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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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#OperationGoToBedEarly failed.

I just ended up taking a nap instead and now I'm awake. Still feel kind of tired tho. I'll wait a bit and see if I can get back to sleep.

I've heard in a few interviews that you don't need to know the first two games to understand the story of SS.

From the reviews I've seen, Titanfall doesn't have a strong story campaign; in fact, it's linked to the multiplayer (which is the only mode available, other than the standard capture the flag, manhunt, etc.).

Infamous will no doubt have the stronger story and graphics, and if it's anything like its predecessors, the story will be worth playing twice for both good and bad alignments and the powers that come with each. And, if it's anything like 2, it'll be worth replaying for the story and ending.

But if you're not into that, you could always play it and then trade it in when you're done.

I don't really care for the campaign of shooters. Plus I'd be amazed if they don't add it in free dlc or something later on.

The thing is that I LOVE modern warfare 2. That was the last cod game made before everyone left and formed Respawn. Which is the company that made Titanfall. In my opinion, MW2 was the last cod that was good.

So I'd love to have a fun shooter to play again.

I love good story-based games so I'm sure I'd love infamous, but once you're done with the two sides... Nothing. No MP that I've heard of, is there? And then there's the fact that I want SOMETHING to play on the PS4.

I don't really care for the campaign of shooters. Plus I'd be amazed if they don't add it in free dlc or something later on.

I basically only play the campaigns. Traditionally my internet was too shit to play them, so I'd only give em a go infrequently. Now it's better, but I'm very much an SP guy. Except for like, RTS games. Clocked 600+ hours on Company of Heroes 1, mostly in multi.
I don't really care for the campaign of shooters. Plus I'd be amazed if they don't add it in free dlc or something later on.

The thing is that I LOVE modern warfare 2. That was the last cod game made before everyone left and formed Respawn. Which is the company that made Titanfall. In my opinion, MW2 was the last cod that was good.

So I'd love to have a fun shooter to play again.

I love good story-based games so I'm sure I'd love infamous, but once you're done with the two sides... Nothing. No MP that I've heard of, is there? And then there's the fact that I want SOMETHING to play on the PS4.

I just feel like Infamous has a lot more to offer for me, personally. I get bored going through the same maps again and again shooting up shit. Titanfall looks fun but it's just not my cup of tea.

Again, you could always get Infamous, beat it, and then trade it in for Titanfall. And I'm not saying that so that you play it first, I'm saying it so that you end up with Titanfall as the game that you keep.

I'm a story driven kind of gal, it's why I love everything Quantic Dream puts out. I loved the first two Infamous games and I have been itching to blast shit up with my bare hands again.
I'm a story driven kind of gal, it's why I love everything Quantic Dream puts out. I loved the first two Infamous games and I have been itching to blast shit up with my bare hands again.

I'm with you on story driven stuff but idk about quantic dream personally. Cage is a hack, IMO, and the games have too many dangling threads, plot holes and instances of bad writing or voice acting for me to like them. If there was a really solid game underneath that I could forgive it (and lord knows some of the best games have awful stories) but if that's what you're putting all your eggs into, I have to hold it to a higher standard.

...Lemme see if I can sell DanganRonpa and Ghosts in the B/S/T thread so I don't need to choose.

This of course depends on how badly the 360 version of TF is gimped. Just won't bother with it if it's bad. Absolutely zero interest in the Xbone, so if the 360 TF is bad, fuck it.
I'm with you on story driven stuff but idk about quantic dream personally. Cage is a hack, IMO, and the games have too many dangling threads, plot holes and instances of bad writing or voice acting for me to like them. If there was a really solid game underneath that I could forgive it (and lord knows some of the best games have awful stories) but if that's what you're putting all your eggs into, I have to hold it to a higher standard.


I meant it more like "there's no true gameplay mechanic in Quantic Dream games and they instead focus on story." I understand what you mean though. Beyond specifically was riddled with plotholes, although I found it to be incredibly enjoyable overall. Same with Heavy Rain.

Their games definitely have room for improvement, but I still like them all the same.

That aside, I would be willing to play an absolute shit game gameplay-wise if it had an incredible story. The one specifically that comes to mind is Skyward Sword.

