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F/911 having devastating effects on morale overseas.....

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Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Yes send Michael Moore to Iraq, that will show.........


Distorsion? I dont know; because you know every fucking single fact or statistic in F911 are documented on his website. They are all from various newspapers, books, and so on.

All available to the public. BUT I GUESS ITS DISTORSION RIGHT ;)


Thanks, your opinion really matters to me.

And your ill informed opinion should matter to anyone else because?

Gof forbid soldiers be more informed on what their mission and effects entail.
Honestly, I think you should go to Iraq, TPO. I mean, nothing shows that you care about the troops overseas like posting on a fucking videogaming message board, does it now?
shuri said:
Distorsion? I dont know; because you know every fucking single fact or statistic in F911 are documented on his website. They are all from various newspapers, books, and so on.

All available to the public. BUT I GUESS ITS DISTORSION RIGHT ;)

I guess it depends on which websites you go to ;)


So, it should be the job of Americans to remain ignorant on issues important to their country's position in the world? They should not even be allowed to be shown what Moore wants to say? Moore is taking advantage of succeptible soldiers overseas...

There are soldiers overseas that are succeptible to basic knowledge; that have tuned out every single bit of negative press on the war in Iraq? This is reminding me of Vietnam now...soldiers fighting for a cause, not knowing many of their fellow Americans are strongly opposed.
Saint Cornelius said:
Honestly, I think you should go to Iraq, TPO. I mean, nothing shows that you care about the troops overseas like posting on a fucking videogaming message board, does it now?

I can't, I'm deaf in one ear. Would never pass the physical. And yes, I've looked into it.



The Promised One said:
I guess it depends on which websites you go to ;)

Because obviously,moore would open himself to lawsuits by editing segments from big newspapers, and so on

Blind americanism is no different and almost as laughable than the blind patriotism of north koreans.


The said part of this whole thing is when I saw the movie I walked out thinking tell me something I dont know. About half way through the movie I was bored silly. How clueless do you have to be to be surprised or shocked by this film.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder which evokes stronger emotions in Michael Moore, this mean letter about a few soldiers who are upset he thinks they are dying for nothing, or the 100 Million dollars no other documentary has ever made at the movies that prove people do care about his opinion and want to hear it.


Junior Member
"Specialist Janecek, who is feeling depressed because a close family member is nearing the end of her life, just saw the film today. I saw him in the DFAC. He is devastated. 'I feel shitty, ashamed, like this was all a lie.' Not only is he looking at going straight to a funeral when he returns home, but now whatever pride he felt for serving here has been crushed by Moore's film. Specialist Everett earlier after seeing the film: 'You'll be mad at shit for ever having come here.' And there are others. Mostly the comments are absolute shock at the close connections Moore makes between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia. 'Bush looks really really REALLY corrupt in this film. I just don't know what to think anymore,' is a common comment to hear. Some of these soldiers are darn right ashamed tonight to be American soldiers, to have been apart of this whole mission in Iraq, and are angry over all that Moore has presented in his film."

Looks to me like the soldiers are angry at the War and Bush, over what they saw in the film. Not angry at Moore himself.

You want to blame someone for troops lack of conviction in the War and doubting their president, blame Bush and co. You can't shoot the messenger.


Saint Cornelius said:
Honestly, I think you should go to Iraq, TPO. I mean, nothing shows that you care about the troops overseas like posting on a fucking videogaming message board, does it now?
Old GAF was the 300 something largest forum on the internet. =)
darscot said:
The said part of this whole thing is when I saw the movie I walked out thinking tell me something I dont know. About half way through the movie I was bored silly. How clueless do you have to be to be surprised or shocked by this film.
Precisely. The movie is only shocking to the ignorant.


In addition to the line about Moore abusing the first amendment, I also liked this bit

There are the young and impressionable soldiers, like those who joined the Army right out of high school. They aren't familiar w/ the college-type political debate environment, and they haven't been schooled in the full range of issues involved.

How exactly are we supposed to respond to this part? The soldiers are impressionable and uninformed, therefore we shouldn't be concerned about why they're asked to kill/be killed? The soldiers are impressionable and uninformed, therefore they should only be exposed to self-affirming information? QED?
Wow, there are a butt load of libs on this forum, and most seem extremely ignorant. None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS. I mean, I read Ann Coulter articles, but I'm not simple minded enough to think that everything she spews out is truth, or unbiased. This is actually depressing.

Well, at least now I know not to take ay of you seriously.

