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F1 2016 |OT| Daniil Kvyat Simulator

Par Score

Good gravy, the jump from Expert to Legend is INSANE.

Just had a complete nightmare of a race at the A1-Ring. Qualified first on Expert in a Torro Rosso and decided that it was time to make the jump, then spent the whole race getting mugged by a far more aggressive and capable AI than I'd seen on the lower difficulties.

Hamilton monstered me practically off the road at turn three, Kimi and Vettel took me either side in the braking zone for turn two, and it just kept going. It was nuts.


Play without assists and tell me your winning on legend lol. Other sims have helped me with this. Throttle control is key, and I had to do some tweaks to my throttle linearity and dead zone (driving force gt doesn't play nice with new games mostly). But yeah, AI on expert is probably the right setting for experienced racers. Top 6 guys are faster than you with a few other guys at the same level. That's all dependant on your car too, I went with mclaren.

Fox Mulder

My game is crashing now for everything at Monaco in career. It'll load up and let me go to sitting in the car in the garage, but crashes to dashboard as soon as I try to go out.

Was working fine earlier and I've rebooted the xbox twice.


Finished my first season! Decided to cease development quite early (you get a bonus next season if you do) so I have around 5000 points to spend at the first race. That should get my Renault level with Mercedes.

Is this explained anywhere? What is "early"? How big is that bonus?


I am really tempted to buy this, but I only have a pad on my PS4 and my PC is way too old for running it.
If it's anything like last year's game, it works perfectly with a pad and it's super tight/precise. Last year's game impressed me with its controls.


Finished my first season! Decided to cease development quite early (you get a bonus next season if you do) so I have around 5000 points to spend at the first race. That should get my Renault level with Mercedes.

Didn't know you could do that. I definitely would give that a go as well.


I got my rim tonight!


Alternating between that new baby and the 599X!
Shit, I'll have to bite the bullet. I'm not so good at racing sims like you guys, but would love to race against you on a league. Will buy the game on Monday and play the hell out of it.


Kvyat just won a race by one-stopping a race that had rain halfway through... Was very confused.

This game is really damn good... have had races in China and Canada that had rain and it just gets so damn intense. Whether it be getting weather reports, managing degrading tires, deciding when to go into the pits, following the strategies of other teams, it really is pretty thrilling.

I've found myself using the slightly off-center TV pylon cam... I think it looks a lot better than the standard overhead cam and it in some ways gives me a better view of the apexes... does anybody else use this?


Must say I'm quite enjoying this game. Slow change of direction on a controller issue aside it's really fun and feels pretty damn authentic in terms of the handling. I'm finding I really enjoy tracks I barely know or like when watching for real. I'm in Bahrain now and once I'd learned it and mastered it I now love this track. Really has a nice flow in parts. I'm taking my time practicing and doing all the challenges and restarting if necessary until I'm happy in my Manor.

One thing, does anyone else think the replays look a bit crud. I get the feeling the car movement isn't really replicated in the visuals properly. Looks like there's no movement in the suspension, the cars are bolt upright even through fast corners where in real life you see the car leaning on the outside suspension. Feels like that's missing and makes the car movement look off to me...
For the replays with me it's the fact the front wheel's barely turn (more noticeable in the replays) so especially with sharp corners it's looks a bit stiff...
bought this game for ps4 yesterday and would like to know if you guys use the standard Car setup in multiplayer or curcuit specific ones and if so is there a list of good settings?. I`ve also wanted to finally drive a racing game with a wheel and got a G29. It`s really fun . Do i have to change some stuff to get the best out of it? whats the best FFB Settings? I have all 3 at 50. 100 was waaaay to strong.

People crashing into me doesnt help to get in the top3... is there a button to "teleport" back in the right direction. It takes soooo long to turn if you spin around.


I got my rim tonight!

Alternating between that new baby and the 599X!

That is soooo sexy. Forgive my naivete but if I have the official ps4 thrustmaster can I put this rim on that? Edit: just noticed the Xbox button.

