i think this is the idea. There's a few levels of decentralization which basically move different parts of the process (IP lists, hash info, etc.) from one server and spread it to multiple servers, or even to clients. i think we may be a ways off from true decentralization given the sole fact that it would be extremely resource intensive for every client to have all the information of the other clients on the network.border said:Maybe the idea isn't that the network is "decentralized" as it currently exists, but can switch to a decentralized state if the main server is ever taken down. Master Lists can be sent out to multiple nodes, and when those nodes go offline they get sent to other nodes.....meanwhile the location of of the new master nodes is updated by every client. You would lose some functionality probably, but things could probably still run.
DopeyFish said:exeem has been officially released
Pochacco said:Hmm. Seems alright. Hopefully the # files will pick up.
Some questions though:
-is there anything that forces users to share/seed? (e.g. do you have to maintain an upload ratio?) If not, what will prevent this from turning into a Kazaa?
-I like the original Suprnova because it allowed me to browse files - this one only seems to have a Search function. Is there anyway to just browse everything, by category?
Pochacco said:-is there anything that forces users to share/seed? (e.g. do you have to maintain an upload ratio?) If not, what will prevent this from turning into a Kazaa?
-I like the original Suprnova because it allowed me to browse files - this one only seems to have a Search function. Is there anyway to just browse everything, by category?
For christ sake give it time. It's been out a day (in which case practically no one knows about it yet) and people are bitching.
Phoenix said:How decentralized networks work
Initially all clients go through this discovery process where they find the main server and a set of peers who share a replicated database. The next time they need to find the network they don't need to go through the central server, they can go through their client list and learn about other clients from other clients who are online. As such they can construct a web over time from the clients that are online. In rather short order there are a considerable number of machines known to the web such that the network itself acts as a look up server. Logging into a non central node simply results in your nodes information being copied to other machines in the web. Nodes that aren't active eventually get 'timed-out' from the web in a least recently used manner.
As such outside of some rather severe issues, you can find at least one connection point to the network and from there learn about other machines on the network. This is similar to how P2P networks actually find out about content (i.e. there isn't one central server that holds a list of all of the files in the P2P network). You ask one machine for certain files, and its asks its friends, and they ask their friends and so on and so on and so on![]()
Mike Works said:So can someone post a link to the better version to download?
slayn said:I had kinda considered that but it seemed rather resource intensive at times. Like how can you guarantee that you will find a given file?
You ask all users your computer knows, and they ask all of their's? So every single time someone that knows your computer does a search your computer has to send a message to everyone on your user list?
And what if it somehow happens that a user becomes a piepline of sorts. Like two large groups of people that have completely unique people with 1 person in common.
slayn said:I dunno, I guess it just works out in practice, but in just imagining it I would just think such a system would easily break apart into separate unconnected graphs. Like 4 graphs that, once the central link is pulled, would no longer be connected to each other. And because there would not be an edge between any two nodes in those separate graphs there would be no way to ever search the other group's files.
Perhaps that just a worst case scenario that never actually occurs.
think you all are missing the point.. eXeem uses Cydoor to give you the banner rotations in the program, that is it. It is their way to make money to pay for future updates, servers, etc..
1. Cydoor will not be used when the program is not running.
2. Cydoor will not popup advertizements when the program is running, just have the banners in the program at their designated spots.
Cydoor at worst uses: cookies, sessions, advertizements. Who cares if they log when and what advertizements you see and click on, is that really important? And hey, neowin uses all those things too!
Cydoor will only transmit user supplied information, which in this case there is none. So no user supplied information will be transmitted. At most eXeem may pass on your username entered, and maybe where you live. It's not like you don't show everyone on neowin your username, and enter where you live? It's not really "private" information since any hostname can tell you a country, state, province, or city. Besides, you can always just enter as "anonymous".
Cydoor does not have any hostile features. And again, it will not be used outside this program.
Here are the files it installs, not including the ad cache (banners)
As you can see, all things having to do with banner rotations and making money from clicks.
Run-down on what Cydoor does:
- When eXeem opens, it loads Cydoor's dll's.
- This enabled banner rotations in the program.
- Cydoor connects to Cydoor servers.
- Cydoor downloads images from Cydoor website to ad cache folder.
- Cydoor disconnects from Cydoor servers.
- Cydoor displays advertizements and rotates through.
- When eXeem is closed, Cydoor dll's are unloaded.
Also, Cydoor may make more connections to servers to update banner ads while the program is open, but ONLY while the program is open.
*Note: These observations are made by me. Also, some information gathered from the internet. I have not noticed any misuse of Cydoor, or any attempts to deceive.
Dez said:With exeem lite 0.18, i can see tons of files, but can't download (the transfer doesn't appear in the transfer window) nor can i see comments, etc. Anyone have this problem?
jedimike said:Check your event log and see what happens when the tracker is assigned. Try seeding a file... I think I did this first. Just seed something from your hard drive.
f_elz said:Need OSX version.
KarishBHR said:the official version has been released!
dem said:anyone else get this little window in the taskbar that wont go away.. even when its set to minimize to the tray?
HAMike Works said:So does this work for anyone? Whenever I get a new program, the first thing I always try to download is Metallica music, and I ain't getting anything here.