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F1 2011 |OT| Not bad for a number 2 game


Sleeplessnights said:
I don't see any problem with Polyphony making an F1 game.

I'd imagine anything is better than what we're enduring at the moment.
You want Polyphony to make a game with decent online. What drugs are you smoking?


Wax Free Vanilla said:
Activision needs to bankroll Grand Prix 5 and let :bow Sir Geoff Crammond :bow save us from this Codemasters nightmare.

Activision already missed that opportunity when they redraw from initial 2008 negotiations and left Bizzare to their sad destiny.

Also, I don't think their venture with NASCAR has shown good commercial results with that license, but I blame lack of polish of the game to be honest and wrong design-choices regarding almost all parts of that game.

In short, during last 4 years Activision successfully destroyed development of two great studios/licenses in the driving genre, probably because shareholders didn't want to justify the investment into such logterm-return productions.

If they opted for F1 license in 2008 and got Bizzare to work on the game - as it was almost certainly planned with acquiring the Bizzare Studios - situation today would be different.

Also, I have no intention to say anything bad both Geoff Crammond or PC-related but in the World of Today™ no real F1 game can be success without going multiplatform - because only annual license for F1 costs more than 15M$. And current restrictions of the current console-hardwares are a real bottleneck for development of such complex simulations, and all of us have witness that.

I have no idea what will happen for the next-generation and will the Codemasters opt for prolonging the 2012 license, although they did say they will during F12011 development.

As far as SCEE is concerned, they have both studios and technology to make it happen on really beautiful scale, but the payback of investment into annual-licensing probably remains their main obstacle.

At this point I really can't see the solution for this complex problem. Justifying 15M$ of annual license requires crazy amount of sales, what we learned from investment-charts and forecasts presented by C.A.R.S. project.

What I see as a possibility for some serious developer is total overhaul of philosophy regarding actual development of Formula 1 game. Only viable and business-wise logical solution would be insane initial investment into long-term license deal with Bernies new ormula One World Championship Ltd. company and than creating an self-evolving game that will be constantly updated trough both functionality/content updates in the way Polyphony is doing with the GT5.

That way the profits would be maximised through selling a disc-based games needed for initial set-up, but more money would be made with adding-on the new updates for each season through DLC for the full-price. Also, model of "F1 platform" could allow for much complex integration of content through past-seasons (tracks and cars mainly) and maybe allow for some "classic" related DLC that could boost sales further because of nostalgia reasons of all F1 fans.

However, it would really require a mammoth investment, serious planning and deep focus on maintaining the such "platform" project on maximum quality scale in order to attract players on long-term scale. But at this point, I do not see it happening for obvious reasons.

Only real and viable solution would be if Bernie decide to de-regulate the licensing-process and allow for multi-licensing per season, the situation we had in late '90s-early 2000's. Rights to licensing he re-gained with establishment of the Formula One World Championship Ltd. company allows him to do whatever he wants with the F1 commercial rights for next 99 years, but only question he will ask is: are there 4 studios willing to pay 5M$ annually and compete for sales on the open market?

As long as the answer is no, license will cost more than 15M$ annually and only one studio will hold it and do with it whatever it can while keeping the Bernie remotely happy.


Codemasters already confirmed they are doing F1 2012 which is the last year of the original deal (was an option year).

A new deal can only be signed after the teams sign the new Concorde Agreement. The only hope to have a F1 game in 2013 is if Codemasters signs a new deal but my guess is that Bernie will request more money (like he always does) and we would be without a F1 game for a while.


Hi all,

Quick patch situation update for you.

The 2nd all formats patch for the game is now roughly halfway through being tested, this means that we should be in a position middle of next week to give you another update regarding what specific fixes it will contain.

Thanks again to everyone who's given us constructive feedback both good and bad about the game, it's been a great help so far during the patching process.
Presuming the patch fixes what it needs to, how many people are still interested in a league? Albeit one that is probably much more low key than we originally intended.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Presuming the patch fixes what it needs to, how many people are still interested in a league? Albeit one that is probably much more low key than we originally intended.

IF it fixes the online bugs, i'm in.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Presuming the patch fixes what it needs to, how many people are still interested in a league? Albeit one that is probably much more low key than we originally intended.
Yes I now have the internet back, just about, so I'll be ready to play soon, as soon as a patch appears!


What kind of dumb question is that, FV?
Of course we're in, but you're just pinning false hopes on this patch, it won't even solve half the issues needed!
... and we know it...


Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Why are Swedes always such downers?
Because it's so dark and cold up there.

Anyway, over a month after release, and we still don't even know what Codemasters have been working on in this almost mythical patch.

Helios, a suggestion for you, tell your lead developer to sign up to the WMD/CARS dev forum, and see how community relations are meant to be. Developer openness = happy communities, simple as.


Can someone sum up the problems with 2011? I know 2010 wasn't great at launch (mystery lap times etc.), haven't followed this one much.


