's Guild member; said to have executed the Song Princess, Lovegood, after kidnapping her

- Thaddeus Birchwood, a Drow knight working with the terrorist organization, The Orphans, and is in cooperation with other Drow that had previously kidnapped a wagon driver

- Unknown (picture of Tiberius), possibly a bodyguard or hired killer​

It then states for anybody that might read it that if any of the people are seen to immediately notify the constable. Seeing this, Dortumn states, "We have to leave immediately." He looks to Dreadstone, "They discontinued our military operation after our failure to keep Marcallus alive. We no longer have any authority and we're on our own. The soldiers are coming with us too.. say that they know you're just and are willing to be loyal."

"Dreadstone.." Dortumn offers, "I need your orders."
"I know a place where we can find refuge, if only for a time," Thaddeus offers in a labored tone. "A priestess of Ehlonna. She lives in Alydar. Perhaps she'll be able to remedy whatever this brat has done to me."
Leo looks at the wanted posters in outrage. "What?! Unknown? I can't believe they didn't get my name! I'm not even famous and fear-striking into bad guys..."

Leo pouts for a minute and displays a profoundly misplaced sense of priorities while the others hash out what to do next.

"Alydar sounds fine to me. By the way, I found something for you when I struck down that Drow, Deadstone." With that, Leo pulls out Demon's Verdict and hands it to Dreadstone.
<So... I think it's time for me to say that this game has been mostly a learning experience as a DM. I've made a lot of mistakes, especially not realizing early on how easily a DM can get into the habit of railroading the game (which I have done) and a lot of other times even if I wanted to allow railroading it just wasn't possible due to lack of content in areas the player might have wanted to go.

Finally, I allow a player to pretty much break a battle (you weren't really meant to get up to Lovegood's platform right away, but I decided to let you in exchange for letting me finish my dialogue) and I was going to make adjustments to compensate, and then suddenly you do something that goes against all expectations. The game has been derailed, and might actually end up better (at least for me, I'm not the one being tried for crimes of murder) for it.>
((Yeah, players are going to surprise you constantly. It's good to be able to roll with that and adjust accordingly. If I had a nickel for every time you all ruined my plans during my own game, I'd probably have like... A dollar or two. And every time, it made cool and memorable things happen.

Like, now we're all outlaws being hunted down for a crime we didn't commit, carrying a hostage with us and facing down a corrupt government that may need to be gutted from the inside out, and we may need to look for help from people that some of us may have formerly put under arrest on sight. Those are some pretty interesting directions to take these characters. Should be fun!))
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