My niece has hair nearly to her waist and it's adorable. She's a wild child
That's cheating! Her torso isn't as long.
My niece has hair nearly to her waist and it's adorable. She's a wild child
My niece has hair nearly to her waist and it's adorable. She's a wild child
For what it's worth, I don't actually get my hair cut differently. I always let it grow out long and layered. I'm just talking about different ways of pinning, tying and braiding it. Plus I already have the blue look, so I don't need to stick to wearing it a certain way.
Shoulder-length is where I'd draw the line personally. Shorter is fine on other people though.
That's cheating! Her torso isn't as long.
I've seen a little girl today with piggy tails up to the butt. Looked cute as fuck
she's staying here right now. we had out ps3 earlier because she sometimes seems nostalgic for it.
she's a tomboy/super tech nerd. really good at computer stuff. never gives a crap what anyone thinks. most self-assured little kid I've ever known.
When are you going to teach her Construct 2? My kid brother is learning GameMaker:Studio right now and spent like eight hours working on one of his first video game projects.
I wish my sister was more into nerdy stuff, but alas. She takes after our mom too much.
Also I know I've said this before but your niece is super cute.
I'm getting a 3DS today. Woop.
Yes. =D They're both absolutely precious, but very different personality types. Madison is more traditionally "girly" and also more private and prefers not to have her picture shared (thus why you all have never seen her). McKenna is a tomboy and is almost impossible to rattle and doesn't mind anything. Naturally I find it a bit easier to connect with McKenna since we share so many interests and we play games together all the time, but they're both amazing.
Regarding gamedev... I've showed her some things in Stencyl and we're planning to go over it in a bit more depth and maybe make our own little project once we have a good stretch of time. Hopefully before summer is over.
I don't think that's true. Technically you'll have no way of finding out you're dead either (unless it's a slow or planned death, I guess). People not caring about your death is important because it's a reflection of the present.
I'm a huge advocate for being the change you want to see. You can try waiting around for things to change but that often leads to disappointment. You can wait around and hope your friends eventually take notice of you, or you can do something else like find new friends who relate to and appreciate you better, or you can try to be the kind of person who your current friends will take a greater interest in.
I apologize if I'm reading too much into this or being too morbid. And I'm well aware that I myself am extremely privileged. But I also don't just sit at home alone hoping things will change, and I like to encourage others to do the same if they can.![]()
What'll you be playing on it? A Link Between Worlds is really really good.
This is at least the third time I've accused you of using Construct instead of Stencyl. Ugh. I feel like my mom who calls all video game consoles PlayStations. (to her slight credit, we have had every single PlayStation except the Vita TV).
My kid brother is ten years younger than I am, so thirteen currently until late September. My older brother is my senior by almost two years.
No it's fine. I already use a lot of the advice that you give. I'm not big on bailing on old friends for new ones, though. Not after last time.
Yo that's quite a spread, and it's cool he's getting started on this so early (and hopefully my niece will also be getting into this, for selfish reasons I just think that'd be rad -- I can pass on my knowledge and probably watch her quickly surpass me in technical ability once she's a bit older -- then I'll have someone to help me!).
How's Moon Magnate going? I saw you tweet something about potion stores. I'm always curious about process since making Ghost Song, as a process, is so fragmented and such a mess. How do you keep organized? I guess I don't have an overly specific question, I'm just sorta probing for any random nugget.
I'll probably pick up ALBW, Smash Bros, Pokémon...any other suggestions?What'll you be playing on it? A Link Between Worlds is really really good.
Cool. You're a smart guy. You'll figure it out
Well right now I'm still just arting a lot. I'm doing all kinds of art for the main town, which in this case means all of the stores you want to buy stuff from. I'm almost finished with the blacksmith shop I mentioned earlier (WIP below). After that there will only be two or three more interiors for the town that I have to do.
I did a prototype of one of the first levels back in November/December and I've been trying to figure out what the rest of the game is in the mean time. At this point I'm more comfortable with what it is, and I've figured out that the town is going to be super central to things. To that end, I'm building out the town first, and then I'll probably do the dungeons/other regions in chronological order as the player naturally runs into them.
I very rarely do temp or placeholder work, and I'm a very graphical thinker, so it's going to work out best for me if I continue to illustrate everything first before implementing it. Hopefully I won't have to make too many changes to the art once push comes to shove, but I've been around the block enough times to know most of what to expect.
