Brays interviews remind me of a next generation Jake The Snake, hes that damn good
Why does wwe still use monitors from 1981? Didn't they order them in bulk then and are just going through the supplies still?
Cost less. When the table spots are used, they lose a monitor from the 80's not much is lost.
No one cares about a few months ago. Why? Mask! Yes, it's stupid, but going by social media, a lot of fans are buying it. To be fair, they've done a great job of making him look like a strong monster again, so there's that.
Of course Bryan gains nothing from beating Kane, though, he's at the top. He just main evented WM 30, and beat HHH, Orton, and Batista in the same night. Where could he go? The only thing now is protecting him. Kane will do that, and besides, what choice do they have? Batista doesn't want to lose to him, Orton damn near killed Bryan's momentum last year, HHH just had a feud with Bryan, Henry is always hurt (and currently so), Show is terrible, Sheamus would be good, but he still has to go heel. Cesaro would be nice, but a loss to Bryan may kill his momentum. Lesnar is too early. Cena? LOL!
They're going with Kane because they have no one else, and he'll make Bryan look good. And going by ratings, fans seem to be interested.
Cost less. When the table spots are used, they lose a monitor from the 80's not much is lost.
Why does wwe still use monitors from 1981? Didn't they order them in bulk then and are just going through the supplies still?
I'm pretty sure they could find a way to use a modern monitor while not breaking it in a table spot.
The rising heel push that would no doubt have them immediately losing to Bryan next month? sounds more like the Cena cycle to me.
Lol at giving Reigns to say one word
Lol at giving Reigns to say one word
Fine, but that raises another point. He's looked too weak to make Bryan look good, at this stage. Kane looks stronger than him.You have to stop buying into the Batista won't job to Bryan thing. That was total dirt sheet fabrication. Dude tapped to Bryan at WM and lost clean tonight.
Fine, but that raises another point. He's looked too weak to make Bryan look good, at this stage. Kane looks stronger than him.
And my point still stands.
Fine, but that raises another point. He's looked too weak to make Bryan look good, at this stage. Kane looks stronger than him.
And my point still stands.
Why does wwe still use monitors from 1981? Didn't they order them in bulk then and are just going through the supplies still?
Helps that he's only 26 lol.You know, Bray has very nice skin for a creepy cult leader from the swamp who doesn't appear to bathe regularly.
Helps that he's only 26 lol.
Overall I enjoyed the ppv. A couple of dull matches but it was fun.
That's the great thing about Bray. He is young and already superb at what he does. Long as WWE doesn't fuck him up somehow he has a bright future ahead
Cena is the only one that doesn't break kayfabe about himself, if you think about it.
Take Kane for example: he needs not one, THREE tombstone piledrivers to get barely pinned by the Undertaker, and ends up losing years later to a frog splash by a 170lbs midget. Most wrestlers change their health bar depending on their push, including Triple H. Cena? Either he's injured or there's no way you defeat him clean.
Can you see Cena putting Warrior over like Hogan did? I don't think so.
Does the IZOD Center still smell like Kanes charred flesh?