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EXTENSIVE Hardware Guide for DOOM-3 coming this week


HardOCP.com isn't done benchmarking Doom 3. Apparently they spent a good 65hours benchmarking Doom3 on an array of PC-setups with videocards ranging from the GF3/8500 to the latest cards. Working with Id, they chose the best area for a timedemo, and compiled a list of Doom3-configurations to give the best IQ for each system without degrading playability performance.


The format of this will not be as traditional benchmarks that you guys are used to. This will the DOOM 3 [H]ardware Guide. We will be concentrating on best performance out of each setup and what to expect from overall system performance. Currently we will not be graphing more than one video card on any graph. It will not be a comparison. That said, we will certainly show you what was the highest playable IQ that each system would provide and we did this using REAL gameplay that covered half a level and runs about 5 minutes. We worked with id on picking the "right place" to do the run-through. That said, we did test on other levels to make sure our IQ calls were "right" and delivered playable performance. If anything, we tried to be on the conservative side of things and certainly some will find some better IQ settings that are playable for them.

I'm not a huge fan of Kyle's work, but MAJOR props to him and Id for setting this up ;)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
yay now i get to see how crappy my computer can run the game :D

edit: DAMNIT! They don't have any P4s that go as low as mine :( P4 2.26 ghz


If you go to the link, you'll see the types of computers they've tested on

I really wanna see those 2.4ghz 6800nu numbers


GAF's Bob Woodward
Ack, my system is hardly represented at all. 2.5Ghz, 9700Pro here. I'm shocked they didn't test the 9700Pro..there are a fair number of them out there, it being ATi's big breakthrough card, PLUS it was used by iD to demo Doom3 back in the day. It would have seemed obvious to see how it holds up now with the finished product.

-1 HardOcp


they have a ic7-g with a 2.5ghz on the list...

and they probally tested every videocard on each one of those setups.


GAF's Bob Woodward
teepo said:
they have a ic7-g with a 2.5ghz on the list...

and they probally tested every videocard on each one of those setups.

I didn't see 2.5 anywhere on the list linked to? No 9700Pro either.

(not to keep harping on about it ;))


eh, those w/ 2.5's just look at the 2.4 numbers

100mhz doesn't make THAT much of a difference, especially with a video-card heavy game as Doom 3

And Dopey, er just look at the 2.4 numbers and subtract down :p


Holy cow, this is gonna be quite the testing guide!

The videocard fanboy war truly begins with the release of this guide. :p


No gf 2 tests huh? That's bad.

Would like to know how my P II 400 @ 484MHz with GF 2 GTS + 256 meg ram will do at 640x480 with lowest settings.


I found this on the HARDOCP forum. Looks like those of you who bought the plain 6800 for Doom 3 will be happy! :D

Originally Posted by gepetto
Hey Kyle where did the 6800 plain fall roughly without having to dig back through your data ? can't wait to see how my Leadtek 6800 will do

The feeling it left me with was that it did as good and sometimes better than the ATI X800Pro.


More info on the graphics quality for Doom 3:

We will have a section on IQ for sure. id has taken a very simple approach in their IQ and one of the things that we saw that was to truly experience DOOM 3 with the way it was supposed to be seen you need to leave all of the eyecandy on. So all of our benchmarks, with the exception of one set, have ALL the eye candy on (specular lighting, bump/normal maps, special effects here and there). The big IQ players are resolution and texture quality hands down.
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Hmmm more more more info!

Sound was something that was to be done as well but we simply ran out of time. We will have comments from id on the importance of sound. TO put it simply, the game plays great with headphones, but if you have been looking for an excuse to buy 5.1 for your computer, NOW is the time.




Hey Kyle where did the 6800 plain fall roughly without having to dig back through your data ? can't wait to see how my Leadtek 6800 will do

The feeling it left me with was that it did as good and sometimes better than the ATI X800Pro.

Hell yeah! $300 card >> $400 card ;)


Just like Doom 3 is a 'The Way it is Meant to be played" game, Half Life 2 is ATI equivalent "Get Into the Game" title.

Half Life 2 will bench higher on the X800 series.
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