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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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1. That looks classy as fuck
2. The food looks delicious
3. I want to go there
4. Those deserts omg
5. I know that feel about leaving a job after a while :/
6. A cheese shot just for me? Well I guess I should be flattered that you thought of me *.*

Classy is definitely the word.

Here is a picture of the Club made in the 19th century. It's the building on the right:

Here is a photographic example of the awesome waiting staff circa 2011:

And there are old fucking maps and clocks and paintings and stuff all around. Since I love map porn, here's one made circa captain Cook's expeditions:

Not sure if you can see it properly, but there's hilarious/awesome stuff like West Africa simply being known as "Negroland", and British India labelled "Hindhustan". Korea is spelled Corea, and Japan is "Niphon". There's also New Holland instead of it's more well known modern name "Australia". The map is from when they thought Tasmania was attached to the Mainland.
Lookin good. We don't have GS, just EB (gs owns eb as I understand). Prices fucking suck and trade ins are a huge rip. I'd totes go there to crudely hit on you tho (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

Ung 2am sleeeeep pls. Worked 9am-11.30pm with 90 minutes break in between
It's only 1pm and the following things have happened

1. I got a $50 parking ticket
2. The hard drive on my computer needs to be completely replaced.
3. I got Infamous
4. I got a coffee


It's cool. Don't worry about coming out just for me. Just making sure there wasn't a party for GAF so I didn't miss it. Next time I'll mention something sooner and we can work on it quicker. Thanks for trying to rile up SanFranGAF for me!
Ha it's not a problem. Crazy GDC is almost over already.
This is happening at my university right now http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=105283466#post105283466 . So grossed out tbh.
It's only 1pm and the following things have happened

1. I got a $50 parking ticket
2. The hard drive on my computer needs to be completely replaced.
3. I got Infamous
4. I got a coffee
How do you manage a parking ticket in Rhode Island, aren't there only like 5 registered vehicles in the state?
3 of those being a fire engine, police car and ambulance.

I was texted as I woke up an hour ago that I'm going to throw a frisbee around. In 15 minutes. I'm still in pajamas. Who decided to make me so outgoing and agreeable.
I s2g some people on GAF will defend anything. I CAN'T TAKE IT.

This is 2014. His archaic beliefs have no place in modern society. They can also reflect badly on the university and they have every right to fire his backwards ass if they decide to. Would people be so willing to defend his comments if they were about race? I somehow doubt it.


I'm at work but I stopped playing while on the class trial of chapter 2. Things are getting crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I'm gonna play more on my break.
AcridMeat said:
professor is now glad we aren't meeting up

DUDE! You are a giant. But nah. I like meeting people. Would of been cool to hang out but there is always next time! Or something.

Genuinely wasn't expecting anyone to know about it. I picked it up when I was like 9 in France based off the boxart (I miss being naive enough about games to be able to do that). It seems like noone actually knows about it though.
I remember playing it and loving it when I was a kid too, I was also 9 (creepy) I still have my cart and 64 and I need to play it again so I can finally beat it. I think I liked it so much because it was so weird and different.


DUDE! You are a giant. But nah. I like meeting people. Would of been cool to hang out but there is always next time! Or something.
Like I said man I'd be happy to head over there. It's not a big deal, just a bit expensive to drive. That's why I asked if Saturday works because I could potentially take the ferry in and could hang around the wharf or wherever. You should try to get to an art museum if you're into it, there are great ones in the city.

I'm not a giant at all. I'm a tiny 5'8'' baby man.

I'm up for meeting everybody. It will get me killed one day haha
Yasssss rock that soccer look. Also Ugg's are awesome. They're super comfortable and that's all that matters.
Friend was totally jealous of 'em. You could tell the way he said, "What? Are you serious?"
Ruh roh.

You could have borrowed my hard drive (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

No but srsly that sucks. So glad I can do most repairs on my own. Comp repair places are slow, often backed up with work and expensive.
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