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eXxy writes in Computer Gaming World

Woah, am I out of the loop? Congrats Patrick, I knew you had done some tidbits before, but a major two-page article in a big print mag, that's fantastic! :D

The article in question is "The End of Bad Movie Games" and it's in the September 2004 issue of Computer Gaming World.


he didn't tell me it was on the stands, but yea, it sounds like that wasn't just a one-time deal. once again, congratulations.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
been on vacation for the past week, just picked up a copy this afternoon. turned out pretty cool.

thanks for the kind words.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I look forward to reading this article. It's cool to recognize GAFfers outside of the forum. I noticed Fenegi was listed in the Tales of Symphonia credits too

Is Exxy's pic in the magazine too, like last year's EGM? :p

Ranger X

Cool Exxy. Who else is working in the industry here? It's would be good to know where all the GAfers get their hands and influences.

Sho Nuff


"You are still a bitch"


I got my free issue in the mail today. I'll have to give that bad movie game article the once over. Good news about Warner (I think it was warner) increasing licensing fees to a dev who makes a shitty game, BTW. Everyone should take up that practice.

Dave Long

C'mon Doug, the best thing about writing for CGM is that we get absolutely no respect AND WE LIKE IT AND KEEP COMING BACK FOR MORE!

Sho Nuff


"Go on, tell them that was on the tape that you conveniently 'lost.'"




"I will see to it that you never have sex with a woman."
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