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Woop woop

6 hour drive one way to a small town in Southern IL on Wednesday

Going to meet my mom's BF with the dumpster fire that is my older brother

Woop woop


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This is a thing that happens


even after surgery still a player at heart

Yeah that's me. :p

I don't really remember saying it. One of the nurses told me about it later. Then she told me the kid on the other side of the room had his eyeball poked out in a freak ATV accident and she was upset about having to check on it. And I said "you've got this"
Yeah that's me. :p

I don't really remember saying it. One of the nurses told me about it later. Then she told me the kid on the other side of the room had his eyeball poked out in a freak ATV accident and she was upset about having to check on it. And I said "you've got this"
hahah :D I wanna meet drugged jobbs
Trab I hope you are not seriously considering being a streamer. Internet fame is gross imo

I wasn't really serious but it's also not like I'd have a problem with it. there are some really cool streamers, I'd never call them gross just bc they're using the internet to get out there.


I wasn't really serious but it's also not like I'd have a problem with it. there are some really cool streamers, I'd never call them gross just bc they're using the internet to get out there.

I don't think the streamers are gross exactly. I just find the whole thing a bit voyeuristic and weird. Like you know there are people out there that just watch because they like looking at the girl or guy because they think they're hot.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I don't think the streamers are gross exactly. I just find the whole thing a bit voyeuristic and weird. Like you know there are people out there that just watch because they like looking at the girl or guy because they think they're hot.
There is a big difference between those kinds of streamers and legit streamers.

I never got the appeal of streams unless it's a friend you're watching, personally. Let's plays I understand better.


I don't think the streamers are gross exactly. I just find the whole thing a bit voyeuristic and weird. Like you know there are people out there that just watch because they like looking at the girl or guy because they think they're hot.

this is incredibly reductionist and not exactly accurate + who gives a shit? you look at people for the same reason in every area of life and in tv/movies and talk about it fairly regularly.. But I guess if it's happening live on a stream, in that specific instance, it's somehow gross? Watching Big Brother for all the sexy people, which is what you said you do -- a show constructed entirely around voyeurism, isn't gross? But streaming is?

And the streamer sets the tone of their own channel. If it's meant to be kind of sexy and that's the understanding with the viewers, fine. Plenty aren't like that at all though. There's nothing titillating or suggestive about the channels I watch. As a streamer you set the tone and the rules in your own channel.

Xiao Hu

Crushed the first phone interview. This company wants me to do two more though... Phone interviews are somehow worse than in person

I find Phone/Skype interviews generally bullshit. People behave differently if they don't meet in person plus if course possible technical issues.


this is incredibly reductionist and not exactly accurate + who gives a shit? you look at people for the same reason in every area of life and in tv/movies and talk about it fairly regularly.. But I guess if it's happening live on a stream, in that specific instance, it's somehow gross? Watching Big Brother for all the sexy people, which is what you said you do -- a show constructed entirely around voyeurism, isn't gross? But streaming is?

And the streamer sets the tone of their own channel. If it's meant to be kind of sexy and that's the understanding with the viewers, fine. Plenty aren't like that at all though. There's nothing titillating or suggestive about the channels I watch. As a streamer you set the tone and the rules in your own channel.

Every time I've mentioned big brother I've said it was trashy. I'm not a perfect person but thanks for trying to catch me in some kind of hypocrisy.

But yes, both reality tv and streamers have this weird voyeurism quality that I think taps into the need for others to step outside the confines of their own lives. On the part of the streamer I think there is a kind of narcissism there that is wholly unappealing. What kind of compromises to their character must be made to appeal to a mass audience?

In the end it doesn't matter too much since I'm able to tune it out and indulge in the phenomenon at my leisure. But to encourage that as an actual method of income is probably the last thing I would do.


Every time I've mentioned big brother I've said it was trashy. I'm not a perfect person but thanks for trying to catch me in some kind of hypocrisy.

But yes, both reality tv and streamers have this weird voyeurism quality that I think taps into the need for others to step outside the confines of their own lives. On the part of the streamer I think there is a kind of narcissism there that is wholly unappealing. What kind of compromises to their character must be made to appeal to a mass audience?

In the end it doesn't matter too much since I'm able to tune it out and indulge in the phenomenon at my leisure. But to encourage that as an actual method of income is probably the last thing I would do.

You're projecting. The streams I watch are just fun hangouts and are approached as such. For me, it's ambience. The streamer I've watched the most in recent history is a guy (lobosjr) and with respect to the women streamers I sometimes watch there isn't a creepy tone in the channel because it's not encouraged by the host's behavior and the chat is moderated. I don't see it as icky/desperate/pathetic at all. Maybe some channels exist that I'd find a bit unappealing for some of the reasons you point out -- But I don't watch them. Moreover, if that's what they want to do, who am I to judge?
My madmen intro style free fall continues, got a 69 X 75 for two exams when I got 88 for both classes on the midterm
Middle school Jon lols at 69 though
Just 3 weeks left with 4 finals and 4 multi page papers
Time to start sweatn'

I'll subscribe to any channel that plays Super Nintendo games 😎

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I think watching a stream because you find a girl or guy cute while playing games is one of the more innocent things you can do on the internet. 🤔

Dear lord someone help me get out of bed. I am so very cold


I think watching a stream because you find a girl or guy cute while playing games is one of the more innocent things you can do on the internet. 🤔

Dear lord someone help me get out of bed. I am so very cold
I do that! The happy hobbit is the cutest streamer ever.
A drunk friend once told me that he holds his erect penis to provide enough heat to survive the 10 second trip to get dressed.
Neat way to wake up in the AM: "Hey, this is the county sherif from XXXXXX county. Would you mind coming and talking your brother out of the house?"

How the fuck are they not trained for this, and who the fuck canceled his God damned medications?!?!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
An agent might me interested in my novel O_O
oh geez. what happened?

Somebody canceled his meds, he somehow got ahold of a gun and holed up in his house with his wife and kids. I had to spend a couple hours talking him into giving me the gun and walking him out of the house.

If I find the doctor that canceled his meds, they're fucking dead. That was fucking stupid on a whole new level.
Somebody canceled his meds, he somehow got ahold of a gun and holed up in his house with his wife and kids. I had to spend a couple hours talking him into giving me the gun and walking him out of the house.

If I find the doctor that canceled his meds, they're fucking dead. That was fucking stupid on a whole new level.

shit man, that sucks. Sorry you had to start your day with that. Good thing it ended alright, you're a champ


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
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