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Facebook |OT| The Social Network


Timeline made "likes" irrelevant.

They need to work that into the main page.

It's important for people like me who judge people off of their taste in music and movies. =P

Uh? You can still see what music people like.
Im glad timeline has been postponed so much. It was originally supposed to infect everyone last November right?

I find facebook profiles with timeline to be completely unreadable on the PC. On the phone, its ok.

When timeline is forced upon me and most of my friends....I cant see myself visiting the website on my pc.
Okay, serious question time. How do I stop from seeing when other people "like" a photo or status update of a celebrity or friend that I'm not friends with? I don't want to see this crap. I hate memes. I don't subscribe to these people's posts for a reason.

It'll be something like:

Your friend likes a photo
Some guy
Hey guys nostalgia!
(Photo of nostalgia)
2 million people you don't know like this


Okay, serious question time. How do I stop from seeing when other people "like" a photo or status update of a celebrity or friend that I'm not friends with? I don't want to see this crap. I hate memes. I don't subscribe to these people's posts for a reason.

It'll be something like:

Your friend likes a photo
Some guy
Hey guys nostalgia!
(Photo of nostalgia)
2 million people you don't know like this

Yea I don't like how my likes and comments are shown to my friends or family. Not sure if it's a setting I can turn off on my end, on my friends end that I commented on, or my friends/family that see it. Pretty annoying.

Never mind I think I figured it out. Apparently you can unsubscribe from comments and likes.

Where is this?
Yea I don't like how my likes and comments are shown to my friends or family. Not sure if it's a setting I can turn off on my end, on my friends end that I commented on, or my friends/family that see it. Pretty annoying.

Where is this?

I don't know how you can turn off how your comments and likes are shown, but if you want to stop seeing other people like George Takei's photos for the millionth time, you click the arrow drop-down menu that appears when you scroll over someone's post and click "Unsubscribe from comments and likes".


Hey duders

I turned off my wall/timeline on my birthday so people couldn't spam me stupid happy bday messages. Well I turned it back on but when I "view my profile as..." it still shows that friends can't post on my wall. I've tried various friends on various browsers and it appears that no one can post on my wall. I've checked the setting mny times, it is definitely turned on.

Any ideas?
So I got into an argument with my friend about the privacy of Facebook.

He claims that employers and human resource people are able to use some form of code or program to view private facebook pages. There any truth to that?

My account is set to the maximum privacy settings. Friends only, ect.


So I got into an argument with my friend about the privacy of Facebook.

He claims that employers and human resource people are able to use some form of code or program to view private facebook pages. There any truth to that?

My account is set to the maximum privacy settings. Friends only, ect.

No, not unless they know your password.


Darkness no more
Is this possible without creating two profiles on Facebook?

I work in IT during the week and shoot models on the weekend. I like to keep those seperate. So people start adding me on Facebook and I have work people/family and models writing me stuff. I would like to split the two groups apart so they can't see each other at all. If someone from one group says something I want only that group to see what they posted. That way I don't have pics of half naked models going out to everyone :p

Rather not but I think I'd have to make a 2nd profile ?


I would just make a separate page since it's a pain in the ass trying to block certain people from seeing something. That way you also have more freedom to post a lot more images in the photography page.
So did anyone automatically get Timeline on March 30?
From what I can gather it was pages that automatically switched. That probably explains why most the news stories I was reading were more guided towards business profiles rather

And ye,s a number of pages have made good use of it. To name a few: NASA Jet Propolusion, The Economist, Spotiry and Classic FM.

I notice Nintendo has put a bit of effort in too (though it feels like a revised history; so NES came out October 18 October 1985 with the pic of an NES with the orange zapper and SMB/Duck Hunt cart; which is wrong as thats the trial release and it came with Grey Zapper, ROB and games). I think in the case of all of those its the same info you can find on their websites...which is going to be a maintenance annoyance when things are updated/revised.

From observation it seems you can coerce timeline into being 1 column by making wide images.

To sum up how I feel as a user, I'm getting sick of the whole "we're switch you'all to timeline, wait no we're not" as it is getting more annoying than timeline itself and also ingraining those who hate it even more. I have a nice cover image lined up and timeline would get me a bit more involved in the site (making my profile less bare those kind of things) but Facebook has to make the effort here.
Does anyone know if it's possible to extract birthdays from FB?

I don't log in as much and have been told off for not giving birthday wishes to distant family members and friends.

If I could export it into iCal it would be great.



so you used to be able to get a big list of all your friends and their phone numbers, but under timeline I can't find it. Is it still in, or did they take it out and if it is in how do you get to it?


Does anyone know if it's possible to allow people who aren't your friends to tag themselves in your pictures? I thought there was an option for this before but I don't see it anymore.


so you used to be able to get a big list of all your friends and their phone numbers, but under timeline I can't find it. Is it still in, or did they take it out and if it is in how do you get to it?
On your timeline there is a box labelled "FRIENDS", click on it.

