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Facebook |OT| The Social Network


Yeah but why does FB assume all my friends want to see it even if they are not even liking the page themselves!? I mean, the reverse holds true too, I always see my friends commenting on random shit I don't care about. This is not just in the ticker but displayed as a proper post in the feed. Don't get why they think it is a good idea.

I guess they figure the more shit you and your friends see, the more pages you might click which leads to ad revenue. You could always unsubscribe from certain friends (doesn't actually unfriend them) if you don't want to see their posts. You could also click the subscribe button on their profile and click "Important updates only." I'm not sure exactly which updates that filters but I'm guessing it will only show their status updates and pictures/videos they upload/get tagged in


New photo viewer. No more direct link to download, it's accessed through the options button next to the close button now.



lotta black folks here
Anybody suddenly getting email notifications, even with all notifications disabled? I went through and enabled and then re-disabled all of the notifications, yet I still get emails about status updates and photos and random crap. I can't figure out what else I can do/need to disable.


Why the heck is it that quite often I post a link, chose the thumbnail, and it doesn't show up? It just pastes the link with no thumbnail.

edit: nm, seems to be a delay


I barely noticed there's a "language" called Leet Speak. (i know i'm super late)
Worst addition ever. Makes my brain hurt.



Anybody suddenly getting email notifications, even with all notifications disabled? I went through and enabled and then re-disabled all of the notifications, yet I still get emails about status updates and photos and random crap. I can't figure out what else I can do/need to disable.

It seems to revert everytime FB makes a change for me. Really effing annoying.


I just recently stopped using Facebook and it honestly feels weird, but also great, real great. I became so addicted to the platform that I shared everything about my life and said my opinions on there, but now I won't write one more time on Facebook. Hopefully I can keep away, it feels nice just living my life without sharing anything.

I still use Facebook Messenger on iPhone, so family members in other countries can contact me. Don't misunderstand, I love Facebook, that's why I became so addicted, but it also feels nice to me, not using it at all. :)
Is there some new Facebook privacy policy? My grandmother, lol, is under the impression her info is going to be made public.
Beautiful. I like how Facebook files for IPO (in the financial investment sense of anybody can invest in the company...well provided they can grab that small part for sale at highly inflated price; not anybody can see all the info) it doesn't bother to tell their users what it means leading to confusion like this. How many Harvard graduates does it ta...oh thats right they didn't graduate (
sorry, couldn't resist

But there are still plenty of Facebook privacy changes you can easily inflict on yourself without noticing such as when you join a new network; you would think it is the same settings as the networks you are currently joined to, not "share everything with everybody in that network" (might have changed in the year since I did it).

Speaking of changes. Timeline I've yet to receive the countdown and warning to delete info I don't want people more easily finding. Does this mean I won't and will just have the profile switched over in March (or June or whenever they've delayed it to now) with no grace period. That would be a good way to once again abuse the trust of the users.

Then again I'm an insignificant user as I almost have more likes than friends (in a marketing sense does this make me harder to target or easier?), have no ticker and my friend count is actually dropping (down more to people defriending me for whatever reason* than people actually leaving the site).

*-I don't spam annoying status updates but I don't really interact with them nor them me but I don't get what good closing doors does (the only reason I noticed they were missing was down to numbers then me thinking "someone is missing, who is it?").


Speaking of changes. Timeline I've yet to receive the countdown and warning to delete info I don't want people more easily finding. Does this mean I won't and will just have the profile switched over in March (or June or whenever they've delayed it to now) with no grace period. That would be a good way to once again abuse the trust of the users.

If you view your profile and it turned into a Timeline profile then you have 7 days from the day it changed to edit it before it automatically goes live on the last day (they show you the date of it going live above your cover photo..)

I believe Ticker only appears if you have 100 or more friends.
As for all the defriending, I like it when I notice that my friend count dropped and I can't pick out who's missing, means they weren't relevant in the first place and I usually can't be bothered to clean up that list...
So you know how timeline was supposed to launch in November?
Then December?
And then january 26?

