Fucking pussies removed it because of all the dumb ass whining.
This was a cool feature. But of course, people find fucking "racism" in anything.
The term racist has lost so much meaning now.
I've been thinking a lot about that recently, as it's true some online are flippantly using words/accusations like there's an award to be won if you can reach a certain quota. Then others respond to that with "x has lost all it's meaning now".
I think I've settled on words don't really lose any meaning, but the ways in which people can use them often simply signifies things such as intellectual dishonesty, ulterior motivations, a lack of knowledge, being afraid, following in/out group trends and pretty much doing themselves a disservice at worst. Not that a word has
lost its meaning. It's often a defensive mechanism when you can't emotionally cope with the world/something in the world, to go on the accusatory/attack. Often justified, yes, but there's plenty of other examples now thanks to the internet broadcasting half the opinions of the world, that end up with contested debate. Just look at this topic, there isn't a unified stance or even a 90/10 stance. It's pretty mixed, probably leaning on being in favour of the app existing as is. It appears the
rest of the internet has actually been more conservative than here, when talking about reading opinions that aren't shit posts, trolling and other nastiness. Even many mainstream news outlets jumped on this as racism.
Language is malleable to an extent, and times can change, but words with clear definitions and uses, such as racist/racism, aren't really words that will ever
lose their meaning. As there will always be racism, and it will always need to be called out. Compassion and understanding are needed, especially when it is true in the wake of this app as I said earlier, presenting say hi to "HitlerdidnothingwrongANDisnowBlack.jpg". The usage of the app by the end user can result is some offensive and potentially racist depictions/editing. Unfortunately, that is always going to happen when tools get into the hands of the public, which is why I did attempt to broaden the discussion above and talk development/games (to which someone did respond to me saying real-time 3D work is exploring these kinds of networks/tools or whatever they're called).
EviLore has dropped a post on the last page explaining my own feelings better than I did lol. Just thought I'd chime in on your remarks about words and meaning, as I think in frustration at times more people are being a bit
lazy and just shouting "x has now lost all meaning!". Challenge the people making claims in debate before just writing off words/language.