If you don't like the article, bitch at the person who wrote it, don't shoot the messanger.


Soldiers should know two things:

1) Circumstances surrounding their mission.
2) That everyone is still very proud of them.

I'm sure 2) is being taken care of by the higher-ups. It's critical. 1) in no way should make them feel differently.
The Promised One said:
I can't, I'm deaf in one ear. Would never pass the physical. And yes, I've looked into it.

That might explain your selective hearing.
If you don't like the article, bitch at the person who wrote it, don't shoot the messanger.
Only you're not simply a messenger, you douche. You bolded one particular part and then said: "Honestly, I think Moore should be drafted, and shipped to Iraq."

Au revoir.
The Promised One said:
Wow, there are a butt load of libs on this forum, and most seem extremely ignorant. None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS. I mean, I read Ann Coulter articles, but I'm not simple minded enough to think that everything she spews out is truth, or unbiased. This is actually depressing.

Well, at least now I know not to take ay of you seriously.

If you don't like the article, bitch at the person who wrote it, don't shoot the messanger.

You brought this article here to express a viewpoint. That viewpoint is... what Moore is doing is harmful to the soldiers overseas. If you didn't intend to express this viewpoint then you should state,"I just find this article to be pretty interesting," or something similiar to that. Most people here said you were wrong, and listed valid reasons, none of which you were able to refute. Then you make this post, which amounts to little more than you crying like a baby because you got bitchslapped.
If anything I think this article shows something positive about the film. It's enlightening people to the politics of this war and why we are there, and who should know that better than the troops that are there? Oh wait, should they just be stupid balls of meat to be used for cannon fodder? It's bad that these guys are ashamed of their service though, that should not be something they get outta this movie.

Oh yea, i just had to laugh when I saw the bottom of this propaganda, "non-partisan" and "conservative" used to define this organization....silly bastards


*drowns in jizz*
That was one of THE stupidest pieces I've ever read. Even coming from you, promised one.

Oh no, the film has affected the soldiers, that makes it evil! He is abusing the 1st amendment!

If there was a point in that article, I missed it.


The Promised One said:
Wow, there are a butt load of libs on this forum, and most seem extremely ignorant. None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS. I mean, I read Ann Coulter articles, but I'm not simple minded enough to think that everything she spews out is truth, or unbiased. This is actually depressing.

Well, at least now I know not to take ay of you seriously.

If you don't like the article, bitch at the person who wrote it, don't shoot the messanger.

this is like clockwork, because anytime you disagree with a republican zombie you must be a crazy liberal or some shit.

of course you just couldnt have a difference of opinion on the job bush and his cronies have done.


The Promised One said:
Wow, there are a butt load of libs on this forum, and most seem extremely ignorant. None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS.

We're the ignorant ones? Ignorance is "The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed."

I am aware that some people think the cause in Iraq is for "World Peace". I am educated in the politics regarding the middle east. I am informed as to the views that Moore possesses, and the views that are the general right wing ones.

So sue me for not agreeing with you. I have obviously mistaken my ignorance for opinion. I apologize for this ignorant oversight on my part.


"I wonder how damaging and shocking a Moore project would have been in the 1940s making such a video of Franklin Roosevelt."
totally different themes to those wars. Considering WWII was a fucking WORLD WAR and it was an ALLIED forces which stopped the Nazi front.
Where Iraq is just the US pumping their chest telling the world that if you don't agree with the US, we will just go ahead and do it ourselves.

None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS.
Moore has so many issues in F9/11 that you would be pretty stupid to buy into it all, but he doesn't bring up some flat out good points.
1. Don't send America's youth into harms way, UNLESS absolutely necessary.

Some of the footage from F9/11 makes the troops look like idiots, like playing Bodies Hit the Floor in the tank? But I doubt that many if any of these troops will have to deal with the type of backlash that troops from Vietnam had to deal with. Mostly because the 'blame' or 'accountability' is being pointed right at the administration.
Reading this article reminded me of an episode of Dr. Phil where he was talking with war protesters and telling them that they had the right to protest the war, but he thought that it was morally wrong to do so, because it might hurt soldier's morale and the footage could be used by the enemy as propaganda.

Of course, Dr. Phil won't let his wife go to the 7/11 or the mall by herself because "it's too dangerous".

I guess I am trying to say that Dr. Phil is a tool. :)


The Promised One said:
Wow, there are a butt load of libs on this forum, and most seem extremely ignorant. None, not one of the liberal friends I have in real life, have bought into Moore's BS. I mean, I read Ann Coulter articles, but I'm not simple minded enough to think that everything she spews out is truth, or unbiased. This is actually depressing.