Now, don't get me wrong. This game was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. It was just really fucking long. 55 hours long. For a Zelda game. It was a lot of reused environments, mediocre dungeons (compared to those of its predecessors, anyway), and controls that got annoying at times. But I stuck with it. For 55 hours. Why? Because I loved the story. In fact, it's my favorite Zelda game of all time simply because of its story.
This of course depends on how badly the 360 version of TF is gimped. Just won't bother with it if it's bad. Absolutely zero interest in the Xbone, so if the 360 TF is bad, fuck it.

There is a third way to play Titanfall.


I meant it more like "there's no true gameplay mechanic in Quantic Dream games and they instead focus on story." I understand what you mean though. Beyond specifically was riddled with plotholes, although I found it to be incredibly enjoyable overall. Same with Heavy Rain.

Their games definitely have room for improvement, but I still like them all the same.

That aside, I would be willing to play an absolute shit game gameplay-wise if it had an incredible story. The one specifically that comes to mind is Skyward Sword.

Now, don't get me wrong. This game was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. It was just really fucking long. 55 hours long. For a Zelda game. It was a lot of reused environments, mediocre dungeons (compared to those of its predecessors, anyway), and controls that got annoying at times. But I stuck with it. For 55 hours. Why? Because I loved the story. In fact, it's my favorite Zelda game of all time simply because of its story.

I just realized I haven't finished Skyward Sword, got up to a fire dungeon or something fairly early on. I didn't hate it, but I'm so fucking bad at puzzles in those games. I get through em but I get really frustrated when I get stuck in games, even if it's only for a short period of time. I haven't even finished ALBW yet on my 3DS


I'm still waiting for TLoU to go down a bit in price before I buy it. And shit, I haven't picked up the second chapter of The Walking Dead. Oh, mein backlog...
Yeah, I don't have enough money for an Xbone or even two games, but I totally have 6-800 dollars to toss at a PC that will run TF that will be outdated and not run new games well in three years until I throw another 1-200 dollars at it for a new graphics card.

Used copy of TLoU = 42 dollars.

40 is the cheapest I can get on Ebay.

I'll be waiting a while. And shit, never played Catherine either. I spend too much time playing strategy games. Like, hundreds and hundreds of hours.
Titanfall will probably run on your toaster.

Check if it is windows comparable.

It will not. My PC ran ME3 fine. That's about it.

Yet for some fucking reason, it chokes on LoL.

Speaking of LoL, it suffers from the same problems every MOBA I've tried does. A large part of its player base is full of elitist asshats who ruin the fun for everyone else.

Killed any desire I had to play that genre again.
Used copy of TLoU = 42 dollars.

40 is the cheapest I can get on Ebay.

I'll be waiting a while. And shit, never played Catherine either. I spend too much time playing strategy games. Like, hundreds and hundreds of hours.

I would recommend Catherine if you enjoy puzzles. It's hard, but so rewarding when you figure it out and get to the top.


Morning FakeGAF,

Amy Winehouse - Mr Magic

Mutes, you need to play TLoU and Left Behind, you know how good they are, I ain't even gonna gush. I'd skip Catherine though, it's just a fairly rudimentary and frustrating puzzle game with some admittedly pretty anime cut scenes tying it together. Oh, and there is this boring bit where you walk around a shitty bar talking to dullards every half an hour.


I've noticed it's usually pretty quiet during the day (my daytime) and gets a bit busier around the evening.

That's cool, I'll just chat shit to my BritGAF peeps in what'sapp and browse OT in the meantime. No hard feelings guys...

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
How was that avatarquote worthy :(

Monosukoi I'm actually a 40 something man in Massachusetts. We can be who we want to be here.
Infamous will likely be better, but once I finish the story, I've got nothing.. That's the thing I'm considering.


late but that's why I'm leaning towards renting it from red box , no multiplayer and I don't really collect current gen games anymore so I'm one and done on must single player games, even with new game + games

*runs away*

saved me money on tomb raider cause I beat it in two days :D


It will not. My PC ran ME3 fine. That's about it.

Yet for some fucking reason, it chokes on LoL.

Speaking of LoL, it suffers from the same problems every MOBA I've tried does. A large part of its player base is full of elitist asshats who ruin the fun for everyone else.

Killed any desire I had to play that genre again.

Play LoL with us, we don't judge,
just look at you funny... ;P

I'm pretty sure LoL should run fine on your PC,
it scales very well, might have to adjust the settings.

If you play, we'll have 5...
Enough for a full team! :D

You're 3 hours ahead, you have no right to yawn... :|
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