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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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I feel bad. Just sat through a talk and it went all overhead. Pretty sure it was about Watch _ Dogs and how they managed to motion capture in a really great way but I couldn't get it. Ah well.
I eat pineapple for different reasons.... :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

[dehydration intensifies]

For anyone wondering what that video/Wilko Johnson has to do with anything, Wilko Johnson is the guitarist. He is also Ser Ilyn Payne.

It weirded me the fuck out when he first turned up.


But it doesn't look better than long hair.

Long hair is best.
I get fed up with my hair after a while. It turns wavy and has a mind of it's own.
Still need a haircut. :negativeman:

Will wait a bit longer until it really warms up. :negativeman:

Also, post a picture. :eyes:
I'll link the poor quality one. The other one I was told looks like a porn star audition.
So also like not wearing underwear? :O or sleeping naked?
Acrid I finally got around to listening to Tycho's new album

:D Had you listened to any of the singles before? I had been listening to Awake and Montana for months and they're still my favorite on the album. Disappointed it's only 8 tracks.
:D Had you listened to any of the singles before? I had been listening to Awake and Montana for months and they're still my favorite on the album. Disappointed it's only 8 tracks.

I was just going through the album myself. I really liked "L". I'm gonna go through the rest later. If I ever stop listening to Deafening by From Monuments to Masses that is, so amazing.
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