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how is this the wrong thread for anything



how is this the wrong thread for anything


I like how her original outfit isn't on the list

And her best one was in "Henchman" and also isn't on that list

It took a while for me to understand why she was dressed like that in 7 but then I remembered that she was a vampire. Same for her outfit when she sang Francis Forever


Redmond's Baby
Went to the cinema to see a movie that several of my friends did (one of the most watched movies in country's history) with four mates and had a really good time.
In case Trab or anyone else is interested in my apartment looking shenanigans

The people at Park Hills just called me on Friday to let me know that they need me to look through the place they wanted to place me in and we'd go on from there (I originally signed up for Park Hills quite awhile back.)
In case Trab or anyone else is interested in my apartment looking shenanigans

The people at Park Hills just called me on Friday to let me know that they need me to look through the place they wanted to place me in and we'd go on from there (I originally signed up for Park Hills quite awhile back.)

oh that's great!
wow everyone is moving. seems to be an universal moving period or something. I'll be on my way to Berlin on december 15 :)
good luck!

:D Yeah idk but this was really the best I could ask for with me being resource strapped

There's going to be a period of where I settle down and get used to shit but once that happens, I guess I either gotta get a job or go to the community college 8 miles down from Park Hills or both at the same time :0


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


Yes, I did it, I finished Nano in 20 days, this is a new record for me to get 50k words for the novel in that amount of time!!!


What's your novel about??
It's about a 18 year old idiot name Max Power who recently goes through life trying to be a bad boy but encounters a lot trouble with tough guys and girls who will try to put him down while he tries to develop a change in character that would affect the people around him, here's the synopsis:

Join Extreme Max as he ventures on 5 random adventures ranging from him trying to fix his old friends lives that have changed for the worse to a horny sexual girl who will not rest until she gets it on with Max. Max must find ways to set everything right while trying to change as a better person before he becomes even dumber than ever before. Will Max succeed at all of this? Read on to find out, if you're extreme enough that is!

It's not kid friendly as it contains foul language, violence with some brutal beatings and sexual content of course(with nudity), not to mention jokes about sexual orientation. Title is Extreme Max. It's told through episodes like a TV show as well.


I'd left a little electrical heater on one night, in my sleep I kicked a pillow off the bed, which blocked the vents and then caught fire.

Didn't set my smoke alarm off which was....alarming.
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