Gold Member
Europe was very very different in it's approach, it's simply undeniable.
Europe was very very different in it's approach, it's simply undeniable.
It acted quicker. I also recommend Google for your home work.
What you said was nonsense.
Oh look, it's the conspiracy nutjob from the pandemic thread showing up. Thank you for your wise words, now crawl back to your tin foil hat meetings please.So why Germany has 23 591 cases today? And 438 deaths.
Oh its all the dumb hicks who love Trump in Germany that are getting sick because they angered the COVID face mask gods and are being punished for their sins.
Nah how about this, put down the ding dongs fatty and get some exercise. Fat people get sicker and die more so we don't need face masks we need muzzles on any fatties to stop them from eating and clogging up the hospitals.
Trust me friend I know, I've been on lock since march and I'm suffering massively mental health wise. But I'm a fitness freak so I just dont wanna roll the dice with any long term shortness of breath as I sprint miles 4-5 days a week every week for the past 4 years and have a really good physique. But its a trade off no doubt. I'm a shell of what I was socially before march.Well I dispute that would happen after two weeks, I think people mostly did that over the spring, remember all the talk about zoom happy hour and shit, now people are saying fuck it, understandably it’s been 9 months of this unending misery for an illness they will almost certainly (99.99%) get over in a few days. Even the Europeans who supposedly did so much better than we did ended up with a spike this fall yet we get shit on endlessly despite being on the same boat.
Ultimately what is worse for a 30 year old, a virus that will give them a fever and a cough for a week or unending depression and loneliness which leads to substance abuse and a drug addiction? Because that’s not really theoretical,governments are imposing the latter to save him or her from the former. All the data we are getting on mental health is a total train wreck and will have massive consequences for decades.
Oh look, it's the conspiracy nutjob from the pandemic thread showing up. Thank you for your wise words, now crawl back to your tin foil hat meetings please.
No it didn't. Cases were discovered around the same time in Europe and US, and lockdowns happened at right around the same time, the second and third weeks of March.
Sure thing dude! I hope you get internet soon, it's pretty useful.
Kinda has histortical documents and shit, totally gnarly stuff.
The US Banned travel from China within days of when Europe did. Similar for lockdowns. The EU is the only region besides South America which has countries which have had worse death rates than the US, including the UK, Italy, Spain, and Belgium.It acted quicker. I also recommend Google for your home work.
What you said was nonsense.
You're purposefully steering the discussion into unrelated territory. The onus shouldn't be on people losing weight but people and governments taking responsibility in taking the necessary precautions in minimizing a pandemic. The thread is about mandatory masks proving to be beneficial. How are the numbers of Germany have to do with any of this? Germany was doing well until a conspiracy-minded portion of the population and irresponsible people decided to go anti-mask.What conspiracy?
Thats Germanys case count today.
Fat people to get sick more and do die more.
No tin foil hat needed.
UK lockdown March 20: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-uk-pm-announces-lockdown-measures-in-london.html
Germany lockdown begin March 19: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...e-lockdown-today-bavaria-latest-a9413746.html
US lockdowns begin March 20: https://nypost.com/2020/03/20/coron...lockdown-shuts-down-non-essential-businesses/
France lockdown begins March 17: https://www.france24.com/en/2020031...orce-in-bid-to-curtail-spread-of-deadly-virus
Spain lockdown begins March 14: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...-set-to-order-nationwide-coronavirus-lockdown
Please, if you want to discuss, more facts less snark that makes you look like an idiot
The US Banned travel from China within days of when Europe did. Similar for lockdowns. The EU is the only region besides South America which has countries which have had worse death rates than the US, including the UK, Italy, Spain, and Belgium.
All you have is the typical European ignorance that always shows up when the US is mentioned.
no one wants to see your slimysnake.impossible to hook up with a mask on.
You're purposefully steering the discussion into unrelated territory. The onus shouldn't be on people losing weight but people and governments taking responsibility in taking the necessary precautions in minimizing a pandemic. The thread is about mandatory masks proving to be beneficial. How are the numbers of Germany have to do with any of this? Germany was doing well until a conspiracy-minded portion of the population and irresponsible people decided to go anti-mask.
What do you mean by fragile? Human interaction is part of being human. We are a social species. There is a reason jails punish people with isolation. Isolation is inhuman. It goes well beyond some stiff upper lip bullshit, everyone gets affected by this disruption of their normal lives and the inability to interact with people in a normal way.
People respond to amazing calamities of the sort you describe actually very well, and they do it by BANDING TOGETHER. The exact thing we are told we are not allowed to do during this non-calamity.
We are surrounded by technologies that facilitate communication and interaction, the problem is that most people seem unable how to parse out the negative from the positive in this sphere.