Btw, is there a way to see who visited my profile? I see a few people post images saying X visited my profile Y times and rank their friends who visit their profile the most, comment/like their posts etc. Their must be an API that these Facebook apps must be pulling this info from.
Or it could all be fake?


There is a box labelled "FRIENDS", click on it.

Btw, is there a way to see who visited my profile? I see a few people post images saying X visited my profile Y times and rank their friends who visit their profile the most, comment/like their posts etc. Their must be an API that these Facebook apps must be pulling this info from.
Or it could all be fake?
Definitely fake, don't know how people could fall for that.
My sister just moved back to the U.S. from Brazil and now she can't read any of her messages on her facebook account. If she clicks on the messages shortcut at the top top of the screen she can see who had sent her messages but she cannot click on them or read them through any of the options that normally would allow you to.

Anyone have a clue whats going on?


So I'm trying to give someone access to a fan page I created, but they don't have a facebook account. I don't want them to have create one using their own name etc. I just want them to have an account when they log in it takes them directly to the page I want them to manage. Is this even possible?


How does fb select who to show in your friends list on the right hand side of the main page? I ask because there is a separate list for "other online friends" and not all the peopleon the friends list are online . What separates the normal friends from the other online friends? Are they the ones looking at your profile the most?


How does fb select who to show in your friends list on the right hand side of the main page? I ask because there is a separate list for "other online friends" and not all the peopleon the friends list are online . What separates the normal friends from the other online friends? Are they the ones looking at your profile the most?

I think it's the friends that YOU have talked to the most in fb chat.


Anyone else get something like this when a conversation is idle?


It shows up where it would say if people are typing or not.
I've had people who've removed me from their friends list get listed on the recommended friends sidebar. I wouldn't have noticed, otherwise.
Thats an odd as say an ex removes me, the last recommendation I'd want is that ex (and likewise for the ex...I assume them removing me would make sure they don't get me recommended back).

Also IIRC you can use the timeline of x friends added in year/month y and the ones which have add as friend by their name...


How do you guys feel about this new 'trending articles' thing that's showing up in the news feed? Personally I hate it, all this stuff Facebook keep adding is driving me nuts. It's not the addition of new features I dislike but the amount of clutter that's brought with it. The last social network I left because of clutter was MySpace, just sayin'. I go to Facebook because I want to connect with my friends and see what they're up to, not so I can read "trending articles" or "interact with brands".


How do you guys feel about this new 'trending articles' thing that's showing up in the news feed? Personally I hate it, all this stuff Facebook keep adding is driving me nuts. It's not the addition of new features I dislike but the amount of clutter that's brought with it. The last social network I left because of clutter was MySpace, just sayin'. I go to Facebook because I want to connect with my friends and see what they're up to, not so I can read "trending articles" or "interact with brands".

Earlier in this thread people talked about how facebook was going to be adding Ads soon.

This is it.


How do you guys feel about this new 'trending articles' thing that's showing up in the news feed? Personally I hate it, all this stuff Facebook keep adding is driving me nuts. It's not the addition of new features I dislike but the amount of clutter that's brought with it. The last social network I left because of clutter was MySpace, just sayin'. I go to Facebook because I want to connect with my friends and see what they're up to, not so I can read "trending articles" or "interact with brands".
Yup i hate the addition of the trending articles. The thing that is really going to make me leave Facebook is the "Like if" post people are always "liking"
Easy enough to get rid of though. Put the cursor over it until you see the X click the X and then "hide all by" (hide story if you would like to see other things form whatever site it is pointing at). Reminds me of the old days when sites had pop-ups and you had to close them before they loaded as sometimes they loaded more pop-ups.

Speaking of Facebook. I'm never going to get timelined am, I? I really should not have made that promise not to make friend requests until I was timelined. Though given said people are not sending me freind requests and I can talk to them in real life its no biggie...


So Facebook used to host images you upload via Instagram like a normal one uploaded natively. You'd usually be able to comment on it like a normal photo, but they decided to change it up by making Instagram an "Activity" you do that's connected with Facebook.

Problem here is the activity doesn't show up on your timeline or news feed, and any comments or likes made can only be seen on Notifications, and not on the photos themselves. How do I check on any likes or comments on "Activities" without having to find it on my Notifications list.

EDIT: Sorry, I should specify that this is for the iPad App version.
Hey, I noticed something strange. A buddy of mine has a little window just above the chat that displays the activities of his friends. Some kind of ticker. I have timeline but there's just the chat/user list on the right. How do I enable it?


herbert²;38241694 said:
Any thread/website with good cover pictures for the timeline ?
It's always better to make your own. Those websites usually host images with their stupid watermarks.
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