Two days in this week, one of which (today) was a public holiday and Monday which should have been cruisy (I filled in a staff absence at another site, which usually means a dull day), and it's been complete shit.
Monday was unusually busy with stupid trivialities at a site I don't work at and thus have no client familiarity, in addition to discovering one of my own clients has been secretly behaving in a way that makes me feel like my privacy has been breached. Meanwhile another two clients decided to have a tantrum due to an activity because they're a 40yo petulant manchildren.
Tuesday, despite my day off, involved dealing with a good friend with obvious substance abuse issues, who has probably lost his job because of as much, breaching discussion of what he needs to do and trying to get him in the right direction. And he needed to borrow money to cover his living expenses, which at this stage I wasn't comfortable declining.
The rest of the week's calendar is absurdly packed with back-to-back, difficult clients (including face-to-face with the aforementioned), because we never stop and a week with a public holiday just means the workload needs to be stretched across the other four days so there's really no window of relaxation or sense of accomplishment. Plus I'm behind on a number of other work related tasks.
Everything can just fuck off.