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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

At least four of these are named after colorful children's book unicorn ponies and at least three named after patron saints, but more importantly they're a list of the race horses at Ruby Keep and their estimated odds of winning.

<I need to head to bed>

Mike M

Nick N
((Maaaan, have not been investing in that at all...))

Local Knowledge check: 1d20+7=26

((EDIT: Welp, never mind then.))
Thaddeus takes the documents in the desk as evidence, and heads downstairs. "Doesn't appear to be anything worthwhile in the desk, though I have procured some of the documents for analysis by cryptographers. Let us make haste for this abandoned mansion."
<I don't see much reason to keep you here. As soon as I prepare some stuff I'll move you forward. I'll likely skip actually finding the abandoned house too (not sure if it qualfies as a mansion in retrospect but it's hard to keep details straight sometimes).>
Easier done than said, you are at the abandoned building, located in a slum area past the beachside and bringing you down some stairs into an in-ground walled surrounding. It is a tall building, with quite a few windows. It would also be very easy to break in even without Draco's help, with only a board nailed on the front of the door.
"Shall we attempt a quieter approach this time?" says Thaddeus. He inspects the boarded-up door, trying to find the nails so he can pull them out gently.
Leo looks at the board Thaddeus is examining. "I still don't see the appeal of a quiet approach, but if that's how you want to do it, then all right."

Mike M

Nick N
"Watch yerself, now" Dreadstone says, casting a wary glance at their surroundings. "Ain't no way they don't got somethin' more potent than a nailed board securin' this place..."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's hand rests upon the door. "I'll take point," he declares. "Thaddeus, you're with me, Draco you come next. Leo, you take rear guard. Remember, you're a mime for a buncha deaf orphans."

((Absolutely noooooo problem retconning the order if anyone has any objections or better ideas))
You enter the darkness of the foyer, lit by only the beams of the light through the windows. You're immediately welcome by a set of stairs which split up into two other stairs on each side, both leading up to an upper walkway (with a bit of light creeping through some broken boards above.)

<I just need to know if you decide to split up going up the stairs or not (they lead to the same room on opposite sides) and then the order of your split, or if you go as a group the order which you go.>
Leo makes a long, meandering series of hand motions and facial contortions that the others can only assume is mimespeak for acknowledgement, and follows along.

((I'm fine with a split. I'd say one tanky person per side, so I'd ideally either be paired with Dreadstone or Draco if we opt to go that route.

EDIT: Staying in the above order works for me too))
((i see no reason for us not to stay in the order above, so we might as well take the same set of stairs, unless they look like they can hold all our weight or something.))
((All for one, one for all. I've nothing to add for RP, but yeah let's all take the same staircase. If it collapses on us, then oh well... it'll be a fun ride down!))
((Alright then, so line formation but me/Thad up front since we're melee?

I'll go ahead and say Thad up front if that's the deal because who in their right mind would trust Tiberious on point? :p))
Heading up the stairs you make it up to the upper platform. Able to view the shattered floor from below, you decide to take the more stable set of stairs (if, for whatever reason you decide to retcon this, your call).

On a balcony just out of reach, you can see Lovegood looking down at you, and by her is a modest throne, sitting unconscious is Forrester. The young songstress smiles down at you and curtsies, saying with a sweet voice that now has a bit of a sting, "I assume you plan on rescuing me? I'm afraid I won't need such services; I have already made as much money sitting here well protected than I have in my singing career."

<Dialogue time.>
Tiberious is prepared to respond dramatically to a number of things. Lovegood being in on the kidnapping is not on that list. He sees another woman he's never met before beside her, but he's too exasperated to launch boasting or insulting comments at Lovegood. Instead, he opts to not address her at all and speak to the others.

"Sigh... what is it with us and rescue missions? This is a change of plans, so what should we do with the brat, Deadstone?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone smirks as he unslings his bow and draws a bead on Lovegood. At this sign of aggression, Gnaw immediately assumes a posture of hostility, growling and snarling.

"Yes, I reckon ransoming hostages is quite th'windfall compared to performin'," Dreadstone says. "I used to practice a similar profession, y'know. 'Course I stood on the other side of the law in the matter."

Dreadstone draws the bow tight. "Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you not to move while my associates retrieve Miss Forrester there. Then we're all gonna have a trip to the constable's office together."
A drow with a bow soon steps forward near the girl, and casts Wind Wall to prevent any shots from coming at her.