Patch notes for the 2nd patch are up on the codies forum. Fixes a few of the bigger issues. Here's hoping it doesn't break just as many things!

Notes are Here
Manik said:
Patch notes for the 2nd patch are up on the codies forum. Fixes a few of the bigger issues. Here's hoping it doesn't break just as many things!

Notes are Here
Sounds like a rather solid patch, look forward to playing this game finally.


eh, looking pretty solid then again patch notes don't mean anything unless they actually work...
Let's wait and see!

For FV (force india ho') :
Hi all,

As promised last week, here is some more information on the specific issues we’ve been investigating for the upcoming patch and the progress made to date.

For those of you who have read the Patch Process thread , Step 1 has now been completed; many thanks to all of you who provided as much information as possible on the issues you have encountered. We are now nearing the end of Step 2, with multiple issues (detailed below) having now been fixed and verified in our test environment.

Please note that there are technical restrictions on what we can and can’t patch, due to things such as size limits on patches, knock-on effects to other areas of the game and issues that were non-reproducible in our test environment, etc. Issues which currently fall into this category are updated DRS Zones and updated drivers.

 Game Improvements:
o A connectivity rating display has now been implemented for each player in an online session lobby. This appears as coloured bars (red, amber, green) to indicate the expected online performance of the player in the game session.
o More network bandwidth is now reserved for game-critical systems in online sessions. This may result in low-bandwidth users having their voice chat restricted to fewer players, but should result in a smoother online experience.

 Strategy & Setup:
o Fixed 11/11 car setup bug.
o Fixed issue where your race strategy uses the same tyre compound three times in a row & the final set are worn.
o Fixed issue where wear-based punctures would occur too often.
o Fixed various issues with the race engineer speech logic.

 AI:
o Fixed an issue where the AI run on Intermediates for too long.
o Fixed issue where AI cars would be too fast in the wet.
o Fixed an issue where AI vehicles pitted too often during dry, online races .
o The AI has been tuned on several circuits to provide smoother and faster driving.

 Co –op Championship:
o Fixed an issue with the save becoming corrupt / not able to invite the other player when playing long race weekends.
o Fixed an issue where AI difficulty was reset to “Amateur” level when resuming a Coop game.
o Fixed an issue with tyre wear in Practice/Qualifying not being carried over to Race.
o Fixed an issue with the penalties accrued in Practice/Qualifying not being applied to the Race.
o Fixed an issue with the Race Results where lapped AI are causing player to drop positions.

 Online:
o Vote to Skip in Qualifying now requires 100% vote.
o Various Penalty system improvements have been made.
o Quick Race countdown timer is now set to 60 Seconds and no longer resets when a player joins the session.

 Graphics & Performance:
o PS3 – Improved frame rate & performance.
o Xbox360 & PC - Numerous performance improvements have been made to increase frame rate and reduce stuttering.
o All Platforms – Numerous graphical improvements have been made.
o All Platforms – Fixed various issues to improve general game stability.

 PC-specific:
o Fixed several functionality issues experienced when using DX11 cards.
o Fixed issue where users could hack specific files to increase car grip.

 Other:
o Fixed a very infrequent issue where some sessions would be skipped over when progressing to the next session during a Long Race Weekend.
o Korea tyre compounds have been changed to those used in the 2011 race.
o Fixed an issue where in career where the "on the bounce" achievement was awarded after 11 race wins instead of 9.
o Fixed an issue where all users would be awarded the fastest lap XP and stat during some online races.
o Fixed an issue where driver's hands & head popped in a few frames late when switching cameras.

We have yet to verify several other fixes at the moment, and we are still working hard on fixing a few more issues before we move into Step 3 next week. We will keep you informed on the specifics over the course of the next week or so.

As a final note, we are also working with Sony and Microsoft to wipe the Time Trial leader boards to ensure that all future Time Trial data is correct and free from inaccuracies following the release of patch 2.

Thanks again for your patience whilst we finalise work on the patch.


One glaring omission from that list is that the quick race set ups only change the aerodynamics and no other settings, otherwise it sounds pretty good.

Juicy Bob

AcridMeat said:
One glaring omission from that list is that the quick race set ups only change the aerodynamics and no other settings, otherwise it sounds pretty good.
I think that's a deliberate design decision to reward those who put time into working on setups.


Manik said:
Patch notes for the 2nd patch are up on the codies forum. Fixes a few of the bigger issues. Here's hoping it doesn't break just as many things!

Notes are Here

It looks like a great patch, perfect.

Thanx Helios and the whole CM team, looking forward continuing the season asap.


Juicy Bob said:
I think that's a deliberate design decision to reward those who put time into working on setups.

The quick set ups weren't the quickest in 2010, no reason to change it so that it doesn't help at all. It's effectively a useless feature as is in 2011.