Minimize the negative, accentuate the positive. Phone a friend or relative. Use the opportunity to do something constructive physically and/or mentally. Learn how to deal with the situation without dissolving into a hysterical puddle. Do something pro-social, wearing a mask and maintaining distance needn't hold you back from that because there are plenty of people out there who have to incorporate these restrictions into their work routines. Look at it as an opportunity to show your sense of civic duty, people will reciprocate positively.
Stop shrieking about politics, its still shit sandwich versus giant douche, same as ever. Stop scouring the internet and collecting injustices, you are just buying into a slanted, illusory reality, same deal with obsessively following the MSM. Its all a money-machine that runs on misery and negativity.
Most of all don't demand perfect success all the time for yourself in what I described above. It doesn't have to be absolute; success and failure alike are way more manageable in moderation. The realistic goal is balance, not nirvana. Do not give in to fear or berate yourself for your failings and weakness.
Its alright to get knocked down, so long as you get up again afterwards.
This year has been a shit-show for sure, and yes, the authorities and the media have let us down. But, that's no excuse for us to let ourselves and the people around us down too. And no, that's not a call to militancy, protesting during a pandemic is the epitome of retardation. Its doesn't help, even if it is a convenient distraction/opportunity to break the rules.
Not trying to sermonize, its all obvious stuff. The point is though that some people are just wallowing in negativity, and thats just no use in tough times.
Hey bro you're just not tough enough. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, bro.Those technologies are all phony shit, it is not a substitute for the real thing, not even 1/100th. I got the invite for the "zoom holiday party", eh fuck off.
Hundreds of millions of people being forced by the government to be alone and separated from their real lives and normal human interaction is going to cause massive problems, period. You cannot blame individual people for struggling with this, or just telling them to go on a fucking zoom call. It is a collective problem, because we are being forced to act in these unnatural and inhuman ways. Everyone is doing the best they can, but the psychological pressures and stress are very real. And it's not adults only, I read an article about how much children are struggling with this as well.
Again, there's a reason why jails punish people with isolation. It is because isolation is abnormal. Whenever I see something like somebody getting into a fight because of mask usage in a store, my first thought is, well this fucking covid hoax, the constant fear and restrictions, is driving them insane.
If you are only using it for a few minutes it is different to people who use public transport or, much worse, work in retail or similar and need to wear one for hours on end.Its a minor inconvenience at best for me
Only use it to fill up my van with fuel, its 2mins of my time.
Hardly a muzzle lol
It does not, but it compares several regions with differing begin rules for the mask rules.Didn’t see the study mention seasonality. Can someone correct me on this? For example most countries saw cases fall regardless of mask mandate or not after a certain period and saw cases spike regardless of mask mandate.
Seasonal flu patterns correlated with covid spikes..... that data had significant R^2. Just checking to see if this study controlled for that.
That was a Pier1-reviewed study.Wasn’t there a peer-reviewed study recently that showed that masks don’t work?
It does not, but it compares several regions with differing begin rules for the mask rules.
I have been working in a hospital this whole time and been in front of hundreds of patients, never got sick once because I take the proper precautions. My mask/face shield have probably prevented me from getting covid a dozen times. I dare one of the anti-mask retards on this site to explain how covid is not running rampant in healthcare workers if our preventative measures like our masks don't work.
That has nothing to do with whether masks are effective or not. You can't use human behavior as an excuse to say a preventative tool is useless. Just cause some idiot itches his eyes without washing his hands gets covid that doesn't mean his mask is useless.You said it yourself, you wear a face shield. I bet you probably wear gloves and scrubs too. Most likely you don't wear the same mask every day for weeks on end, picking it up from the floor of your car. Also you probably wash your hands often, like all the time, and don't wear your mask on your chin and touch it a million times.
Now go look at people out and about wearing 5 cent china masks or pieces of cloth. Probably the same mask they have been wearing for months. half the time it probably sits on their chin and since they have their magic bullet they don't wash hands or social distance anymore because they have their super mask.
Yes if you kit up like you are in a hospital the mask will help, but importantly you need to wash hands and try and SD as much as possible. But people in the general public don't act like medical professionals when it comes to masks.
That has nothing to do with whether masks are effective or not. You can't use human behavior as an excuse to say a preventative tool is useless. Just cause some idiot itches his eyes without washing his hands gets covid that doesn't mean his mask is useless.
You don't push the narrative that a tool is useless because some people are dumbasses and don't have any common sense. No one is saying the mask is gonna create some shield around you to keep covid away, people use the excuse, well that's how it makes some dumbasses feel so we shouldn't use them at all!We have the Danish study that shows they aren't effective and we have real world results that they don't show results. The fact that yes people don't use them properly does make them "useless". Its why Fauci said on Feb 17th that people shouldn't wear masks because they provide a false sense of security and people spread schmutz around.
