Yesterday was the formal announcement of site/business rankings in my industry (a metric used by the DHS to measure performance). My site had been a disaster at the start of the year due to staffing and management issues, but hard work from myself and my colleagues paid off by finally upping our ranking. This is essential as the ranking was originally so low the DHS could basically shut the entire site down at any point on a whim, and we've managed to move it into what we'd been told was the safe zone. As a bonus we were only a point or two off the next ranking tier, which is great, with very positive tracking on all streams and outcomes.
Unfortunately our senior staff and upper management met with DHS representatives today (post rating announcement), and the DHS basically had a massive tantrum about a whole bunch of shit and threatened to shut down my site regardless. In addition to this they rambled on about industries and cohorts and what we should be done, despite everything they said being completely out of touch with our sector. Atypical government bureaucratic bullshit through and through.
And typical of upper management, they've shit the bed and their response to this is to panic and implement illogical, reactionary changes to the site. Which includes adding an additional 20 clients to my weekly caseload, expecting me to take on more marketing/recruitment and promotional duties (we have our own internal recruiters), conduct more group sessions, and so on. Aka; do more work, much of which you're not qualified for, take on new roles, be busier, and we will pay you not a cent extra.
I'll be lucky to see the year out.