"I wouldn't be an idol without the Thieve's Guild, after all they are my biggest sponsors, of course... in fact they are hardly a guild anymore! They control quite a few things in the city, including trade and government."

She leans against the throne, leaning her head as she says, "Do you know where I got my name, Lovegood, from? It actually came from an old storybook about a magic school and strange things, but that book was also written by the mages of Emerald Bay, as a sort of propaganda to draw the curious away from axes and minotaurs.

"It's funny, how this city had warred between magic and might, but in the end it is the outcast from the two, the rogues that win it all."
"I would hardly call this a victory for you just yet, Ms. Lovegood," says Thaddeus, drawing Demonsbane. The shining blade casts a faint luminescence in the room, no doubt making the Drow spellcaster squint. "You've made a grave error in consorting with the elves of the Underdark. It is fortunate for you that we're here; we've no doubt saved you from their inevitable betrayal."
The shining blade casts a faint luminescence in the room, no doubt making the Drow spellcaster squint.
The blade does not do this, completely failing to respect the glorious image of its holder.

The girl giggles at the sight of the Paladin, "Any other spoiled girl would fall for a boy with flowing silver hair such as yourself, but I know very well that beauty is only skin deep."

She snaps her fingers, and in that instant Thaddeus will suddenly feel weighed down heavily, his armor and blade pulling him to the ground with an immense increased weight. In addition, his skin begins to magically melt at its surface, slowly dispelling the magic that had masked his true self. Thaddeus' eyes and skin return to their original coloring. He is a Drow once more. The girl smiles, "Did I mention the guild controls the academy too?"

<While Thaddeus is wearing his armor, it retains its enhancement bonuses as do his weapons, but he is now considered under a heavy load for purposes of AC calculation and movement speed. In addition he now has to two hand his one handed weapon or else it is considered an improvised weapon.>


<Pause for reactions, and a pause to have an OOC show of hands (lurkers that aren't posting as well). I want to know how many people that are reading this thread DIDN'T see this coming?>
((I guess I'll be the first to admit I didn't see that coming, then.

Also, I was thinking along the same lines Deadphoenix was. I may be getting ahead here, but any idea what the acrobatics DC for jumping to the balcony would be once action resumes?))
<Probably whatever is around a 10ft requirement or so, not too difficult (in fact you're supposed to drop down onto the stairs first), but if you let me get this roleplay out of the way first I'll let you do it as a surprise round.>
"Is there anything you don't control? I'm actually kind of hoping you are behind Dortumn and his group at this point or something..." Draco also pops a few extracts to prepare himself for the coming battle... Jump and shield to be specific, not the anyone would even know.
Thaddeus lurches, but does not falter. A small smile decorates his quivering lips. "I pity you," he says, struggling somewhat as he adjusts to his increased burden. He carefully puts his shield away and grips the hilt of his sword with both hands, so to be able to hold it steady and true. "For to have developed such a taste for cruelty at such a young age..." He pauses for a second, "...at ANY age... Suggests not only a serious fault of your parents, or whoever raised you, but also a fatal weakness of character. You will never break my will, child, no matter the state of my body."

((Didn't see it coming.

Edit: Draco, you happen to have a thing of Ant Haul that I could use?))
<I'll give a freebee buff for jumping and shield but after that you'll have to start applying buffs in-battle as villains aren't just going to let you do stuff without reaction>
The forceful stripping away of Thaddeus's form fills Tiberious with a righteous fury.

"Damn you, you vicious little girl! Not only have you caused us to go on two questionable rescue missions in a row, you've also stripped from my friend something he valued dearly! You have one last chance to come down unharmed, then I'm coming up there to get you. That little wind shield you have there may stop arrows, but it won't stop the burning resolve of a man! You better hurry, you may think this is the life for you, but I doubt you're ready for the chaos that is close-quarters combat."
Thaddeus lurches, but does not falter. A small smile decorates his quivering lips. "I pity you," he says, struggling somewhat as he adjusts to his increased burden. He carefully puts his shield away and grips the hilt of his sword with both hands, so to be able to hold it steady and true. "For to have developed such a taste for cruelty at such a young age..." He pauses for a second, "...at ANY age... Suggests not only a serious fault of your parents, or whoever raised you, but also a fatal weakness of character. You will never break my will, child, no matter the state of my body."

((Didn't see it coming.

Edit: Draco, you happen to have a thing of Ant Haul that I could use?))

((Did not prepare it today.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I didn't foresee her being the mastermind either.