And it keeps getting delayed?

Me thinks the metrics are showing that people are spending less times on profiles with timeline (because theyre so godamned ugly), and thats bad for advertizing, and their IPO.


Whoah, are they seriously going to just get rid of Timeline, then? Wtf? I just spent tons of time making mine and then I see that it's getting delayed and can't help but think that they're going to make another huge change if what you're saying is true.

Also Smart Lists suck. I wish I could just get rid of them forever. I have to "archive" them instead. Extremely lame.


They are better off coming up with something better than Timeline. EVERY TIME I click on someone's profile and am met with the Timeline, I just shut it down. I can't stand it.

Plus, in terms of presentation, it is the epitome of narcissism.


They are better off coming up with something better than Timeline. EVERY TIME I click on someone's profile and am met with the Timeline, I just shut it down. I can't stand it.

Plus, in terms of presentation, it is the epitome of narcissism.

Really? What's so bad about it that you click off of it? What would you change if you were in charge? Legitimately curious.


Really? What's so bad about it that you click off of it? What would you change if you were in charge? Legitimately curious.

Everything is huge, everything takes a lot of place, and there's too much of everything at once.

Basically, it makes me feel like I'm looking at a newspaper. I'm just clicking on someone's profile, and that's what I expect to see, not a magazine.

If I click on your profile it's just to check something quick, not to browse your life like I'm reading a magazine, especially when all it is is a bunch of dumb ass meme pictures and how you checked-in at some restaurant, all taking huge amounts of space.

It feels like looking through trash. An internet dumb.


I can see that. I do think some things are a little too large, too.

As far as the info that you want to see, I guess I do agree that it should be on the main page of the Timeline. Instead, we have to click "About" underneath some very basic information that takes us to another page. I would prefer if that stuff were featured as the main thing on the Timeline instead of the actual Timeline.

So, I think a good compromise would be to have that stuff featured primarily on my profile, and then the Timeline stuff could be secondary or at the bottom, after all that stuff is displayed. Cleanly and in one view, I might add. I hated the old profile for the fact that it was literally just your Wall with a quick blurb at the top and about 5 pictures. To get to the juice of everything, you had to click the tabs that were located under your profile picture. I hate tabs for profiles. I think it should all be one view.

But what do I know? :p

Edit: BASICALLY they should swap the "About" view and make that the main attraction, and then have your Timeline/Wall be secondary...even make it a separate click to access, much like the current "About" info is now.

Edit2: Also, this is coming from someone who basically hasn't used anything but the News Feed on Facebook for 2 years. I just now started doing things other than viewing my News Feed because I just didn't care much for doing anything else on FB until now, for whatever reason.


Everything is huge, everything takes a lot of place, and there's too much of everything at once.

Basically, it makes me feel like I'm looking at a newspaper. I'm just clicking on someone's profile, and that's what I expect to see, not a magazine.

If I click on your profile it's just to check something quick, not to browse your life like I'm reading a magazine, especially when all it is is a bunch of dumb ass meme pictures and how you checked-in at some restaurant, all taking huge amounts of space.

It feels like looking through trash. An internet dumb.

yeah fuck everybody is doing the memes thing now. theres these stupid university pages now "University of X memes !" and honestly, that's all my news feed is spammed with recently. started like a week ago. they get them from stumbleupon. Just the name of that site pisses me off
Everything is huge, everything takes a lot of place, and there's too much of everything at once.

Basically, it makes me feel like I'm looking at a newspaper. I'm just clicking on someone's profile, and that's what I expect to see, not a magazine.

If I click on your profile it's just to check something quick, not to browse your life like I'm reading a magazine, especially when all it is is a bunch of dumb ass meme pictures and how you checked-in at some restaurant, all taking huge amounts of space.

It feels like looking through trash. An internet dumb.

Completely agree. The reading left/right thing makes it even worse.

Its manageable on phones, but on my computer, I simply dont read profiles with timeline. Its simply that unpleasant.

