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Facebook |OT| The Social Network


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I'm not getting the facebook inside facebook thing anymore either.

PS: I like timeline if only because it easily displays people's spotify linked stuff under music. I don't love it, but I dont love the current OG look either honestly.


Is there a fast way to delete likes? I have 2000+ likes and while on the full version of facebook I have them all hidden on the feed, the mobile versions don't have have them hidden. I kind of want to just do a clean slate with the likes. Is there a way to do this at all?


Is there a fast way to delete likes? I have 2000+ likes and while on the full version of facebook I have them all hidden on the feed, the mobile versions don't have have them hidden. I kind of want to just do a clean slate with the likes. Is there a way to do this at all?

shit son. but no I don't think there is


Ugh. Most annoying part is that responses and comments people make aren't appearing for hours but you get a notification. I needed to know something about a conference tomorrow and I got a response from one of the organizers but I can't see it >_<


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, all screwed up today for me as well. Ticker is gone, someone posted on my wall and it vanished for hours then appeared again.
So... I haven't had a ticker since they lauched the feature what's up with that? I read you have to have a big enough friends list and be active, but I'm at 300+ and I'm on daily.
I had my language set to English (UK) when it first came out, but I've changed it back to English (US) a week or so ago. I'm actually in the U.S., I'm not sure if they determine where you are by info or IP

Dr. Malik

So whats the point of the ticker?
Everything my fb friends like or post on shows up on my news feed, it makes no sense. I cant post on it because that conversation is none of my business, is it just to snoop/stalk?


Also the timeline is screwed up. I can't select individual months of year. Before when I clicked 2011, it came up with all the months to select. Now, just a summary of the year comes and that's it...


Still Alive
Jesus Christ #FirstWorldProblems

But at least he's happy! (in general)


Everything beyond 12:00AM last night until Valentine's Day has disappeared from my feed. I was wanting to go back a bit, but ended up seeing pictures of happy couples on Valentine's Day.
Given how many servers Facebook must have for data I'm guessing a few of them have had outages or other glitches and so have rolled back to older ones. As I've not had any glitched behavior.


Just got a fun little email from Facebook telling me my profile is being automatically "upgraded" to Timeline

Thanks facebook. Getting this email out of the blue like this makes me think they're going to slowly roll this out.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I really do hate signing in and seeing that 5 of my friends liked pictures of progeria victims and abortions, to support the cause against whatever.

I wish I could alter history and somehow influence everyone to google plus, where this ISN'T happening.
There's got to be a way to resist timeline, it's so stupid.
By resist you mean "I can't see it but its still there for others" then Internet Explorer 7 does not support it so reverts to the old profile (change browser user agent to spoof it, some browsers/extensions allow you to set these on a per-site basis). Only problem is the news feed page is very glitchy. There are also third party browser extensions like fb purity which do the same thing (disclaimer: I've not used any of the above)
Is still waiting to get cattle prodded to it. Sure I could "get timeline now" but that suggests I actually want to embrace it and give it a hug. Rather, it is reluctant handshake I can't wait to get over sums up my feelings more.


Unconfirmed Member
I dunno.

I've liked some Facebook changes, and have disliked others. The recent trifecta of timeline, "top stories" in the newsfeed, and the ticker have all made me really hate Facebook. It's not change I hate, it's shitty features I hate.


Does the 'Message a Person' button disappear if they've set their privacy to friends only and you're not a friend at that moment?

Really fucked up with a person and I think I've found the reason why (Major life altering reason for me) and I really want to let her know when I've got confirmation in a month or two.


Does the 'Message a Person' button disappear if they've set their privacy to friends only and you're not a friend at that moment?

Really fucked up with a person and I think I've found the reason why (Major life altering reason for me) and I really want to let her know when I've got confirmation in a month or two.
Yes it disappears. You can try poking them until they send you a message though :lol


Why is Facebook switching to the new Timeline layout? Is there some obvious reason that I'm overlooking (more space for ads or something)?

From what I can tell, it's universally hated, even more so than previous updates.

It just doesn't make sense to me.
They're working with peer pressure now. Every time I go on my profile it says "X, Y and Z other friends have updated to the new profile". And the number is increasing!

It's like a spreading infection.

I also like the "Not Now" button. It's inevitable.


Why is Facebook switching to the new Timeline layout? Is there some obvious reason that I'm overlooking (more space for ads or something)?

From what I can tell, it's universally hated, even more so than previous updates.

It just doesn't make sense to me.
it feels much cleaner and organized.


By resist you mean "I can't see it but its still there for others" then Internet Explorer 7 does not support it so reverts to the old profile (change browser user agent to spoof it, some browsers/extensions allow you to set these on a per-site basis). Only problem is the news feed page is very glitchy. There are also third party browser extensions like fb purity which do the same thing (disclaimer: I've not used any of the above)
Is still waiting to get cattle prodded to it. Sure I could "get timeline now" but that suggests I actually want to embrace it and give it a hug. Rather, it is reluctant handshake I can't wait to get over sums up my feelings more.

Great, at least that sort of helps.

Facebook is going the way of myspace pretty fast here, soon it'll be just as "personalized" and bloated and ad-filled.


By resist you mean "I can't see it but its still there for others" then Internet Explorer 7 does not support it so reverts to the old profile (change browser user agent to spoof it, some browsers/extensions allow you to set these on a per-site basis). Only problem is the news feed page is very glitchy. There are also third party browser extensions like fb purity which do the same thing (disclaimer: I've not used any of the above)
Is still waiting to get cattle prodded to it. Sure I could "get timeline now" but that suggests I actually want to embrace it and give it a hug. Rather, it is reluctant handshake I can't wait to get over sums up my feelings more.
Hey, while you're back in 2006, can you go say hi to Saddam before he dies for me?


Why is Facebook switching to the new Timeline layout? Is there some obvious reason that I'm overlooking (more space for ads or something)?

From what I can tell, it's universally hated, even more so than previous updates.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

I don't know what circles people here frequent, but everyone I know likes the timeline.

However few actually care, because not many people visit the profiles of others, they just skim their news feed when bored.


For some reason the chat won't load for me on Facebook. Anyone know why? My browser is Firefox if that helps.


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. On many occasion it takes forever for messages to load as well.


I think that happens sometimes with FF for me as well. FF is just weird sometimes with loading things slowly, especially youtube.
Ugh, you know that button above your friends' timelines that says something like "Learn more about Timeline..."? They've changed the button and now it says "Get Timeline", and I accidentally clicked it. I had like half a second to realize my dumb mistake, but it's too late, now I have the new profile :(


Ugh, you know that button above your friends' timelines that says something like "Learn more about Timeline..."? They've changed the button and now it says "Get Timeline", and I accidentally clicked it. I had like half a second to realize my dumb mistake, but it's too late, now I have the new profile :(
it's okay everyone is gonna get it in 15 days, so it was coming for you eventually.


God dammit, I hate timeline, it's REALLY clunky and disorganized. I really hope there's a way to opt out or force it to not change.


I like everything about timeline, except the fact that things are displayed in two rows. But I activated it anyway, I like the cover.
Timeline made "likes" irrelevant.

They need to work that into the main page.

It's important for people like me who judge people off of their taste in music and movies. =P
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