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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Backview negativeman is the answer.
Oh my god so we're playing Charades and the category is Disney characters. Basically how it works is the phone shows a name and the other people have to describe it so that the person holding the phone guesses correctly.

The phone shows "big bad wolf". So someone says "Little Red Riding Hood and..." And the person guessing goes "the pink panther?"

I almost peed myself laughing


That reminds me. *I think* GhaleonEB sent me this stuff. Received it on monday.

I don't have access to any of these treats in my country so it's like candy heaven for me. Everyone here is jealous as fuck and I simply don't share with them because that's how I roll.
Don't really have an opinion on IHOP from the one time I've been there. It was okay I guess.

At least you didn't insult Swedish Fish. Them would have been fightin' words.
So now since it's Spring, or getting close to it, there are a lot of people walking to party central right off of campus again. I just find it funny because it reminds me of an amusement park with all the people walking there.


I thought we were done with salted nut rolls after chapter 3.
That is 'simple' compared to the name my wife baptized our cat with.

Loki Hokidepoki Moli-Moliki Balabalaboom.

The Loki part was my idea.

(and it was before Thor/Avengers mind you!)
Hahaha that's fun to say at least.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Having seen it,
wasn't that one of the best shows ever?

I'm not the biggest NIN fan,
but I gotta say they put on the best shows.

Like visual effects wise,
they're like a decade ahead of other bands...
The strobes. They burn.

It was amazing. Trent does his shows right


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Smiley, here's some advice for December:
finish the dungeon before the 24th. You'll miss out on a neat little story scene if you don't.

alright sounds good. I'll try keep it in mind when I get to that point.
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