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Hm good point.

Someone needs to tell me a story, i can't sleep ��

Sticking to the theme...

A friend and I went into business making coloured aquarium stones. To colour them you took a standard gravel, placed it into a cement mixer, added vinyl chloride (or was it vinyl acetate?), the colouring powder and something else I can't remember and then started the mixer while gently warming it with a heat gun (kinda like a hair dryer).

Now, the mixture was flammable, and we had setup in an old barn on his parents property. I'm doing a mix and I hear the heat gun give a little cough and fire out some dust. Some very hot dust that causes an explosion in the cement mixer, the blast wave threw me back and down, just as a sheet of flame fired out like a god damn cannon, just missing me and singing all of my nose hairs off.

Wait..you put the flame out first right?

Yeah, threw it on the bricks and turned the hose on.
Sticking to the theme...

A friend and I went into business making coloured aquarium stones. To colour them you took a standard gravel, placed it into a cement mixer, added vinyl chloride (or was it vinyl acetate?), the colouring powder and something else I can't remember and then started the mixer while gently warming it with a heat gun (kinda like a hair dryer).

Now, the mixture was flammable, and we had setup in an old barn on his parents property. I'm doing a mix and I hear the heat gun give a little cough and fire out some dust. Some very hot dust that causes an explosion in the cement mixer, the blast wave threw me back and down, just as a sheet of flame fired out like a god damn cannon, just missing me and singing all of my nose hairs off.

Yeah, threw it on the bricks and turned the hose on.
Colored aquarium stones are a metaphor for cooking meth right? 😮
Man jobbs was right about aussies and fire 😵😵😵
Thx for the story ❤️


Smells like fresh rosebuds

this would be life changing

They really are. There are some really awesome kotatsu sofa combos I wish I could get my hands on over here


Am I the only american here excited about Thanksgiving this week?

I laid on my bed to post this and now my cat is laying on me

Yeah I'm going to enjoy the food and the extra time off.

I've been too busy to really think about it too much though. 3 weeks left of the semester.
Took a few hours of work, but I think I got ol' betsy ready for my shooting competition. Been a while since I had her out, so hopefully she is still sighted in right, she always shot to the left if I didnt spend a week practicing every day to get the damn front sight corrected.

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