Yeah, that really shits me. I mean, F1 '97 did it and looked fucking incredible for it. Why don't you do it, Codemasters?
Seriously, it adds so much to the atmosphere of the game.
Damn, that nostalgia. Loved that game.
Yeah, that really shits me. I mean, F1 '97 did it and looked fucking incredible for it. Why don't you do it, Codemasters?
Seriously, it adds so much to the atmosphere of the game.
I'm sure it's a licensing issue.
New patch on PC fams, 62.8mb. Not sure what's in it yet.
I think most people in here are playing on a pad.
I'm playing on an ancient wired 360 controller.
Bought the game today, after waiting for benchmarks for my trusty 750ti. Seems to be finde on Mid/High.
Now has anyone found good settings for playing with a Xbox One Controller?
Go to advanced wheel/control configs put
Steering deadzone 30
Steering linearity 60
Steering saturation 5
Maybe mess aroud with it a little bit, Tell your feedback after please!! Adjusting myself
Try this, work pretty well for me, you can tune deadzone and linearity to your liking if you want.
With the upcoming bank holiday (UK) and my girlfriend being away for it, I'm really craving this game. I'm just scared my ageing GTX680 won't do it justice...
The one exception is after the most recent patch going into Flashback mode runs like ass.
Apparently, everyone over thirty is pretty much too old to play simulation video games...
I should find a new hobby.
Can't get the voice commands to work. I'm using the USB-Audio from my Astro Mixamp for Mic-In, which works fine for Skype/Discord, but doesn't seem to be recognized by the game.
There's no setting to change the input, I think.
Patch has fucked replays for me. Getting 90fps in game, 40fps in replays which drop to 4fps when fast forwarding.
Make sure in Windows it's set as the default recording device as well as default communication device. Works with my USB mic.
Bahrain suited me just perfect.. such a great track for me and the McLaren.
Why is Shanghai shredding my tyres so much???
The jump from Expert to Legend is just insane. I am able to win the race in a Ferrari relatively easily but on legend I qualify 7th or 8th and have a hard time keeping that position.
I am really tempted to buy this, but I only have a pad on my PS4 and my PC is way too old for running it.
Patch has fucked replays for me. Getting 90fps in game, 40fps in replays which drop to 4fps when fast forwarding.
I am really tempted to buy this, but I only have a pad on my PS4 and my PC is way too old for running it.
Go to advanced wheel/control configs put
Steering deadzone 30
Steering linearity 60
Steering saturation 5
So in online championship mode, can you add AI drivers or not?
Tried to set up a season for me and a friend, but it turned out we were the only cars in the first race. I did notice a setting to change the AI driver level but could not find a way to add them.
Apparently, everyone over thirty is pretty much too old to play simulation video games...
I should find a new hobby.
Those fast corners are bitches to the tyres. Lift and coast a little more if you can.
Anyone playing with a Thrustmaster t300rs or t3pa pro pedals? I just got the game in the post and gonna give it a try later and wanted to know what settings you like so far.
I'm running this. I'm no expert. Just moved the difficulty up to expert in fact.
I have everything set to 0 for 1:1. 360 degree. Throttle deadzone and linearity at 5 and brake saturation and linearity at 5 too. Feedback all at 100 except weight which is at 80.
I'm struggling with rear end slip with the traction on medium but that's more cos I suck I think.
Go to advanced wheel/control configs put
Steering deadzone 30
Steering linearity 60
Steering saturation 5
Maybe mess aroud with it a little bit, Tell your feedback after please!! Adjusting myself
This game is intense. I'm with Sauber, on hard, and it was an amazing 50% race in Bahreïn. I was in 14th place and then, with 4 laps to go and Grosjean behind me, I started to panic a little. All of a sudden, my turns were wider and I had trouble with everything. Finished 15th. My fault all the way.
I have a great respect for the actual F1 drivers. These guys must have nerves of steel.
Your tyres would most likely have been starting to go at that point, which is no help. I just finished the Spanish GP with my left front at 93% wear, I was hanging on for dear life at that point lol.