Ok serious question gents. Assetto Corsa has disappointed. For those that have played both, can F1 2016 make me happy again?


So not worth it
Finally managed to beat my assisted best personal time sriving without any assists turned on in Spa, it is not a great time (1:55.268) by any stretch of the imagination, but I am still very happy with myself heh.

Getting the braking, the right gear and the right amount of throttle on exit just right is rewarding as fuck. Right now that is a rare occurence though, but I will get there.


don't ask me for codes
Picked up the PS4 edition yesterday. I like racing game despite being bad at it and playing casually. Finally decided to try ditching assists and going manual. Spa's a pretty hard track. Maybe I should train on the Red Bull Ring first :p


That is soooo sexy. Forgive my naivete but if I have the official ps4 thrustmaster can I put this rim on that? Edit: just noticed the Xbox button.

Ok serious question gents. Assetto Corsa has disappointed. For those that have played both, can F1 2016 make me happy again?

That rim works on the t500 and t300 Base (PS3/PS4/PC) and the TX base (XONE).


A friend and I started a championship last night and there was AI. Did practice, quali, and race. Somewhere in the setup you CAN add the AI, but my friend did the setup and invited me so I cant tell you exactly where...

Thanks, good to know it's there.

Did a 50% GP in Belgium yesterday with Max Verstappen, what a circuit!
Definitely my fav now.


That is soooo sexy. Forgive my naivete but if I have the official ps4 thrustmaster can I put this rim on that? Edit: just noticed the Xbox button.

Ok serious question gents. Assetto Corsa has disappointed. For those that have played both, can F1 2016 make me happy again?

Imo AC pad controls are better than F1. But F1 is a more fun game. The objectives alone make it more of a game than AC. AC is just a hotlap driving game mostly.


So, I have a question about the AI:

I'm playing on Expert and judging from speed alone this is pretty much exactly my skill level. However, the AI is incredibly passive in the race. Not defensive or aggressive, just passive. I can be 3 seconds slower than the car behind me and they only ever try to overtake during the longest of straights. Doesn't matter how slow I am in a corner, they just break accordingly and stay behind me. Is that normal?

Finished my first season! Decided to cease development quite early (you get a bonus next season if you do) so I have around 5000 points to spend at the first race. That should get my Renault level with Mercedes.

Interested in this, too. How exactly does this work? Just stop developing? When exactly? Any on-screen indicators on what to do?


Redmond's Baby
Ok, caved in and bought it today. Only tried RBR with Manor and I will need some time to get used to it, I am all over the track :)


Do you all kick on the assists when the rain comes out? I just did a wet time trial at Suzuka and with TC and ABS off, I was all over the place. Can't imagine keeping a race pace when my wheels are either spinning or locked up.


Anybody knows what the "MFD Car Setting" option actually does in the Controls menu? I'm not seeing any differences anywhere


Can anyone test that lowering tire pressures help save tires? I've done two races since lowering the pressures and my tires have lasted 2-3 more laps.


Redmond's Baby
Ok, survived FP1 in Melbourne, even done some practice work, ended up on 10th spot. Slowly getting used to driving a Manor, but I already can see that tyre management will be a major pain in the ass with this car :D


Just had a quick race in Monaco and a crashed Ferrari blocked half of the grid for like a minute. The result was that half of the drivers got disqualified for some reason. I had to check the replay because I couldn't believe all those DSQ messages.
Baku is such a fun track to drive. Daring yourself to get braver on the brakes after each straight is sublime. They need to sort the sluggish steering though as quick direction changes can be a pain.


Important question: Can I tell my crew which tyres to change to while driving? I know I can go into the pits by using the interface but I can explicitly tell them to change to the wets? Right now I'm in the middle of the race on inters and I got the message that heavy rain is going to set in very soon so I'd like to change right now but I want to make sure that they are not just giving me new Inters :/
Do you all kick on the assists when the rain comes out? I just did a wet time trial at Suzuka and with TC and ABS off, I was all over the place. Can't imagine keeping a race pace when my wheels are either spinning or locked up.