Wind Wall is kind of awful, because I've neglected upgrading my greatsword this whole time because of all my pew pew pew-centric build choices : /))
She immediately lashes back out at Thaddeus' gloating over how she was supposedly raised wrong, "I only had my brother to look after me! My brother to keep me warm during freezing nights! You privileged nobles don't know what it's like to think every day how to serve yourself to survive instead of how to act proper or be nice, how to find shelter instead of what color fur it has, to beg for your so called good will instead of being the one to give it!"

"I didn't have parents to raise me up to teach me cruelty! It was the world all around me that shown me what it was, and it was my brother that rescued me from it!"

Looking at the party, she eventually declares, "I'm done speaking to you! It is time to sing my song." Soon her soft voice changes tone and she begins singing lyrics that echo in the vast emptiness of the building

My memories of you
Still keep me alive
I still obsess over
Our very first kiss​

In that moment ropes fall from the darkness above, and soon several colorful bird creatures, Tengu like in Dreadstone and Draco's first team up, slide down to join the party on their own balcony.



<As promised Tiberius and Draco will get a surprise round to get a moving start (I am thinking about whether to assume it's actually before the Tengu are placed), but just those two. Then you guys will get first turn and then the enemies will act their turns (this is to make taking turns go by faster and initiative less of a headache.

Lovegood's singing acts as Inspire Courage +1 for the enemies.>

((I didn't foresee her being the mastermind either.
<Well, I meant more the "spells used on Thaddeus turn on him" bit. When I was writing the bit where the mages kindly asked him to turn in his armor I felt like I was actually writing a heartfelt plea, "Guys! Guys! This is a trap! A trap is being put into effect!">
((Before I go typing stuff up, I should see if Tiberious is jumping before or after Draco.

Also, yeah, I didn't pick up on the armor removing stuff either.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72221]Surprise Round Initiative: 1D20 + 2 = [3]+2 = 5
((I think Draco's going first...))
((I have a +6 on initiative, so that seems likely.))

Once she begins singing, Draco runs forward and launches himself up to balcony.

Acrobatics: (1d20+16+5+30=55)
(('m not entirely sure if I get another +4 from my extra move speed from my boots or not... anyways, if a 13 foot high jump isn't high enough, I can always spend an inspiration for another 1 or 2 feet.))

He lands, brandishing his scimitar. "I'm sorry your life was so hard, but that really isn't an excuse kidnap innocent people. Of course, whats the point of suffering if you can't become worse then the nobles you claim to hate so much?"
((I'm still a little iffy on how surprise rounds work in conjunction with skill checks and the daredevil charge ability. If I figured it right, he'd burn enough feet and have drawn his weapon as a free action, leaving a single attack as a standard action. If there's no attack allowed despite that, ignore the bracketed part of the post))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72225]Acrobatics: 1D20 + 11 = [20]+11 = 31
((Add 3 to that if you would consider the abandoned mansion an urban environment))
Tiberious knows a performance when he sees one. This is not a little girl that plans on surrendering, so the best he can do is traumatize the little girl into changing her mind. With a running start, he leaps onto the balcony, landing besides the Drow that put up the wind wall.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72227]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 19 = [16]+19 = 35
"You've asked for this, welp! Now you shall know the wrath of manly battle!"

[Tiberious moves to draw his new weapon with both hands, seeking to decapitate the drow and shower as much blood onto Lovegood as possible with the hope of jarring her. "I draw upon the maniajutsu style of Thunderfaces past! Leaping, Erupting Mantetsuken!"
((Foregoing the shield to wield the falcata two-handed, rolling dmg with two-handed modifier))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72228]Power Attack: 1D20 + 12 = [19]+12 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72229] Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 12 = [2]+12 = 14
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72232]Damage: 1D8 + 15 = [2]+15 = 17
((If that 14 somehow confirmed, I'll go and add the crit damage, but I doubt that it did))]

((What I just described would put me at D5, so hopefully that works))
((Huh, I don't know then. Daredevil charge is a little weird in that you don't have to charge in a straight line and can make a full attack afterwards, but suffer an AC penalty the following round. I have no idea how that translates to a surprise round. I definitely exceeded 30 feet though.))
<I think Daredevil Charge is still, as I am interpreting it, making a charge move which requires a full attack in your turn economy. Since you can only do standard or move actions you probably can't do a charge attack.

Still, do you still make that jump even with a single move action?>
((Alright, that works then. As for the acrobatics check, I think I would. Worst case scenario, I'd need to roll a climb check if you don't think the roll was good enough to get up there, as I understand it anyway.))
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