HenryHSH said:
Let's thank them after the patch hits and we test things out.
Yeah, I'm of this opinion as well. If the DX11 fixes work *and* nothing else breaks the PC one *and* I get decent crossfire performance out of the new Catalyst drivers, I'll be waking up at whatever fucking time it takes to join the GAF league and beat all of your asses.

One good thing though, having this delay in online playability seems to have filtered out enough people so that we can fit everyone in one league
Shaneus said:
You were banned from the forums? How?



In 2010 there was a pit bug with Force India that meant you couldn't pit as them without spending 1 minute in the pit. I started a campaign on the forums for Codemasters to fix it and had like a dozen accounts banned. I kept being IP banned and making new accounts etc. Eventually they admitted it was a huge bug they couldn't fix and it would be amended in 2011 so I accepted that and stopped (I was tweeting Force India etc to bring it to their attention).

Helios has been pretty cool about Lucius and I doing this OP so I'm not sure why they were so bad in that respect, it literally took me a dozen accounts and dozens more people supporting me for them to even acknowledge it existed.

Like I said, Helios has been good to Lucius and I so I don't want to be too critical, but I do still think they way Codemasters handled my topics was poor. I may have gone OTT, but it was because I was so frustrated with the issue and the fact they tried to ignore it. I never wanted to be a troll etc - I just wanted a big glitch fixed. I am a bit embarrassed reading some of the stuff I posted but at the same time I remember how frustrated I was and with the amount of bugs in 2011 I feel like Codemasters still have SERIOUS, reputation ruining PR issues.

So yeah, that's why I'm still IP banned. It's pretty stupid, but considering I spent 250+ hours in F1 2010 I feel I had the right to be mad about that glitch still.


Fair call. I had no idea at all about the FI thing and you have to wonder why a bug like that would exist in the first place. You're right about them still having issues though. I never had problems on my PC with either of the first 2 Dirt games (shit, D2 was the first game I remember looking AMAZING on my rig with little tinkering), Grid OR Dirt 3 (but that needs to be mentioned separately as there are a few niggles here and there) but the fact that both F1 games are so poorly finished is both surprising and disappointing.

They could roll out the next GT-style game for PC, nail it completely and I seriously doubt I'd buy it based on my experiences with the F1 games. At least, would wait until it's been severely discounted... twice burnt when I usually overthink buying ANY game, is enough for me to be cautious next time regardless of their history.
Shaneus said:
Fair call. I had no idea at all about the FI thing and you have to wonder why a bug like that would exist in the first place. You're right about them still having issues though. I never had problems on my PC with either of the first 2 Dirt games (shit, D2 was the first game I remember looking AMAZING on my rig with little tinkering), Grid OR Dirt 3 (but that needs to be mentioned separately as there are a few niggles here and there) but the fact that both F1 games are so poorly finished is both surprising and disappointing.

They could roll out the next GT-style game for PC, nail it completely and I seriously doubt I'd buy it based on my experiences with the F1 games. At least, would wait until it's been severely discounted... twice burnt when I usually overthink buying ANY game, is enough for me to be cautious next time regardless of their history.
The FI bug in 2010 was really the only big thing, which is why it pissed me off so much.

There's so much more broken in this game you can't even really begin to get mad about in the same way because I've invested so little time.

But yeah, if Codies improved their QA and to an extent their PR it would be great. No consumer should ever have to go through what I did on their forums.


Foliorum Viridum said:
The FI bug in 2010 was really the only big thing, which is why it pissed me off so much.

There's so much more broken in this game you can't even really begin to get mad about in the same way because I've invested so little time.

But yeah, if Codies improved their QA and to an extent their PR it would be great. No consumer should ever have to go through what I did on their forums.
Yup. They must seriously use different teams for different games. Dirt 2 and Grid were so damned rock-solid (at least by the time I got to them).

Those threads do suck, though. Shit that it took 12 pages in one of the threads for Helios to pop up and make a statement about it.


It's simply mind boggling that a company invests so much money in a license, gets good ideas together, has a solid team and then just puts out a game yearly that is so untested they probably spent a week-end on QA, at most.

It just doesn't make any sense that they would go to all the trouble and then skip out on a month of testing to make the game bug-free enough so that you don't get the whole community, your consumers, on your back and that, two years in a row.

Truly mind boggling.


Staab said:
It's simply mind boggling that a company invests so much money in a license, gets good ideas together, has a solid team and then just puts out a game yearly that is so untested they probably spent a week-end on QA, at most.

It just doesn't make any sense that they would go to all the trouble and then skip out on a month of testing to make the game bug-free enough so that you don't get the whole community, your consumers, on your back and that, two years in a row.

Truly mind boggling.
Ah, yup. Man, what I wouldn't have done to see Activision get the license and let Bizarre handle it again, just like the good old days. Can you imagine what they would have done? Out of the fucking park. Bug free. Attention to detail. Style up the wazoo.

Fucking Bizarre :(
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