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Smells like fresh rosebuds
For the ps2 launch I want to say they were out of stock all over the place and the only way you could get them was through resale and they cost a ton.
I don't remember the system being too hard to get, but I do remember the great memory card famine well.


I basically only played Xbox 360 for that entire long ass gen. Wii sucked huge ass so I sold it a week after getting it, and PS3 seemed mostly redundant (and most the multiplats worse) so I never got one until near the end of the gen -- just in time for TLOU.


Redmond's Baby
X360 was insanely popular around here because it was modded so easy that everybody knew how to do it and private pirate trackers were booming with games for X360.

But at the end of gen, PS3 overtook it

Currently, PS4 is the total dominating console here, mostly due to the fact that it is officially supported. meanwhile MS still thinks that we are developing country somewhere in Africa.


course registration doesn't open until november 7 but I'm curious what my life is going to look like next year so I've been searching through the online course catalog.

piecing this all together is a bit like a puzzle. it's annoying that certain classes are only available at certain times..
Course registration seems a lot more fun than it actually is. All these great new things to learn and choose from, but really just a bunch of disappointment and compromise as you realize when you'll have to be awake, which classes will have to wait a semester or two, and which ones you might not get into just because they're already full. Ew. I'm glad to be done with that.

Today I woke up feeling like shit so I stayed home from work in hopes of feeling fine in time for evening festivities. It seems to be working.

Sitting in Tampa International

My flight is in 6 hours


Last time I flew on halloween most of the pilots and stewards were in costume. Is that still a thing?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I basically only played Xbox 360 for that entire long ass gen. Wii sucked huge ass so I sold it a week after getting it, and PS3 seemed mostly redundant (and most the multiplats worse) so I never got one until near the end of the gen -- just in time for TLOU.

Wii was my favt console of that gen. Everything on 360 and PS3 seemed so samey. So much gruff white guy running through brown stuff. Wii had some real gems. Mario Galaxy, MadWorld, no More Heroes, HotD Overkill, Punchout, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Xenoblade, Last Story, Pandoras Tower, Muramasa, Red Steel 2, Boy and his Blob, Tatsunoko v Capcom, etc.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
PS3 gen was where Japanese style games lost the crown to brown dudebro shooters. I like a lot of brown dudebro shooters, actually (Resident Evil 5 even went there) but it was a really weird generation. Games became mainstream and people who used to make fun of them became their target audience. Wii was similar, but it attracted soccer moms and their kids instead of football players.

Wii was awesome. I even like waggle games. A lot of my fav games are Wii games.
Trust me, he's fine.

Is there a reason you're presenting this as a binary choice? I play an almost equal share on PC and PS4, and then even a few on XB1. I try to stay agnostic about platform if I can.

I don't want to have to pay for PS+ if it's not going to be my main platform. Shit's expensive yo.


if all goes as planned I should have my major AND general education requirements finished by the end of summer next year.

which means all that will be left is my psychology minor and some electives.

that's the plan anyway.


Wii was my favt console of that gen. Everything on 360 and PS3 seemed so samey. So much gruff white guy running through brown stuff. Wii had some real gems. Mario Galaxy, MadWorld, no More Heroes, HotD Overkill, Punchout, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Xenoblade, Last Story, Pandoras Tower, Muramasa, Red Steel 2, Boy and his Blob, Tatsunoko v Capcom, etc.

I didn't like the controllers or the low resolution/dated 3D visuals and the games didn't do anything for me. I played Twilight Princess in its better version on Gamecube.

I would agree that Muramasa is really cool and that game in particular was influential on me. I have a Muramasa player (a Vita TV) just for it.


Course registration is pretty stressful for me, especially when a hold shows up on my account at the last minute and I have to get it cleared before I can register.
Got a 'Code Comprehension Test' from a potential employer. Problem is, it's in C++ and I've been coding java for the past two years. Time for a refresher!


tiny nerd wants to tiny get in your pants.. he's not trying to help with your thing just out of the goodness of his heart. you met this dude on tinder not at a church
Right. I'm just saying it's not her job to feel sorry for a guy she met on tinder, and her accepting his gestures and interacting with him when she isn't interested is only stringing him along.

Okay, yeah. That I completely agree with.

Just ghost the poor guy. His tiny heart might not be able to handle it but that's not really your fault.
I mean if you're not a match, don't try to make it work. Even if you both like each other, if you like each other in significantly different amounts then eventually that's going to run into problems.

Dear Baphomet,
all I really want for Halloween is for Lea to move on from #TinyNerd. If you help her do this and keep #TinyNerd from being too sad about it then I promise to be a good little girl all year long, and not just on Halloween.


Last Week's The Walking Dead was unquestionably the darkest and most disturbing episode of a television show I've ever seen in my life. It actually upset me a little, which is saying a lot given how desensitized I am.


Last Week's The Walking Dead was unquestionably the darkest and most disturbing episode of a television show I've ever seen in my life. It actually upset me a little, which is saying a lot given how desensitized I am.

I watched the clip to see what all the fuss was about. I checked out on the show years ago so it didn't really carry any weight for me. Still pretty gross though.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
It's weird seeing people freak out about it. The issue that is from is like 5 years old.

That show is such a pale imitation of its source material.


I watched the clip to see what all the fuss was about. I checked out on the show years ago so it didn't really carry any weight for me. Still pretty gross though.

We can show the most gruesome violence + gore you can possibly imagine on television.. Just be sure not to say the F word or show a breast.

I know people point that out a lot but.. Seriously


Doesn't look like it

Wha happen?

The new charismatic badguy (I'm so tired of charismatic badguys...) executed two main characters with a barbwire wrapped baseball bat, including one who has been the nice guy on the show since season 1, while the rest of the main characters looked on in sobbing despair

All of his strikes to their heads were shown in explicit detail (like they'd be sort of half dead with their heads half caved in after a strike or two and he'd let them linger like that for a while) and the whole thing was very dark... Was torture porn tier stuff and would be worthy of a very hard R were this a movie.


The PS2 cost ~$700 at launch in Australia.


That episode of the Walking Dead is where I stopped bothering to read my mates trades.

Also, congrats trab!
The new charismatic badguy (I'm so tired of charismatic badguys...) executed two main characters with a barbwire wrapped baseball bat, including one who has been the nice guy on the show since season 1, while the rest of the main characters looked on in sobbing despair

All of his strikes to their heads were shown in explicit detail (like they'd be sort of half dead with their heads half caved in after a strike or two and he'd let them linger like that for a while) and the whole thing was very dark... Was torture porn tier stuff and would be worthy of a very hard R were this a movie.



Go read Walking Dead #100.

Oh I knew about the comic version of this

There was a jump scare involving a bat flying through a glen (in eye-popping 3D)

edit: okay I'll spoiler it but my description is funnier


Fake edit: Just looked it up. Meh. More commentary with The Wire series 5 and GoT series 4 spoilers (I think that was the last series I watched anyway):
Oberyn was worse. To be honest though, the whole explicit bloody death for any character for shock value thing has become so played out that I don't really care any more. The death of Omar or Stringer Bell in The Wire are much more impactful. There's no lingering on them as they bleed out or anything, both just get shot midsentence and that's it. They're dead. And while it was shocking that they were dead, it was in situations where it made complete narrative sense.


irresponsible vagina leak
What happened to the gaffeer that wanted to overtake me? I havent seen him post in a while. Did he get banned?
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