Its like saying that Condoms are effective so then I wear it on my head. Of course how you use the mask and what type of mask you use makes a huge difference.
Universal masking was not recommended by anyone up until June or so. Until then the consensus was universal masking doesn't have much of a benefit outside of acting as a symbol, and can actually spread the virus more.
Where I live we have had a mask mandate since July 18th. Before then our cases dropped from a high and epicenter of Canada to about 20 or less a day. This was from May till July. Then we started to mask up and cases started to rise and now we are back to where we were at square one. So how did cases drop with no masks, and then increase with masks? Before mask mandate it was probably like 20% people with masks by my eye. Now its like 100%. I have yet to see someone indoors without a mask or refusing to wear a mask.
People love my mask.... and i love my mask too.
Fake news. Everything was fine in summer and suddenly "cases" go up in september / october while everyone did behave exactly the same.
Wrong.impossible to hook up with a mask on.
Probably has nothing to do with your mask and protocols at the hospital. You're just naturally resistant to covid. I'm crap at wearing masks and never use hand sanitizer unless a store forces me to at the front door and I've been fine the whole time. In fact, before stores even mandated masks (that first month or two when it was optional..... you could just walk into a Costco) I didn't even wear a mask.I have been working in a hospital this whole time and been in front of hundreds of patients, never got sick once because I take the proper precautions. My mask/face shield have probably prevented me from getting covid a dozen times. I dare one of the anti-mask retards on this site to explain how covid is not running rampant in healthcare workers if our preventative measures like our masks don't work.
Take me out of the equation, you seriously think every healthcare worker is just resistant to covid? All the old nurses and doctors that are exposed daily? No it has to do with the measures we take to protect ourselves, not because were magically resistant. Hell the average age for a doctor is probably around 50, are you gonna try to make the case that they are naturally resistant?Probably has nothing to do with your mask and protocols at the hospital. You're just naturally resistant to covid. I'm crap at wearing masks and never use hand sanitizer unless a store forces me to at the front door and I've been fine the whole time.
If hand scrubbing, great mask wearing, and using high quality medical grade masks were that important for preventing covid and getting sick, then every school in every country would be rampant with elementary and high school kids (a good 1000 per school + teachers) all getting sick because there's no way all these 1000+ people are doing proper processes to prevent covid.
Yet name one school where all the kids and teachers are deathly sick.
I don't think there is one.
Doctors wear crap all masks when they see patients at the clinic. They see patients every day complaining of being sick, yet they never seem to be. Before covid, my doctor at the clinic can have a lobby of sick and sniffling adults and kids (who knows what disease they have), where it's so packed you got to stand in a corner or wait outside because there's not even enough seats. And he walks around in business casual clothes and no mask. No white lab coat, no mask. Guy always seems fine. The guy just has a great immune system and doesn't give a shit and he's hanging out with sick people all day.
I can’t remember the last time I saw someone out in public without a mask in? It’s a good thing too because it’s really bringing our covid numbers down but a European who’s never been here probably knows better than the people here seeing it everyday...
Sure they are resistant and built up immunities. As I said, the typical doc in a clinic seeing sick people doesn't even wear a mask until covid time. And if he does, he yanks it off the second he leaves the room. Yet, how come all these 50 year old doctors aren't all sick from contagious diseases?Take me out of the equation, you seriously think every healthcare worker is just resistant to covid? All the old nurses and doctors that are exposed daily? No it has to do with the measures we take to protect ourselves, not because were magically resistant. Hell the average age for a doctor is probably around 50, are you gonna try to make the case that they are naturally resistant?
Exactly the point I'm making. Covid isn't even as dangerous as people think. If it was, you wouldn't have 99% of the population unaffected. And if magically every person in every country does have it in their blood (in case someone says just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean you don't have it), it must be the shittiest bug ever because 99% of people don't seem to have symptoms or feel sick.The reason schools don't have 1000+ cases is because kids are less affected by covid, they've said this from the beginning older people are more susceptible.
You should read my post again. I said "pre covid". ONly reason docs wear it now is due to covid. Before covid, your typical doctor walks around without a mask at the clinic or hospital when seeing patients for general check up stuff or a family feels sick with the flu. Yet how often do you see them being sick because they saw 40 people during flu season? I bet the vast majority of them feel fine like nothing happened. And virtually zero masks before covid.All doctors I've seen since this started wear masks, if you have one that doesn't I suggest you get a better one. If you mean your doctor didn't wear a mask before this started there's a reason for that, vaccines, the thing we don't have for covid yet.