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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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So in high school I had this very religious friend. She was cool though, like she was usually pretty respectful about it so we got along. She would invite me to go on trips with her and her church just to have fun. One time she invited me to go to Six Flags. It was fucking awesome.

On the way home, the conversation turns to gay rights. Of course, it's a bus full of Babtists, so they're all very anti-gay. I was the only one on the bus who supported gay rights, so it was me vs. like ten to 15 people. And then the conversation turned to evolution. They're all pro creation and I'm all pro evolution, so again, I was the only one debating against them.

Needless to say I wasn't invited back.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hahaha yeah. I'm guessing you pick the
call out her lie
option first?

That image you get is groooooooooooss.


I figured since she told me about the key, she WANTED me to call out her lie. But nooooooooooooooo apparently not. I had too much faith in her I guess :lol.

Also I like to think the guillotine came down at her thighs, not splitting her body. That's what's gonna let me sleep tonight.



I figured since she told me about the key, she WANTED me to call out her lie. But nooooooooooooooo apparently not. I had too much faith in her I guess :lol.

Also I like to think the guillotine came down at her thighs, not splitting her body. That's what's gonna let me sleep tonight.
I had the same thought process for that. Turned out to be soooooo wrong. And that's not a guillotine!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I enjoy that the camera rests on her upskirt FOR THE LONGEST GODDAMN TIME


Stay classy, game




Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Okay that's NOT what I was expecting.

There is so much wrong with this game.

I don't even know where to begin.
Just had an amazing night. I did something I've never done before. Went to a small room that was packed full of people and some bands/performers did their thing on a stage. First time I saw Metroid Metal, a band that plays Metroid songs in metal, and they were awesome. Bought a shirt and they all signed it. Best part is they all seemed to be humbled when I asked them to sign it. I'll post a picture when I get back to my room.

Other than that, I have to leave the hotel at 4:50 in the morning for a 7:00 flight. Currently getting some In and Out, since I hear it's so good or something, then figure out if I'm sleeping or not.

Also amazing gif Acrid.


Not sure if you saw or heard much about Mel's diner, there's one right next to Mascone, but it's open 24 hours and it's great.

Tommy's Joint on Van Ness is so good too.
Unfortunately I head back out at 7:00 tomorrow morning, so this was my last excursion. I have to pack and get everything ready so I can leave the hotel at 4:50.

Burger is pretty good by the way.
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