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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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I was playing it on trains and stuff around Germany / NL, but I only ended up getting a couple of dungeons into it. Was good but I never got hooked into the game and felt like I needed to play it. It's kinda wierd because I can sit here and recognize how well crafted a Zelda game is but it just doesn't feel all that magical.

Should I see a doctor about this?


I was playing it on trains and stuff around Germany / NL, but I only ended up getting a couple of dungeons into it. Was good but I never got hooked into the game and felt like I needed to play it. It's kinda wierd because I can sit here and recognize how well crafted a Zelda game is but it just doesn't feel all that magical.

Should I see a doctor about this?

I haven't played it, but I remember you saying you didn't finish Skyward Sword either... :(
That game is great, except for the collect-o-thon crap... :/

Why is collect-o-thon stuff part of Zelda now? :\
I haven't played it, but I remember you saying you didn't finish Skyward Sword either... :(
That game is great, except for the collect-o-thon crap... :/

Why is collect-o-thon stuff part of Zelda now? :\

Why can't Zelda introduce more complex / challenging combat. Not super hard dark souls stuff, but something.



Aaaand I'm stuck
I'm pretty sure I know what point you're at, because I was stuck for a long time until what should have been obvious dawned on me. The spoiler is just a question.
Is this while you have the first two dungeons on the map?

I made it to Blighttown in Dark Souls, I'm starting to get back into this because these enemies are easy so far.

That is until I kept falling to my death on the stupid skinny ledges. GAH
First scholarship?

Are you even a real professor?!

You figured out my secret! Time for a timely escape!



Though I haven't kept up with this thread, just wanted to let yall know I have retired the fake pic with a real Minnie Mouse ears one. Until next year!
How far in?

Maybe like an hour. First dungeon.

...must not make joke...

Glad I'm not alone. Must resist.

Lmao that's actually a good one

Well I just got awarded my first scholarship ever, wooooo.


You'll have to let me cook for you one day bebs.

Cook for me instead *bats eyelashes*

In other news, I just fell asleep so I'm actually going to go to bed. Godspeed.
I'm in love with a zombie
Can't keep his hands off me
I think he's lookin' at me
But he's lookin' right through me
You think you're so cool boy
Blood rushin' through my veins now
Do you want me for my body
Do you want me for my brain, brain, brain, brain

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