Well, at least now I know not to take ay of you seriously.

If you don't like the article, bitch at the person who wrote it, don't shoot the messanger.
I recommend toning it down a bit next time you feel like trolling. Stuff this far over the top generally doesn't get the job done as well. Friendly advice!

way more

There are others who joined for reasons of money and other benefits, and never gave full thought to the issues. For them, seeing this film has jolted them grievously because they never even knew where some of these countries were that we have been serving in. Imagine the impact this film has on them.

Is it so bad for these soldiers to consider their actions or know a little backround or why they are fighting? Doesn't this seem like a positive thing, to be informed and a bit more perceptive? If anything this presents our soldiers as empathetic moral kids, the kind of people I can respect for fighting this war.
G4life98 said:
this is like clockwork, because anytime you disagree with a republican zombie you must be a crazy liberal or some shit.

of course you just couldnt have a difference of opinion on the job bush and his cronies have done.


Hello Kettle, have you met my friend The Pot?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I guess I am trying to say that Dr. Phil is a tool. :)

I've had a vascetomy......

......and I've had it reversed!


i like how the press is starting to make the word 'liberal' and 'democratic' somehow evil and radical.

so i disagree with Bush and his policies makes me a bra burning, pot smoking, unpatriotic, anarchy educed nut job?


A summary of that entire article would be...

Young American soldiers feel betrayed by their government.

It's completely understandable. They were lied to, told to risk their lives, and for what? Money for the rich?
Azih said:
The "soldiers should remain ignorant" vibe I'm getting from that article is scary.

I never said that, and neither is the article. The point is that Moore's film is heavily biased and not only shows one side, is full of distortions, and even some outright lies. In turn, moral is being lowered, which can cost lives. And if you don't think that lowered moral can have some extremely negative effects during a war, you're a moron.

I’m all for informing the troops, just so long as all sides are shown, and distortions and outright lies aren’t told. And, as long as it doesn’t cost soldiers lives, even if it’s unintentionally.

The "vide" I'm getting in here is downright depressing.
I’m all for informing the troops, just so long as all sides are shown, and distortions and outright lies aren’t told. And, as long as it doesn’t cost soldiers lives, even if it’s unintentionally.

Anyone care to comment on this one? I'm speechless.
The Promised One said:
I never said that, and neither is the article. The point is that Moore's film is heavily biased and not only shows one side, is full of distortions, and even some outright lies. In turn, moral is being lowered, which can cost lives. And if you don't think that lowered moral can have some extremely negative effects during a war, you're a moron.

I’m all for informing the troops, just so long as all sides are shown, and distortions and outright lies aren’t told. And, as long as it doesn’t cost soldiers lives, even if it’s unintentionally.

The "vide" I'm getting in here is downright depressing.

So how often has Moore's view been shown to the troops? I doubt it's been very much, atleast not as much as the other side of it.


The point is that Moore's film is heavily biased and not only shows one side, is full of distortions, and even some outright lies.
So they should watch Fox News and think that nothing is wrong?

Moore's film, while an opinion piece doesn't really have any 'lies' in it. While there is 'suggestion' in the lines of 'evidence 1' + 'evidence 2' = conclusion. But that conclusion is only after being presented with what Moore has given you.

If there are lies in the movie? What are they?

It's completely understandable. They were lied to, told to risk their lives, and for what? Money for the rich?
Well sadly it is true. A free Iraq opens up BILLIONS of dollars of possible marketplace for some of the wealthest people in the world. A free Iraq doesn't make me sleep any better at night or make my pocket book any larger. But people in the oil, natural gas, and military subcontractors are going to make a fortune with a free Iraq.


The point is that Moore's film is heavily biased and not only shows one side, is full of distortions, and even some outright lies.

what lies are these?

Edit: And really this is the way discourse works, you have the troops listening to Fox News, and you have the troops listening to Michael Moore. Neither Fox news or Michael Moore show 'all sides', but anybody who listens to both can decide which one is being more honest.


One thing I dont understand is how you send a soldier to go kill people and do God knows what else to people (Iraq Prison). And it seems Americans are reasonable acceptable to this. But the concept of hurting a soldiers feeling over somethign as silly as a protest is competely unacceptable. People seem to get right out of control at the thought that a soldier might hear about Joe nobody saying killing is something they dont agree with. No matter what happens just do not hurt their feelings.
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