Nope. You just need to adjust the setup accordingly.

Last race I did in the wet I demolished the AI in Shanghai (expert) in a McLaren. 25% race distance and I won by over 40s. Either the AI is rubbish in the rain on that difficulty or they set the cars up for dry conditions as on qualifying
Important question: Can I tell my crew which tyres to change to while driving? I know I can go into the pits by using the interface but I can explicitly tell them to change to the wets? Right now I'm in the middle of the race on inters and I got the message that heavy rain is going to set in very soon so I'd like to change right now but I want to make sure that they are not just giving me new Inters :/

You can tell them what tyres using the interface. Much easier to use voice though if you have that option.

Also, depending on how long the rain lasts you may not want to pit for full wets. I've seen the AI pit twice inside 4-5 laps for a short downpour of heavy rain instead of just trying to keep it together on inters which you don't lose that much by doing


Anybody knows what the "MFD Car Setting" option actually does in the Controls menu? I'm not seeing any differences anywhere

Is that the Default/Look around thing? If so it means you can map the look around to the dpad (therefore setting the MFD buttons as unassigned) and when you press the MFD button that let's you change mix etc it switches to controlling that instead of looking about. More for wheel users who can't look about with a right stick.

Can you tell me where? Because I only see that I can tell them that I want to go into the pits but not specifics regarding the tyres...

Press the MFD button when you have the voice commands open. It switches lists to other possible commands. You don't need that list on though. Just say the command. It's something like 'Wet Tyres next'.


Is that the Default/Look around thing? If so it means you can map the look around to the dpad (therefore setting the MFD buttons as unassigned) and when you press the MFD button that let's you change mix etc it switches to controlling that instead of looking about. More for wheel users who can't look about with a right stick.

Press the MFD button when you have the voice commands open. It switches lists to other possible commands. You don't need that list on though. Just say the command. It's something like 'Wet Tyres next'.

Ah, I wasn't aware I could actually switch pages. Thanks for the help! :)


Redmond's Baby
Only thing that bothers me is inability to set nose cam height. I do not like airbox camera, because it is too high, even if I lower it.


Just did my first career race, and holy crap, this game is legit! 50% length, AI on Hard, TC on Medium and all the rest is off/manual. Qualified on P13, ahead of my teammate, but I don't understand why I started on P14, right behind him. Bug? I took 3 penalty points on free practices. Maybe it was that. Anyway, since it was my first race I decided do chose a conservative strategy with just one stop. Finished in P8. It was amazing!

EDIT: poor Hulk, having a blown engine when he was overtaking me. :3



Just did a quick race on the Austrian Grand Prix as Räikkönen. I'm playing on Expert, and I'm a second slower than Vettel. Not sure where I'm slow, I should have checked the sector times I guess.


I managed to finish P2 in China.
FP1/FP3/Q1 was rainy, FP2/Q2/Q3 dry, and the race dry. Qualified P1 with a 1.43.xxx on hard difficult in the McLaren.
I finished P2, around 3 sec off the leader Rosberg. I think this was because I was really slow into the pits (I have the pit assist off) so I didn't overspeed into the pitlane. I wasn't sure where to brake so crawled into the pits. I went in P1 and came out 17th or something. After everybody pitted, I ended up in 5th place around lap 8/14. Slowly reeled in P4/3/2 and got into P2 on lap 13.
Fastest lap I did was a 1.42.xxx towards the middle of my stint on mediums.

I really hate this circuit, so I was delighted that when I looked at the lap counter - it was already lap 10/14, so I quite enjoyed the race. It never felt like the old games where I was either just dropping the AI massively or that I was starting a Trulli train. I had really close battles multiple times, and It was cool having the AI come back and fight after passing them in to the T1/2/3 section just like real life.

Will be upping the difficulty to expert now. Having good fun with the game for the first time in this series.

Anyone know how to save the race replay?
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