I try not to think about how much work is left in the project. Instead I just focus on how much in a given day I was able to accomplish and I let myself feel good about that. I have extensive logs to cover all this so I'm not lost with some abstract notion in my head, but a formal list.
I'm the same way with respect to placeholders. I've gone through stints where I've tried to build out my game world with them, but I learned that I simply have trouble assembling something unless I can really see it.
How does navigation work in your game? You have a "world" outside of town, but how is that explored? By what mechanism?
I'm just using placeholder stuff to test the engine and when I have that ready I'm planning on making the game in vertical slices and then fine tuning it when that's ready. its a papermario like afterall so theres chapters
I'll probably pick up ALBW, Smash Bros, Pokémon...any other suggestions?
I'm the same way with respect to placeholders. I've gone through stints where I've tried to build out my game world with them, but I learned that I simply have trouble assembling something unless I can really see it.
How does navigation work in your game? You have a "world" outside of town, but how is that explored? By what mechanism?
Well, there's a "bare" game world with just black squares for collision and a plain bg that constitutes anything I haven't finished yet when it comes to rooms on the map, but I don't frequently use placeholder art to design actual game features beyond that. Making things "gel" is a very holistic process for me that involves a lot of trial and error with art and scripting, and it's just very hard to do this without the art done.
I drafted this animation yesterday when I was high on moonshine.
it's a bit of a mess but it's actually better than I thought. Just needs more elbow grease and in particular more work around the arms/hands and general polish.
I'll probably pick up ALBW, Smash Bros, Pokémon...any other suggestions?
Can you guys plug your game making knowledge into a disc for me to download matrix style pls
I went through a basic tutorial in UE4 the other day but making a full AAA title by myself is going to take a while
Oh boy you don't want to hear my opinion of Guacamelee. =D
Thanks for sharing Lili. ♫♪
I'm going running!
Can you guys plug your game making knowledge into a disc for me to download matrix style pls
I'm going running!
I'll probably pick up ALBW, Smash Bros, Pokémon...any other suggestions?
Ok ok. What's this thread I have stumbled into all about. I'm sure I can expect a DM (this thread moves at too fast a clip to find a reply) but what is FakeGAF?
Please. My hair changes at the drop of a hat. It's not related to anything lol.Lucian Cat's life is like this then:
Running huh. I'd probably try that too if I wouldn't already feel weirdly embarrassed just thinking about running around.
You nailed the feel you were going for in the animation.
How many hours of staring at cats (wondering what songs would be on the emo mixtape they'd make for you) was needed to find the right level of squelch?
Heh, didn't mean it to be about you, just talking about my own social anxiety I guess.thanks =)
Heh, didn't mean it to be about you, just talking about my own social anxiety I guess.
thanks =)
re running I cut it a bit early due to getting fuckin rained on, but I still worked up a decent sweat.
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Staring at cats to find hte right level of squelch? Can anyone translate aussie to english?
Timo the beautiful thing about running is that you can be completely antisocial. Have your earphones in, be zoned out, and concentrate on your running. Other people understand that and will ignore you. You are basically alone.
Timo the beautiful thing about running is that you can be completely antisocial. Have your earphones in, be zoned out, and concentrate on your running. Other people understand that and will ignore you. You are basically alone.
Art good look.
Stare cats do.
but but everyone will stare at me 'cause i'm running like a newbie and will be a ball of sweat after like 2 minutes :'o
As long as you're not in the gym on a treadmill.And farting constantly while running
Downloaded Spec Ops again. Let's see if Lea is blowing it out of proportion like Friends or not
Downloaded Spec Ops again. Let's see if Lea is blowing it out of proportion like Friends or not
I'd never blow anything out of proportion that isn't a dick. it's only the best mainstream shooter tho. with the best soundtrack.
I'd never blow anything out of proportion that isn't a dick. it's only the best mainstream shooter tho. with the best soundtrack.
haha it's a riddle for y'all
::hops away::
I'd never blow anything out of proportion that isn't a dick. it's only the best mainstream shooter tho. with the best soundtrack.
You..... hang on, what?
How do you blow a dick out of proportion?
stop telling me what to do. you're not my real dad!You can't just jam two dicks in your nose and hustle off.
I almost forgot you're one of them
Ahahaha, I can only wish my future wife is half as awesome as you are #desperate #cringy