And as I said, the delayed prove the facebook metrics are showing the same thing.

If theyre seeing that an old profile gets 42 seconds of read time, and a timeline profile gets 36 seconds, thats enough to sound the alarms.


yeah fuck everybody is doing the memes thing now. theres these stupid university pages now "University of X memes !" and honestly, that's all my news feed is spammed with recently. started like a week ago. they get them from stumbleupon. Just the name of that site pisses me off
It seems to be a Canadian university thing. I don't see any of my American friends doing it. Started with Ontario and then BC started doing it a day or two later. Annoying as hell.

Timeline would be improved immensely if it was one column instead of two.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Wrote a long (and depressing) note since I want to treat it as a 'blog' that's only viewable by me, but when I published it and clicked "read full note", it comes up as one GIANT paragraph even though I created multiple paragraphs while I was writing it. How can I fix this?
If you've ever wondered why the average Facebook user has 245 but the average Facebook Friend have 359 this study might bring some light.

I personally wonder how the study would have fared years ago with regards to some activities like poking when was more of done thing. Also how long it will take for hiding people from news feeds to catch out. Also groups/pages (some of the old groups are essentially pages etc)

As some sites which picked up the story note (most homed in on the no evidence of Facebook fatigue line...well no if you're picking people that still use it...anyway) it might be a demonstration of Pareto principle which you can think of as a grandfather of the 1% rule.


Anyone else getting scrollbars in timeline when playing youtube videos? Showing up for me in FF and Chrome


edit: looks like they redesigned the photo viewer a bit


Like bar overlay only shows up when hovering over it. They also added a spot for advertising under the comment box.
I've got an even better thing in timelime. On the about > History by year. Its line breaking the years. Now it seems to be doing it like
Twenty-twleve, figures, still looks stupid. But I recall it doing:
Which is just...ugh...

Of course its a resolution thing as when I view full screen it shows 2012. I get the numbers line breaking at a width of half 1080p (I like to have my web browser on one half screen other stuff rest when using 16:9). This makes me wonder with websites scanning what resolution you use do they bother taking that into account (i.e. they might be designing websites off a false premise so making them too wide). Or am I some weird minority?

fakedit: How did I miss Work and education column next to it, this is total gold:

y (

I'm not even going to continue. tl;dr version. 2 column is not only an eyesore it looks daft at lower resolutions.

Timeline redesign is one column put shortcuts to everything at top. Like a 1996 webpage. So everythinghs not visible at once, at least you can navigate towards it and when you get there it doesn't look like a mess. Who am I kidding, they'll just put scrollbars there too.


so... i deactivated my account.
FB used to be the first page i open when i open my browser...
now i need a new time sink.
any ideas.


When I sign out, for the few seconds it takes to load the "welcome to facebook" page, I can see people who are online but their chat is offline. Am I just imagining things or is that what I'm really seeing?


Update, this is STILL happening for me. All of my friends can access their accounts just fine. I Googled and everything says "just wait". What the fuck is going on?

This is still happening to me. One of my friends told me that my profile switched to timeline automatically, but why the fuck is it taking this long to let me back in?


Not sure if this is just specific to UK-GAF, but a lot of Uni's have used old memes and made them even unfunnier if possible, anyone explain why? Example below:



Canadian schools were getting hit by them a few days before the UK ones. Now the US ones have them too judging by the annoyed Americans on my Facebook. Just weather the storm. It'll pass over for the most part in a few days.


So I was gonna make a new thread, but I figured I'd post here first.

Apparently Spotify lets you listen to music with people through Facebook now? My friend and I are fucking jamming to a dubstep/dnb station on Spotify's radio thing together. This is seriously amazing.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Yea, I go to a Canadian University and the "Uni memes" have been all over facebook for the past week and a half, some of them are funny but a lot are now just retreads or re-posts. The funniest ones are were people have no idea what the memes and completely use the wrong memes. Should pass in a few weeks.
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