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Fable’, ‘Avowed’ and ‘Hellblade 2’ pages remove Xbox Game Pass mentions

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We already have a thread

Thanks I'll contact moderation.


Finally. They are acting right.

Day one games on gsmepass shouldn't be an option. And gsmepass should be cheaper on consoles.


The new page


Hopefully they know they can't survive in a world where nintendo and sony are selling 15-20 million copies while they say 5m-10m "players"


Gold Member
We already have a thread



Ooh it's from the NME.....they haven't reported anything of relevance since 16th April 1994.

(Melody Maker was a better mag anyway....)

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Can't you all just wait a week or two instead of trying to extrapolate hints from a 5 month old web page redesign.
Honestly they've burned the goodwill they earned over the last 3 years with me. It's pretty obvious now that they've known major things are changing for a long time now, and are hiding it from their customers. We had the degrading spectacle of journalists having to ask a Disney employee for info on Blade and getting told to talk to Bethesda, who didn't comment on it. Hyrb left in July 2023 even before Starfield. They are trying to actively not say anything now, for almost 6 months. At that point you have to look at the leaks. The leaks coming out is the only reason they're speaking next week at all. Otherwise they'd just keep moving along without explaining what they're planning. They actually had extremely good communication for years, but the time to expect that is over.


The pages still say Game Pass though, which make most sane people know that the game will be on Game Pass at release. If it did not say Game Pass at all, then we can think it will not be day one.

My guess? They changed the logo due to people thinking Game Pass is just for Xbox. Microsoft's big push is Game Pass, and they want PC gamers and cloud only gamers to sign up as well. By always having Xbox along with GamePass, maybe they are thinking that is making consumers feel it is only for Xbox? The changes happened back in November. So this is not related to the latest rumors. I think it is more of a marketing shift when it comes to GamePass: trying to get more subs. Unfortunately, with all of the rumors and speculation going around right now, it seems to be causing more chaos with gamers.

Another plausible spin on this, although I feel still unlikely, is Microsoft has finally gotten deals in place to have GamePass on other platforms like PS5 and Switch, but part of the deal was to remove Xbox from the marketing. This is plausible, but I really think it was more to get people to see that GamePass is not just for Xbox, so the Xbox part is not so front and centered.
Maybe they are waking up to the reality that day one exclusives on Gamepass was a stupid move. It ruined any type of revenue needed thru sales of those games. Gamepass should be for older titles or smaller games so that any bigger budget AAA type games have a chance to sell properly and recoup the needed money for possible sequels or other projects. Maybe the upper brass have realized Phil’s Gamepass experiment is what tanked the Xbox brand and are taking control of this fiasco. It may be the last legitimate chance for them if that’s the case to at least be around in the console space. Next week cant get here fast enough.


Its a great strategy. Have day one releases to keep people subbed for years while there isnt much happening. At the start of a potentially good year cancel it saying it hasnt worked, just in time for your games to come out


Although i'd be a little gutted if they took day one first party games off Gamepass, its def the right move form a business sense.
I usually end up buying the games on Steam anyway when there is a sale etc.

They can still have day one Indie and AA games on Gamepass, with the odd day one third party game.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Its a great strategy. Have day one releases to keep people subbed for years while there isnt much happening. At the start of a potentially good year cancel it saying it hasnt worked, just in time for your games to come out

FYI, it's not true. The original topic was already closed because the design template change on the website happened 4, 5 months ago. Games like Forza etc have come out with the new template, on day 1.


FYI, it's not true. The original topic was already closed because the design template change on the website happened 4, 5 months ago. Games like Forza etc have come out with the new template, on day 1.
Ah fair play, should read properly :)

(Slaps wrist)
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