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F/911 having devastating effects on morale overseas.....

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I know my comment is late into this argument but I'll just say this. I believe the main reason for the success of F9/11 is not entirely Moore's but the republican party, the main film detractors. The people who chose to try an keep the film from being shown. They basically added fuel to the fire. Republicans talked about the film on television more then Democrats. Theaters refusing to show the film, only to increase curiousity.

Republicans were the best marketers, Moore could have ever had.


Agreed...and we've seen it before. Protests against games like Mortal Kombat or Night Trap did nothing but raise the profile of those games (in Night Trap's case it had zero profile before the politicians got hold of it). The protests against Elvis only made him bigger. Same with Eminem. And I'm sure there are movies that have gone through this as well. It's always the way things go, and I continue to chuckle in amazement that these tools who figure shouting a product down is the way to keep it out of people's hands never get it.
Mike Works said:

I think that about sums it up gentlemen.

That's John Howard. Way to go dude....hopefully you won't be winning the next election. I wish Latham became angry again *sigh*, I can only hope.


MrAngryFace said:
nationalism is stupid. All those dumb jerks that cut me off on the road in their stupid suvs and trucks with those obnoxious american flag bumper/window stickers need to go to iraq and fight since they wanna.

I dont mind supporting troops since they are already over there, hell, ill even agree something needs to be done over there. However im not sure we should be doing it, or worse, lied to in an attempt to get us to do it.

WMDs my asssss. Just tell me all the crap stuff saddam did and thats plenty.

bring our troops back, they wanna go all apecrap and fight over there thats their choice.

Post of the day. nuff said.



It's important to keep in mind (this is the epiphany part) that Moore did not create the film for NRO writers, or for political bloggers, or for pundits or wonks. He created it for all the Lila Lipscombs and Sgt. Michael Petersons of the world.

Translation: If you find things wrong with it, well you weren't his target audience anyway.

That knowledge is absolutely crucial for debunking maybe 95% of the attacks on the film. When Michael Moore mentions, say, the Unocal natural gas pipeline plan, that reference will dreg up a whole wealth of related info in the mind of a political junkie, info that isn't actually in the film.

Information that, when presented, reveals the Unocal segment of the documentary to be an absurd inclusion.

It's important to focus on what Moore actually includes, not what a Google search on what he includes might turn up.

It sure is, because otherwise those pesky little facts might get in the way of his intended message.

At least Kopel is impartial and gives to credit to many valid criticisms of the President that Moore makes. Antons diary reads like an immature attempt to do nothing other than find insignificant flaws in Kopels excellent deconstruction of the film.


great, more proof that you can't read.

the point of that passage is that Kopel claims that moore says many things in his documentary that moore actually does not say! the reason for this is probably because of kopel's own preconceptions, no because moore says them.

this is the most glaring problem with kopel's analysis, hence that passage.
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