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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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About to start the final dungeon in Persona 4 Golden.

90 hours played.

Officially my... uh... I believe 5th longest played game so far. Definitely the most time played per days owned.

I played just an hour and haven't touched it since, and that was months ago

i'll get to it eventually
Everything is much better on that end, still can't talk about it, blah blah.

Tomorrow I get to take my next dose of lovely medicine. Which wasn't fun last week. Whee!

Maybe if I stay up a bit I can't sleep through most of the badness :p

Glad you are well. Any good fic?

Well that's great to hear! I'm happy for you guys that it worked out.

Good luck tomorrow with your meds!

Haven't read any amazing fics lately. I haven't actually been looking all that much, I've been going on Tumblr instead. I'll let you know if I find a good one ;)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Pretty great, right? Best JRPG in, about, 15 years, right?


I don't play enough JRPG's to judge that, but it's pretty awesome.

Though... the game that's about... nr. 2 on my most-played list is also a JRPG..... it's close.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

Survived day one. Getting ready to pass out for day two. Only issue is that I'm conflicted on what to see tomorrow. There's one area that is completely devoted to Unity. It has some cool things and somethings I'm not interested in, but I would probably benefit from knowing. And then there's an area just devoted to Technical art where as today was all animation.

Speaking of today, saw some pretty awesome things. A few of the talks hit stuff right out of the park while others were a little bit dry. Also got to see some top secret stuff for Battlefield 4 too. As for specific game stuff, saw things on Rogue Legacy and SkullGirls, both were pretty sweet.

In the SkullGirls talk, the woman presenting was talking about how they used around 5-15 frames for animations and doing things to make them work extremely well. I bring it up because at the end of her talk, she mentioned how this one character had too many frames of boob jiggle which ended up making it really hard to program back into an idle stance.

Also, I figured FakeGAF could appreciate this picture. Too tired to crop it though.


Little known fact, The Thirsty Bear logo was designed after a picture of me from when I didn't cut my hair for 12 months.

Good to hear the show is going well! Make sure to indulge in the after party get together stuff. That's where a lot of the insider talk goes on.
The after party stuff actually isn't going to well. The people I'm hanging with seem to be really against having a plan and getting to places early so we keep missing things or going to off the cuff parties that aren't too good.

That being said, we did run into a guy who was working on mobile web games(So mobile games you have to play over the web) and he was pretty cool. From what I understand, which isn't a lot, the web basis for that kind of thing is getting better/growing/etc. So if things go the right way, he'll be in a prime position, well the company he works for, to take a large share of it.

I'm thinking tomorrow night will be better because I think we're going to place that has actual tickets, but won't know till I get there!
My Tumblr dash is going bonkers over something called The Maze Runner.

I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a new fandom for me to obsess over. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

Maze Runner movie? Woohoo!

Was a wild series that pretty much varied from book to book looking back on it. The books finished a few years back.

fake edit: I just saw the trailer and now I am even more hyped. I absolutely love what did with the maze. Despite the trash that was Eragon, I can't help but be excited for books that I read to be made into movies. Now for the Gone series to be made into movies... Probably never gonna happen, but one can dream!
Maze Runner movie? Woohoo!

Was a wild series that pretty much varied from book to book looking back on it. The books finished a few years back.

fake edit: I just saw the trailer and now I am even more hyped. I absolutely love what did with the maze. Despite the trash that was Eragon, I can't help but be excited for books that I read to be made into movies. Now for the Gone series to be made into movies... Probably never gonna happen, but one can dream!

Eragon was trash, which is a shame because the books were great. Except for the ending to the last book. I WAS SO MAD.

I feel like I might end up reading these books. My backlog is so immense though, I might not start for a while.

Edit: I haven't played league in a few weeks :(
Eragon was trash, which is a shame because the books were great. Except for the ending to the last book. I WAS SO MAD.

I feel like I might end up reading these books. My backlog is so immense though, I might not start for a while.

Edit: I haven't played league in a few weeks :(

Don't get me started on those books. I was stunned at the ending of the series, it was offensively bad. I have a high tolerance for nonsense in books, most books barely even get a blip on it, so when a book breaks my nonsense-o-meter, something is wrong. That's besides the fact that we had to wait 2 years for a 4th book in a freakin' trilogy!

But now that I got that out of my system, you should read it. Not my favorite series but definitely enjoyable. I don't have much on my book backlog (though I have some coming out in the months!), but I got too much in terms of games and more importantly schoolwork!
So I was thinking about seeing the Unity Dev Talk all day today since that seemed important for me to see.

Turns out 90% of the rest of the conference thought that too, haha. Hope they're recording it. *negative man*
Every time I see the Tea |OT| in Off Topic, I just think of PopGAF and then start to laugh.

The words tea and shade will never be the same to me ever again.

Tea - gossip or personal information belonging to someone else; the scoop; news

Shade - acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend

They're not so much PopGAF terms as they are gay/drag slang.

I'm doubting the veracity of those claims, I live in Brighton and I hadn't heard either until PopGAF terrified me.

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