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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Is this real life?

Dark circles under her eyes. 2/10 would not bang.

You'd have dark circles under your eyes if you were spontaneously appointed to a senior government position in your early 20s in a newly formed country just so somebody is filling that position until Vladimir Putin can dry the ink on the paperwork that will officially annex it into Russia.
It had been a long day. Dragonz wanted nothing more than to go home and relax. She finally got her wish. She took off her shoes and slipped into something comfortable. Maybe I'll finally fucking write some of chapter four she thought to herself.

She got herself a nice cup of green tea and sat at her computer. Ready to pen her latest piece of art. But then she heard something, something so horrible words couldn't describe it. Her roommate was suddenly blasting Eminem at top volume singing alone to his latest homophobic tirade disguised as a song. Dragonz had had enough. It was time to kill.
She grabbed the nearest blunt object, which turned out to be her massive dragon dildo, and charged down the hallway. With a mighty kick, she broke down the door to her roommate's evil lair. The witch was standing in the middle of the cavern, twerking along to Rap God. She turned to look at Dragonz and hissed at how heroic she looked.

"You fool!" the witch shrieked. "Eminem is the best musician ever and I WON'T LET YOU STOP ME!" Without any further warning, she charged at our heroine, claws extended.

Dragonz swung her mighty dildo, and smacked the heathen across the face with a hearty thud. Her roommate fell to the floor and held her hand to her face in agony. Then she glared up at Dragonz, her eyes filled with nothing but hatred and a longing for murder.

But this did not stop the valiant lady-knight. She assumed her attack stance and pointed her weapon at the witch. Playtime was over.
Suddenly the witch sprang up and knocked Dragonz off her feet. The dragon dildo that she had purchased from bad-dragon.com went flying across the room.

Our heroine was disoriented and didn't know what was happening. The witch then proceeded to pick up a small table in the corner of the room. Dragonz got to her feet and looked desperately for her dragon dildo, her back turned to her adversary. A major mistake.

The witch began rapping along with Eminem again,

"I'll still be able to break a mothafuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half"

pummeling Dragonz in the back of the head as the beat went on. Dragonz fell again, slowly losing consciousness.

Was this the end?
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